Apologia Pro Sancta Maria Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis: Mother of the Church (Mater Ecclesiae), Book I

Apologia Pro Sancta Maria Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis: Mother of the Church (Mater Ecclesiae), Book I

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Apologia Pro Sancta Maria–Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis (Mother of Fair Love): Mater Ecclesiae (Mother of the Church), Book 1

by Joseph P. Michael, Th.D.

The author offers the Church something that the Church does not currently possess, namely a comprehensive, multi-faceted treatment of the subject of Maria, Mater Ecclesiae, arguing that Mary was divinely predestined to be Mother of the Church from the dawn of creation. The book is both persuasive and provocative, potentially troublesome for those who remain indifferent to the Virgin Mother’s participation in Christ’s mission of redemption. The inquiry spans the intellectual spectrum, on one hand clarifying terminology for the purposes of catechetical and ecumenical dialogue, on the other hand providing voluminous authoritative references that call upon various theologians, philosophers, Saints, Doctors of the Church and scripture passages that are seemingly difficult to refute.

At the heart of this investigation lies the existential reality of Mary’s maternal charity and the understanding of love as a reciprocal relationship between Mary and her adopted children. It is the mutual nature of love that spawns the idea that this Marian doctrine may benefit ecumenical dialogue and evangelization by appealing both to the heart and the importance of loving one another. But perhaps the most potentially contentious aspect of this investigation lies in the argument that as the doctrine relies on the principle of mutual love for one another, it becomes abundantly clear that love and devotion for the Virgin Mother becomes necessary if one aspires to eternal happiness.

Hardback with Dust Jacket: $44.95 | Hardback Case Laminate: $39.95 | Paperback: $34.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Written in 1859, Charles Dicken’s opening lines of a Tale of Two Cities are as timeless as they are prophetic, as relevant to society during the French Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment as they are to the rampant dissonance and darkness that threatens to engulf the present-day modern world. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

This work is as much a passionate apology to the Virgin Mother for mankind’s attitude of indifference to her wisdom and counsel where she has repeatedly warned of an ever-increasing vortex of darkness and immorality, of wars and of conflict and division as it is a scholarly investigation that proposes a series of rational arguments justifying another Marian dogma. The book is, at its very core, both a fervent and a rational appeal to ecclesiastical authorities and all who believe in Christ to reconsider the importance of the Marian doctrine of Mary, Mother of the Church that, if it were to be formally promulgated, holds the promise of a renaissance of Marian devotion, renewed hope for Christian unity and victories over the powers and principalities in their spiritual warfare with both believers and non-believers alike.


“In this book, Dr. Joseph P. Michael explores the deeper meaning of Mary as Mother of the Church. He shows that Mary’s bond of mutual love with the members of the Mystical Body of Christ is part of God’s eternal plan. Drawing upon Scripture, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Louis de Montfort and Catholic thinkers such as Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, OP and Dietrich von Hildebrand, Dr. Michael shows how devotion to Mary is necessary for the members of the Church according to God’s will. This book is more than a theological exploration. It is a sustained meditation on the Virgin Mary as the Mother of Fair Love.” – Robert Fastiggi, Ph.D. Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit and member of the Pontifical International Marian Academy

“Since the Second Vatican Council, we have seen very few works of theology of this sort, especially in Mariology. The author did something not seen in this area – he took for granted the truth and clarity of previous Church teaching and used these sources as if they were TRUE. As the generations of Catholic theologians tempted by Enlightenment cynicism pass into history, being replaced by more humble authors who mine the Scriptures and Catholic Tradition for the coherent treasures therein without standing in judgment of the truths of the Church, may we receive more works of this sort.” – from the “Introduction,” Fr. Gregory J. Lockwood, Christ the King Parish, Kansas City, MO

“The arguments presented provide the Church with a comprehensive treatment of the subject that, thus far, is otherwise lacking on the topic. I am confident that the conclusion that a Fifth Marian dogma for Mater Ecclesiae should be seriously considered by the Church will arouse a healthy debate among scholars.” – Rev. Randy Soto, STL, STD, Sacred Scripture scholar


Joseph P. Michael holds two degrees in the applied sciences, two post-graduate degrees in Catholic theology and a doctorate (Th.D.) in Mariology, this following a long career as a business consultant serving the needs of the sick and elderly. In addition to his scholarly work, he is currently the Director of two Eucharistic Apostolates that serve the liturgical needs of Catholic parishes across the US and Canada.

He may be contacted at joseph.p.michael.publications@gmail.com



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Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love

by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

The Eucharist is the “sacrament of love.” Jesus Christ is the true Bridegroom of our hearts, and it is he whom we receive in holy Communion. Even if you have received our Lord thousands of times in the Eucharist, Consuming Love invites you to experience afresh the intensity of the intimacy Christ offers us. This book opens new horizons in our understanding of the Eucharist and offers a language of love to express our relationship with Jesus as a divine romance. Through his Incarnation, death, and Resurrection, Jesus Christ wedded human nature to himself, making a marvelous marriage of God and man. Jesus continues to make a marriage with his Church through the gift of himself to us in the Blessed Sacrament. We respond with consent to this union of Christ with our hearts as we receive him in holy Communion, giving ourselves completely to him in return.

Paperback: $TBA | Kindle: $9.99


“As an author myself, I love a good title and subtitle for a book. Consuming Love: these two words together have a double meaning, both equally profound, which Father Cleveland unfolds with brilliant insight throughout: the love revealed in the Eucharist is not only “all consuming,” but in receiving the Eucharist, we have the privilege of literally consuming this all-consuming love. Oh, the intimacy to which we are invited at every Mass! The revelation of the Eucharist as “the sacrament of the Bridegroom and of the Bride” (St. John Paul II) is transformative – not only of one’s experience of the Mass, but of one’s entire life. Be not afraid of the journey of Discovering Christ the Bridegroom in Holy Communion on which this treasure of a book will lead you!” – Christopher West, Th.D., President, Theology of the Body Institute, author of Eating the Sunrise: Meditations of the Liturgy & Our Hunger for Beauty


Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV, is a retreat master at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat and Spirituality Center in Venice, Florida, and the author of several books. He was ordained a priest with the Oblates of the Virgin Mary in 1995 and has served in parishes, seminaries, and spirituality centers throughout the United States.


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Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição

por Pedro Gabriel

Uma afirmação muito difundida nos círculos católicos atuais é que se pode ignorar os ensinamentos do Papa Francisco ou do Concílio Vaticano II se eles ensinarem algo que parece ir contra a tradição. Será que isso é verdade? Neste livro, Pedro Gabriel prova que a tradição é muitas vezes confundida com novidade. Mostra também como várias heresias do passado se afirmaram historicamente mais tradicionais do que o magistério vivo.

Livro de bolso: €22.99 | Kindle: €9.19


​”Pedro Gabriel exibe as mesmas qualidades admiráveis encontradas nos seus outros escritos, ou seja, pesquisa cuidadosa, argumentação clara e refutações caridosas mas convincentes das falsas alegações feitas pelos críticos papais. Embora o Dr. Gabriel seja muito versado em teologia, ele é um médico … por formação e profissão. Em Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição, a sua formação médica é evidente. Ele é capaz de diagnosticar o cancro da falsa teologia disfarçada de tradição e expor as suas qualidades patológicas.” – Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Professor de Teologia Sistemática, Seminário Maior do Sagrado Coração, Detroit, Michigan

“Pedro Gabriel tem o dom de dar respostas transparentes e honestas a questões complexas. Agora, neste livro, ele explica o que é a Tradição Católica. Uma das pragas da atual discussão sobre o pontificado do Papa Francisco são os tradicionalistas que não conhecem a tradição da Igreja. Para propor a mesma verdade num contexto diferente, diante de uma cultura diferente e de desafios diferentes, não basta repetir as mesmas palavras. As palavras são sempre interpretadas num contexto. Parece que há apenas a escolha entre separarmo-nos da cultura em que vivemos para nos tornarmos homens da cultura em que a Tradição (que engloba a Escritura) foi originalmente formulada (mas então perdemos a capacidade de iluminar com as palavras da Escritura os dilemas do mundo de hoje) ou ler a Escritura à luz do Espírito do Nosso Tempo (mas então perdemos a capacidade de afirmar aquelas verdades que o nosso tempo não está disposto a aceitar e em vez de nos transformarmos segundo o Espírito de Jesus, transformamos Jesus segundo a nossa Mente). A resposta católica é que Deus instituiu, através do sacramento da Ordem e do Primado de Pedro, o contexto apropriado para a interpretação da sua Mensagem. Este contexto está ao mesmo tempo no tempo e fora do tempo. Sem a ajuda do Espírito Santo não pode haver Tradição, ou pelo menos não pode haver Tradição católica. É por isso que não é possível opor a Tradição católica ao Primado de Pedro. Simul stabunt, simul cadent (“juntos se erguem ou juntos caem”). O leitor encontrará respostas claras numa linguagem fácil de compreender e na qual transparece um amor fervoroso à Tradição e ao corpo de Cristo encarnado”. – Rocco Buttiglione, Membro da Pontifícia Academia das Ciências Sociais e da Pontifícia Academia de Santo Tomás.

“Pedro Gabriel conseguiu articular uma apaixonada defesa católica da verdadeira Tradição contra as suas deformações pseudo-tradicionalistas. Nada poderia ser mais oportuno para compreender – de uma vez por todas – que o Espírito Santo não foi de férias e assiste constantemente todos os sucessores de Pedro na condução e no governo da Igreja.” – Rodrigo Guerra Lopez, Secretário da Pontifícia Comissão para a América Latina.
“Pedro Gabriel oferece uma defesa bem escrita e profundamente pesquisada da doutrina católica em resposta aos erros do tradicionalismo católico contemporâneo. O Dr. Gabriel envolve-se diretamente com os argumentos dos tradicionalistas radicais e oferece uma resposta completa, não deixando pedra sobre pedra. O livro enfatiza as doutrinas da Igreja relativas ao papado, especialmente o papel crucial do papa na manutenção da unidade da Igreja e como garante da ortodoxia. Recomendo vivamente este livro a qualquer pessoa interessada em eclesiologia católica que queira compreender os debates em curso sobre autoridade e tradição na Igreja”. – Mike Lewis, cofundador e editor do website Where Peter Is.
“Este livro é uma lufada de ar fresco. O Dr. Gabriel escreveu um livro que falou diretamente a mim. Quando ele apresenta os seus argumentos, eu penso, sai da minha cabeça. Finalmente alguém reuniu um livro coeso que refuta a ideologia por detrás do tradicionalismo radical. Ele expõe na perfeição como esta ideologia coincide com a dos hereges do passado. Excelente trabalho, Dr. Gabriel! O seu trabalho é muito apreciado!” – Josh Anderson, revisor da Amazon, 5 estrelas!


Pedro Gabriel é autor de A Ortodoxia de Amoris Laetitia e um dos cofundadores do website de apologética Where Peter Is. Atualmente, está a frequentar aulas de teologia moral na Pontifícia Universidade da Santa Cruz. É também médico oncologista, jornalista e escritor de romances católicos.



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Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

by James Likoudis with essays selected and edited by Andrew Likoudis

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique, penned by esteemed scholar Dr. James Likoudis, meticulously scrutinizes the doctrines of Palamism, a theological construct found in Eastern Orthodoxy, but seemingly less than essential to it. This Palamite system, controversially claimed to be foundational to Eastern Orthodoxy, primarily involves the essence-energies distinction made famous by Hesychast monk Gregory Palamas. Dr. Likoudis examines the tenets of this system, discussing their place in Eastern Orthodox theology and ecumenism. He assesses the scriptural and traditional foundations of Palamism, as well as providing a Catholic lens through which to understand it, in the hopes of resolving longstanding difficulties in the way of full unity between the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“James Likoudis deserves much praise for this present volume, which provides a sound Catholic critique of the essence/energies distinction promoted by the Byzantine monk, archbishop, and theologian, Gregory Palamas (1296–1359). Since the 1930s, there has been a revival of interest in Palamism on the part of Eastern Orthodox Christians. Some Orthodox theologians and bishops even consider the essence/energy distinction of Palamas to be a dogma of the faith. Likoudis carefully examines the history of Palamism and the metaphysical and theological problems that some—including Orthodox—have noted in his system. This volume is enriched by an excellent foreword by Fr. Thomas Weinandy, OFM Cap. and a number of valuable appendices, especially one by Yves Congar, OP. Gregory Palamas might have been a holy monk, but the problems with his mystical theology should not be minimized or ignored.” — Robert Fastiggi, Ph.D., Bishop Kevin M. Britt Chair of Dogmatic Theology and Christology, Sacred Heart Major Seminary

“James Likoudis’s Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique is a most welcome and timely publication. While debate will continue over the compatibility of Palamas’s theology and metaphysics with Catholicism, there can be no disputing Likoudis’s pivotal role in bringing Palamas into the theological awareness of many Western Christians. Likoudis’s trenchant engagement with Palamas over several decades helped set the tone for Orthodox-Catholic apologetics and has had a non-negligible impact in sparking a good deal of more recent scholarly research. This alone more than justifies this publication of Likoudis’s collected writings on Palamas. However, it is Likoudis’s clear presentation of Palamas’s beautiful teaching on the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of all Christians, that sets this book apart. Mary is the key to resolving remaining theological differences between Catholic and Orthodox, and Likoudis provides his readers with a guide to knowing Mary according to the mind of this ‘Pillar of Orthodoxy.’” – — Dr. Jared Goff, Adjunct Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Ss. Cyril and Methodius; Co-author, “Palamas Among the Scholastics,” in Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies

“Likoudis’s concise retelling of the Palamite controversy and problematic readings of Palamism, both among Catholic and Orthodox scholars, as well as his concise summary of Palamas’s Mariology, provide an accurate representation of academic positions thereon by the pars maior of Catholic theologians and can be used with great profit for becoming acquainted with the historically controversial assertions of Palamas and Palamists in both Late Byzantium and by Modern systematic theologians.” — Rev. Christiaan Kappes, PhD, SLD, Academic Dean, Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Ss. Cyril and Methodius; Co-author, “Palamas Among the Scholastics,” in Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies

“This work represents the capstone of Dr. Likoudis’s life-long effort toward reconciling his Eastern Orthodox brethren with the Catholic Church. His concise and informative treatment of Gregory Palamas, the famous and controversial 14th century monk of Mount Athos and Archbishop of Thessalonica, is both highly appreciative and gently critical. On the one hand, Likoudis praises Palamas’s ascetical-mystical spirituality and theology of theosis, calling his rich Mariology “sublime” and suggesting that Catholics have much to learn from him. On the other hand, he devotes two chapters to Palamas’s controversial notion of God’s “uncreated energies,” which, though distinct from God’s transcendent essence, allegedly do not compromise divine simplicity and yet can be experienced by men as the “Light of Mount Tabor.” Likoudis carefully reviews both the writings of Catholics sympathetic with Palamas as well as those who are critical. He devotes two chapters to problematic aspects of Palamism that serve as obstacles to reunion with Rome, noting how some Eastern Orthodox theologians champion Palamas as a rival to St. Thomas Aquinas, yet also noting how others such as Fr. Alexander Schmemann concede the logical necessity of a universal church’s need for a universal head in the bishop of Rome. Highly recommended.— Philip Blosser, Professor of Philosophy, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit
“The Churches of the Christian East and West have wrestled for many centuries with the question of the relationship between the uncreated and created realms. Orthodox Archbishop Gregory Palamas of Thessalonica weighed in on this matter in a period of heightened controversy related to the spiritual experiences and contemplative methods of the Athonite Hesychasts (Gk. hesychia “stillness”), forging out of the crucible of both prayer and polemics what he believed to be a theological solution found in the essence-energies distinction in God. The positive reception of this distinction as defined by the Orthodox saint has been by no means univocal in either East or West, and the emergence of a divisive and hyper-polemical neo-Palamite school in modern Eastern Orthodoxy has shed far more heat than light on the subject. In this work, James Likoudis presents a worthy synthesis of his own thinking along with several others on the matter, with varying degrees of sympathy and antipathy towards the Palamite distinction and its possible effect on the prospects of Orthodox-Catholic unity.” — Fr Daniel Dozier, Executive Director of God With Us Eastern Catholic Formation, and author of 20 Answers: Eastern Catholicism from Catholic Answers


A convert from Greek Orthodoxy, James Likoudis is an internationally known apologist, one who has dedicated his life to reconciling his Eastern Orthodox brethren with the Catholic Church Jesus Christ founded. He excels in analyzing the key issues that separate Catholics and Orthodox, including regarding papal and conciliar history, and he cherishes all we hold in common in Christ.

Likoudis served for more than twenty-five years at the lay apostolate Catholics United for the Faith (CUF), including as president. His other books include The Pope, The Council, and The Mass; The Divine Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and Modern Eastern Orthodoxy: Letters to a Greek Orthodox on the Unity of the Church; Eastern Orthodoxy and the See of Peter: A Journey Towards Full Communion; Ending the Byzantine Greek Schism; and Heralds of a Catholic Russia: Twelve Spiritual Pilgrims from Byzantium to Rome. He has written and lectured widely on ecumenism, religious education, liturgy, sex education, family life, and the role of the laity in the Church. He is also a former college instructor in history and government, with over twenty years of teaching experience. Likoudis received an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit (2020). He and his late wife Ruth have six children, thirty-five grandchildren, and forty-five great-grandchildren.


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Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman

by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman is an apologetic exegesis from the Bible, Jewish texts, and other Christian confessions, designed to bring the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception closer to the unbeliever and to promote the dignity of women in a world that objectifies them. Its invitation to conversion can help in Christian Unity and increase Christian faith through its instruction on how to savor the depth of the Bible and how to increase hope in the invisible advance of the Kingdom of God.

Paperback: $TBA| Kindle: $9.99


Mary, the New Woman is more than just an argument for Mary as the “New Woman.” It is a rich synthesis of insights into Mary as—inter alia—the Ark of the Covenant, the mother of all, and the model of contemplation. Passadore brings together many beautiful reflections on Mary from Church fathers, medieval theologians —such as Hugh of St. Victor, Bonaventure, and Gregory Palamas—and more recent figures such as Edith Stein, John Paul II, and Pope Francis. In addition, he shows the importance of Mary for the dignity of women, the feminine dimension of the Church, and the promotion of peace and human fraternity. Readers will benefit from the many deep insights drawn from Scripture, the Protoevangelium of James, and the writings of mystics.” — from the Proem, authored by Robert Fastiggi, Ph.D. Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, Michigan USA and member of the Pontifical International Marian Academy


Diego G. Passadore is the author of another two books: Heal the Wound of the Sufferer, My Brother (click here for the Spanish edition), and Love Until it Hurts (click here for the Spanish edition). He has also written various articles.
A native of Montevideo, Uruguay, Passadore is an engineer by profession, married, and has a daughter. He is a secular Catholic who takes joy in preaching Jesus Christ to the outskirts of society. A lover of the Bible and contemplative prayer, he frequently participates in Encounters of the School of Silence, founded by Fr. José F. Moratiel, OP.


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The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism: Exploring the Christian Roots of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

by Madeleine Dobrowski

This book explores the Catholic themes that can be found in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is written for all lovers of Tolkien, Catholic or not, who are intrigued by the richness of his writings and want to learn more about the incredible mind of the author behind them. By understanding the rich background of the faith that gave color to his ideas, we will come to have a deeper appreciation for the trilogy itself and the man who wrote it. Through this exploration, all readers will come to an even deeper understanding of why J.R.R. Tolkien can be said to be one of the great artists of history.

Paperback: $19.95 | Hardback: $24.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“Madeleine Dobrowski offers a compelling case for the influence of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Catholic faith on his development of Middle Earth in which his epic masterpiece The Lord of the Rings is set. She demonstrates over the course of her analysis how Tolkien “infuses the presence of Christ into the values and roles of a multitude of characters throughout the story” while using no formal allegory indicating that it was written against a Catholic landscape. In short, Tolkien’s Catholic faith is the source of the hope his characters find in their fellowship with one another in response to the despair imposed upon them by Sauron and his minions. A must read for any serious student of Tolkien’s work!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy

Madeline Dobrowski has written a gem. Her book paves a delightful path for Catholics interested in discovering the riches of the trilogy. This book will enkindle a hunger to feast on Tolkien’s broader corpus as well. For Tolkien aficionados, Dobrowski’s book convincingly shows just how deeply Tolkien’s imagination was suffused by his faith. In particular, I was impressed at Dobrowski‘s rich analysis of the themes of eucatastrophe, Eucharist, and Our Lady. Rest assured, she does not simply point out the well-worn, obvious connections you’ve heard in other Tolkien scholars. In finishing the book, one can feel a sense of gratitude and awe not merely for Middle Earth but for the world in which you sit.” – 5 star review from Tyler on Goodreads
“Nowhere in JRR Tolkien’s LOTR does he mention Christianity, but every page is infused with the themes of the Catholic faith. The book isn’t just about LOTR. It’s also a study of how a creator’s worldview finds a way to shine through his work. We don’t need to stand on soapboxes cajoling passersby to repent. That works for some, but, in my experience, it’s the people who often don’t need to say a word about Jesus who proclaim the Christian way of life the loudest through their humility, friendship, and mercy. These themes are pondered in Maddie’s book. As a novelist, I was inspired and encouraged because I’m interested in telling stories about life-saving mercy and hard journeys but hate how heavy-handed “Christian” fiction can feel. Reading this book made me realize how without really having to try, your faith (if you are being true to it) seeps into your work. That’s at once comforting and freeing.” – 5 star review from Adrienne Morris on Amazon

Madeleine Dobrowski

Madeleine Dobrowski is originally from the great Midwest but currently resides in Spokane, WA, where she spends her time studying philosophy, reading, writing, teaching literature, and enjoying the Pacific Northwest with her husband. She obtained her BA in Philosophy from Boise State University and is currently pursuing her MA in Philosophy – Christian Wisdom at Holy Apostles College and Seminary.


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