Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross)

by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) helps us to see the wonders and miracles that God has provided through the works of Mary Kloska, a woman from the first world who has touched the hearts of those in the third world with her pure and sacred love. Mary’s books have changed the lives of many here in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the world.

In this memoir, Pakistani translator and missionary Aqif Shahzad looks at how Mary’s books have given light, life, and healing to wounded and persecuted Christians. He reflects on his own experience with God and shares his personal life journey of how God chose him, a simple person from a village, for this ministry of Children of the Cross.

Paperback: $12.95 | Kindle $5.99


“Aqif Shahzad’s book Memoir of Grace is a powerful witness to the great work God can do through a little soul who simply says ‘yes.’ Through the experiences he shares about his life and mission amongst persecuted Christians in Pakistan, the Holy Spirit can clearly be seen foraging a road of grace in the midst of the spiritual wilderness of the Middle East.” – Mary Kloska, author of Raising ‘Children of the Cross,’ The Holiness of Womanhood, Out of the Darkness, A Heart Frozen in the Wilderness, In Our Lady’s Shadow, and Mornings with Mary


Aqif Shahzad was raised in a family of four brothers and two sisters in a village in Pakistan. He lost his father early, and his mother, whose faith in Our Lady strengthened and deepened his love for Our Lady, played a significant role in his life.

Teaching and translation are his passions. Children of the Cross (Ministry) is the answer to his continued prayers. Giving life, hope, and healing to persecuted Christians in Pakistan and throughout the world is his vision. God has called him to reach the unreached. He lives in Pakistan with his small daughter, Eliana, who is four years old. 


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Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

“The life of Eugenio Zolli, chief rabbi of Rome during the Second World War, is in itself a prophesy for a new world. After years of research that led to the publication of the French edition, I am happy to present this book to an American public. From his studies in the Old Testament to the New, Zolli’s experience illustrates our common goal for unity between Christians and Jews.” – Judith Cabaud, author

Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

by Judith Cabaud

Eugenio Zolli, Chief Rabbi of Trieste, then of Rome, during the Second World War, exegete and professor at the University of Padua, is a prophet for our time, charged with asking a single question: Why? This question was a grace from God that set him off on his course as a scholar and a mystic. A subject of controversy since his death in 1956, Zolli nevertheless remains a model of true ecumenism between Jews and Christians through his honesty and his search for the whole truth. In trying to explore the missing link between the Old and New Testament, he discovered the love of God for all humanity. In this way, his life experience led him to Jesus Christ, in itself a prophecy of the New World mentioned in the Holy Scripture.

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Articles and Reviews

Judith Cabaud, “Eugenio Zolli, A Prophet for our Time,” Association of Hebrew Catholics. Click here to read.


“Mme. Judith Cabaud, herself a Jew who has entered the Catholic Church, has performed a valuable service in writing this thoughtful biography of Eugenio Zolli, a figure of great personal stature and historical significance who has too generally been either forgotten or calumniated.  He himself beautifully documented his personal journey from Chief Rabbi of Rome to Catholic convert in his autobiography “Before the Dawn” which is, thankfully, again in print. Mme. Cabaud’s biography valuably supplements that account in two complimentary ways.  As a work of history, it illumines the broader context of his life and conversion, providing many further details on his life before, during, and after his conversion, and particularly  on his relationship with Pope Pius XII and the much maligned Pontiff’s activities with regard to the Jews during that tragic period. But it is also an extended spiritual meditation, continually reflecting on the deep inner continuity between God’s pre-Messianic (Judaism) and post-Messianic (Catholicism) self-revelations which was the leitmotiv of Rabbi Zolli’s life. Rabbi Eugenio Zolli, pray for us!” – Roy Schoeman, author of Salvation is from the Jews

“One of the most interesting characters in the Church of the 20th century was Eugenio Zolli, the chief rabbi of Rome who converted under the influence of Pope Pius the XII.  Judith Cabaud’s wonderful book tells us this story in such an engaging way that even readers who are not experts in theology or history can learn essential principles concerning why the Church is the fulfillment of Judaism.  It is a book that can be given to Jewish believers attracted to Jesus.” – Dr. Ronda Chervin, Emerita Professor of Philosophy of Holy Apostles College and Seminary, author of numerous books about Catholic spirituality, and presenter on Catholic radio and TV.)

“A New Hope in an Old Faith!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, co-author with Bishop Richard Henning of Missionary Priests in the Homeland: Our Call to Receive


Judith Cabaud is an American-born French writer and musicologist. She comes from a Jewish family of Polish and Russian heritage. After studying science at New York University, she went to Paris and obtained her degree in French civilization in 1960 at the Sorbonne, and converted to Catholicism. A musicologist and a professor of English, she is the author of several books on relations between Judaism and Christianity, the role of Pius XII during World War II, and the Grand Rabbi of Rome, Eugenio Zolli. She has also been a music critic at the Bayreuth Festival in Germany since 1994.


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Chosen One

Chosen One

Portion of the proceeds will support the Corpus Christi Hope House

Chosen One: From Homeless Infant to Priest at Home in My Heavenly Father’s Heart

by Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT

This is a story of the life of Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT, whose earthly mother gave him up for adoption following a happy conclusion to an unplanned pregnancy and whose Heavenly Father chose him as one of His priests in the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity in which he is celebrating his 25th anniversary of his ordination to priesthood.

Paperback: $9.99 | Kindle $5.99


“Fr. Bob Shaldone’s book Chosen One is a beautiful depiction of one soul’s journey from being an earthly orphan to becoming a chosen son of the Eternal Father. Fr. Bob’s life is a great testament to the truth that God makes no mistakes, often writing straight with crooked lines making ‘all things work for the good of those who love Him, those who are called according to his purpose.’ (Rom 8:28) This book will surely inspire the reader to listen deeper to the voice of God steadily unfolding His plan in their own vocation and life.” – Mary Kloska, author of A Heart Frozen in the Wilderness: Reflections of a Siberian Missionary

“It is said that St. Pio of Pietrelcina famously opined: ‘The earth could sooner exist without the sun than without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.‘ He might have added that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass could sooner exist without the earth than without a priest. In Fr. Shaldone’s moving autobiography… Chosen One… the reader will be treated to a rare, inside look at a marvelous spiritual reality we so often take for granted… the priestly vocation. In addition, as the author relates his life story in a warm, but ‘no holds barred’ way, the reader will encounter the beautiful mystery of what it means to be human; and in our overly mechanical and often brutally technological society, a development whose dehumanizing effect can be observed all around us, this is no small accomplishment and certainly addresses one of the deepest needs of our times.” – Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, author of The Prayer of Jesus Crucified, Adventures In The Father’s Joy, To Whom The Heart Decided To Love, The Redemption of San Isidro

“This improbable story of how God brought an infant through peril to become a wonderful priest is exciting, deep, and inspiring. It will help you to understand God’s workings in your own life and could be a great gift for anyone who might have a vocation to the priesthood.” – Dr. Ronda Chervin, Emerita Professor of Philosophy, author of numerous Catholic books and Catholic media presenter


Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT, is a member of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity.


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Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!: How Christ Turned My Pain & Suffering into Hope & Joy

by Caitie Crowley


Caitie Crowley was in a traumatic car accident on her way home from work and almost lost her life. She couldn’t walk for 10 months. She took that time to write about her experiences and how her faith in God carried her through her pain. This book takes the reader through Caitie’s physical struggle of learning to walk again and her interior struggle of learning to walk with God through the cross. Through Him, you can find hope when it appears hopeless.

Paperback: $14.99 | Kindle $9.99

Paul Moore talks with Catholic author Caitie Crowley about her new book: Stepping Up!: How Christ Turned My Pain & Suffering into Hope & Joy (Parts 1 and 2 below)


“Caitie did an awesome job describing her physical and emotional pain, challenges and the experiences that most of us have never been through. Her strong foundation of faith in God was evident throughout. You don’t have to be the survivor of a horrific car accident to acquire strong takeaways from this story. God blessed Caitie and the rest of us by allowing her to share her story through this book. I urge you to get the book and share it with others when you’re done. It’s encouraging for me to see a young leader who is confident in her Christian faith and share that faith with us. Congratulations Caitie!” – Jim Ardis, Strategic Philanthropy Officer at OSF Healthcare & Former Mayor of Peoria, IL


Caitie Crowley is a Catholic millennial. By God’s grace, she graduated Summa Cum Laude (4.0 GPA) with her Master of Science in Information Design and Strategy with a Content Strategy concentration from Northwestern University. She is an HR communications representative at a Fortune 100 company and has also done writing for FOCUS-SEEK21, Live Action, Human Life Action, and Human Defense Initiative. You can get in touch with Caitie on Twitter (@CaitieCrowley) or via email (


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Ennobling Encounters

Ennobling Encounters

Congratulations to Dick Bishirjian for being a finalist in the American Best Book Awards (2022)!

Ennobling Encounters

by Dr. Richard Bishirjian

In this memoir, Dick Bishirjian tells of how his life has been enriched by the many noble persons he has met over the course of his professional life. That time coincides with the early years of the conservative “movement” in America. In such a world as ours, he argues, it is important to remember the great souls who ennoble us.

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle $9.99


Bishirjian, Richard. “Rush Limbaugh’s Favorite Political Thinker: Angelo Codevilla,” The Stream (Oct. 4, 2021). Click here to read the full article.


“Richard Bishirjian has been immersed in the conservative intellectual movement for decades and emerges in these pages as one of its most profound and interesting commentators. His story reminds us of the importance of remembering those thinkers who inspire us to lead better, bolder lives. He himself is one of those thinkers.” — Allen Mendenhall, Associate Dean and Grady Rosier Professor, Sorrell College of Business at Troy University

Dick Bishirjian is one of the few individuals alive who can accurately chronicle the important rise and development of the modern conservative movement. Rising from the ashes of Barry Goldwater’s 1964 defeat, the American conservative movement galvanized a new majority of voters who elected President Ronald Reagan to two terms, as well as winning the improbable victory of President Donald J. Trump. Bishirjian’s candid and thoughtful analysis of giants like F. Clifton White, Arthur Finkelstein and Bill Buckley alone are well worth giving this important book a read. I highly recommend it to serious students of political history.” – Roger Stone, American Citizen


Richard J. Bishirjian was Founding President and Professor of Government at Yorktown University from 2000-2016. He earned a B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh and a Ph.D. in Government and International Studies from the University of Notre Dame.

Dr. Bishirjian was Gerhart Niemeyer’s teaching assistant at Notre Dame. He was an assistant professor in the Department of Politics at the University of Dallas in Texas, chairman of the Political Science Department at the College of New Rochelle in New York and founder of Yorktown University where he served as President and Professor of government from 2000-2016.

He served as a political appointee in the Reagan Administration and in the Administration of George H. W.  Bush.

He is the editor of A Public Philosophy Reader and author of three books, The Development of Political Theory, The Conservative Rebellion and The Coming Death and Future Resurrection of American Higher Education. His most recent work, “Coda,” is a novel published by En Route Books. His most recent three scholarly studies are Ennobling Encounters, Rise and Fall of the American Empire, and Conscience and Power. Ennobling Encounters was published by En Route Books in September, 2021.

Dr. Bishirjian’s essays have been published in Forbes, The Political Science Reviewer, Modern Age, Review of Politics, Chronicles, the American Spectator and The Imaginative Conservative.

For the full story, see Dick’s website.


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A Heart Frozen in the Wilderness: The Reflections of a Siberian Missionary by Mary Kloska

A Heart Frozen in the Wilderness: The Reflections of a Siberian Missionary by Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania’s Polish.

To duchowe przemówienie, które wygłosiłem grupie polskiej młodzieży w ośrodku rekolekcyjnego w Bablińcu, Polska o Miłości, jaką Bóg dla nich ma. Został on przetłumaczony 3 września 2005 roku przez Hanię Przybylo. Można to posłuchać zarówno w moim języku angielskim, jak i po polsku Hania.

A Heart Frozen in the Wilderness: The Reflections of a Siberian Missionary

by Mary Kloska

Mary Kloska’s experience as a Siberian Missionary was inspired by an appeal from Our Blessed Mother, who prophesied at Fatima, “I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world…” And so, Mary Kloska’s days in Russia began. (Our Lady of Fatima, July 13, 1917)

Hardback: $19.95 | Paperback: $16.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Support Mary’s work! Sign-up today for a monthly donation to her through her Patreon account by clicking the image below!

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Buy a pillow and email a photo of you holding it, and I’ll post your photo on this page with your message to Mary.



The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love



“This writes about: The Heart of a Child, the Russian Heart, Jesus’ Patient Heart on the Cross, Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart … It is a catalyst for reflect YOUR part in the mystery of the HEART of CHRIST’S MYSTICAL BODY. Would others stay or change to be a heart frozen? Be a “star of the stormy sea” among frozen lakes, rivers, seas, even a merciless ocean. Be melting and warming as A HEART FROZEN. YOU be shine like stars in the world (see Philippians 2:15)!”- (Rev. Vincent A. Salamoni, Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (M.S.A.), author of The Mercy Ocean.- Rev. Vincent A. Salamoni, Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (M.S.A.), author of The Mercy Ocean


Mary Kloska is from Elkhart, Indiana. She was raised in a huge Polish family (12 brothers and sisters) along with a lot of foster babies and other needy people in and out of the house. She presently has 70+ nieces and nephews.  She has lived a very unique life. Upon graduating from Notre Dame in 1999 she spent almost 20 years in the missions serving the poor (including orphanages) as well as praying as a consecrated hermit all over the world –Siberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa, Philippines, Mexico, the Holy Land and all over Europe as well. Although she spent a lot of time away in silence praying, ironically she loves children and is very fun and outgoing when it comes to serving young adults, as well as the little ones. She also spent her time in the missions giving retreats, doing simple catechesis, leading prayer groups, giving spiritual direction, helping in deliverance, changing diapers, feeding babies and cleaning floors. After spending intense time serving in a mission she would withdraw for periods of ‘retreat’ as a hermit (including three years as an official diocesan hermit with vows under a Bishop.) The last few years she has spent as a fulltime nanny to infant triplets, twins and several large families. She speaks many languages (poorly) and enjoys playing guitar, painting icons, baking, gardening, reading, writing and simply filling in where there is the greatest need in the Church. Her WCAT Radio program, “The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love,” may be found here.


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