ENROUTE Books and Media, LLC, is happy to provide a 40% discount on all orders of any size to retail outlets that will stock its books. Conferences, parishes and retreat centers receive a 30% discount. Schools receive a 20% discount on orders of any size. We also now drop ship anywhere on the globe (non-domestic postal rates apply).
To place an order, email us at contactus@enroutebooksandmedia.com or call Sebastian at 314-706-1009. For drop shipping, indicate the addresses where the books should be sent. Shipping prices are individualized, so one book sent to one address is $6, and three books sent to three addresses is $18, etc.
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For assistance in the selling of our books, feel free to ask at the time of your order for a shelf-talker of any given title. Those can be produced and emailed to you for printing and placement on your shelves beneath the books.
Shipping prices are as follows:
- The order of one book: $6
- The order of two to five books: $9
- The order of six – twelve books: $12
- The order of thirteen to eighteen books: $18
- The order of nineteen to twenty-two books: $22.
- The order of twenty-three to twenty-seven books: $27
- The order of twenty-eight to thirty-five books: $35
- The order of thirty-six to forty books: $40
- The order of forty-one to fifty books: $50
- The order of fifty-one to seventy-five books: $65
- The order of seventy-six to a hundred books: $80
- Over a hundred, add the increments above to the price of $80
Please note that ENROUTE makes use of two distribution centers for its books, so books ordered may be shipped out of either:
- St. Louis, MO – Today I was Baptized, Today I Made My First Reconciliation, Today I Made My First Communion, Today We Became Engaged, Today Someone I Love Passed Away, Holy Land Chronicle, Quotable Saints, Holding Hands with God, Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of Aging, Feminine, Free & Faithful, The Fabric of Our Lives, Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord, Ties that Bind, and Children of the Breath
- Columbus, OH – All other titles
We recognize that some bookstores will have good reason for receiving all of their orders in a single shipment, and special arrangements may be made if that is necessary. Normatively, though, books ordered across these ranges above will arrive in separate boxes from either of the distribution centers.