“Make the time.”
Send your manuscripts to contactus@enroutebooksandmedia.com
ENROUTE Books and Media, LLC, is a small Catholic publishing house owned by Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, and operated out of its offices in St. Louis, MO.
Our mission is to promote the Catholic spiritual journey, so we publish books that speak the truth of the Catholic faith tradition. For examples of the kinds of books we publish, please browse our catalog.
Submission Guidelines
We accept new, unsolicited book queries or submissions that concern Catholic themes in the areas of theology, philosophy, spirituality, poetry, and literature, including fiction and children’s books. Books must be submitted in MS Word format and include the title of the book and the full contact information (mailing address, phone number, and email address) of the author on the cover page. If illustrations are desired, the author is expected to provide them. If copyright permissions for materials included within the work are required, the author is expected to secure them.
En Route Books & Media partners with WCAT Radio in the promotion of its books, and all authors are required to participate in at least one radio interview as part of En Route’s promotional work. Other venues for promotions include book reviews in popular magazines, book signings at Catholic bookstores, news stories in local papers, and the like.
Because we deal largely with first-time Catholic authors, we are interested in knowing the author’s social media and promotional planning as part of our approval process. Whatever an author can share as part of the submission process in terms of how he or she can assist En Route in selling his or her book will be helpful in En Route’s decision of whether to invest its resources in publishing the work.
For authors using Church materials, please note:
- USCCB’s guidelines at http://usccb.org/bible/
permissions/index.cfm. For Scripture (NABRE), these rights are owned by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. You can use up to 5000 words before you need to request a license.For the Catechism, owned by the USCCB: Similarly, you can use up to 5000 words without requesting permissions.For the Lectionary, again: 5000 words. But you must use their official texts, including the sense line breaks in Old Testament and psalm verses.
- Intl. Comm. on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) guidelines at http://icelweb.org/
copyright.htm. For the Rites (Missal, sacraments, blessings and dedications, Liturgy of the Hours): You must notify them of your usage.
Contact us at contactus@enroutebooksandmedia.com or write to 5705 Rhodes Avenue, St. Louis, MO, 63109 or call (314) 706-1009.
About the Publishing House:
A special welcome to all site visitors on this occasion of our 9th anniversary as a publishing house and 7th anniversary as a radio station!
In October of 2014, Ronda Chervin (philosophy professor emerita at Holy Apostles College & Seminary) and Sebastian Mahfood planned out, with the marketing assistance of Shaun McAfee, founder of EpicPew, and editorial assistance of Jeremie Solak, graduate student at Holy Apostles, a new Catholic publishing house that would focus on Catholic spirituality and wisdom. In the past nine years, ENROUTE has published and made known to the Catholic world over 400 books.
In October of 2016, under the leadership of Bob Olson, Catholic lay evangelist, and Ronda Chervin, ENROUTE launched WCAT Radio for the purpose of advancing the themes of its books. WCAT Radio now shares 76 programs each week with about 9,000 podcasts on its website. In January of 2022, WCAT Radio broke a new record by reaching 100,000 downloads a year.
Thanks so very much to our wonderful authors, readers, show hosts and listeners for keeping us growing in our mission to share the sweetness and light of our Catholic faith with the world!
Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP
Publisher, ENROUTE Books and Media, LLC
About the logos:
Special thanks to Michael Stevens for designing the nautical logo for us that we use on all the books.
Special thanks to Michael Stevens for designing the aeronautical logo for us that we use on our radio station, WCAT Radio, which went live October 1, 2016.