Adicción a la Pantalla: Por Qué no Puedes Colgar ese Teléfono

Adicción a la Pantalla: Por Qué no Puedes Colgar ese Teléfono

Adicción a la Pantalla: Por Qué no Puedes Colgar ese Teléfono

por Sor Marysia Weber, RSM

¿Alguna vez ha sentido la urgencia irresistible de revisar sus mensajes de texto, publicaciones en los medios sociales o sus emails cada vez que su celular suena? ¿Está aumentando el tiempo que pasa con su celular? ¿Envía textos, accede a las redes sociales o abre sus emails mientras maneja? ¿Se ha encontrado, muchas veces sin pensarlo, revisando su celular aun cuando sabe que probablemente no hay nada nuevo o importante que ver?

En este libro, Adicción a la Pantalla: Por Qué no Puede Colgar ese Teléfono, Sor Marysia ha reunido un magnífico tratado contra la amenaza que se avecina y que intenta sobrepasar nuestras habilidades mentales de imaginar, crear, contemplar y de relacionarnos con nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. Al mismo tiempo, analiza la investigación fisiológica y psicológica actual en torno a la adicción a la pantalla y combina las verdades teológicas y filosóficas atemporales de la fe católica en una lectura que es fácil de entender.

Libro en Rústica: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Subtítulos en español


“Algunos de nosotros solíamos ser soñadores despiertos, lo cual era bastante inofensivo a menos que perdiéramos el contacto con la realidad. Hoy en día, la mayoría de nosotros nos hemos convertido en YouTubers, también bastante inofensivos hasta que pierdes el contacto con las personas que te rodean. Lo que puede convertirse en una adicción grave, una adicción a las pantallas. Eso es lo que Sor Marysia Weber escribe en este excelente libro. Siendo una médica psiquiatra calificada, ella sabe de lo que está hablando. El libro no solo es extremadamente informativo, sino también muy práctico al brindarnos herramientas poderosas para ayudarnos, a nuestros hijos, a nuestros adolescentes y a nuestros adultos jóvenes. Es una mina de oro.” – Dr. Gerard M. Verschuuren, Genetista
“Sor Marysia Weber, R.S.M., nos ha dado en su libro Adicción a la Pantalla: Por Qué no Puedes Colgar ese Teléfono una explicación útil de por qué nos estamos involucrando cada vez más, con nuestros dispositivos, en las redes sociales. Nos sugiere, asimismo, de soluciones prácticas sobre cómo poner fin a ese comportamiento adictivo para mantener salud personal y bienestar social”. – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP

Council of Major Superior of Women Religious presents…

The New Media and Religious Life: How an Awareness of the Benefits and Risks of Electronic Media Assists and Hinders the Consecrated Religious in Communicating the Love of Jesus Christ

Sister Marysia Weber, RSM, D.O., and Sister Mary Prudence Allen, RSM, Ph.D.

WCAT TV Presents . . . Introduction to The New Media and Religious Life
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session I, Part A
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session I, Part B
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session II, Part A
WCAT TV presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session II, Part B
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session III, Part A
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session III, Part B
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session IV, Part A
WCAT TV presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session IV, Part B
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Introduction to the Second Half
WCAT TV presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session V, Part A
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session V, Part B
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session VI, Part A
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session VI, Part B
WCAT TV presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session VII, Part A
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session VII, Part B
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session VIII, Part A
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session VIII, Part B
WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Conclusion


Sor Marysia Weber, RSM, DO, MA es una religiosa de la Orden Hermanas de la Misericordia de Alma, Michigan. Es médica, certificada en psiquiatría con una beca en Psiquiatría de Consulta y Enlace, y se capacitó en la Clínica Mayo de Rochester, Minnesota. También tiene una Maestría en Teología de la Universidad de Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana. Ejerció la psiquiatría en la clínica médica multidisciplinaria de su instituto religioso, Sacred Heart Mercy Care Center en Alma, Michigan de 1988 a 2014. Se convirtió en la Directora de Vida Consagrada para la Arquidiócesis de San Luis en 2014.

Actualmente es miembro de la Junta de Revisión de la Arquidiócesis de San Luis, del Comité de Seguridad Infantil. Es facilitadora del Proyecto Raquel, es miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva de la Asociación Médica Católica, Capítulo de San Luis y del Instituto para el Encuentro Teológico con la Ciencia y la Tecnología. También es instructora clínica adjunta en el Departamento de Psiquiatría de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Washington, en San Luis, Missouri.

Sor Marysia ofrece talleres sobre diversos temas, como el apego humano, los límites y el desarrollo del carácter, la depresión y la ansiedad, el diálogo y la resolución, así como sobre los medios de comuni- cación social y sus efectos en el cerebro para el clero, seminaristas, comunidades religiosas para hombres y mujeres, padres, maestros y estudiantes. Es formadora en su propia comunidad religiosa. Presenta sobre la adicción a la pornografía en Internet—un enfoque católico del tratamiento a obispos, clérigos, seminaristas, comunidades religiosas, y laicos en todo los Estados Unidos y Europa. Presentó a los Obispos de los Estados Unidos, en Dallas, Texas, en 1992, el tema “Pedofilia y Otras Adicciones”. Fue miembro del Comité Ad Hoc de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos (USCCB) sobre abusos sexuales de 1994-1995.

Sor Marysia ha presentado a la Curia del Estado de la Ciudad del Vaticano el tema “Abuso sexual de menores por parte del Clero en Norteamérica” en 2002. Ha actuado como consultora experta en psicología para la Secretaría del Clero, Vida Consagrada y Vocaciones, de la USCCB. Entre sus publicaciones se encuentran “Medical Aspects of Addiction”; “The Roman Catholic Church Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests and Religious in the United States and Canada: What Have We Learned? Where Are We Going?”; “Pornography, Electronic Media and Priestly Formation”; Sus publicaciones en Seminary Journal incluyen: “Significant Markers of Human Maturation Applied to the Selection and Formation of Seminarians”; “The Discernment of a Priestly Vocation and the Expertise of Psychiatry and Psychology”; e “Internet Pornography and Priestly Formation: Medium and Content Collide With the Human Brain”. Su libro The Art of Accompaniment: Practical Steps for the Seminary Formator (En Route Books and Media, 2018) está a la venta en junto con Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down. Su capítulo “Guideposts for the Seminary Formator in Understanding and Assessing Levels of Preoccupation with Use of Internet Pornography and a Formative Process for Moving from Vice to Virtue” esta en Esposos Espirituales – Padres Espirituales: Formación de Sacerdotes en el Siglo Veintiuno. También ha producido un breve vídeo sobre “Adicción a la Pantalla,” disponible al público en


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Faith and Facebook

Faith and Facebook

Faith and Facebook: Evangelizing a Rural Parish Community in Southeast Missouri through Social Media

by Fr. Dominic Ibok, D.Min.

In Southeast Missouri, where Catholics are a minority, the challenge of diminishing participation and reduced membership requires an intentional engagement of the inactive members and the unaffiliated within the community. Unfortunately, many members of the laity do not have the awareness or skills to evangelize. In a rural community, the challenges seem more significant due to limited personnel and resources.

This book aims to equip the laity with the skills and tools to evangelize inactive Catholics and the unaffiliated. It involves their growing in prayer, study, generosity, evangelization, and the discernment of their charisms. With the benefit of social media engagement like Facebook live stream, an opportunity to engage and evangelize is available for our rural parish community. The resources from experienced lay evangelists in evangelization and social media engagement will provide a template that can enhance the development of a program on evangelization for my rural parish community.

To test the effectiveness of these resources, seventeen participants engaged in a nine-week program to learn how prayer, study, generosity, evangelization, the discernment of their charisms, and teamwork can prepare them for evangelization. This thesis engaged the inactive Catholics and the unaffiliated in rural Southeast Missouri by using Facebook live stream as an evangelization tool. The focus of this project is thus reminding active Catholics of their responsibility to evangelize and how utilizing a familiar social media portal like Facebook can enhance the process even in a rural community.

Paperback: $19.99 | Kindle: $9.99


“Fr. Dominic has demonstrated once again that he is out-standing in his field!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, co-author with Bishop Richard Henning of Missionary Priests in the Homeland: Our Call to Receive



Dominic O. Ibok was born in Lagos, Nigeria, and educated at Immaculate Conception High School Seminary, St. Joseph Major Seminary, and the Pontifical Urban University before completing his ordination studies at Kenrick School of Theology and his D.Min. studies at Aquinas Institute of Theology, both located in St. Louis, MO. He currently serves in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau in southeastern Missouri as the pastor of both Immaculate Conception Parish in New Madrid and Sacred Heart Parish in Caruthersville and is a chaplain in the Missouri Army National Guard. 


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Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality: Precious Gift and Perilous Challenge with Particular Reference to the Sexual Abuse Scandal in the Church

by Fr. Dominic Anaeto

We live in an age when our sexuality speaks loudly and clamors for attention, so it is good that celibate men and women, and those who are married and single, prayerfully address this aspect of their lives which can present to them both a precious gift and perilous challenge. While the Catholic faith teaches that our sexuality is meant to conform unto love in order to serve a higher good, we acknowledge the very human failings, particularly in reference to the sexual abuse scandal, that have caused so much harm among the faithful. The intention of this book is to penitentially address those realities and call us back to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“How are we to untangle the threads of sin, tragedy, and misguided policy in the sex-scandals of our times?  Surely, this requires an in depth analysis of the deepest meanings of sexuality. Reading Fr. Dominic Anaeto’s book, with its penetrating and original insights, is a way to begin.” – Dr. Ronda Chervin, Emerita Professor of Philosophy, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, author of numerous books on philosophical spirituality, Catholic TV and Radio presenter

“This is a new and unique exploration of the sexual nature of the human person as seen through the lens of both psychology and theology. The necessity and means of the proper formation of an integrated sexuality for both the celibate person and the married person is clarified, as well as some of the circumstances in modern life that can lead to a disintegrated and deformed sexuality. These insights can help us understand the intricate and fragile beauty of human sexuality as well as the complex and sorrowful nature of sexual abuse in individuals, in marriages, and in the recent scandals within the Church, as well as, hopefully, how to avoid the dangers of sexual abuse in the future.” – Kiki Latimer, co-author with Stephen D. Schwarz of Philosophy Begins in Wonder

“Fr. Dominic Anaeto speaks the truth with courage, addressing the sexual abuse scandal with grace and honesty.” – Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson, Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Holy Apostles College & Seminary and author of Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness



Fr. Dominic Ugoo Anaeto is a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Nnewi in Nigeria. He holds a License in Spirituality from Gregorian University in Rome, a Doctorate in Pastoral Theology from the Lateran University also in Rome, and a diploma from the Christian Institute for the Study of Human Sexuality at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, Illinois. He is a certified counselor on topics related to Human Development and Human Sexuality. He has served as the Director of the Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies program at Holy Apostles College & Seminary in Cromwell, CT, and as Director of Pastoral Formation at St. Mary’s Seminary in Houston, TX.


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From Functionalistic Willfulness to Transcendent Willingness by Msgr. Albert Kuuire

From Functionalistic Willfulness to Transcendent Willingness by Msgr. Albert Kuuire

From Functionalistic Willfulness to Transcendent Willingness: The Pathway to Formative Healing

by Msgr. Albert Kuuire

Msgr. Albert Kuuire explains that the formative healing of all life-threatening illness may be expedited through submission of the subject’s self-encapsulated functional will to the Transcendent Will in appreciative abandonment, which allows for the congenial unfolding of the subject’s foundational life-form. Kuuire intends in his study to do three things:

  1. to analyze the dissonant situation to which human illness may lead a person, and so prevent him or her from reaching formative healing. In this, he wishes to examine the contribution that a person’s functional will can make to this dissonant situation;
  2. to explore the interformational role which another can exert, both horizontally and especially vertically on the subject, and the dynamics that may ensue therefrom for the eventual foundationally formative healing of the person; and
  3. to study more closely the gradual shifts of the subject’s current form of life as he or she abandons him- or herself ever more fully to the Mystery of Formation in the unfolding of his or her Founding Life Form towards its fullness, made observable in the reformation and transformation of his or her core disposition of willingness.

Hardback: $39.95 | Paperback: $29.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“The concept of formative healing explained in this book is of great value to any program of pastoral formation.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Lay Dominican of the Province of St. Albert the Great


Msgr. Albert Kuuire has served as Vice-Rector and Director of Spiritual Formation at Holy Apostles College & Seminary in Cromwell, CT, USA.


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Formation Activities and Catholic Seminarians by Rev. Alfredo I. Hernandez

Formation Activities and Catholic Seminarians by Rev. Alfredo I. Hernandez

Formation Activities and Catholic Seminarians: A Practical Theological Study of their Impact on Subsequent Perseverance in Ministry

by Rev. Alfredo I. Hernández

What can we seminary formators, bishops, and others involved in the formation of seminarians do to help the men who are ordained from our seminaries to be joyful and fruitful as priests and persevere in ministry? The answer to this question is grounded in practical theology and concerns the specific changes we might make in the choice of formation activities during seminary to increase the likelihood of lifelong perseverance. Father Alfredo Hernández invites his fellow formators to consider with him the theological and pastoral benefits and the impact on priestly formation of each of the programs included in the study: Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), the Institute for Priestly Formation, pastoral year internships, spirituality or propaedeutic year experience, priestly fraternity groups, and pastoral language immersion programs.

Paperback: $14.99 | Kindle: $9.99

This table helps to point out the activities with the highest positive and negative effects on each aspect of formation. The blocks shaded in green show positive Net Impact Scores (the darker green, the more positive the score) while the blocks shaded in red show negative Net Impact Scores (the darker red, the more negative the score). IPF has the highest total Net Impact Score, 43, while the pastoral-year internship experience and a propaedeutic or spirituality year experience are in second and third place, with total Net Impact Score of 31 and 28, respectively. The only programs with a negative Net Impact Score are CPE and language immersion programs, with CPE having a much higher negative net impact, –37. To see how this grid was put together, get your copy of this book today!


“A must-read for all involved in seminary formation. Its engaging writing style, grounding in theology of priesthood and research literature, and suggestive conclusions are enough to commend this to a very wide readership. Its astute engagement of practical theology marks it as exceptional. I highly recommend this work.” – Bryan T. Froehle, Professor of Practical Theology, Director of the Ph.D. Program in Practical Theology, St. Thomas University, Miami

“We certainly all desire good and holy priests who will persevere through the joys and trials of life. This book sheds light on the various programs that seminaries use to assist in the formation of future priests in order to do all that can be done to ensure a joyful, fruitful, and lasting ministry. As a former rector of a major seminary, and now a bishop, I have found this book to be of great value. Fr. Hernández asks important questions, provides some important answers, offers recommendations for formation today, and opens doors for future research.” +David L. Toups, Bishop of the Diocese of Beaumont, Former Rector of St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, Boynton Beach

“Fr. Hernández’s highly-valued systematic research is immensely important and timely as it supplies Bishops, Vocation Directors, Rectors, Seminary Formators and all of the lay faithful especially interested in seminary formation with new practical wisdom. The positive and negative impact of a wide variety of seminary programs are creatively analyzed and clear recommendations emerge regarding what programs actually produce ministerial joy and fruitfulness in the lives of future priests.” – Fr. John Horn, S.J., Faculty at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, Co-Founder of the Institute for Priestly Formation and the Seminary Formation Council

“In higher education in the last decade, a great deal of emphasis has been placed on outcomes-based education. This focus could not be more critical than in the area of priestly formation, where the purpose of formation is specifically to prepare seminarians for lifelong ministry. Yet, almost no studies have been done or data collected on the impact of seminary programs on lifelong formation and ministerial practice. Once ordained, the priest is ontologically changed and hence always a priest, yet how has formation prepared seminarians in a way that they can be joyful and effective priests and be prepared to persevere throughout their whole lives in living out this change? How is the soil for the grace of ordination best prepared? Fr. Hernández’s research makes an important initial foray into this area of research. His findings provide food for thought for seminary formators and administrators, and they will catalyze conversation about the contributions made by a wide range of seminary formation programs. And, even more importantly, this study has unflinchingly asked the questions and kicked-off a direction of inquiry that could help shape effective formation in the years to come.” – S. Mary Krysiak Bittár, Director of the Office of Research and Institutional Effectiveness and Assistant Professor, St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary

“A must-read for all involved in seminary formation. Its engaging writing style, grounding in theology of priesthood and research literature, and suggestive conclusions are enough to commend this to a very wide readership. Its astute engagement of practical theology marks it as exceptional. I highly recommend this work.” — Bryan T. Froehle, Professor of Practical Theology, Director of the Ph.D. Program in Practical Theology, St. Thomas University, Miami


Rev. Alfredo I. Hernández is President-Rector of St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach, Florida, where he has served as Vice-Rector, Academic dean and a member of the formation faculty from 1997 to 1999 and from 2013 to the present.

Ordained a priest of the Diocese of Palm Beach in 1992, he served 14 years as Pastor of St. Juliana Parish in West Palm Beach, from 1999 to 2013, and a year as the director of permanent diaconate formation from 2015 to 2016.

He earned an STL in Dogmatic Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and a PhD in Pastoral Studies from North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa.


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Posttraumatic Abortion-Related Stress in Psychiatric Outpatients

Posttraumatic Abortion-Related Stress in Psychiatric Outpatients


Posttraumatic Abortion-Related Stress in Psychiatric Outpatients is the  third place winner in the 2021 Catholic Media Book Awards category of “Life and Dignity of the Human Person.” Women who were helped by the Pine Rest Study showed up at the late  David C. Hanley’s wake in 2018.  He had not seen them in over 20 years.

Posttraumatic Abortion-Related Stress in Psychiatric Outpatients: Comparisons among Abortion-Distressed, Abortion-Non-Distressed, and No-Abortion Groups

by David C. Hanley, Rachel L. Anderson, David B. Larson, Harry L. Piersma, D. Stephen King, Roger C. Sider

Objective:  This study examines potential risk factors for long-term abortion-related distress in women.

Method: One hundred and two women receiving outpatient psychiatric services were assigned to one of three groups on the basis of their reported abortion history. Women with a positive history of abortion were assigned to a distressed or non-distressed group depending on whether abortion-related distress was a primary presenting problem. Women with no history of abortion who sought outpatient services served as controls.

Results: Comparisons across groups revealed that the abortion-distressed group had symptoms consistent with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, including intrusive thoughts of the abortion experience and active avoidance of events associated with their abortions.  Two women who underwent an abortion following rape were both in the abortion-distressed group.

Conclusions: Implications for identifying women at risk for long-term distress are discussed and suggestions for clinical interventions are made.

Paperback: $9.99 | Kindle: $5.99

Figure 1 in support of the Appendix entitled “Methodological Considerations in Empirical Research on Abortion.” (Anderson, Hanley, Larson, Sider) in  Post-Abortion Syndrome: Its Wider Ramifications ed. by Peter Doherty (Four Courts Press, 1995). Included with permission.


Posttraumatic Abortion-Related Stress in Psychiatric Outpatients, †Hanley, Anderson, †Larson, †Piersma, †King, and Sider is also known as the Pine Rest Study.

The late David C. Hanley, MSW, BCD, noticed that women he was treating for trauma after an abortion had the same symptoms as a Vietnam veteran whom he was treating for PTSD on an inpatient ward at Pine Rest Christian Hospital, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Mr. Hanley treated the women for PTSD. They all got better. He initiated the clinical research which used standardized tests considered to be state of the art at the time. The study was conducted by clinicians and researchers on both sides of the abortion issue. 

The first article was presented to the American Psychological Association, New York, 1995. The article in the appendix, “Methodological Considerations of Empirical Research on Abortion, Anderson, †Hanley, †Larson, and Sider was published as a book chapter in Post-Abortion Syndrome: Its Wide Ramifications ed. by Peter Doherty, Four Courts Press, Dublin, Ireland, 1995. 

I published the Pine Rest Study and related article because Pine Rest colleagues and women helped by this study came to Mr. Hanley’s wake in 2018. He had not seen most of them in over twenty years. The women said they continue to help other women deal with their abortion. I obtained permission to publish from all authors or their living spouses and Four Courts Press.

The book took third place honors in the “Life and Dignity of a Human Person” in the 2021 Catholic Media Book Awards.


Mrs. David C. Hanley


“In today’s world where abortion rights advocates advance their services as health care, this 25-year-old study by David C. Hanley and others prophetically exposes abortion as the exact opposite.” — Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Africa LIFE Runners Coordinator

“I almost dropped to the floor when I opened the package you sent me a few days ago! What a pleasant surprise! Let me start by thanking you from the bottom of my heart for thinking of me and sending David’s research book. I will treasure it as long as I live because it reminds me so much of the clinical work that David, Steve King, and I did together on the Pine Rest Adult Services team.  What a gift you and others have given! You have greatly honored the work that David did to research the literature and administer the protocols on what really happens with women who have undergone elective abortions! I wish we could still sit down together as we did in our team meetings and discuss what our clients were teaching us (!) as we tried to listen and serve them with the compassion of our Savior.  We as students of the mind and emotions are also learning so much in the years since we worked at Pine Rest. The issues of attachment and bonding are so much more prominent now, not only between mother and child but also between husband and wife, friend and friend, teacher and student, and, of course, therapist and client. We are also learning so much more about how the brain reacts to traumatic experiences. We are learning that trauma is just as strong when a relationship is broken or threatened as when physical pain is administered. Advances in brain scanning (fMRI) procedures have documented and confirmed this. I hope there will be more research done, perhaps spurred by David’s work on the attachment of wounds created in pregnant mothers when they are even contemplating an abortion. Well done! —To all who participated in getting this research published!” – Kenneth J. Ellis, PhD, Licensed Psychologist


At the time of the writing in 1995:

David C. Hanley, MSW, was a Senior Clinical Social Worker at Pine Rest Christian Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Trained at the University of Michigan School of Social Work, he has specialized in treatment of women stressed by their abortions and has served as principal investigator of a clinical research study of post-abortion stress conducted at Pine Rest Christian Hospital. 

Rachel L. Anderson was a doctoral student in the Human Development and Social Policy Program at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Her research focus was on women’s health, including completion of a systematic review of the medical, psychological and social effects of induced abortion on women, funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 

David B. Larson, MD, MSPH, was Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center, Northwestern University Medical School and the United States Uniformed Health Services. A former research psychiatrist at the National Institute of Mental Health and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, he then became President of the National Institute of Healthcare Research. Dr. Larson helped to develop the systematic review methodology and specialized in the public policy implication of religious commitment. He had over 160 professional publications in such policy areas as mental health diagnoses and services, the use of nursing homes, and AIDS/HIV infection. 

Harry L. Piersma worked most of his career at Pine Rest Christian Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and later retired from the W.G. Hefner VA Medical Center in Salisbury, North Carolina. 

D. Stephen King, MD, was a Staff Psychiatrist Pine Rest Christian Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Roger C. Sider, MD, was a Medical Director of the Pine Rest Christian Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and professor of Human Medicine at Michigan State University. Trained at the University of Toronto and Johns Hopkins Hospital, he has published numerous articles and book chapters on psychiatric ethics and had a life-long interest in clinical care, clinical administration, and the interface of psychiatry and religion. 


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