Der Bauer, der Bergmann und der Handwerker

Der Bauer, der Bergmann und der Handwerker

Der Bauer, der Bergmann und der Handwerker

Geschrieben von Ben Bongers und illustriert von Courtney Boatwright

Wir alle sind Puzzleteile – manche zu klein, manche zu groß, manche fehlende Teile von uns selbst. Dennoch bringen wir anderen in unserem Leben alle besonderen Gaben. In dieser Krippengeschichte treffen Sie 3 Menschen, einen Bauern, einen Bergmann und einen Handwerker, deren gemeinsame Arbeiten ungewöhnliche Ergebnisse hervorbringen und zeigen, dass einige unserer Geschenke an andere nicht die sind, für die wir sie halten. Reisen Sie mit uns zurück in die Zeit der Karawanen und Weisen, zum Handel mit Schmuckstücken auf dem Großen Markt von Petra und zu den Geschenken, die wirklich wichtig sind, wenn wir einem neuen Stern am Himmel folgen.

Kindle: $9,99
Taschenbuch: $14.95
Gebundene Ausgabe – Vollfarbe, Laminathülle: $24,95


“Der Bauer, der Minderjährige und der Handwerker haben mir sehr geholfen, mich auf Weihnachten vorzubereiten. Vielen Dank, dass Sie mir diese Gelegenheit gegeben haben! Mögen Jesus und Maria Sie und Ihre Familie auf Ihrer Reise nach Bethlehem begleiten!” — Fr. Michel Legault, MSA, Übersetzer der französischen Ausgabe

“Ich fühle mich geehrt, einer der Ersten zu sein, die lesen, was ein wahrer Kinderklassiker werden wird. The Farmer, the Miner, and the Artisan von Benjamin Bongers ist die herzerwärmende Geschichte von drei Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund, die zusammenkommen, um die Menschheit zu unterstützen und einen neuen König zu ehren. Das Buch zeigt, dass wahre Demut und Dienst immer zum einen wahren König führen werden. Das klassische Artwork und die fesselnde Geschichte werden die Fantasie der Kinder anregen und ihre Weihnachtszeit erhellen.“ — Christopher Barker, stellvertretender Schulleiter, Ruskin High School, Kansas City, MO

“The Farmer, the Miner, and the Artisan ist ein Muss für jeden, der Weihnachten und Dreikönigstag feiert! Mit seiner kompliziert gewebten Geschichte und den erstaunlichen Illustrationen wird der Leser die Bedeutung der eigenen Geschenke jeder Person während der Weihnachtszeit erkennen. Die Geschichte führt den Leser durch die Märkte von Petra, nach Jerusalem und weiter nach Bethlehem. Der Leser wird es genießen, wie die Reisenden die Magier treffen und am Ende der Geschichte selbst die ultimativen Geschenke überreichen.” — Mary Orth, Lehrerin der 5. Klasse, All Saints Academy – St. Cloud

“In einer einfachen und eindrucksvollen visuellen Welt, die von Courtney Boatwright geschaffen wurde und an THE BREADWINNER von Cartoon Saloon erinnert, gibt uns Ben eine neue Wendung der Geschichte der Geburt Christi, in der normale Menschen zusammenkommen, einfach leise, und alles geben, was sie können Fremden in Not helfen. Eine charmante und zum Nachdenken anregende Ergänzung zur Weihnachtsliteratur, die Kinder und Erwachsene gleichermaßen ansprechen wird.” — Linda Ade Brand, Bühnenregisseurin


Ben Bongers war 30 Jahre lang ein internationaler Operntenor und Sommelier mit Sitz in San Francisco, CA, und Deutschland und ist jetzt Gerontologe. Er hat für Fachzeitschriften über Wein und Gesang geschrieben und in Lehrbüchern für Altenpflege veröffentlicht. Ben studiert derzeit für den Ständigen Diakonat in Kansas City, MO, und ist ein Knight of Magisterial Grace im Malteserorden. Sein erster Roman „The Saint Nicholas Society“ und sein Kurzgeschichtenband „True Love“ wurden 2022 bei En Route Books and Media veröffentlicht.


Courtney Boatwright ist eine in Chicago lebende Grafikerin und Designerin. Ihre Karriere in der Grafikbranche begann vor 19 Jahren als interne Designerin für ein kleines, von einer Frau geführtes Unternehmen in Fairfax, Kalifornien. 2006 zog sie nach Chicago, um Grafikdesign in der Werbung zu studieren. Geboren und aufgewachsen in Kalifornien, stammt Courtneys Liebe zum visuellen Geschichtenerzählen aus ihrer schrulligen, theatralischen Familie und Kindheit. Fabeln, Folklore und Film, zusammen mit illustrierten und bildhauerischen Erzählungen, beflügeln Courtneys Vorstellungskraft und inspirieren die kreativen Medien, mit denen sie ihre Kunst kommuniziert. Derzeit ist Courtney Senior Creative Manager bei Skender, einem prozessorientierten Bauunternehmen.


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The Farmer, the Miner and the Artisan by Ben Bongers

The Farmer, the Miner and the Artisan by Ben Bongers

The Farmer, the Miner and the Artisan

Written by Ben Bongers and Illustrated by Courtney Boatwright

We are all puzzle pieces—some too short, some too tall, some missing pieces of ourselves. Yet we all bring special gifts to others in our lives. In this Nativity story, you will meet 3 people, a Farmer, a Miner, and an Artisan, whose common works produce uncommon results, showing that some of our gifts to others aren’t the ones we think they are. Travel back in time with us to the days of caravans and wisemen, to trading trinkets in the Great Market of Petra, and to what gifts really matter when we follow a new star in the sky.

Kindle – Full Color: $9.99
Paperback – Full Color: $14.95
Hardback – Full Color, Case Laminate: $19.95


“The Farmer, the Minor, and the Artisan helped me a lot to prepare for Christmas. Thank you for giving me this opportunity! May Jesus and Mary accompany you and your family in your journey to Bethlehem!” – Fr. Michel Legault, MSA, translator of the French edition

“I am honored to be one of the first people to read what will become a true children’s classic.  The Farmer, the Miner, and the Artisan by Benjamin Bongers is the heartwarming tale of three people from different backgrounds who come together to support humanity and honor a new king. The book shows that true humility and service will always lead to the one true king. The classic artwork and engaging story will capture children’s imaginations and brighten their holiday season.” — Christopher Barker, Vice-Principal, Ruskin High School, Kansas City, MO

The Farmer, the Miner, and the Artisan is a must read for anyone who celebrates Christmas and Epiphany! With its an intricately woven tale and amazing illustrations, the reader will see the importance of each person’s own gifts during the holiday season. The story takes the reader through the Markets of Petra, to Jerusalem, and on to Bethlehem. The reader will enjoy how the travelers meet with the Magi and give the ultimate gifts at the conclusion to the story, themselves.” Mary Orth, 5th grade teacher, All Saints Academy – St. Cloud

“Set in a simple and evocative visual world created by Courtney Boatwright reminiscent of Cartoon Saloon’s THE BREADWINNER, Ben gives us a new twist on the story of the Nativity in which normal people come together, just quietly, and give all they have in order to help strangers in need. A charming and thought-provoking addition to Christmas literature, this will appeal to children and adults alike.” Linda Ade Brand, Stage Director

“Kindness is the gift that each of us can afford to give! This story shares that premise through the anticipated arrival of the ultimate gift, Jesus. The vibrant characters help the reader understand how simple, intrinsic kindnesses can motivate feelings of love and well-being toward others via a ‘caring circle’ of events! Goodwill has never been shared more appropriately!” – Linda Steinman, Kindergarten Teacher



Ben Bongers was an international operatic tenor and sommelier for 30 years based in San Francisco, CA, and Germany and is now a Gerontologist. He has written for trade magazines in wine, singing, and is published in eldercare textbooks. Ben is currently studying for the Permanent Diaconate in Kansas City, MO, and is a Knight of Magisterial Grace in the Order of Malta. His first novel, The Saint Nicholas Society, and his book of short stories, True Love, were published by En Route Books and Media in 2022.


​Courtney Boatwright is a Chicago-based graphic artist and designer. Her career in the graphics industry began 19 years ago as the in-house designer for a small, woman-owned business in Fairfax, California. She relocated to Chicago in 2006 to study graphic design in advertising. Born and raised in California, Courtney’s love of visual storytelling stems from her quirky, theatrical family and childhood. Fables, folklore and film, along with illustrated and sculpted narratives, fuel Courtney’s imagination and inspire the creative media with which she chooses to communicate her art. Currently, Courtney is the Senior Creative Manager for Skender, a process-driven construction firm.


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Cardelina: A Story of Joy, Hope and Love

Cardelina: A Story of Joy, Hope and Love

Cardelina: A Story of Joy, Hope and Love

Written and Illustrated by Danielle Catherine Mesa

Preface by Cardinal Sean O’Malley
Cardelina, a young horse with a vibrant spirit and an immense curiosity, enjoys seeing the children who visit the family-owned Avon Valley Farm and attending the horseback riding lessons. One night, she notices a boy named Billy, whose behavior seems different from that of the other children. During her training for her first job in riding with the children, Cardelina learns more about Billy and is determined to befriend and help him learn how to relate and interact with others. Cardelina succeeds!
Hardback: $24.95 | Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $7.99


“This is a joyful, heart-warming story about a horse, Cardelina, who develops a very special relationship with Billy, a boy with special needs. Cardelina notices that Billy’s behaviors are different than those of the other children who attend the horseback riding center. She makes it her goal to help Billy learn to interact with her and with the other children. This story with its beautiful illustrations captures the essence of God’s love for all His precious children.” – Monsignor Kevin J. O’Leary, Rector of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston, Massachusetts

“Pope Francis, in Evangelii Gaudium, calls all of us to… ‘go forth from our own comfort zone in order to reach all the ‘peripheries’ in need of the light of the Gospel.’ In this wonderful story about a child who learns differently and a very perceptive filly named Cardelina, Danielle Mesa shows us how fruitful this vocation to empathy, compassion, and understanding can be… especially with respect to one of the ‘peripheries’ that is all too often overlooked. By way of the innocence, beauty, and humility of the main character, Cardelina, the author has created a powerful and effective witness to the dignity of every person created in the image and likeness of God. And, as Francis reminds us: ‘Jesus, the evangelizer par excellence and the Gospel in person, identifies especially with the little ones.’ (Evangelii Gaudium: Concern for the vulnerable, 209). I hope and pray this gifted author will provide us with more stories featuring the adorable filly… Cardelina; a character that is sure to become a shining star in Christian literature.” – Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT, author of The Prayer of Jesus Crucified; Adventures in the Father’s Joy! (CMA Book Award); To Whom the Heart Decided to Love (CMA Book Award); The Redemption of San Isidro (CMA Book Award); and Masters of Interior Space


Danielle C. Mesa was born in Boston, Massachusetts to a devoted Catholic family. Her father is a deacon serving at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston. The desire of her heart is to use the gifts and talents she has received from God to give praise and glory to the Lord. Danielle’s aspiration is that her book will reveal the joy and hope children with special needs bring to their families and those around them. She holds a fine arts degree from the University of Massachusetts Boston and a Post-Bachelor’s degree from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

To learn more about Danielle and her upcoming projects, visit her on the web at 


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Even Today by Fr. Dennis Billy, CSsR, and illustrated by Eileen Cunis

Even Today by Fr. Dennis Billy, CSsR, and illustrated by Eileen Cunis

Even Today

by Fr. Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R., illustrated by Eileen Cunis

In this beautifully illustrated children’s story, an elderly person visits the sea and reminisces on time spent there as a child.
Paperback: $12.99 | Kindle/Nook: $5.99


“A wistful remembrance that will delight both children and those reading to them.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Catholic author and parent


Rev. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R. is professor emeritus at the Alphonsian Academy in Rome. The author of many books and articles, he is a popular spiritual director and active in his order’s retreat ministry. This is his first children’s story.



Eileen Cunis, a convert to Catholicism, is a wife, mother, grandmother, and life-long artist living in New Hampshire.


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The Gospel in Kid Speak authored by TJ Burdick

The Gospel in Kid Speak authored by TJ Burdick

The Gospel in Kid Speak

by T.J. Burdick

The most important books in the Bible are the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They illustrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, our Lord, Savior and King. In these three volumes of The Gospel in Kid Speak, we place a magnifying glass on the God made man so that our youngest children may also study Christ’s ways and ultimately imitate them.

Reading and interpreting the Gospels is not an easy task, not even for an adult. For children, the task becomes even more difficult. How could we possibly hold them accountable for understanding truths as complex as the Incarnation or the Immaculate Conception when their minds and souls are still in their infancy stages?

As a parent to five children, I wrote the Gospel for each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation in language that they could understand as young as three years old. I compiled each of my renditions of the Gospel into three books, one for each liturgical cycle so that my kids could understand the complexities of the Gospel messages in easy-to-understand “Kid Speak.”

For my children who were still struggling with understanding the read-alouds (or if they simply couldn’t sit still yet :-), I found a piece of Sacred Art that visually illustrates the Gospel for each week. I figured where my words may fail (which they do!), the genius of artists from the past two millennia could succeed. Based on using this method with all four of my kids, I can assure my reader that it works.

200 full-color glossy pages of all three Gospel cycles (a, b, and c)!

Paperback $29.95




T.J. Burdick is the author of several books and article on the Catholic faith. He is the founder of the Dominican Institute ( and blogger at A missionary to Latin America, T.J. writes on how to grow in holiness amongst the distractions and difficulties of the current age. He resides in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and five children when he is not on mission all over Latin America and throughout the United States.

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Lost and Found, authored by Sarah Jane Faidi

Lost and Found, authored by Sarah Jane Faidi

Lost and Found

by Sarah Jane Faidi and illustrated by Mary Magdalene Van Slyke

Princess Martha Bethany is lost in a storm, and the brave Prince John Andrew, studying his maps and the clues he is able to find, sets out in search of her when all else fails.

[32 pp with full color illustrations] Paperback: $7.95 | Kindle: $3.99


“A tale reminiscent of Peter Rabbit’s scrape with Farmer McGregor – a delightful conclusion to an adventurous mishap!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Father of Once Small Children




Sarah Jane Faidi, now retired, enjoyed teaching elementary classes in the American School of Algiers, teaching English in Paris, France, and eventually French in Texas. Her children and grandchildren live on the east and west coast as well as in Texas. She and her husband, both graduates of the University of Texas, reside in Trophy Club, Texas.


Mary Magdalene Van Slyke is one of Sarah’s many grandchildren. She began illustrating Lost and Found as a young girl, when the the story about her and her siblings was first shared with them. She later completed the illustrations in a different style than the earlier ones while expecting her first child. Now the mother of a darling baby girl, Lucia, Mary Magdalene lives with her young family in Dallas, Texas.


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