Science, Psychology and Saint Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Science, Psychology and Saint Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Science, Psychology and St. Thomas Aquinas

by Dr. Donald G. Boland

An opposition does exist between Aristotle’s psychology and today’s modern psychology, but it is not as clear-cut as most think. This book, grounded in the wisdom of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, seeks to resolve what tension there is between the two in regard to understanding the human soul. While modern science retains a place in the study of human psychology, as a partially natural science, or as an empirically and mathematically based science, it does not result in a full or adequate understanding of the psyche of the human being. Donald G. Boland lays out in the chapters of this book how an Aristotelian explanation of psychology provides a holistic approach to a field of study that is in essence spiritual, namely, the human soul.

Paperback: $29.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“As a necessary preparation to the principal work of his book, Dr Boland discusses with clarity and in totality Aristotle’s long neglected and poorly understood causal lines of explanation of reality and the particular natural sciences ordered according to the degrees of formal abstraction from matter. Thereafter he gives a most thorough and hierarchically ordered exposition and discussion of the true philosophical science of human psychology, that is to say, as found in the works of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas. This is the principal and most important part of his book. It fittingly culminates with a study of the human person and serves as a necessary foundation to the second part of Dr Boland’s book – the development of a truly Thomistic synthesis: incorporating the good to be found in modern psychology and rejecting what is nonsense and even dangerous and harmful. I cannot speak highly enough of this book – it is a privilege to endorse it. I believe it is destined to a have a most beneficial influence: not only in Catholic education; but in any institution of learning where truth is sought for its own sake, and for the sake of the intellectual and moral health of its students.” – Frank Calneggia, author of Assertions and Refutations: An Assessment of Dr Tracey Rowland’s Natural Law: From Neo Thomism to Nuptial Mysticism


Donald G Boland Ll. B. Ph. D. is a founding member of the Centre for Catholic Studies Inc. in Sydney Australia and is one of its former Presidents. He practiced for a number of years as a lawyer having a degree in law from the University of Sydney. Over much the same time, having obtained a doctorate in philosophy from the University of St. Thomas in Rome, he has taught philosophy and law in both Catholic and secular educational institutions, such as the University of Technology, Sydney, the University of Newcastle, the Aquinas Academy, the Centre for Thomistic Studies Inc., now operating under the name of the Centre for Catholic Studies Inc., and various Catholic seminaries, such as those of the Marists and the Vincentians. His doctoral thesis was on the concepts of utility and value in economics as found in the works of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas.


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Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

by Gerard Verschuuren

Every culture has its own sacred cows. In our culture, that sacred cow is science. What scientists claim—in the name of science and with the authority of science—is oracular. This book looks beyond the scientific nose through the lens of a philosophical analysis, which amounts to putting science under “the microscope of philosophy.”

Paperback: $18.99 | Kindle: $9.99



“Dr. Verschuuren offers a powerful contribution to the scientific world, which is concerned with the first order of abstraction – physical being – by evaluating it through the third order of abstraction – metaphysical being. Any scientist engaged in the study of material causes will be edified by this philosophical examination, the only lens that can properly focus into every science.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Director of the Institute for Theological Encounter with Faith and Science


Gerard M. Verschuuren is a human geneticist who also earned a doctorate in the philosophy of science. He studied and worked at universities in Europe and the United States. Currently semi-retired, he spends most of his time as a writer, speaker, and consultant on the interface of science and religion, faith and reason.

Currently, while semi-retired, he writes about issues at the interface of

  • science and religion,
  • science and creation,
  • faith and reason.

All his books can be found at:


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Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological

by Robert J. Kurland

This book endeavors to engage the reader in a qualitative understanding of physics basic to quantum mechanics (QM — wave motion, momentum, work, and energy) by walking the reader through how the field developed historically by scientists Planck, Einstein, DeBroglie, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Schwinger, Feynman, and Bell. The reader will come to appreciate the strangeness of basic QM concepts (superposition, the EPR paradox, entanglement, and measurement selection) and be able to view intersections of QM with theology (superposition and the Trinity, entanglement and Divine Action, many worlds/minds and Free Will, quantum logic and Resurrection).

Nook: $9.99




Bob Kurland is a retired, cranky, old physicist who converted to Catholicism in 1995. He is a Graduate of Caltech (BS, with honor, 1951), Harvard (M.S. 1953, Physics; Ph.D. 1956, Chemical Physics), academic career, Carnegie-Mellon, SUNY/AB, MRI (Geisinger), best scientific work: search Kurland-McGarvey equation. He also served as a volunteer to federal prison and hospital; lector, EOMHC, and is a sometime player of bass clarinet, alto clarinet, clarinet, bass, tenor bowed psaltery for parish instrumental group and local folk group. He has been married 54 years and has 5 children, 11 grandchildren (eldest to graduate from Penn State Schreyer’s Honor College (grandfathers are allowed to brag!). For the story of his conversion, click here. For other blog posts about his faith as a convert from Judaism and a scientist, see here, here and here. His current effort is to show that there is no contradiction between what science tells us about the world and our Catholic faith. Intermittent blogs and adult education classes to achieve this end are available at and

Bob’s motivation comes from St. Augustine of Hippo, who wrote in The Trinity, 1.8:

It is also necessary may God grant it that in providing others with books to read I myself should make progress, and that in trying to answer their questions I myself should find what I am seeking. Therefore at the command of God our Lord and with his help, I have undertaken not so much to discourse with authority on matters known to me as to know them better by discoursing devoutly of them.


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Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection

by Roger Skrenes

This book is written to show that in our world there are many signs of resurrection. Life beyond death is demonstrated or modeled in many ways within the world around us. This fact should teach us to believe that our death is not an end in itself but rather a new beginning of greater and more certain proportions. It should help us to focus our lives on pleasing the Lord and on trying to be a small pair of His Hands in this present world. By living in such light, we can have hope that we will fit into His larger plan – in what we here call Heaven.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“An excellent demonstration of the complementarity of our science and our faith!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Director of the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology



Roger Skrenes studied science as an undergraduate and history as a graduate. He holds a master’s degree in religion and has taught high school in Los Angeles, California, for over thirty years, including six summers in the California Youth Authority (a prison for teenage boys in Whittier, CA). He is the father of three adult children, Mary, Mark and Therese.


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A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

by Robert J. Kurland

A Science Primer for the Faithful is a book that explains how science developed, demonstrating how the “truths” of science change as new data appears and new theories arise to explain that data. Unlike the truths of Catholic teaching, there is no eternal dogma for scientific theories, only a consistent methodology for the practice of science.

Kindle $9.99


In his book A Science Primer for the Faithful, Robert Kurland firstly makes the point that the Catholic church has historically been a midwife and nursemaid to Science, thus facilitating its birth. So, in understanding science, the faithful Catholic is able to combat “Scientism”– the belief that science explains everything you need to know – as well as guard against science intersecting moral issues. Example: when does life begin? His book discusses creation – God and infinity – and affirms that the Church does not deny evolution as a scientific explanation for the diversity of species, although it does emphasize that Darwin’s model for how evolution occurs, namely through Survival of the Fittest, is not the only principle. In “Rational Inquiry” Kurland affirms that science is not an eternal truth, but a methodology. The truths it determines are subject to change as new data is uncovered. In that respect, he contends that science differs from the Catholic faith, which is not subject to change, founded as it is, on eternal truth. Scientists are slowly waking up to an inconvenient truth. Physicists and cosmologists have, over the last forty years, been collecting examples of all-too-convenient “coincidences” in the underlying laws of nature that seem absolutely necessary for life to exist. This is the cornerstone of our belief in the supreme Creator. Kurland points to the “just right” weak and “just right” strong nuclear forces; the “just right” ratio of electrical and gravitational forces; the “just right” goldilocks zones for planetary systems, the control of radiation, the chemistry necessary for the earth to be hospitable to life. These are obviously no coincidences. As Sir Fred Hoyle, the British astronomer, is known to have pointed out: “A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super intellect has monkeyed with physics as well as with chemistry and biology and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. The numbers one calculates from the facts seems to me so overwhelming as to put this inclusion almost beyond question.” – Robin Arthur, author of Science and the God Elusion: A Reflection on the Conundrums of Life 


“A lot of people have heard about the anthropic coincidences in physics, but the anthropic coincidences in chemistry & biology are far more ‘relatable’ to ordinary people. In water, for instance, the angle of the bond linking the two hydrogen atoms to the oxygen atom is 108°, and that has all sorts of ramifications, notably that a lake will freeze from the top down, with the consequence that fish can survive all winter long, even when very thick ice forms. It keeps on going, with lots of biology-to-chemistry connections that are necessary for human evolution and civilization. In the broad categories of ‘science points to God’ and ‘the heavens declare the glory of God,’ Kurland’s emphasis on these other anthropic coincidences is important to us.” – Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen, author of Everywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time

“Dr. Robert Kurland has truly brought the domains of Catholic faith and science together in an accessible way that respects the integrity of both areas…. This little volume gives an incisive, accurate, balanced overview of everything you need to know to encounter skeptics in the modern world. More than this, it opens upon a more comprehensive appreciation of the psalmist’s exclamation: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour fourth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. (Ps. 19:1-2).” Fr. Robert Spitzer, President of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith

“A great resource for students!” – Dr. Gerard Verschuuren, author of Can Science and Religion Live Together?: What Science Can and Cannot Do


Bob Kurland is a retired, cranky, old physicist who converted to Catholicism in 1995. He is a Graduate of Caltech (BS, with honor, 1951), Harvard (M.S. 1953, Physics; Ph.D. 1956, Chemical Physics), academic career, Carnegie-Mellon, SUNY/AB, MRI (Geisinger), best scientific work: search Kurland-McGarvey equation. He also served as a volunteer to federal prison and hospital; lector, EOMHC, and is a sometime player of bass clarinet, alto clarinet, clarinet, bass, tenor bowed psaltery for parish instrumental group and local folk group. He has been married 54 years and has 5 children, 11 grandchildren (eldest to graduate from Penn State Schreyer’s Honor College (grandfathers are allowed to brag!). For the story of his conversion, click here. For other blog posts about his faith as a convert from Judaism and a scientist, see here, here and here. His current effort is to show that there is no contradiction between what science tells us about the world and our Catholic faith. Intermittent blogs and adult education classes to achieve this end are available at and

Bob’s motivation comes from St. Augustine of Hippo, who wrote in The Trinity, 1.8:

It is also necessary may God grant it that in providing others with books to read I myself should make progress, and that in trying to answer their questions I myself should find what I am seeking. Therefore at the command of God our Lord and with his help, I have undertaken not so much to discourse with authority on matters known to me as to know them better by discoursing devoutly of them.


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The Deacon and The Doctor: A Prescription for Navigating Child Loss

The Deacon and The Doctor: A Prescription for Navigating Child Loss

The Deacon and The Doctor: A Prescription for Navigating Child Loss

by Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony and Dr. Sabine Heisman

The Deacon and the Doctor: A Prescription for Navigating Child Loss provides a spiritual, medical, psychological guide to help families A.C.Q.U.I.R.E peace after child loss. As one in four women experience miscarriage, it is essential to provide resources, bring awareness, and teach the community how to engage appropriately so these families are supported properly. Our hope is this book will help families and the community navigate the many obstacles encountered after child loss.
Pre-Order now by clicking on the PayPal link below. Books will be ready for shipping by mid-April. 

Paperback: $16.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“There is nothing more devastating to parents than the loss of a child. The Deacon and the Doctor is a light in the darkness, providing much needed practical wisdom, refreshing insights, psychological tools, and spiritual consolation on a topic that is finally receiving the attention it deserves. This book will undoubtedly encourage parents to place their bruised and broken hearts into the pierced soul of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Deacon and the Doctor is simply the best resource available for dealing with the incredible grief of losing a child in the womb.” – Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, Author, Behold the Man: A Catholic Vision of Male Spirituality

“This book was tremendously moving in its content and analysis of miscarriages and stillbirths, from both the psychological and spiritual point of view. Having experienced a miscarriage in the 1st trimester of my first pregnancy, it was truly a sad time, as we had been waiting three years for pregnancy to occur. The content and guidance given in this book would have been a welcomed help in overcoming the sadness felt, at that time. I commend Dr. Heisman and Deacon Anthony for their knowledge, insight and direction to put together a comprehensive set of “prescriptions to breathe again and ACQUIRE peace” as God, our loving Father, intends for all mankind. May God bless all those “little one’s”, lost to this sad ending of life.” – Ann Sadone Alisuag, LOM

“I have known Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony before and after ordination. He is a Deacon who has a profound love of Catholic doctrine. Deacon Anthony’s research into this great need of the Church will help heal those families who have suffered the loss of a child. I highly endorse his book.” – Deacon Cody Miller  

“The subject covered in this book is one of the least discussed topics in the medical and psychiatric community. From my experience as a healthcare provider, I cannot recall any conference or discussion among my colleagues relating to the impact of miscarriage/stillbirth. This book is an invaluable resource for both the physician and the clergy in helping the mother, her family and the community to recover from this traumatic experience.” – Andres Alisuag, MD


Gerard-Marie Anthony is a Deacon of the Catholic Church and Spiritual Director of A Mom’s Peace, an organization that helps families experiencing miscarriage/stillbirth. He has an M.A. in Theology, as well as Green Cross Trauma certifications including H.E.A.R.T. Model training for Treating Complex Trauma. He has recently authored Walking Humbly with God (En Route Books & Media, 2023). His website is:


Dr. Heisman is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in the evaluation and assessment of educational/learning difficulties, as well as comprehensive psychological and neuropsychological assessments. She has worked across multiple settings to include hospitals, rehabilitation, neuropsychological, and forensic settings. Dr. Heisman is also the Therapeutic Director for A Mom’s Peace, a non-profit that helps families who experience miscarriage/stillbirth. She also serves as an adjunct forensic psychology professor. Dr. Heisman is mother to three children, one on this Earth and twins in heaven. 


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