A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary by Raymond Dennehy

A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary by Raymond Dennehy

A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary

by Raymond Dennehy

In this book, Catholic philosopher Raymond Dennehy demonstrates to the reader that besides being a powerful source of God’s grace and, as Father Garrigou-Lagrange observed, “a school of contemplation,” the Rosary is also a remedy for the errors of secular humanism; it is a prayer that affirms the goodness of the world and worldly progress while at the same time opening our minds and hearts evermore to the truth that the world belongs to God and that progress is true progress only when it leads to Him.
Paperback $14.99 | Kindle $9.99


“Here, at last, is a book of reflections on the Rosary written by a Philosopher. And Dennehy is the best kind of philosopher: one whose brilliant observations are refined by poignant experience, whose philosophical metal is forged by practical fire. Raymond Dennehy understands firsthand the importance of wielding the weapon of the Rosary through life: from the rigors of boot camp; to near-death in a typhoon at sea as a Naval Officer; and later as a family man and professor. Let this Soldier-Philosopher navigate you through the mysteries of the Rosary. This book reminds us that we not only have to think our way through life, but also to be prepared to fight the good fight. Raymond Dennehy has known firsthand the storm of the fourth watch of the night: savor this book that teaches how the the rope of the Rosary’s mysteries can pull you to safety. This book is not just good philosophy. It’s a battle plan.” —Annabelle Moseley, author of Sacred Braille: The Rosary as Masterpiece

“A more adequate read for today’s Catholics under siege in a secular world would be hard to find. In these pages, philosopher Ray Dennehy draws upon the wisdom of the Rosary as a way to more fully engage our Catholic faith.” Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Lay Dominican of the Central U.S. Province of St. Albert the Great

“Raymond Dennehy’s gracious gift to the Blessed Mother is a wonderful boon to us all. While many fine books have looked at the Rosary through various helpful lenses, this author’s acute perspective sees it as a cure for the growing secular humanism that denies or rejects God by opening our eyes to ‘the “goodness of the world and worldly progress,’ while at the same time opening our hearts and minds to the God Who created the world and to Whom all true progress leads. Any lover of philosophy (literally, ‘the love of wisdom’) and lover of the Blessed Mother (often called ‘The Seat of Wisdom’) is going to love this book.  Building upon each Rosary mystery, the author unfolds beautiful, sublime insights culled from classical wisdom, scripture, and even modern science — insights that penetrate to the heart of a host of controversial issues plaguing our world today. So, read, enjoy, contemplate, and progress toward God through the Rosary! A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary will show you how to do it in a most delightful way.” Kevin Vost, Psy.D., author of books including Memorize the Mass! and Memorize the Latin Mass!

“Raymond Dennehy’s book, A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary, is both an incredible spiritual reflection on this age-old prayer, as well as a profound commentary to modernity’s struggles. It engages the reader’s mind from a philosopher’s perspective, yet touches the reader’s heart with prayerful and practical wisdom. By applying his vast knowledge and truly striving to live as a son of Mary, Raymond has uncovered a unique and powerful outlook on the Rosary that can guide the reader on his quest for holiness.” Mary Kloska, author of The Holiness of Womanhood and Out of the Darkness
“Dr. Raymond Dennehy’s book on the Rosary is unique in a number of ways. It is a philosopher contemplating the Mysteries of the Rosary, including discussions on themes which are very pertinent to our life, like our understanding of freedom and self-sacrifice for the sake of others. It is autobiographical, in the sense that Dr. Dennehy takes the reader on a journey of faith, trust and devotion. It is spiritual, speaking of a personal relationship with God that deeply influences one’s life and choices. Those reading (and praying with) this book will certainly grow in the appreciation of the Rosary, and its relevance to their daily lives.” —Fr. Nicholas Cachia, author of 33 Days . . . with St. Joseph
“The philosopher is always in danger of floating away into the abstract world of ideas, and the popular opinion sees prayer as an escape from reality into the spiritual realm. The combination of philosophy and prayer does not sound like a recipe for dealing with everyday challenges. But in this book, Raymond Dennehy shows that real philosophy and the life of faith and prayer are all too gritty and concrete. In Dennehy’s hands, the Rosary, a meditation on real, concrete, human events, has quite a lot to do with philosophy, current issues, and our day to day lives as we foster a desire for God in a messy world. A great meditation spiritually, philosophically and practically.” Matthew D’Antuono, author of Philosophy Fridays, The Wise Guy and the Fool, and A Fool’s Errand


Raymond Dennehy is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy. at the University of San Francisco. He has written Reason and DignityAnti-Abortionist at LargeSoldier Boy: the War Between Michael and Lucifer, and Jacques Maritain’s Philosophy of Action.


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In Our Lady’s Shadow, authored by Mary Kloska

In Our Lady’s Shadow, authored by Mary Kloska

Mary Kloska speaks to a ‘Seven Sisters’ Group about her book In Our Lady’s Shadow (May 21, 2021)

In Our Lady’s Shadow: The Spirituality of Praying for Priests

by Mary Kloska

In Our Lady’s Shadow–the Spirituality of Praying for Priests is a guide for women, taking them deep into a meditation upon the relationship between Our Lady and Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. It reflects on the development of their relationship–from His Childhood (as ‘Little Jesus Crucified’), through His Mission and Passion (where Our Lady was His Helpmate and Gift), to His Resurrection and life with Her in eternity. Through this meditation, the reader not only comes to know more deeply the relationship of Mary with Her Son, but also Her role in helping all men called to the priesthood. By entering into Our Mother’s spirituality of praying for priests, the reader is taught the best way to spiritually accompany priests as a spiritual mother, sister, daughter, and friend.

Hardback: $19.95 | Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Support Mary’s work! Sign-up today for a monthly donation to her through her Patreon account by clicking the image below!

Click to See Mary’s Swag Shop!

Buy a pillow and email mahfood@wcatradio.com a photo of you holding it, and I’ll post your photo on this page with your message to Mary.



The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love



“As the prayers of Saint Monica for her wayward son helped Augustine to become a great saint, the prayers of women help priests to likewise grow in holiness, our universal calling echoed every time we celebrate Mass and recite along with the angelic choir in heaven, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts.’ May many women be inspired by this book to pray for the holiness of our priests.” – Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, author of A Brief Historical Survey of Marian Devotion and Theology
“Mary Kloska’s book In Our Lady’s Shadow – The Spirituality of Praying for Priests is one of the most motivational contemporary Catholic books I have ever read. In our time of crisis in the Church, it is of vital importance that we be praying for priests in a way even more intense than before. Read it! It may enrich your own spiritual life in a way you cannot predict.” – Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., retired Catholic Philosophy Professor, author of numerous books, and presenter on EWTN and Catholic Radio

“Published on International Women’s Day, Mary Kloska’s new book… IN OUR LADY’S SHADOW: The Spirituality of Praying for Priests… is a timely reflection on the beautiful mission that women in particular have of praying for priests. At a time when many women find themselves confused regarding their role in society and their place in the Church… the Body of Christ… the author points out the special, maternal giftedness of womanhood and the wonderful spirituality that flows from this reality. The author reminds women that, contrary to popular opinion, it is “littleness” that makes the biggest difference in this world.” – Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT… author of The Prayer of Jesus Crucified; Adventures in the Father’s Joy!; To Whom the Heart Decided to Love; The Redemption of San Isidro.

“What a tremendous consolation to Jesus it must have been to have His tender Mother there to support him with all her love and prayers throughout his priestly life, and especially on his way to Calvary. How much more do her other beloved priest sons need this Mother of consolation and mercy accompany them while they fulfill their priestly roles. I believe this book, “In our lady shadow: The spirituality of praying for priests” will inspire, those who read it, to fulfill our Lady’s urgent request to pray for priests in the spirit of Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Mother of priests and Queen of apostles. May all the love in the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph fill the hearts of every priest to overflowing!” – Bob Cantoni, host with Bob Carter of WCAT Radio’s “If You Know Mary, Then You Know Jesus”

“This book is a wonderful resource for young men studying for the priesthood, a beloved parish priest or priest friend, as well as anyone who feels drawn to pray for priests. It is a treasure trove of insight and gold mine of inspiration, so needed in this challenging modern world.” – Theresa Thomas, Family Columnist, Mother of nine, and author of Big Hearted (Scepter)
“As a mother of small children and someone dedicated to praying weekly holy hours for priests, this book helps me to love more deeply the devotions of priests and how much they need our prayers. I am so pleased to have it as a guide. A very special book!” – Amelia Colone, wife, mother and member of the Seven Sisters Apostolate of weekly adoration for priests 


Mary Kloska is from Elkhart, Indiana. She was raised in a huge Polish family (12 brothers and sisters) along with a lot of foster babies and other needy people in and out of the house. She presently has 70+ nieces and nephews.  She has lived a very unique life. Upon graduating from Notre Dame in 1999 she spent almost 20 years in the missions serving the poor (including orphanages) as well as praying as a consecrated hermit all over the world –Siberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa, Philippines, Mexico, the Holy Land and all over Europe as well. Although she spent a lot of time away in silence praying, ironically she loves children and is very fun and outgoing when it comes to serving young adults, as well as the little ones. She also spent her time in the missions giving retreats, doing simple catechesis, leading prayer groups, giving spiritual direction, helping in deliverance, changing diapers, feeding babies and cleaning floors. After spending intense time serving in a mission she would withdraw for periods of ‘retreat’ as a hermit (including three years as an official diocesan hermit with vows under a Bishop.) The last few years she has spent as a fulltime nanny to infant triplets, twins and several large families. She speaks many languages (poorly) and enjoys playing guitar, painting icons, baking, gardening, reading, writing and simply filling in where there is the greatest need in the Church. Her WCAT Radio program, “The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love,” may be found here.


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Table for Three by Larry Hopperton

Table for Three by Larry Hopperton

Private Chapel

Picture someone like a pope
in prayer, a tiny chapel.
Altar servers murmur latin

robes raised in personal praise.
We did that in choir school.
We recited the responses

didn’t know what they meant
but could participate at the feet
of the meditative moment.

Table for Three: New and Selected Poems, 1982-2021

by Lawrence Hopperton

These poems, written over forty years, illustrate a spiritual landscape evolved from both secular and profane perspectives, from church windows to a handful of dirt, love and grief to redemption at the edges of our world. They invite readers into an engagement with the world – an engagement both thoroughly spiritual and sensuous. Personal experiences and associations become anchorage on this journey with the spirit of God (Spiritus Dei) and the spirit of creation (Spiritus Mundi).

Paperback: $14.95 USD | Kindle $9.99 USD


Agape Review, March 2022

Open Door Poetry Magazine, April 2021


“The spirit dwells among us in the people we love, in the things we do, and in the places we hold dear. There are numerous memorable poems in Table for Three such as “Twenty-four Line Loaf,” “Ordinary Sunday,” and “Barra.” Hopperton proves that love endures in the face of loss and joy prevails against the challenges of sadness. In a voice that balances both the secular and the liturgical, this book presents a compendium of song, praise, celebration, and poetry where the poet comes to grips with grief and how the spirit triumphs. Table for Three is an inspiration.” – Bruce Meyer is author of over 60 books of poetry, short fiction, and literary criticism. His most recent book, releasing in April, 2021, is Grace of Falling Stars

“So moving. It’s like sacred readings.”  Dr. Janet Clark, former Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean of Tyndale Seminary, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Lawrence Hopperton lives in the town of Stouffville, Ontario. He is a former editor of the University of Toronto Review and one of the founding editors of Nimbus Press. His poetry has been published internationally, most recently in Tamracks: Canadian Poetry for the 21’st Century, and the Lummox Press anthology, Sirsee, Sheila-na-gi. Smeuse and Pocket Change. He has published two chapbooks, Song of Orkney and Other Poems in 1983, and Ptolley Bay in 2013. In his non-poetry life, he has authored three college textbooks, and he was the founding director of the Center for Distributed Learning at Tyndale University and Seminary.


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33 Days … with St. Joseph by Fr. Nicholas Cachia

33 Days … with St. Joseph by Fr. Nicholas Cachia

33 Days . . . with Saint Joseph

by Fr. Nicholas Cachia

This book is a resource for meditative prayer based on excerpts taken from the Apostolic Letter Patris Corde of Pope Francis (December 8, 2020). It is a prayerful journey into the attitudes and sentiments of St. Joseph as he surrenders himself to the will of God, who entrusted him with the precious gift of the Blessed Mother and the Incarnate Son.

Paperback: $12.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“From one father’s heart to another. Fr. Nicholas Cachia beautifully reflects on the heart of the foster father of Jesus, who is reflecting the Father’s love. Building on Pope Francis’ recent reflection, Fr. Cachia provides a wonderful journey for anyone desiring to grow in relationship with St. Joseph during his special year.” – Bishop David L. Toups, Diocese of Beaumont

“All can find great inspiration in Fr. Cachia’s simple guide to a consecration to St. Joseph. He draws from the Popes of the last six decades to help us unite ourselves more closely to the Husband of Mary and Foster Father of Jesus, as Scripture and Tradition present him to us.” – Fr. Alfredo Hernandez, Rector/President of St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, and author of Formation Activities and Catholic Seminarians: A Practical Theological Study of their Impact on Subsequent Perseverance in Ministry
“Father Cachia’s helpful resource provides a way to appreciate and pray with Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter Patris Corde.  Father Cachia has authored these meditations as one who himself lives in the heart of St. Joseph and invites others to do the same.” – Fr. Richard Gabuzda, Moderator of the IPF Priests of St. Joseph and Director of Programming and Mission of IPF

“The tenderness of the Father will be tasted and seen as this Consecration to St. Joseph is prayed. The simplicity of Fr. Cachia’s approach serves to magnify the beauty of St. Joseph’s presence alive among us calling us to be imbued with and possessed by the Holy Spirit.” – Fr. John Horn, SJ, general editor of Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality and managing co-editor of Spiritual Husbands-Spiritual Fathers: Priestly Formation for the 21st Century

“Two qualities make 33 Days … with St. Joseph unique: the exploration of Pope Francis’s Apostolic Letter on St. Joseph and the simplicity of the approach. The first offers a fresh and warm perspective on St. Joseph, and the second renders the book accessible to prayer from the heart. Read and pray with this book: you will not be disappointed.” – Timothy M. Gallagher, OMV, author of The Discernment of Spirits: An Ignatian Guide to Everyday Living and St. Ignatius Chair for Spiritual Formation, St. John Vianney Theological Seminary, Denver

“What a brief, yet comprehensive, simple, yet beautiful resource to grow in one’s knowledge and love of St. Joseph, ‘the silent but most eloquent saint.’ With a ‘grace for the day,’ an excerpt from Pope Francis’s Patris Corde, suggested Scriptural reading, and insights from a variety of saints for each day, Father Cachia takes us on a captivating 33-day journey toward the true heart of a father, as evidenced not by the words, but by the actions of the saint who loved and protected the Blessed Mother, who loved and taught Jesus Christ, a man of  ‘total and serene surrender to the will of God in his life.'” Kevin Vost, Psy.D., author of Catholic books including Memorize the Mass!

“Fr. Nicholas Cachia leads us on a 33-day pilgrimage to, and through, the Heart of St. Joseph – virginal spouse of the Immaculate Mediatrix of all Grace, and Paternal Custodian of Christ, our Lord. Inspired by (1) the great St. Louis Marie De Montfort’s unparalleled Treatise on True Devotion to Mary; (2) Fr. Donald Calloway’s runaway, bestselling Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father; and, above all, (3) Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter, Patris Corde (wherein the Holy Father solemnly declares this year of our Lord, 2021, a year to especially honor and pay tribute to St. Joseph), Fr. Cachia has afforded the Church a marvelous service, in writing, assembling this collection of meditations on the Universal Patron. As we move through these inspired reflections, the manifold images of Joseph’s humility, obedience, and complete detachment from all things earthly, coupled with his prompt and eager willingness to serve his most Holy Spouse and her Divine Child, is, indeed, superlative. It is precisely Joseph’s willingness and ability to respond to whatever is asked of him, at any given moment, any given ‘eternal now,’ with his unconditional “Fiat,” his absolute, unflinching, “Yes,” to the Divine Will, regardless of how contrary to his fallen human nature, regardless of his own plans, his own passions – as a true man, his own desires, regardless of genuine injustice, even when Joseph might have a legitimate grievance, he accepts it all because God has allowed it, and the only response of the truly Just man is, Fiat, Yes, So Be it, Thy Will be done, not my will.  This is exactly what St. Paul refers to in dying to the old man of sin, when plunging a convert into the waters of one’s Baptism, and rising to new life in the resurrected Christ, the New Adam.” – Jayson Brunelle, author of Consecration to Jesus Christ, through Mary and Joseph

“How necessary it is (in these times perhaps more than ever) to be consecrated to St. Joseph, who is at once both the Terror of Demons and the Pillar of Families. Fr. Nicholas Cachia, an external member of the IPF Priests of St. Joseph, has given the world a succinct way, in the hopes of leading more souls to consecration in 2021, the Year of St. Joseph. Overwhelmed? Busy? No more than a few minutes a day are needed for this consecration, so Fr. Cachia has removed the possibility of ‘not enough time’ as an excuse. No more excuses: we need St. Joseph.” – Annabelle Moseley, author of the books Sacred Braille and Our House of the Sacred Heart: A Litany of Stories with Art, Prayers, Poetry and Reflections toward Consecration to the Sacred Heart

“Father Cachia opens the heart of Joseph to his readers – the humble man who through his marriage, fatherhood, and work plays his part in bringing God’s salvation to the entire world. This book provides beautiful, straightforward plan for holiness.” – Shane Kapler, author of Marrying the Rosary to the Divine Mercy Chaplet

“Fr. Nicholas Cachia has written a beautiful and profound little book of preparation to consecrating oneself to St. Joseph. By tying the rich, daily reflections with quotes from Pope Francis’ Apostolic  Letter on St. Joseph, Fr. Cachia deeply draws the reader into the heart of the Church. This book provides an easy path to a deeper relationship with our spiritual father.” – Mary Kloska, author of The Holiness of Womanhood and Out of the Darkness


Fr. Nicholas Cachia is a priest of the Archdiocese of Malta, now serving at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Florida. Fr. Cachia has long been associated with the Institute for Priestly Formation and since 2018 has been an external member of the IPF Priests of St. Joseph.


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Out of the Darkness by Mary Kloska

Out of the Darkness by Mary Kloska

Out of the Darkness

by Mary Kloska

This work is a collection of treasures Jesus has shared with Mary Kloska’s heart. In offering this to the reader, Mary hopes to witness to the great power Jesus’ Cross contains in itself.  Her heart cringes at the thought of her interior life with Him being laid open so bare before the world, but she remembers that her Spouse was crucified naked, bearing all of Himself to the world and allowing us to reach out and touch His naked wounds so that we can know the fathomless abyss of His Love contained within them.  And so, Mary allows herself to be spiritually ‘naked’ with Him in order for you all to receive His Love in this intimate way.  Because Jesus gives such great gifts to be shared with all of His Church, Mary prays that who she is does not distract you from Who He is, for that is what He wants to show to you here.  Mary lays herself bare as His little wife crucified with Him on the Cross.  Similar to St. Paul, she must simply live so that she can say, “I no longer live, but Jesus Crucified lives in me.”  She prays you meet Him here in these pages. Amen. Alleluia.  Fiat.

Hardback: $19.95 | Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Support Mary’s work! Sign-up today for a monthly donation to her through her Patreon account by clicking the image below!

Click to See Mary’s Swag Shop!

Buy a pillow and email mahfood@wcatradio.com a photo of you holding it, and I’ll post your photo on this page with your message to Mary.



The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love



“Physical and spiritual nakedness are deep realities in these words of Mary Kloska. Jesus, totally exposed to the evil of generations past and to those yet unborn. And in this book is the call and the invitation to expose our spiritual nakedness and to be one with Him on His journey to the Father’s will. Yes, there is a light to come from the tomb, but first we enter the darkness.” Deacon Tom Fox, Catholic Podcaster and Catholic Radio Host
“Mary Kloska has painted yet another wonderful icon as the title of this book. She provides a good explanation of the icon, which depicts Christ’s love as gentle, humble and strong. Even though Jesus is shown on the cross and bleeding profusely, Mary shows us that He is in control. He looks at the scene in front of Him. It is as if He is directly looking in each person’s eyes, who lived, is living, or will live. He looks into the eyes of the aborted and miscarried. He knows their need for salvation and sacrifices Himself. His strength is clear in that look, in the fact of giving Himself up, even more than the weakness of His of being crucified. That depth of profundity enters into the pages of the book and engages the reader, contemplatively.  A reader cannot rush through the chapters. Every sentence must be thought about; every picture must be entered. Each section of each chapter builds on the next in a way that is deliberate and written with the attempt to bring spiritual understanding to the reader.” – Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson, WCAT Radio host of “Author to Author

“This manuscript deeply affected me in my spiritual life… and its very hard for an 82-year-old to learn anything new… this was really life-changing to my spirituality.” – Ronda Chervin, author of Always a New Beginning: A Conversation Between Broken Catholic Spiritual Warriors

“‘When St. Paul arrived in Corinth and began evangelizing, he told the Corinthians he did not come to share any worldly wisdom or lofty rhetoric, but only the simple, gospel truth of Jesus Christ, and him… crucified’ (1 Corinthians 2:1-2). In her new book… Out Of The Darkness… author, artist, and musician, Mary Kloska, follows along this same, powerful path. Unfortunately, due to the hedonistic cultural milieu that dominates our society, following the path of Jesus crucified is a rather lonely journey. Even in those few sectors where Christianity is still practiced, emphasis on the cross is noticeably diminished if not clearly absent (e.g., the ‘prosperity gospel’). Having said this, it would be hard to imagine a more timely spiritual treatise than this one. The author takes the reader deep into the beauty, mystery, wisdom and power of Jesus crucified by way of spiritual insights and observations that are fresh, inspiring, and wonderfully invigorating. Like a rainstorm in the desert, this book is entering into the ‘spiritual void’ of our times and will almost certainly become a Lenten staple as well as a focal point for The New Evangelization.” –Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT, author of The Prayer of Jesus Crucified: A Simple Way to Go Further in Prayer; Adventures in The Father’s Joy! Mission Stories for the New Evangelization; To Whom The Heart Decided To Love; The Redemption Of San Isidro: a Tale of Mercy and Love
“This book is a gift to anyone who reads it because it shows us how – as Jesus said to Mary – ‘we can be profoundly made one’ with Him on the Cross.” – Sr. Patrizia Pasquini, ASC, Generalate sisters of the Most Precious Blood



Mary Kloska is from Elkhart, Indiana. She was raised in a huge Polish family (12 brothers and sisters) along with a lot of foster babies and other needy people in and out of the house. She presently has 70+ nieces and nephews.  She has lived a very unique life. Upon graduating from Notre Dame in 1999 she spent almost 20 years in the missions serving the poor (including orphanages) as well as praying as a consecrated hermit all over the world –Siberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa, Philippines, Mexico, the Holy Land and all over Europe as well. Although she spent a lot of time away in silence praying, ironically she loves children and is very fun and outgoing when it comes to serving young adults, as well as the little ones. She also spent her time in the missions giving retreats, doing simple catechesis, leading prayer groups, giving spiritual direction, helping in deliverance, changing diapers, feeding babies and cleaning floors. After spending intense time serving in a mission she would withdraw for periods of ‘retreat’ as a hermit (including three years as an official diocesan hermit with vows under a Bishop.) The last few years she has spent as a fulltime nanny to infant triplets, twins and several large families. She speaks many languages (poorly) and enjoys playing guitar, painting icons, baking, gardening, reading, writing and simply filling in where there is the greatest need in the Church. Her WCAT Radio program, “The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love,” may be found here.


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Our House of the Sacred Heart

Our House of the Sacred Heart

When you join, you’ll get: for each day of the Consecration: a daily reflection sent to your inbox. You will be guided in beautiful prayer, contemplation or story, great works of Catholic art, and reflection for that day. Each day will prepare your own heart for deeper devotion to the Sacred Heart.

Join our growing community that will embark upon the 33-Day Consecration to the Sacred Heart beginning May 9, 2021 and ending on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on June 11, 2021!

Bronze Medal Winner!
The Division of Family Life at the Catholic Media Association Awards

Our House of the Sacred Heart, Annabelle Moseley, En Route Books and Media. An easy read with Chapters broken into small, seemingly innocent topics. The author then includes a biblical picture, a scripture quote and a lesson tied to the topic. The ponder and pray section at the end of each chapter makes you think about how relevant the topic is in your life. The chapter ends with a prayer. This book can be enjoyed by all family members, and everyone will take away something different.

Our House of the Sacred Heart: A Litany of Stories with Art, Prayers, and Reflections

by Annabelle Moseley

Our House of the Sacred Heart is a groundbreaking collection of 33 true stories of five generations of a family formed in the Sacred Heart of Jesus through their connection to an unforgettable house. As you enter into the heart of this book, you are invited into that house and offered hospitality through time-tested stories of growth in the Faith, transiting the various gateways of life. You will be praying the Litany of the Sacred Heart while reading this work of reparation, one lesson at a time, and at book’s end, consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. You will be guided to a poignant understanding that you are being called to your true home— held and forged within the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which does not fade or crumble with the passing of time.  Whatever your story, no matter how painful, be assured that God has left signs and symbols along the way— clues to guide you to His Heart. This book, complete with beautiful prayers, devotions, art, poetry, and reflections, will teach you to spot and follow those clues, and discover your own spiritual autobiography, culminating in consecration to the Sacred Heart.

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99 | Full Color Hardback: $39.95

Annabelle’s WCAT Radio Shows – “Destination: Sainthood” and “Then Sings My Soul”

Watch Annabelle’s part on Masterpieces, a film on Amazon Prime! Click the image below for access!



Dcn. Marty McIndoe, a Review. (March 31, 2021.) Click here to read.


“This deeply personal witness from Annabelle Moseley draws the reader into the intimacy of faith. In sharing her own heart, poetry, art, reflection, and prayer, she helps each of us find a welcome and a home in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”  — Bishop Richard Henning, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York

“Annabelle Moseley’s Our House of the Sacred Heart is not simply good Catholic theology of the Sacred Heart but a work of art that raises the reader into the summum bonum of truth, beauty, and goodness.” — Matt Fradd, Pints with Aquinas

“In her inspirational book Our House of the Sacred Heart, Annabelle Moseley promotes devotion to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus. She does so by encouraging us to take refuge in His Sacred heart for “the Sacred Heart is our home.” May the prayerful reading of this devotional book increase love for Jesus Christ and inflame a desire to spread the Good News that in the midst of this often chaotic world we all have a loving, caring home, the Sacred Heart of Jesus.” — Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, author of A Brief Historical Survey of Marian Devotion and Theology

Our House of the Sacred Heart is, quite simply, brilliant. It’s brilliant in the sense of genius, in the sense of uniqueness, and in the sense of imparting divine light, wisdom, and warmth. Moseley invites the reader into the home of her grandmother, the kind of home that is a sort of incarnation of our heavenly home: cozy, warm, full of love and kind words, a place of safety in storms. By drawing the reader into her family, and from life to death, she leads deeply into the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and in doing that, brings the reader to comprehend in a new way the incredible reality of Home. And it’s personal: she poses questions, lovely questions, that cause the reader to open up to God’s grace like a flower to the sun. You won’t be the same after reading this book, and you will want to go back to it again and again. Through the lens of her stories and, as I say, those “lovely questions,” you will never see home, life, suffering, death, family, friends, underlined books, dishes and tea cups, cemeteries, and yes–runs in stockings– in quite the same way, and your heart will be closer to Heaven…and you will be incredibly happy because of it.” –Keith Brant Berube, PhD candidate, author of the books Mary, the Beloved; Mary: The Rosary, the Relationship, and Dragons; and A Love Letter to Mary


Annabelle Moseley is an award-winning American poet, author of nine books, including Sacred Braille: The Rosary as Masterpiece through Art, Poetry, and Reflections, Professor of Theology and host of the Catholic radio shows and podcasts on Sacramental Living: “Then Sings My Soul,” and “Destination: Sainthood — Journey to the Great Cloud of Witnesses,” on WCAT Radio. Moseley’s work as a poet is featured as one of five artists profiled in the 2019 Documentary Film, Masterpieces, about the vocational call of the arts. This film is available to view through Amazon Prime and Formed On Demand (formed.org).

Moseley has won the titles of Walt Whitman Birthplace Writer in-Residence (2009-2010) and 2014 Long Island Poet of the Year. She teaches at St. Joseph’s College in New York and at St. Joseph’s Seminary (Dunwoodie, NY) where she specializes in the field of Theological Aesthetics with an emphasis on the intersection between theology and literature. Moseley has led various retreats and workshops for the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York, and is the founder of Desert Bread (desertbread.org), a series of lectures on faith and the arts that concludes with sharing a meal and taking a collection of canned food donations for local food pantries. Moseley is a frequent columnist for the Catholic online magazine, Aleteia.

Born on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, Annabelle Moseley was baptized at the Church of St. Louis de Montfort (a saint known for his special devotion to the Rosary). Raised on the North Shore of Long Island, Moseley continues to reside there, grateful for the domestic church she has built with her husband and their children.


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