The Holy Heart

The Holy Heart

The Holy Heart

by Holly Garman

“My Father will love you so deeply that We will
come to you and make you Our dwelling place.”
~ Jesus (Jn. 14:32, TPT)

The Scriptural truths of The Holy Heart help us to let God become fully at home in us, as we become fully at home in Him. When that depth of union is reached, circumstances and conditions will no longer matter. They will simply be details that are experienced from a deep place of rest, which nothing can affect.

Home is more than a place; it is a Person.

Paperback: $9.99 | Kindle $5.99


The Holy Heart is a book that invites us to receive the regenerating creative power of Scripture as the Living Word. It is wonderfully rich in grace.” – Fr. John Horn, S.J.


Holly is devoted to faith and family. She served in Protestant churches for many years as pianist, prayer ministry leader and teacher of adult spiritual formation classes. She converted to Catholicism in 2008. Her passion is prayer and Scripture study. Holly and her husband have two daughters and five grandchildren.


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Raising ‘Children of the Cross’ (the Spiritual Formation of Children)

Raising ‘Children of the Cross’ (the Spiritual Formation of Children)

Raising ‘Children of the Cross’ (the Spiritual Formation of Children)

by Mary Kloska

Each human soul is knitted together in his or her mother’s womb and given the breath of life for one single purpose: to be who God created him or her to be (the saint that God created him or her to be) by knowing Him, loving Him and serving Him (doing His will) here on earth and then forever in eternity. This is the purpose of this book – to help the reader in the formation of children so that they grow up to do just this. By ‘being who God made us to be,’ we set the world on fire (with His Love) – we change it forever – and we conform ourselves to be more and more like Him.
Hardback: $19.95 | Paperback: $14.99 | Kindle: $9.99
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The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love



Fedorow, D. (2022, December 9). “Elkhart woman’s writings help underground church.” The Goshen News. Click here to read the article. 


Raising ‘Children of the Cross’ is, simply, a wonderful, wonderful book. I wish every Catholic family would read it and make use of it.” – Dr. Ronda Chervin, Emerita Professor of Philosophy of Holy Apostles College and Seminary, author of numerous Catholic books, and Catholic Media presenter


Mary Kloska is from Elkhart, Indiana. She was raised in a huge Polish family (12 brothers and sisters) along with a lot of foster babies and other needy people in and out of the house. She presently has 70+ nieces and nephews.  She has lived a very unique life. Upon graduating from Notre Dame in 1999 she spent almost 20 years in the missions serving the poor (including orphanages) as well as praying as a consecrated hermit all over the world –Siberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa, Philippines, Mexico, the Holy Land and all over Europe as well. Although she spent a lot of time away in silence praying, ironically she loves children and is very fun and outgoing when it comes to serving young adults, as well as the little ones. She also spent her time in the missions giving retreats, doing simple catechesis, leading prayer groups, giving spiritual direction, helping in deliverance, changing diapers, feeding babies and cleaning floors. After spending intense time serving in a mission she would withdraw for periods of ‘retreat’ as a hermit (including three years as an official diocesan hermit with vows under a Bishop.) The last few years she has spent as a fulltime nanny to infant triplets, twins and several large families. She speaks many languages (poorly) and enjoys playing guitar, painting icons, baking, gardening, reading, writing and simply filling in where there is the greatest need in the Church. Her WCAT Radio program, “The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love,” may be found here.


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The Mercy Ocean

The Mercy Ocean

The Mercy Ocean

by Reverend Vincent A. Salamoni, M.S.A.

Simply described as a collection of information, which perhaps will be USEFUL TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS!

Father Vincent’s book of meditative reflections offers a spiritual journey into the depths of grace through the maritime imagery of the Mercy Ocean.

Paperback: $19.95 | PDF: Free


“Fr. Salamoni’s unique reflections on Faith and Life in a nautical context have always spoken to me and others who are involved in maritime work and the ministry to the People of the Sea. May this collection be an inspiration to all mariners, and all who live, recreate or work upon the vast waters.” – Doreen M Badeaux, Secretary General Apostleship of the Sea of the United States of America

“I have served with Fr Salamoni for many years as a fellow Active Duty Navy Chaplain. I have been the beneficiary of his writings which were always joyful, thought provoking, and a delight to read. I heartily and happily give my endorsement to this latest collection. Enjoy!” – Bishop Joseph L Coffey, Vicar for Veterans Affairs, Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA

On the occasion of the 9/11 Boatlift 20th Anniversary Tribute: “Thank you Chaplain: We appreciate you thinking of us as we prepare to honor the heroes, victims and survivors. Your maritime-related prayers continue to uplift many of our members.” – Jessica LM Hitchen, Executive Director, New York Council Navy League 
“May The Mercy Ocean be a source of consolation for all who ponder on its gems of wisdom.” — Very Rev. Peter S. Kucer, MSA, STD; President-Rector of Holy Apostles College & Seminary.
“To those who meditate, the Spirit’s gift of Knowledge and Understanding is abundant, and the Heart of Jesus is open for us to see if we seek Him in such a path.  Father Vincent’s short work of collected meditations and memorable quotes from various sources is a simple and genuine fruit of his own labor of meditation.  Enveloped in beautiful images, and even more beautiful thoughts, The Mercy Ocean is a piece meant to help those along their own path of meditation. Read slowly, read carefully, and read seeking the face of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.” — Fra. Angelo, Knights of the Holy Eucharist
“Antoine de Saint Exupéry (1900-1944), a French writer and aviator, once wrote: ‘If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.’ Fr. Vincent Salamoni’s The Mercy Ocean accomplishes this. More than a sailor’s retreat, this book is a sailor’s delight in the way it inspires the contemplative to cast out into the deep of God’s mercy and grace.” — Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy: a hundred-day guided journal


Fr. Vincent A. Salamoni, M.S.A. (Vincent Gaspar Anthony Rizzuti Salamoni), is a member of the Society of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (M.S.A.). Their charism is to promote, form and accompany vocations to the priesthood and other ministries.

He ministered from on board from a dugout canoe in the Peruvian Amazon to on board the USS ENTERPRISE (CVN-65) nuclear air carrier, which is not the starship!

He is retired from in the Chaplain Corps of the United States Navy.

Now, he is a Provincial Emeritus of the MSA-USA and is being through, with, and in, the Mercy Ocean.

An Autobiography (abridged)


My four grandparents born in Sicily. They went to New York City, in approximately their twenties. They lived in the USA about 50 years and never spoke English. My father was 6 years old when he arrived in NYC. My mother was born in the USA; some of her siblings were born in Sicily. My father was an iconic NYC taxi driver for over 40 years. My mother worked as a seamstress in the NYC garment industry, and afterwards was a full-time housewife. I have three older sisters … extended biological family …


The development of my worldview: Received a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Worked 5 years in the insurance industry. Sailed 2 years in the U.S. Navy as a Radarman / Operations Specialist. Became a Vietnam veteran.


Ordained in 1984; theological studies: 2 years in USA, 2 years in Rome. Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (M.S.A.)  2 years in Vicariate Apostolic San José del Amazonas (Peru); 1 year Connecticut; 2 years near Lima, 6 years near Caracas. U.S. Navy, Chaplain Corps: 13 active years: including – Okinawa; USS ENTERPRISE, not a starship, rather an aircraft carrier; Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Iceland; Virginia; San Diego, Naval Hospital; Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands et cetera. Emeritus USA-MSA Provincial Animator (Superior) “Pastoral” Pasture

“After a dangerous voyage, at last I am in sight of the port I have been trying to get to for so long. I shall now be able to enjoy my God … and I shall be freed from a heavy load which I just can’t bear.” – Saint Louis of Anjou, on his deathbed


Shared Miracle Stories

Shared Miracle Stories

Shared Miracle Stories of the Dominican Community of Mary Mother of Dominic and Friends of Cedaredge

Ed. by Mrs. Helen R. Hawkins, OP

This is a book that invites us to share our miracles with one another. Why does God use or allow miracles? First, a miracle is an action of God. Therefore, when God acts—a miracle is not merely being allowed (it is in fact occurring every time God acts). Second, God truly loves us more than we love ourselves. Miracles often look like a co-incidence because there is often an action or a problem—and then, God’s Re-action. Not every miracle is earthshaking. It’s beneficial to tell others about the co-incidence miracles we all do notice each day. This sharing of true-miracle-stories feeds the souls of others and encourages them to also notice God’s-Personality as well. So, we invite the readers of this open journal to engage its pages with miracle stories of their own.

Foreword by Tony Coscia, author of Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles.

Paperback: $19.99 | Kindle $9.99




Mrs. Helen Hawkins, OP, is a member of the Blessed Mary Mother of Dominic Community of Cedaredge, CO.


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The Fourteen Holy Helpers

The Fourteen Holy Helpers

The Fourteen Holy Helpers

Authored by Allison Lunsford and Illustrated by Joan Bennett

Saint Acacius, Saint Barbara, Saint Blaise, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Saint Christopher, Saint Cyriacus, Saint Denis, Saint Erasmus, Saint Eustace, Saint George, Saint Giles, Saint Margaret, Saint Pantaleon, Saint Vitus
These fourteen saints were classified as the “Holy Helpers” during the scourge of the Black Plague in the 1300s. Today, it seems there has never been a better time to re-introduce the Holy Helpers to the Catholic world and to society as a whole. Especially helpful to younger readers, but suitable for all ages, this book offers a devotion to the Fourteen Holy Helpers that will inspire, uplift, and draw us into a deeper friendship with the saints and thus with God Himself. The need is great in our world and in our homes, and though we cannot perhaps reach every soul, we would count ourselves blessed to be able to bring truth to just one soul or one home. May the fire of the Holy Spirit enkindle us with His love and give us all the grace of zeal for God’s honor and glory, as He did for the Fourteen Holy Helpers.
Full Color Inside!
Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Saint Agathius (Acacius)

Saint Catherine of Alexandria

Saint Denis

Saint George

Saint Pantaleon

Saint Barbara

Saint Christopher

Saint Erasmus

Saint Giles

Saint Blaise

Saint Cyriacus

Saint Eustace

Saint Margaret of Antioch

Saint Vitus


Esfield, Jill. (April 7, 2023.) “Book reintroduces saints in time of need.” The Leaven Catholic Newspaper. Click here for the full article. 


“In an era when so much of our Catholic tradition has been abandoned, Allison Lunsford and Joan Bennett’s new book The Fourteen Holy Helpers is a delightful surprise. Through them, a signature devotion of plague-ravaged medieval Christendom has come roaring back to life. The Fourteen Holy Helpers is a well-written and well-illustrated volume strongly reminiscent of the Fr. Lovasik books that are so popular with our kids and others in our parish. Adults will also enjoy these stories of both familiar and little-known saints, gaining many new heavenly patrons for the problems that life can throw our way. A great resource for Catholic families!” —Claudio Salvucci, Author and founder of Ancilla Press

“This beautifully illustrated book, filled with captivating accounts of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, paints the images of the saints so well both in art and words. Readers of all ages will be inspired by these incredible saints!” — Jessica Gordon, Blogger, Shower of Roses and Catholic Cuisine

“In Catholicism we believe in knowing of God, of approaching Him, through the way of beauty. Allison Lunsford’s book, The Fourteen Holy Helpers, is beautiful. Allison Lunsford wrote the story of each saint clearly and succinctly, so anyone – even children – can remember the basics about each one. She emphasizes for each saint, the relationship with God, the aid of God in those martyred, and how each one’s life and death was tied to why they are venerated. Her friend, Mrs. Joan Bennett, completed an original painting of each saint. The paintings show each saint as a unique, unrepeatable, person – it is as if she took a photograph of the saint and painted it. Her artistic skill brings out the holiness in each saints face. When I saw the paintings of Saint Blaise and Saint Giles, as a previous throat cancer patient, I was overcome with emotion. The Helpers were venerated individually, but during the Bubonic Plaque, they were venerated as a group. We should ask for their intercession now, in the time of the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. And this presents an opportunity for us to teach our children of the relevance of the Helpers and all saints, in our daily lives, if we but ask for their help. Put the book in your book case or coffee table, where it is always available and will put you in mind of the help so easily available by simply asking for it!” – Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson, S.T.L., Holy Apostles College and Seminary, Professor of Dogmatic and Moral Theology, author of Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness


For Allison, writing has always been her easiest and most honest mode of expression, so bringing the lives of the Fourteen Holy Helpers to life in narrative form was a welcome challenge.

Since earning her Bachelor of Arts degree in English and History from Holy Apostles College in Cromwell, CT, she has dreamed of pursuing her passion for writing. She is grateful for God’s grace and the suggestion of Joan Bennett, the illustrator, in making this dream a reality.

Allison prefers writing to reading, cooking to baking, and home improvement projects to any other entertainment. She and her husband Denton make their home in Kansas. Both are deeply devoted to the music and mystery of the sacred liturgy.


Joan has worked at painting her whole life, but it was only recently that she has made it her business. Four years ago, Joan’s daughter experienced a miraculous healing through St. Maria Goretti’s intercession, and when she couldn’t find a painting of the young saint she really loved, Joan decided to create her own.

Through the encouragement of family and friends, Joan began expanding her collection of saints, and today, she especially enjoys providing paintings for those who are searching for portraits of lesser-known saints. She is the proud mother of four and grandmother of seventeen, one of which is a little saint who died the day of her birth and baptism. Joan lives in rural Pennsylvania with her husband and daughter.

Joan owns Good Shepherd Fine Arts shop on Etsy, where she sells her paintings, holy cards, jewelry, and stationery in an effort to spread devotion to the saints and to touch her customers’ lives in any way she can. You can view her work online at


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Led by the Spirit

Led by the Spirit

Led by the Spirit: Into the Consciousness of Christ

by Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

Following Jesus means being open to and led by his Spirit. This book explores the meaning of this phrase by looking at the larger picture of why God entered our world and became one of us in the first place. It hinges on one fundamental insight. If the mystery of the Incarnation marks the beginning of a renewed friendship between God and man, then the sending of his Spirit reveals an even deeper way for the two of them to relate. Because of the Spirit, God is able to dwell within the human heart throughout the corridors of history.

Paperback: $14.99 | Kindle: $9.99


“Succinct and profound!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy: A Hundred-Day Guided Journal


Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R., is Professor Emeritus of the history of moral theology and Christian spirituality at the Alphonsian Academy of the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome and currently serves as The Robert F. Leavitt Distinguished Service Chair in Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore. An American Redemptorist of the Baltimore Province, Fr. Billy has advanced degrees from Harvard University, the Pontifical University of St. Thomas (Angelicum), and the Graduate Theological Foundation. The author of numerous books and articles on a variety of religious topics, he is also active in his order’s retreat apostolate and in the ministry of spiritual direction.



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