Spiritual Direction: Principles and Praxis, authored by Fr. Dominic Anaeto

Spiritual Direction: Principles and Praxis, authored by Fr. Dominic Anaeto

Spiritual Direction: Principles and Praxis

by Fr. Dominic Anaeto

When Pope Benedict XVI called for the year of faith (October 11, 2012, until November 24, 2013), he invited the people of God to seek spiritual direction, for even the most devout Catholics have questions or struggle with elements of the faith or desire more focus. Where there are those in need of spiritual direction, there are those able to provide it. The purpose of this book is, therefore, to adequately prepare those engaging in the ministry of spiritual direction. The aim and objective of this ministry is to open our directees to the assistance of the Holy Spirit so that they may all discern how to be more fully themselves in Christ.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“As a Lay Dominican, I thought I was intimately familiar with both sides of the spiritual direction process, but Fr. Dominic’s work in this area has provided me with tools I didn’t know I needed and a desire to engage others and be more engaging myself in a way I didn’t know was possible.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Lay Dominican of the Queen of the Holy Rosary Chapter in the Province of St. Albert the Great


Fr. Dominic Ugoo Anaeto is a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Nnewi in Nigeria. He holds a License in Spirituality from Gregorian University in Rome, a Doctorate in Pastoral Theology from the Lateran University also in Rome, and a diploma from the Christian Institute for the Study of Human Sexuality at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, Illinois. He is a certified counselor on topics related to Human Development and Human Sexuality. He has served as the Director of the Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies program at Holy Apostles College & Seminary in Cromwell, CT, and as Director of Pastoral Formation at St. Mary’s Seminary in Houston, TX.


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The Art of Accompaniment: Practical Steps for the Seminary Formator by Sister Marysia Weber, RSM

The Art of Accompaniment: Practical Steps for the Seminary Formator by Sister Marysia Weber, RSM

The Art of Accompaniment: Practical Steps for the Seminary Formator (2nd Edition)

by Sister Marysia Weber, RSM

The role of a seminary formator is to accompany the seminarian in the external forum and to discern with him, the seminary community, and larger Church community, whether he has a vocation to the Catholic priesthood. To accomplish this task effectively, the formator needs a vast array of skills that will enable him or her to listen to, understand, encourage, challenge, and adequately assess the seminarian in an open and honest way. This book by Sister Marysia Weber, RSM, offers many invaluable insights and practical tools that seminary formators can employ in their work.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 (ISBN-13: 978-1956715828)



“Over the last four years, our seminary has been incorporating the content of Sister Marysia Weber’s book, The Art of Accompaniment, into our one-on-one formation meetings, seminary conferences, spiritual direction, peer reviews, and annual evaluations. Her second edition supports the deeper integration of the benchmarks found in the new Program of Priestly Formation, 6th edition, and gives practical insights and examples to guide discussions between our seminarians and their formators. Our formation program has particularly benefited from using her assessment benchmark template which provides a greater observational clarity of a seminarian’s formational growth and a tool of gradualism for the movement from self-awareness to self-knowledge, to self-possession, to self-gift. This new edition is accompanying our seminary as we review our formation program and implement the new PPF.” – Rev. Andrew Turner, Coordinator of Pastoral Formation for Saint Mary Seminary, Cleveland, Ohio

“As the new Ratio Fundamentalis from Rome invites us to deepen the integration of each seminarian through accompaniment in formation, Sr. Marysia Weber, RSM, brings to bear in this work her years of experience in helping priests and seminarians grow in affective maturity necessary for ministry. This little book offers very helpful insights and practical recommendations to assist seminary formators as they work one-on-one with seminarians in developing the necessary relationship of trust for their growth. Formators will learn from her how to create and take advantage of formative moments in seminary life so that the human and affective flourishing of the man can lead to a flourishing of his divine vocation.” – Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

“Sister Marysia Weber, RSM, DO, articulates clear, relevant ways for the priest formator to accompany seminarians in their formation to the ministerial priesthood. Proposing contemporary assessment questions, this book helps the formation advisor both evaluate and assist the seminarian in his growth in affective maturity. I recommend this compact book particularly because of its practicality, reflection of the Church’s program of formation, and usefulness in identifying opportunities for interior growth for seminarians.” – Fr. Christopher Cooke, Director, Spiritual Year of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Philadelphia.

“An invaluable resource that every seminary formator should have at his or her side.” – Fr. Dennis Billy, CSSr, author of Finding Our Way to God: Spiritual Direction and the Moral Life

“My colleague and friend, Sister Marysia Weber, RSM, has made an invaluable contribution to the work of priestly formation in her book, The Art of Accompaniment. Throughout the work, her skills as a psychiatrist are evident. Even more evident is her love and honor of the priestly vocation. The concept of accompaniment is key to every insight in the text. There simply is no longer a ‘one size fits all’ approach to priestly formation. Sister Marysia demonstrates both from science and theology varied and concrete ways in which more experienced priests can be both challenging and loving companions on a young man’s journey to ordination and a life of service to the Church. Her chapter on ‘Markers of Human Maturation’ is especially helpful because it presents clear and evidence based ways of helping a candidate recognize individual strengths while not fearing to tackle frailties that could compromise his future life and ministry in the priesthood. The chapter on communication skills is most compelling because it helps formators know how to phrase insights in ways that are acceptable to candidates. Sister Marysia clearly grasps the truth of the old adage, ‘I don’t say what I say; I say what you hear.’ The clearest and most objective evaluation I can give to The Art of Accompaniment is to say that I wish I had this book at hand when I began my own work in priestly formation decades ago. It is a significant and contemporary help in forming candidates for the priesthood after the mind of Christ, possessed of self-knowledge, and ready to serve the Church in our challenging times.” – Rev. Msgr. Thomas G. Caserta (Former Director of Spiritual Formation, Cathedral Seminary Residence, in the Diocese of Brooklyn and Pastor, St. Bernadette Church, Brooklyn, NY)


Sister Marysia is a Religious Sister of Mercy of Alma, MI who is a physician, board certified in psychiatry with a fellowship in consultation-liaison psychiatry, who trained at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.  She also holds a Master’s degree in Theology from Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana.  She practiced psychiatry at her religious institute’s multidisciplinary medical clinic, Sacred Heart Mercy Health Care Center in Alma, MI from 1988-2014. She became the Director of the Office of Consecrated Life for the Archdiocese of Saint Louis in 2014. She is a facilitator for Rachel’s Vineyard, is chair of the board of directors of MyCatholicDoctor, an executive board member of the Saint Louis Guild Catholic Medical Association and the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology. She also serves as Adjunct Clinical Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis, Missouri.

Sister Marysia offers workshops on a variety of topics including human attachment, boundaries and character development, depression and anxiety, dialogue and conflict resolution, as well as on social media and its effects on the brain for clergy, seminarians, women’s and men’s religious communities, parents, teachers and students. She is a formator within her own religious community. She presents on Internet pornography addiction—a Catholic approach to treatment to bishops, clergy, seminarians, religious communities, and laity throughout the United States and Europe She presented to the U.S. Bishops in Dallas TX in 1992 on “Pedophilia and Other Addictions”.  She was a member of the USCCB Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Abuse in 1994-1995.  Sister Marysia has presented to the Curia, Vatican City State on “Sexual Abuse of Minors by Clergy in North America” in 2002.  She has served as a psychological expert consultant for the Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations, USCCB.

Sister Marysia’s publications include “Medical Aspects of Addiction”;  “The Roman Catholic Church and the Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests and Religious in the United States and Canada: What Have We Learned? Where Are We Going?”; “Pornography, Electronic Media and Priestly Formation”;  Her publications in Seminary Journal include: “Significant Markers of Human Maturation Applied to the Selection and Formation of Seminarians”; “The Discernment of a Priestly Vocation and the Expertise of Psychiatry and Psychology”; and “Internet Pornography and Priestly Formation: Medium and Content Collide With the Human Brain”.  She has published two books: The Art of Accompaniment: Practical Steps for the Seminary Formator  (http://sst.hgs.mybluehost.me/artofaccompaniment/) and Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down  (http://sst.hgs.mybluehost.me/screenaddiction/). She also has two chapters in Spiritual Husband-Spiritual Fathers: Priestly Formation for the 21st Century entitled “Chapter 9: Markers of Human Maturation in Seminary Formation: Becoming a Gift for Others” and “Ch. 15: Guideposts for the Seminary Formator in Understanding and Assessing Levels of Preoccupation with Use of Internet Pornography and a Formative Process for Moving from Vice to Virtue.”  


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Social Media Magisterium: A No-Nonsense Guide to the Proper Use of Media, authored by Shaun McAfee

Social Media Magisterium: A No-Nonsense Guide to the Proper Use of Media, authored by Shaun McAfee

Social Media Magisterium: A No-Nonsense Guide to the Proper Use of Media

by Shaun McAfee

The positive influence of the media, new and old, is seen through the expansion of Catholic networks that span over 150 countries, and more, allowing the gospel and Christian values to be spread across the globe instantaneously. The positive reach available through the media is certain, but it may also be used to the detriment of many. Online bullying, fake news, and anti-christian movements are common, too. Social Media Magisterium aims to provide insight and wisdom from the Church’s teaching to equip every Catholic to evangelize, defend the Church, and spread the Gospel. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or you just downloaded your first app, McAfee’s writing will provide you with the essentials to use the media the way the Church, in her wisdom, directs us.
Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Shaun's McAfee's Interview on EWTN's The Good Fight with Barbara McGuigan concerning Social Media Magisterium


“This book offers many great tools and insights for bloggers, parishes, apostolates, colleges, and schools. They all need to embark on this journey and get started before they’re too late to the show. The books tells you how to utilize, and how not to utilize, the new media. You will learn a lot from it. Buy the book, read it, and use it.” Dr. Gerard M. Verschuuren, Human Geneticist

“Navigating the waters of new media with a Catholic compass can be challenging. In Shaun’s new book, he unpacks the wisdom of Catholic magisterial teachings and provides practical tips sure to help every Catholic approach the shores of social media with confidence, conviction, and charity.” – Josh Simmons, founder / CEO of eCatholic
“Shaun’s approach to understanding new media is practical, engaging, and perhaps most importantly, unintimidating!  Those who have no idea how to bring their faith to bear regarding social media will find themselves encouraged and empowered by the Church’s wisdom on the topic, and by Shaun’s disarming style.” – Matt Swaim, host of the Sonrise Morning Show
“Each of the last three popes has described modern new media as ‘a gift from God.’ But this wasn’t just because they loved the ego-boost of Likes, comments, and shares. They were convinced these tools could facilitate the mission of the Church, drawing people into the Kingdom of God. And for that reason they would appreciate Shaun McAfee’s new book. This short and practical guide introduces the Catholic magisterial teachings about media–too often ignored–but then shows how to apply them to everyday contexts, from the family, to evangelization, to avoiding the dangers of the Internet. Any Catholic who uses the Internet should read it!” – Brandon Vogt, Content Director at Word on Fire and author of The Church and New Media

“Having served as one of Shaun’s thesis advisers at Holy Apostles, I am absolutely thrilled by the way he has handled this work on social media – it’s a practical and useful explanation of the Church’s century-long engagement of social media and offers a practical way for Catholics today to get involved in the use of these great gifts for evangelization.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Holy Apostles, Cromwell, CT

“A book for these Catholics to read: everyone in Pastoral Studies programs of all levels; everyone who is into Social Media but has fears of being addicted; everyone who avoids social media without realizing all the good that selective use can do, not only for oneself but in evangelizing others. McAfee, a convert to the Catholic faith, has written a book that is solid but never ponderous; that is pithy and relevant without being spotty; that is an easy read that could change your daily life.” – Ronda Chervin, Ph.D. is an Emerita Professor of Philosophy and Spirituality at Holy Apostles and author of some 65 books about Catholic living. She is also on Catholic TV, Radio and has her own blog.

“This is a book that all Christians should read. It clearly presents Social Media as the tool to use to spread the Good News of God’s love.” – Dcn. Marty McIndoe (click here to read Dcn. Marty’s full review)


Mr. Shaun McAfee, O.P. is the author of Filling Our Father’s House, St. Robert Bellarmine and Reform Yourself!: How to Pray, Find Peace, and Grow in Faith with the Saints of the Counter-Reformation, is the founder and editor of EpicPew.com, and contributes to many online Catholic resources.

Shaun holds a Masters in Dogmatic Theology from Holy Apostles in Cromwell, CT. He has made his temporary profession as a Lay Dominican and lives in Italy.

Shaun became a member of the Catholic Church on Easter 2012 and quickly got started talking to people about the ideas that urged him to convert, soon taking up blogging and writing in a more permanent fashion.

Shaun’s writing is known for its honesty, for its down-to-earth approach, and for its being a meek and humble voice in the defense of the Christian faith.

See Shaun’s National Catholic Register article entitled “3 Media Documents Every Catholic Should Read” describing the rationale behind his writing of this book.

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Memorize the Latin Mass! How to Remember and Treasure its Rites, authored by Kevin Vost, Psy.D.

Memorize the Latin Mass! How to Remember and Treasure its Rites, authored by Kevin Vost, Psy.D.

Memorize the Latin Mass!

by Kevin Vost, Psy.D.

In Memorize the Latin Mass! Dr. Kevin Vost harnesses the powerful memory methods of Sts. Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas to help readers learn and remember all the parts and rites of the Traditional Latin Mass as they delve deep into the meaning and history of each one of them, gleaned from the wisdom of the Church and her saints.

Crafted to supplement a Missal and to stimulate further reading, this book is a primer for readers, their children, grandchildren—and perhaps great-grandchildren—to help them come to better appreciate the beauty, sanctity, and mystery of the still enduring form of the sacrifice of the Mass that has nourished countless great saints for the vast majority of the history of the Catholic Church.

Here, in Memorize the Latin Mass! we focus entirely on the Traditional Latin Mass (also known as the Tridentine Mass of the council of Trent and Pope Pius V, the Gregorian Rite, the usus antiquior, vetus ordo, and the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite) with adapted text from Memorize the Mass! and a new Appendix on The Last Gospel. [Click on the map below to open an interactive, expandable version indicating precisely where the almost 500 churches in the United States celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass!]

Those who have read Memorize the Mass! will find much of the information in that book duplicated here. This more slender volume has been prepared for those who want a primer for themselves, their children, grandchildren—and perhaps great grandchildren, to help them come to better know and love still enduring form of the sacrifice of the Mass that has nourished countless great saints for the vast majority of the history of the Catholic Church.

This completely guided and illustrated tutorial in the Catholic Art of Memory will enable you to engrave each and every one of those rites upon the tablet of your heart, knowing them literally forward and backward, and loving the Latin Mass all the more for it!

[Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.]

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle/Nook: $9.99


“I wish I had had a copy of Kevin Vost’s book when I learned the Traditional Latin Mass a year ago. I used many of the excellent books he cited, but his method of memorizing the Mass would have been most helpful. For anyone wishing to experience the deep beauty and solemnity of the ancient rite, I would wholeheartedly encourage them to turn first to Dr. Vost’s book.” – Msgr. Michael John Witt, rector emeritus of the Oratory of SS. Gregory & Augustine in University City, MO, and Professor of Church History at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis, MO


Kevin Vost holds a Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) degree from the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago.

He has taught at Aquinas College in Nashville, the University of Illinois at Springfield, Mac-Murray College, and Lincoln Land Community College.

He has served as a research review committee member for American Mensa, a society promoting the scientific study of human intelligence, and as an advisory board member for the International Association of Resistance Trainers, an organization that certifies personal fitness trainers.

Dr. Vost drinks great drafts of coffee while studying timeless, Thomistic tomes in the company of his wife, two sons, and their two dogs, in Springfield, Illinois.

For more about Dr. Vost, see http://www.drvost.com/


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Memorize the Mass!: How to Know and Love the Mass as if your Life Depended on It

Memorize the Mass!: How to Know and Love the Mass as if your Life Depended on It

Memorize the Mass!: How to Know and Love the Mass as if your Life depended on It

by Dr. Kevin Vost

A downed U.S. fighter pilot survived nearly eight years in a brutal North Vietnamese POW camp by repeating the Mass to himself each day, in Latin and in English. A Maryknoll bishop survived nearly a dozen years confined by Chinese Communists through daily mental recitation of the Mass. When finally released, he actually celebrated the Mass while still his hospital bed – and clad in his pajamas!

Do you know and love the Mass as if your life depended on it?

In his bestseller Memorize the Faith! Kevin Vost harnessed the memory methods of Sts. Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas to help us memorize key elements of the faith, from the 10 Commandments, to the 20 Rosary Mysteries, to all 73 books of the Bible, and more.

In Memorize the Reasons! he called again on the methods of the great Catholic medieval memory masters to show us how to defend the reasons for what we believe, from the primacy of Peter, to the Marian dogmas, to the relationship of Scripture and Tradition in the Holy Catholic Church.

Now, in Memorize the Mass! Dr. Vost applies the powerful methods of the Catholic art of memory once more to all the parts and rites of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, both in the Novus Ordo or Ordinary Form and in the Extraordinary Form or Traditional Latin Mass. Readers will learn not merely how to memorize facts and repeat them like a parrot, but to come to know the names, the sequence, and the meanings of both forms of the Roman Rite of the Mass like a rational human being made in God’s image and likeness with an intellect and a will, and they will learn to engrave each and every one of those rites upon the tablets of their hearts, knowing them literally forward and backward!

Do you want to know and love the Mass as if your life depended on it? (For in a real sense, it sure does for us all!) Then open up Memorize the Mass! and begin to participate in the celebration of Christ’s Real Presence before us in a way you may not have imagined before.

Paperback $16.95 | Hardback $27.95 | Kindle and Nook $9.99. Get your copy today!

[Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.]

Shelf-Talker: (selling the book and need a shelf-talker – print this one!)



“We aren’t supposed to merely follow along with the Missal – we’re called to partake and share in the Mass. Exploring the history and structure of the Mass, Dr. Vost beautifully outlines the fullness and graces that come with committing the Mass to memory in our hearts and minds.” – Shaun McAfee, author of Filling our Father’s House (Sophia Press, 2015)

“Kevin Vost, author of Memorize the Faith! and Memorize the Reasons!, invites us back down memory lane with his newest book: Memorize the Mass! Like his previous works, Memorize the Mass! combines tools for memorization with faith facts, this time about Mass. No one encourages us in our journey quite like Vost does with his wit and grasp of the all things Catholic. Perfect for all ages and sojourners, Memorize the Mass! is sure to become “the” book that gets picked up again and again!” – Cheryl Dickow, President, Bezalel Books, www.BezalelBooks.com

“I have come across many fine books about the Eucharist, but precious few about the history and structure of the Mass, and certainly none also aimed at committing both the Novus Ordo and Extraordinary Form to memory! Memorize the Mass! is thrilling – filled with biblical, historical, and theological insights about the rites of the Mass that I haven’t found anywhere else. The good doctor Vost has given us a powerful prescription for a more ardent and devout reception of the “medicine of immortality,” our Eucharistic Lord.” – Shane Kapler, author of Through, With, and In Him: The Prayer Life of Jesus and How to Make It Our Own (Angelico Press, 2014)

“Dear Dr Vost, I’ve enjoyed a number of your previous books, but Memorize the Mass is by far the best. I’ve just started it and am enjoying it so much. I love the way you’ve given the exercise meaning and placed memorization in historical context. But most of all, I’m enjoying actively participating in learning. It’s my first session and already I’ve covered the names of the first seven parts of the mass. I’m soon to start RCIA and noticed last week that I was beginning to feel comfortable with mass, this just makes it so much better. I’m looking forward to Sunday even more than usual. Thankyou so much for this great book, Yours, Julie Sienkowski” (Fan, 2016)


Kevin Vost holds a Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) degree from the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago. He has taught at Aquinas College in Nashville, the University of Illinois at Springfield, Mac-Murray College, and Lincoln Land Community College. He has served as a research review committee member for American Mensa, a society promoting the scientific study of human intelligence, and as an advisory board member for the International Association of Resistance Trainers, an organization that certifies personal fitness trainers. Dr. Vost drinks great drafts of coffee while studying timeless, Thomistic tomes in the company of his wife, two sons, and their two dogs, in Springfield, Illinois.


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Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace

Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace

Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace

by Dr. Ronda Chervin

Five steps to help people overcome uncontrolled or over-reactive anger. Steps include admitting being angry person: identifying the anger: physical, psychological and spiritual perspectives about causes of the bad kind of anger: dealing with anger day by day: and letting Jesus bring the lion to lie down with the lamb. (workbook – 59 pp.) Listen to an Interview by Mary Schwarz on the Rivers of Living Water program at WCAT Radio.

Paperback $15.00 | Kindle $9.99


“Thank you for writing Taming the Lion within 5 steps from anger to peace. I read it in July 2020. I started the Recovery International Telephone Basic Training on Thursday September 3, 2020. My life changed. I was 56 years old. I had struggled with temper my whole life. I lost 4 full-time jobs from age 26 to 56. Folks would say, “You need to control your temper!” But I didn’t know how. Thanks to your Taming book and RI method (Dr Abraham Low) I am a different man. Peace in Christ.” – Howard Scott Jeffries

“When I read this book in preparation for Lent in 2008, it changed the way I understood my interpersonal relationships. I decided to give up on anger, which I realized I was cultivating within me as a relationship-management tool. Like the Emperor Palpatine, I’d convinced myself that my hate is what made me powerful, but love, Dr. Ronda taught me through the pages of this workbook, is more powerful than hate, peace more life-affirming than anger. Get some copies of this book and a group of friends, and you’ll too learn how to tame the lion within!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP


Ronda Chervin has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Fordham University and an M.A. in Religious Studies from Notre Dame Apostolic Institute. She is a convert to the Catholic faith from a Jewish but atheistic background. She has been a professor at Loyola Marymount University, St. John’s Seminary of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, and Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Connecticut. More than fifty books of hers have been published by Catholic presses in the area of philosophy and spirituality. Dr. Ronda presents on EWTN and Catholic radio. She is a dedicated widow and grandmother. Her many books include Quotable SaintsHealing Meditations from the Gospel of St. JohnCatholic RealismVoyage to InsightWeeping with Jesus, Healing of Rejectionand The Way of Love: The Path of Inner Transformation


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