God Alone! Solo Dios Basta!, authored by Ronda Chervin


About 10 years ago, Ronda Chervin received about 4 months of beautiful locutions from the Trinity. She assembled them into a booklet called God Alone! Solo Dios Basta. This is what the Trinity told her.

Download the Book:

God Alone! Solo Dios Basta!

Note: This book is not only unedited, but it’s also unformatted. Anyone interested in undertaking a formatting and editing ministry in support of this locutions from the Holy Trinity, please contact Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, at mahfood@wcatradio.com.


Wow! – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Holy Apostles, Cromwell, CT

About the Author:

Ronda Chervin has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Fordham University and an M.A. in Religious Studies from Notre Dame Apostolic Institute. She is a convert to the Catholic faith from a Jewish but atheistic background.

Dr. Ronda has been a professor at Loyola Marymount University, St. John’s Seminary of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, and Holy Apostles in Connecticut. Dr. Ronda presents on EWTN and Catholic radio. She is a dedicated widow and grandmother.

More than fifty books of hers have been published by Catholic presses in the area of philosophy and spirituality. Her many books include Quotable SaintsHealing Meditations from the Gospel of St. JohnCatholic RealismVoyage to InsightWeeping with JesusHealing of Rejection and Escaping Anxiety.