Lynda Rozell is a Catholic evangelist and former lawyer who lives and travels in a camper van. Six years ago, she discerned a call to live among and work alongside full-time nomads in the United States. She quietly engages the people she meets on the road in conversation and prayer, encouraging them to develop or deepen their relationship with God. She travels to shrines and religious sites as she moves between campgrounds and parks from the deserts of the Southwest to the forests of Maine and the swamps of Florida. She sometimes volunteers in exchange for campsites or works alongside other travelers in short term manual labor jobs, most recently at the Michigan sugar beet harvest.
As an outgrowth of this apostolate, Lynda frequently speaks to audiences ranging from recreational vehicle enthusiasts to local Councils of Catholic Women, parish groups, and book clubs. Her photographs and articles about the spiritual life, travel, and shrines and religious sites can be found at her blog www.tincanpilgrim.com.
Lynda’s latest book, Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle (En Route Books and Media 2024), endorsed by Bishop Andrew Cozzens with a foreword by George Weigel, looks at the art of tabernacles as inspiration for prayer in the Real Presence outside of a formal holy hour. Parents and grandparents who bring children to visit Jesus in the tabernacle may also like the accompanying coloring book, Light of the World: Tabernacle Art Coloring Book (En Route Books and Media 2024).
Lynda’s debut book, Journeys with a Tin Can Pilgrim (St. John’s Press 2021), is a spiritual travel memoir about how she returned to faith and became a roaming evangelist. She’s also published In Plain Sight Hidden (St. Bona’s Press 2022), a collection of religious poetry about nature, camping, and relationship with God, and The Airstream Travels Coloring Book (St. Bona’s Press 2022), containing Lynda’s original drawings and photographs formatted for meditative coloring by adults. She’s a contributing author and photographer to The Eighth Station (Via Crucis Press 2024) by Deirdre McQuade and Friends, a photo-essay collection of reflections by women about how Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem on the way of the cross.
Lynda has appeared on several live radio shows, podcast interviews, and television programs. These include, for example, “Kresta in the Afternoon” and “Epiphany” on Ave Maria Radio, as well as Currents News (Diocese of Brooklyn), Walk in Faith (Diocese of Brooklyn), and Catholic Faith Network’s CFN Live (Diocese of Rockville Center).
Lynda earned a B.A. (1984), M.A. (1986), and J.D. (1988) at the University of Viriginia. She worked as an attorney in private practice and for the Federal Trade Commission before becoming a project manager and in-house counsel at a non-profit, pro-life medical practice in northern Virginia. She is the mother of two grown children and remains a lector at her home parish, St. Leo the Great in Fairfax, Virginia, when she visits the area.
Contact Lynda for more information about her availability as a speaker at lynda@tincanpilgrim.com or (703) 861-6658. Learn more about her travels and events at https://tincanpilgrim.com.
Photograph by Renata Grzan Wieczorek — https://www.FortheLoveofBeauty.com