Ice Fog, Spirit Fire and the Narrow Gate, authored by Albert E. Hughes

Ice Fog, Spirit Fire and the Narrow Gate, authored by Albert E. Hughes

Ice Fog, Spirit Fire and the Narrow Gate: A Journey to Constant Joy

by Albert E. Hughes

When and how is each person’s psychological profile established? Al Hughes takes that question to task in an autobiography that begins with one of his earliest memories, four years old and sitting in a sandbox, facing several next door backyards, above which was a constant flow of ascending bombers launching into World War II. From a kindergartner in New Mexico in the Southern United States to the Paradise Commander on the island of Antigua in the Eastern Caribbean, Al Hughes gives us a witty and insightful understanding of a life oriented toward discovering the meaning of holiness and the path through the narrow gate.

Paperback: $14.95 Kindle: $9.99


“Al Hughes is not only a master spiritual director, but also a master story teller. Ice Fog, Spirit Fire and the Narrow Gate is a riveting journey through the mundanities of this world into a life in union with God.” – Sebastian Mahfood, OP, long-time member of the Antigua Historical Society

“A terrific story you’ll love!” – Ronda Chervin, co-author with Al Hughes of Simple Holiness and Escaping Anxiety


About the Author

Lt. Colonel Hughes (USAF retired) holds an M.S. (with distinction) in Systems Management from the Air Force Institute of Technology, an M.P.M. in Pastoral Ministry from Seattle University (Jesuit) and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction. He taught adults for 25 years as a Catholic catechist and retreat master and has published half a dozen books in the area of spiritual discovery along the road to holiness. He continues to be active as a master spiritual director.

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Servant of God, Gwen Coniker: God Leads, Faith and Trust Follow by Nancy Martin

Servant of God, Gwen Coniker: God Leads, Faith and Trust Follow by Nancy Martin

Special congratulations to Nancy for her being awarded an honorable mention for first time Catholic author and third place in Marriage and Family Living in the 2020 Catholic Book Awards.

Servant of God, Gwen Coniker: God Leads, Faith and Trust Follow

by Nancy E. Martin

Gwen Coniker, Servant of God, ordinary wife and mother of thirteen, teaches others how to live these dual vocations to a heroic degree. In a contemporary turbulent modern world, which has lost the real meaning of faithful marriage and the dignity of every human life, Gwen, along with her husband, Jerry, co-founded the Apostolate for Family Consecration. It was a vision which was conceived in Fatima and lived out in the United States. Gwen was challenged with her own moral dilemmas. How she dealt with these and lived her life left an impression on anyone who interacted with her.

Paperback $19.95 | $9.99 Kindle
Winds of Change


“The life and apostolate of the Servant of God, Gwen Coniker, has been well-documented by Nancy E. Martin in this book. The author presents Gwen Coniker as remarkable for her love of her husband, her motherly Christian education of her 12 children, her devotion to the apostolate of promoting families and her undoubted Christian impression on any one who interacted with her. In my yearly working visits to the Apostolate for Family Consecration over a period of 20 years, the impression never left me that Gwen Coniker was an extraordinary Catholic mother. The Second Vatican Council underlined the fact of the call of every one to holiness, which is the perfection of charity: love of God and love of neighbour (cf Lumen Gentium, 40). For both Church and society, it is a grace that mothers of families who practised Christian virtues to an heroic degree be raised to the honour of the altar. I have no doubt that this book will help to promote the Beatification Cause of Gwen Coniker and will encourage Christian mothers. I warmly recommend it.” – Francis Cardinal Arinze

“In the book Servant of God, Gwen Coniker: GOD LEADS, Faith & Trust Follow, the life of Servant of God Gwen Cecilia Coniker is unveiled so that we see that she was an ordinary woman who performed extraordinary deeds. Fittingly, Gwen set her priorities to be faith, love and family. One of the great fruits of Gwen and Jerry’s marriage as co-founders of the Apostolate for Family Consecration is how they became a family for other families; a vision conceived in Fatima and lived out in the United States. In the era of New Evangelization, the apostolate provides an additional resource for personal and communal renewal.” – Most Reverend Jeffrey M. Monforton, Bishop of Steubenville, OH

“The list of prelates who have signed off and have given their approval for their [Gwen and Jerry Coniker] apostolate is incredible.  It is truly a blessed and holy list of names that have sanctioned the work that they have done both with the Apostolate for family Consecration and for Catholic Familyland.”  Dr. Mary Anne Urlakis, Catholic Bioethicist WCAT Radio


Nancy Martin is a wife and mother of five who has a passion for the Catholic Faith. She has developed and led many varied ministerial efforts and has taught classes on Consecration to Our Lady via the St. Louis de Montfort charism both online and in the classroom.

She holds an M.A. Theology, Summa cum Laude, with concentrations in Dogmatics, Morality, and Bioethics from Holy Apostles College & Seminary in Cromwell, CT.  She has earned certifications in Lay Ministry, Advanced Biblical Studies, Bioethics, and Online Teaching. She has also published articles in the Social Justice Review.


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Where Are You? Finding Myself in My Greatest Loss, authored by M. J. Flood

Where Are You? Finding Myself in My Greatest Loss, authored by M. J. Flood

Where Are You? Finding Myself in My Greatest Loss

by M. J. Flood

Where Are You? Finding Myself in My Greatest Loss is the first published work by M.J. Flood. Recalling the author’s experience as the father of a stillborn daughter, this memoir articulates the private heartbreak and depression so frequently associated with disenfranchised griefs like pregnancy loss.  But Where Are You? is ultimately a work of hope, as M.J. Flood walks the reader through the chaos of death in search of the peace of healing.
Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle $9.99




“Author M.J. Flood has written an interesting, poignant, and enthralling story. I found I kept wanting to know more with questions and scenarios engendered by his descriptive and moving narratives. He examines and shares how many persons impacted his life with their concerns. Through his own reflections and analysis of them, Mr. Flood takes us to our own heart-mind, along with how [he] and his wife give of their time to others to help them with their loss-of-life situation. This author’s writing is profoundly endearing and a tender ‘must read’ for a myriad of reasons including understanding of the human condition with its strengths and frailties. The mindfulness of the author’s story is one that will remain with me forever.” — Reverend Dr. Marjorie S. Schiering, Professor, Molloy College

“M.J. Flood’s journey to acceptance and self-discovery following the still-born birth of his daughter Sophia is neither direct nor complete, as he himself states. But it is life-affirming. His path takes him and us through anger, shock, loneliness, searing pain, and darkness, but ultimately to a gift he traces to Sophia— love, an openness to others’ pain, a movement outside of himself to give to others also struggling.” — Robert Kinpoitner, Ph.D., English Dept. Chair, Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY

Where Are You? Finding Myself in My Greatest Loss by M.J. Flood is an honest and heartfelt account of a man’s journey through the grieving process after a heartbreaking loss.  It describes the gamut of emotions and the depth of loneliness one may experience and the need to get out of one’s own way in order to heal. I would recommend the memoir to anyone suffering loss.” — Virginia C. Honerkamp, RN MSN, Certified Hospice and Palliative Care

“M.J. Flood’s memoir Where Are You? is a ‘must read’ for all involved in bereavement ministry. For several reasons: First, it is a brutally honest examination of emotions, written in a heart-wrenching, soul-searching style. Second, it treats of a grief that is usually avoided, the loss of a still-born baby. Nobody wants to address this grief, but it is very real as Mr. Flood so poignantly shares with us. Third, it is written from the male perspective, which is rare in the bereavement field. Men seldom admit to their emotions, let alone share them! Thank you, Mr. Flood, for being the brave one who is willing to do so. Of special note is Mr. Flood’s use of the term ‘Loss Stew’: emotions and feelings that are swirling around in grief. I don’t know whether Mr. Flood ‘coined’ this term; in any event it should become part of the vocabulary of bereavement ministry. It was especially encouraging to hear of the healing that began for Mr. Flood and his wife Tara in their Bereavement Group. ‘Like-to-like’ sharing is essential, particularly with the loss of a baby. Thank you, M.J. Flood, for sowing the seeds of your ongoing journey towards healing. I am certain that God will use those seeds to bring healing to many others.” — Deacon Robert Campbell, OFS, St. Raymond’s Bereavement Ministry, East Rockaway, NY

“A first person account of this kind is so important because infant loss is such a devastating thing that it’s only been in recent years that people have begun to speak about it. I believe so many people are still grieving silently because we haven’t made their trauma and healing part of our ‘normal’ conversation—something I think we’re getting better at but haven’t fully opened up the communication. A book like this could do just that.” — Elizabeth O’Grady, LCSW, San Francisco, CA

“Beautifully written, poignant, heartfelt, and ultimately spiritually uplifting, M.J. Flood’s Where Are You? is an emotionally charged story about loss and the power of finding—and keeping—our faith through the darkest of nights.” — Gary Jansen, author of the national bestseller Station to Station.

“A wonderful book to help parents and family dealing with stillbirth! A resource for bereavement ministry!” — Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., author of Weeping with Jesus: From Grief to Hope and numerous other books of Catholic spirituality.

“M.J. Flood’s Where Are You? immediately transported me into a world where I was gently prodded to experience the grief, anger, guilt and confusion associated with loss. While we are programmed to accept the loss of a grandparent or parent, the death of a child or a youthful sibling leaves us, and those around us, at a loss. How do we justify this? How do we maintain our faith in g-d, ourselves, and the natural order of things. Time and our place in the world fall into question as we struggle to right ourselves. Mr. Flood’s book addresses these issues through a very personal and intimate lens. As such, it is a gift to its readers. As a psychotherapist who often deals with bereavement and grief I am happy to say that this book taught me much that I can, and will, integrate into my practice. When it is published, I hope to add this to my library and recommend it to my clients. I am proud to endorse this book for publication.” — Robert Margolis, LCSW,, Psychotherapy and Family Counseling Services

“A very thoughtful, compassionate, and accurate portrayal of the journey through grief and bereavement. Highly recommended reading for those looking to come out and rebound from loss.” — Christopher L. Hayes, Ph.D., Professor of Gerontology, Long Island University

“M.J. Flood’s book Where Are You? Finding Myself in My Greatest Loss is a compelling read. Mr. Flood shares with the reader a journey exploring grief and bereavement through a stream of consciousness style of recollection and discovery that most readers will find very real and honest. The loss of a child is sad and almost unbearable, but Mr. Flood’s emotional story gives hope and courage to those that experience this most crippling loss.” Peter V. Dugan Nassau County Poet Laureate (2017-2019)

“M.J. Flood explores his personal experience with a disenfranchised form of grief: loss of stillborn infant. A very compelling and moving account of healing from such a devastating loss.” — Luciano Sabatini, Ph.D., Bereavement Coordinator St. Bernard Parish, author of Bereavement Counseling in the School Setting.

Where Are You? is a powerful and emotional journey. I felt like I was listening in on Mr. Flood’s thoughts as he tries and succeeds to make sense of the loss of his daughter and other losses in his life, and ultimately finds himself.” — Ivy Diamond, LCSW, Perinatal Bereavement Social Worker

“As a member of a parish bereavement ministry, I am thankful for the opportunity to have read this memoir. This book is a voice especially to those who have experienced the loss of a stillbirth. We rarely have an opportunity to hear the feelings and emotions from the father’s perspective. I think he said it so eloquently when he recounted the sympathies given to his wife and people overlooking his share in the grief. I think he is brave and I hope his book is helping him through his grief. My prayer is that he knows how many people he is helping (especially other Dads). Mr. Flood’s story is impactful. I am thankful he had the courage to write it.” — Karen Gonyon BS, RN, CHPN

Where Are You? will shine in our support group library! Placed in the hands of newly bereaved parents, especially fathers — this heart-rending memoir will bring solace and healing hope. Mr. Flood’s genuine expression voices the uncharted map that is grief. He reveals the raw wound that he and Tara suffered in the death of baby Sophia and shares the journey as they slowly rebuild from utter darkness toward healing scars that forever shape their family’s life. He risks being vulnerable and misunderstood while validating the reality of loss in life, enveloped in faith and ultimately the grace of healing.” — Martha Weiss Guardian Angel Perinatal Support Group St. Kilian Parish Farmingdale, NY

“Flood’s narrative strikes a balance between an intensely personal confession that brings the reader along through his hardships and a perspective able to synthesize and analyze each event in the larger context. In this way, Where Are You? elevates individual experiences to universal understandings.” — Kenneth R. Frank, filmmaker, The Mix and Family Obligations

“M.J. Flood offers us the gift of opening himself up, revealing his vulnerabilities as he embraces losing born still Sophia, while finding himself in the process. He shares how Sophia has become an inspiration and offers the reader/griever insight as to how to lead a productive life in the aftermath of such tragedy. Over the years, as he discovers where he is, Flood learns to love himself by accepting his pain and thoughts as real; and by helping us understand that “our losses are each others’ comfort.” Where Are You? is a double, triple and even larger entendre during this tender and humble process. His writing is poignant, humble, loving and honest.” — Nancy Berlow, LCSW,

“Author M.J. Flood transports his readers on a true spiritual journey. It is not often that an author can reach inside the reader and touch the heart and soul as Flood does. You’ll cherish this book!” — Alexander J. Basile, author, educator and musician

“A young father’s pain and hope echoes through the pages of his story, Where Are You? Finding Myself in My Greatest Loss. What a gift for grieving dads to hear first-hand from another grieving father, how he deals with the stillbirth of his first-born child. In ‘men’s terms,’ M.J. Flood describes the new world that surrounds him, the heartache endured, the haunting, unanswered questions, the everyday struggles, the endless choices to be made, and the eye-opening lessons learned, especially in a world that always inquires how the mother is doing, but rarely asks about the dad. Flood’s vibrant, inviting writing style (which I like to call ‘man talk’) grabs your attention right away, even brings some welcome smiles, as you ‘walk the walk’ with him, hear his message, and begin to understand how other losses in his life (brother and grandmother) have affected this one which he reverently calls, ‘My Greatest Loss.’ Sharing this book with heartbroken moms and other family members, too, offers a valuable bonus, opening the door for them to respect different ways of grieving, coping and surviving.” — Elaine E. Stillwell, M.A, M.S., Chapter Leader, The Compassionate Friends of Rockville Centre, NY,Former Bereavement Coordinator, Diocese of Rockville Centre, Author, The Death of a Child: Reflections for Grieving Parents, Contributing Editor, Grief Digest

“[Flood] is very open, and as a result the work is very moving. He’s definitely a fresh voice.” — Tim Houlihan, Ph.D., Interim President St. Francis College, Brooklyn, New York

“[Flood] writes very movingly about the death of Sophia.” — Tom Hauser (author & publisher)

“I wish this book was available 36 years ago. Last October marked 36 years since I miscarried my first child. I don’t think we ever grieved; it just wasn’t acceptable. Flood’s book gives permission to be a parent to the child in the womb who is called to be an angel.” — Marija Wierzbicki (former Clergy Personnel Director for Diocese of Brooklyn, New York)

“A roller coaster ride of emotion – to the highs of expecting, to the lowest of lows of loss. Care, affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, sadness, devastation, despair, healing or dealing, and obviously an ever-present sense of love – all of it there in words, actions and reflection. The, at-times, jarring story-telling creates this cacophony of words and phrases that invites and perhaps forces the reader to feel his raw, real emotion – there is no doubt that I felt anger, anxiety and agitation. Conversely, through the disorientation of the emotional experience, there was a great presence of family, love and that one is never alone no matter what it feels like, what it looks like BUT you need to be willing to see it, feel it and welcome it. This work captures a journey that many unfortunately have taken before – but it also walks the reader through a process where a broken-heart through faith, family and love can ultimately lead to hoping, healing and helping others. Through that Sophia’s presence and love is forever present, forever shared.” —Thomas F. Flood, Vice President for Advancement, St. Francis College, Brooklyn, New York

“This is a truly touching story (or collection of stories) of love, loss, grief and healing told in an engaging and relatable voice. As a reader I can relate to the language, colorful at times, but always thoughtful and in some cases perfectly phrased. As examples: ‘Thinking is the petri dish for every guilt created, every shame felt, every slight (imagined or real) delivered. And from that same dish comes every spontaneously generated saving grace. Every hope realized. Oh, it’s a mess at times, for sure’ and ‘In the end, that’s what bereavement groups do. What people like Ivy Diamond do. They widen the lens through which we can consider our loss. Some people give a narrow lens. Drugs and alcohol can be a lens. Some people think they’re giving you the lens: the only way to see. Ivy didn’t give me the lens, but a lens. Perhaps a lens that simply helped me to know that there are lenses at all with which we can view tragedy in a better way.’ I think this is a wonderful gift to provide to those who are grieving in any context really, but would also make a welcome addition to any therapeutic environment. I would surely recommend to clients I have who might be struggling with loss.” — Jennifer Lancaster, Ph.D. (Vice President for Academic Affairs/Academic Dean, licensed clinical psychologist)

“What a beautiful tribute. What an inspiration for anyone grieving. The author’s reflections and thoughts and feelings were truly profound. The work can be such a help not only to grieving parents but to many who have suffered loss.” — Rita Chojnacki RNCHPN, Certified grief counselor

“This is a deeply emotional and personal account of the loss of a child. A story that gives the reader an understanding of the ongoing, emotional toll of grief. It is a valuable resource for the bereaved or for those healing from loss. I found this sentence in [the] speech for Martha Weiss’s GAPS at St. Kilian’s in Farmingdale extremely comforting: ‘But the life I live doesn’t have to be governed by loss.’” — Maria Mullaly, Executive Assistant to the Dean, The Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing, Molloy College, Rockville Centre, New York

“At times, a painful read for one personally acquainted with this caliber of loss and grief. But reading this book was like having a profound discussion with a friend that you remember for the rest of your life. Mr. Flood’s sharing and insights were thought provoking, causing me to revisit the dark corners of loss and grief that my husband and I put far away. Sure, certain days of the year you remember how old a child (now adult) would have been but never dwell too long lest you really start counting up the lost milestones and unlived years of life. I applaud Mr. Flood and his wife for honoring their first daughter and keeping her present in their family’s and friend’s lives. God bless him.” — Tanya Kasprzyk, Parish Outreach Coordinator Roman Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart

“A beautiful and powerful story of a father’s love for his born still daughter and how she helped him to find his way through loss, depression and healing. A story of unconditional love and the true meaning of life.” — Diane Wilshere, “Helping Parents Heal



M.J. Flood is a husband and a father of two little girls and a baby angel. Residing in Long Island, New York, he is a high school literature and writing teacher and the author of Where Are You? Finding Myself in My Greatest Loss, his first published work.

Flood is also the writer/director of Too Much Noise — a short film in American Sign Language — which has appeared in several film festivals and won the Best Original Idea award at New York City’s 2018 Chain Film Festival.

M. J. Flood, “A Father’s Voyage To The Moon – Without His Baby Girl,” Still Standing Magazine (March 11, 2019)

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Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’ by Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA

Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA, a Missionary of the Holy Apostles, has created an intellectually stimulating and visually delightful photo-documentary of his experiences in Israel during an intercultural study tour sponsored by Holy Apostles College & Seminary in conjunction with the Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies from December 27, 2011, to January 10, 2012. Over the course of the journey, which begins in Galilee and ends inside of Christ’s tomb, Fr. Thompson shows us what can be seen in a two-week tour of the Holy Lands. These images will ignite a fire under anyone contemplating such a pilgrimage. This photo book should be downloaded onto the mobile devices of anyone who is heading that way or who desires one day to do so.

Hardback $39.99 | Kindle $9.99



Fr. Thompson has developed an excellent photo-documentary that will serve as a helpful guide for anyone traveling on tour to the Holy Lands or remaining at home and living vicariously through the camera lens of one who has done so already. From the walls of Jericho to the tomb of Christ, Fr. Thompson’s eye captures it all, providing a rich narrative of explanation along the way. – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, co-author with Dr. Ronda Chervin of Catholic Realism.


Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA, is the Dean of Seminarians at Holy Apostles College & Seminary.


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The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

by Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson and Prof. Robert Hubbard

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary is a yearbook of over sixty years of a Catholic seminary and college located in picturesque Cromwell, Connecticut. Dr. Toolin-Wilson and Prof. Hubbard begin with a brief overview of the first years of Holy Apostles, including its founder, Fr. Eusebe Menard, OFM. They next use words and pictures to describe the vibrant Holy Apostles community. This community is guided by bishops, rectors, faculty, and staff whose concern is the development of Catholic ordained, religious, and lay faithful leaders. The authors emphasize the stability of Holy Apostles in its mission of forming Catholic leaders. They document its development from a small school with fewer than ten students to an institution serving a diverse student body composed of many ethnic and national groups globally through its online programs and residentially on its home campus. Among these groups are vocations to the priesthood, candidates to the permanent diaconate, religious sisters and brothers, and the laity. 440 full-color photographic pages!

For a comprehensive list of faculty, graduates, honorary doctorates, and spiritual service awards, see our homepage on Holy Apostles College & Seminary’s website.

Hardcover with dust jacket: $249.99
Kindle E-Book: $39.99


“I want to thank and to congratulate both Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson and her co-author Robert Hubbard for this interesting publication. Most of all, I am thankful for their dedication and love of Holy Apostles College and Seminary. Beyond doubt, our fine and worthy academic and spiritual institution is more of a ‘family’ than most higher learning institutions. Our founder, Father Eusebe Menard, O.F.M., had a dream and a charism from the Holy Spirit, which is alive and vibrant since from before the Vatican Council II and into this millennium: ‘to promote, form and accompany youth and adults in their vocation to the priesthood and to other ministries in the Church.’ Certainly, Holy Apostles is a ‘hidden treasure’ in the Connecticut valley and has brought literally thousands of students and visitors, international and local, to discover the lovely and historical city of Cromwell. May the Lord continue to bless this vital apostolate with new dimensions and horizons of becoming ‘missionary disciples’.” — Very Rev. Edward J. Przygocki, M.S.A., Chancellor of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

“I find this book to be a captivating journey across the first sixty years of our history.” – Fr. Peter Kucer, MSA, STD, a 2001 graduate of Holy Apostles College and Seminary and currently President-Rector

“Holy Apostles College and Seminary is a miracle of the Divine Providence in its foundation as well as in its continued existence. This story by Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson and Prof. Bob Hubbard accurately captures that miracle. I thank the Divine Lord with all my heart for giving me the grace to work there to the formation of priests, religious and committed lay people since 1998. Long life to HACS!” – Fr. Michel Legault, MSA, Professor of Philosophy, Holy Apostles College & Seminary

“Cheers for the beautiful history of Holy Apostles! What a tour de force! The delightful photographic illustrations make the meticulous research come alive. Bravo!”  – Dr. Ronda Chervin, Professor Emerita of Philosophy (retired), Holy Apostles College & Seminary

“Holy Apostles College and Seminary is a place where contemplation meets action and visa versa. This book captures the kind of joy within our community that makes possible that kind of creative engagement.” – Angelyn Arden, Ph.D., Professor of Humanities, Holy Apostles College & Seminary


Cynthia Toolin-Wilson is a Professor of Dogmatic and Moral Theology at Holy Apostles College and Seminary. She holds a doctorate in sociology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and a licentiate in theology from Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. She teaches graduate courses on campus and through online learning. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She divides her time between Connecticut and Vermont.

Robert Hubbard, a retired professor at Albertus Magnus College, is the author of seven books including The Last Survivors, Legendary Locals of Middletown, and Connecticut’s Deadliest Tornadoes. He is also the webmaster of biographical websites on St. Thomas More, and entertainers Nana Mouskouri and Phil Silvers. A lifelong Catholic, he was impressed by Holy Apostles College and Seminary’s goal of “forming moral and ethical leaders who know and love God,” and asked Cynthia Toolin-Wilson to collaborate on a book that would tell the Holy Apostles story.



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The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

by Francis Etheredge

Restless, bitter beyond hope, an unconscious pilgrim becomes conscious at forty that failing to find himself was the moment God awaited to give a sinner the gift of faith, transforming agonies of searching into a decision to marry, work, unfold a family life, and witness to the help of God. The Good Shepherd enables our communion with one another, so this book has grown immeasurably through the witness of others.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99

The Family on Pilgrimage, Intro. to Ch. 4
The Family on Pilgrimage: Our Mother of the Incarnation


Prologue: The Holy Family in the life of the Family; Scripture; and Pilgrimage

  • Alberto Guiterrez: An Experience of Evangelization

General Introduction

  • Part I: An Unexpected Beginning; Part II: A Comment on the Structure as a Whole; Part III: A General Introduction to Each Chapter (III)
  • Corinna Turner: A Pilgrimage to Walsingham and its Relationship to a New Religious Congregation and to Providence

Chapter One 

  • An Unconscious Pilgrim Becomes Conscious: A Prose account of the Beads of Pilgrimage (Part I); The Family on Pilgrimage (Part II); and the Life-Cycle Poems (Part III: I-V)
  • Alan Soares: Pilgrimage and a Dialogue with God Leading to the Vocation to Marriage
  • Clare Hill: Pilgrimage throughout 81 Years of Life and The Teams of Our Lady

Chapter Two

  • In Pilgrimage to the Coming of the Word: Part I: Three Poems: Our Mother of the Incarnation; Bread of Love, Wine of Glory; and Christmas; Part II: A Prose Account of the Enlightening Work of the Word of God; and Part III: The Gifts of Pilgrimage
  • Dominic Quirke: An Experience of Pilgrimage and a Relationship to God Leading to a Vocation to the Priesthood

Chapter Three 

  • The World Youth Day Pilgrimage to Cracow: Fundraising and Obstacles (I); General Impressions and a Particular Conversation in Europe (II); and the Gift of a Catechesis on Edith Stein in a Polish Carmelite Convent (III)
  • Grace, Teresa and Peter Etheredge: World Youth Day Pilgrimage Experiences (Cracow, 2016)

Chapter Four

  • Part I: A Pilgrimage to the Truth that Heals: On Coming to the Sacrament of Marriage; Part II: On the Woman Caught in Adultery and the Love Expressed in Christ the Word; Part III: “Be Open to Life”: “Abstract Norm” or “Embodied Word”?
  • Alan Soares: Evangelization and the Help to the Family

Chapter Five

  • Writing as a Pilgrimage of Work: Part I: “My Words Bled” and “A Day in the Life of a Student”; “Meals”; Part II: Success is Steering through the Setbacks; Part III: Writing a Way Forward
  • Corinna Turner: An Experience of Pilgrimage and Thoughts on Martyrdom

Epilogue and a Final Poem: “Bruised or Well Used Words?”

Postscript: An Experience of an Evangelizing Fool for God


“Francis Etheredge, in his book The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends explores the interesting premise that ‘just as the early life of Christ was generally hidden in the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, so the life of the Holy Family is generally hidden in the pilgrimage of the family.’ The revival of the pilgrimage for families is the passion of this book. He wants the reader to understand that pilgrimages are not merely for the saints, the sick, or those on World Youth days. To go on a pilgrimage, said Etheredge, is to pray with one’s feet on a long journey to God. As a full-time writer, Etheredge sees the vocation of writing as a pilgrimage of perseverance. This pilgrimage writing involves being a new colour in the crowd, a note on the air, putting forth new shoots on an aging stem. Is this book, said Etheredge, ‘a willful conglomeration of disparate pieces’ or a unified call to faith? At age forty, he turned from the pull of suicide to a new beginning of faith, ending in a marriage with eight children going with him on pilgrimages. I recommend this book for its poetic creativity and interesting look at family pilgrimage.” – Rev. Dr. Ed Hird, Anglican Priest, Author and Conference Speaker

“The author’s skills as a philosopher, poet, and father of 11 all converge in this timely, readable, and important book. Etheredge is a modern John Bunyan writing a new Pilgrim’s Progress for the modern family that needs encouragement in times of difficulty and fortitude when it seems to be running out of patience.” – Donald DeMarco, author of In Praise of Life and How to Flourish in a Fallen World

“Beginning with lessons from the Holy Family, Francis Etheredge’s The Family on Pilgrimage proceeds to provide a plethora of fascinating and holy insights of value to every person in every family who would seek to end their life-long pilgrimage within the gates of heaven, face-to-face with God.” — Kevin Vost, Psy.D., author of Memorize the Latin Mass!

“Life is a pilgrimage, a journey toward the Kingdom of Heaven; it is a journey toward Eden made new. Yet, along the way, this journey is often fraught with difficulties and anxieties, even with points of despair. And it is here, in the trenches of real life, that Francis Etheredge’s work comes as balm to the weary soul. Filled with stories and anecdotes and even poetry, this warm work runs the reader through the various changes and chances of life, revealing along the way their common theme: pilgrimage, specifically the family on pilgrimage. Yet, this common theme is not understood in a vacuum, but, rather, as part of a grand narrative: the historic, evangelical, concrete, tangible, touchable, universal call to faith. I encourage all, therefore, to join Etheredge on this pilgrimage ‘into the mystery of God and His Word’ as we journey together as the body of Christ from this life toward the life to come.” — Fr. Josh Genig, Associate Professor of Pastoral Studies, Holy Apostles, Cromwell, CT

“Francis Etheredge has written a truly inspirational book for so many of us who, in the prime of life, had somehow – very successfully – managed to hit a complete dead end in life. Now what? Be not afraid! This remarkable book tells the tale of an inspiring personal pilgrimage that can fill every heart with renewed hope that God will, if we let Him, lead us and turn our devastating dead ends into a joyful journey filled with God’s mercy and love. Dead ends are blessings in disguise!” – Elizabeth B. Rex, Ph.D., MBA, President, The Children First Foundation


Christine Sunderland, “Drawn through Time to Eternity,” in Christine (June 15, 2022), click here.

“Lord: Do you mean me? A father-catechist!” in The Catholic Weekly (March 10, 2022), click here.

Aaron Martin, Homiletics and Pastoral Review (October 28, 2021)

Fintan Monahan, Bishop of Killaloe Diocese, Killaloe Diocese News, Review (June 5, 2020)

Kelly Jayne Lazell. “Goodreads.” (May 19, 2020)

Knight, Eileen Quinn. “Profiles in Catholicism.” (January, 2019)


Nary, Gordon. “Profiles in Catholicism.” (November, 2017)


Etheredge, Francis. “The Holy Land: A Resounding of Place and Person” This version was first published in a trilogy From Truth and truth: Volume-III: Faith is Married Reason, published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, pp. 223-227.

Etheredge, Francis. “Loaves and Fishes: An Experience of the World Meeting of Families” St. Bernadette’s Parish Newsletter (September 2, 2018)

Etheredge, Francis. “Being Open to New Life: Abstract Norm or Embodied Word?” Homiletics & Pastoral Review (January 23, 2018).


Mr. Francis Etheredge is married with eight children, plus three in heaven.

Francis is currently a freelance writer and speaker and his “Posts” on LinkedIn can be viewed here. Poetry; short articles; autobiographical blog; excerpts from books; and “Philosophize: A Ten Minute Write.”

For a list of all of Francis’ books published by En Route Books and Media, click here.

See Francis’ other books, too, entitled Scripture: A Unique WordFrom Truth and truth: Volume I-Faithful ReasonFrom Truth and truth: Volume II: Faith and Reason in DialogueFrom Truth and truth: Volume III: Faith is Married Reason.

He has earned a BA Div (Hons), MA in Catholic Theology, PGC in Biblical Studies, PGC in Higher Education, and an MA in Marriage and Family (Distinction).

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