Weeds Among Wheat

Weeds Among Wheat

Weeds Among Wheat: L’Arche and the Tainted Legacy of Jean Vanier

by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R.

This book is about baking the bread of Christian community from the grains of our broken humanity. It is primarily concerned with distinguishing L’Arche’s authentic spirituality from its founder Jean Vanier’s personal flaws and, in doing so, creating enough distance between him and the institution he founded so that the latter can flourish in a world where scandal abounds, and suspicion (and even cynicism) thrives.

Paperback: $19.99 | Kindle: $9.99


Pravin Thevathasan, Catholic Medical Quarterly, July 2022, for the online issue once it’s posted, click here.
I was planning to write about Jean Vanier, founder of L’arche, the organisation that has done an amazing job looking after the intellectually disabled. Then came the news that he had abused adult women. How will L’arche survive? As the author of this really helpful work has said, L’Arche needs to distance itself from its founder. It has a splendid spirituality and that is what is examined in this book.
Vanier’s legacy may be tainted but what he did was remarkable when in 1964 he invited two men with severe disabilities to live with him. This was a time when many of the disabled were being looked after in large institutions or hospitals. What Vanier discovered was that he was receiving much more from the disabled than what he was giving them. All human beings, able and disabled, are fundamentally the same. All human life is sacred. We are all wounded one way or another. The L’Arche spirituality maintains that the disabled have a unique way of penetrating our defences and touching us at the level of our deepest vulnerabilities. They have no pretensions. They our our healers.
The author uses Bread as a metaphor in order to reflect on the spirituality of L”arche. The “Bread of Humanity” examines our collective woundedness. The “Bread of Meaning” examines why L’Arche is named after the Biblical Ark. The “Bread of Presence” looks at how we are present to each other. The “Bread of Healing” examines the ways in which we are healed. The “Bread of Forgiveness” looks at the vital role of forgiveness in our relationships. The “Bread of Prayer” looks at the way our relationships lead to communion with God. The “Bread of Service” shows us that we find meaning when we serve others. The “Bread of Friendship” looks at the role of friendship in the L”Arche communities. The “Bread of Community” looks at the necessity of forming strong and vibrant communities. The “Bread of the Eucharist” shows how the Eucharist is at the heart of L’Arche communities.
This book shows us how the L’Arche communities can move on. And how we too can live its spirituality in our own way. 


Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R., is Professor Emeritus of the history of moral theology and Christian spirituality at the Alphonsian Academy of the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome and currently serves as The Robert F. Leavitt Distinguished Service Chair in Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore. An American Redemptorist of the Baltimore Province, Fr. Billy has advanced degrees from Harvard University, the Pontifical University of St. Thomas (Angelicum), and the Graduate Theological Foundation. The author of numerous books and articles on a variety of religious topics, he is also active in his order’s retreat apostolate and in the ministry of spiritual direction.



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21 Centuries of Church History in 21 Pages by Albert Domm

21 Centuries of Church History in 21 Pages by Albert Domm

21 Centuries of Church History in 21 Pages

by Albert Domm

Focused on our Catholic faith, Albert Domm’s 21 Centuries of Church History in 21 Pages engages the Catholic reader in a concise but rich history of our Church one full century at a time. A narrative flow, this history is more than just a chart of dates and facts but a real story of our Catholic culture.

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99



21 Centuries of Church History in 21 Pages is a pithy book that provides synopses of consequential events and significant people of the past 21 centuries. All are described within the context of the Catholic Church as distinct from any other history since Catholic history is sacred history, the sacred history of the Holy Spirit extending Christ’s presence in time through the Sacramental Church and, in particular, through saints. I highly recommend this charming book.” – Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, author of Catholic Church History: Pre-Christian to Modern Times, Eastern Civilization from a Catholic Viewpoint, East and Southeast Asian History, Western Civilization: From Prehistorical Times to the Protestant Reformation and Western Civilization: From the End of the Renaissance to Modern Times.

“Dr. Albert Domm has created a marvel, a history of the Catholic Church in twenty-one pages. Ludwig von Pastor wrote a history of the popes and it took him forty volumes. More recently, Warren Carroll and his wife produced a history in six volumes. Remarkably, 21 Centuries of Church History in 21 Pages covers all the bases and introduces to the reader most of the main characters in history of Catholicism. This book would be a great resource for an RCIA class or another place where a quick overview is needed. The book is easy to read and filled with entertaining tidbits. Dr. Domm includes an excellent annotated bibliography which is helpful for further research.​” – Msgr. Michael Witt, host of several WCAT Radio Church history programs entitled Witt and Wisdom, including “The First Twelve Generations: The Early Church History,” “Medieval Catholic Church History,” “Catholic History from Modern Times (1274-2000)” 


Albert Domm received a BS in chemistry and biology from the University of Alabama in Birmingham and an MD from the University of South Alabama College of Medicine. He did a residency in Pathology at Emory University (Atlanta, GA). He is board certified in Pathology and is in private practice. In 2013, he received a Masters of Theology with an emphasis in Church history from Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut. He has taught a number of classes in Church History at a parish level. He is the father of five children and resides in Columbia, Tennessee, which is a little south of Nashville.


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The Image of God: Give Man His Dignity by Augustine Kelechi Ikegwu, O.SS.T.

The Image of God: Give Man His Dignity by Augustine Kelechi Ikegwu, O.SS.T.

The Image of God: Give Man His Dignity

by Augustine Kelechi Ikegwu, O.SS.T.

The African man is called to a sober reflection about himself in relation to others and about the reason for and meaning of his existence on earth. Through the Catholic Church’s teachings, which defend the personhood and dignity of man, the African man is made aware of the vitality of others through a fraternal love that equalizes and mirrors the image of God in him. In his relationships with other men, therefore, the African man is expected to manifest his dignified nature, which is of divine origin. This work thus argues for a positive relationship among members of African societies in spite of religious, social, and political differences.

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99



Dr. Eileen Quinn Knight of Profiles in Catholicism. (May 18, 2021) Click here for the interview and here for the review. 



“The idea of universal human dignity is a product of biblical religion and is indefensible apart from it. In the modern era, in the West, it remains as the vestige of a once-dominant religion. Honored in the abstract, it is disregarded or attenuated when it proves inconvenient to corporations, armies, or states. Augustine Kelechi has produced a useful survey of human dignity and its historical development in church and society. He raises important and urgent questions that are relevant to politics, law, international relations, and economics. With Christianity in eclipse, the universality of human dignity is increasingly imperiled, and more categories of persons are vulnerable to abuse. This is an issue that commands the attention of Christians everywhere.” Mike Aquilina, award-winning author of more than fifty books on Catholic history, doctrine, and devotion. His best known book is, The Fathers of the Church.

“It is my privilege to witness Mr. Kelechi’s incredible work as he developed his thesis and purposes for writing this book. The topics need major attention from Catholic scholars, sociologists, cultural researchers, and spiritual communities whose efforts are prioritized around church development and the spread of the Gospel in the African continent. His research deserves strong consideration from all who invest in global projects, academic research, and community development regarding faith-based initiatives and improvement of church growth in third-world countries. Mr. Kelechi, I salute you for your hard work, desire to constantly improve the details, and strong commitment toward your vocation and spreading the Gospel. Great work!” Dr. Chad Newton, Ph.D., an online Adjunct Educator at Bethel University, College of Professional Studies, and Research Fellow for Cornerstone Leadership Institute

“Augustine Kelechi Ikegwu guides the reader of The Image of God: Give Man His Dignity as they delve into a topic that is of timeless and timely importance. Reasons for the defense of Human Dignity and its violation in History are covered. Philosophical, and Scriptural arguments are presented to give a full treatment of the topic. Slavery, Human Trafficking, Economic Discrimination are addressed. Tribalism, Sexism, Racism and more are covered. As the author is Nigerian he gives extra attention to the difficulties experienced in Africa. This book is a serious read about a vital matter that should be on the shelf of every person who champions the Fundamental Right of Human Dignity.” – Dennis P. McGeehan, author of The Diaries of Joseph and Mary. He blogs at www.warriorsworlddad.com. He has written for Biblezon Children’s Tablet and published in several Catholic magazines such as The Word Among Us and Seton Homeschool Magazine. He is a member of the Catholic Writer’s Guild.

“Augustine Kelechi has written an incredibly astute book on the important subject of human dignity.  This work is an easy read, but it is at the same time deep and rich in content.  Not only do we get a sense of what the Church teaches us in this area, the author exposes us to the history and development of human rights in several countries around the world.  I highly recommend this book.” – Paul A. Nelson, Catholic author of Christians Must Reunite: Now is the Time

“The metaphysical foundations of the recognition of human dignity, historically, emerges within the Church, an incarnation through salvation history of the Body of Christ. To the extent that the Church’s teachings on dignity lose favor, society as a whole risks losing the implicit edifice upon which the legality of international human rights are recognized and protected. Augustine Kelechi Ikegwu’s timely and important book, The Image of God: Give Man HIs Dignity, is a powerful reminder of the dire need for the acknowledgement and defense of the Christian conception of human dignity for the protection of the rights of the most vulnerable. Ikegwu expertly demonstrates the development of Western conceptions of dignity from Cicero and Aquinas, through to Kant and Wollstonecaft. His work is especially persuasive in that the author’s own experiences and accounts of dehumanization in his native Africa, illustrate what is at stake when human dignity is disregarded by society.” Brent Dean Robbins, Ph.D., Author of The Medicalized Body & Anesthetic Culture: The Cadaver, the Memorial Body, & The Recovery of Lived Experience and Professor of Psychology, Point Park University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 

“Augustine’s work is quite  apt and well done. Reading this book,  I knew it was just what I was looking for: a great way to quickly and painlessly evaluate and understand the violation of the dignity of the human person in the world in general,  Africa, and Nigeria in particular. Thank you for filling this niche,  and I recommend this work for all lovers of knowledge.” – Chidimma S. Ikea, Ph.D.,  Imo State University (IMSU),Owerri, Imo state Nigeria

“The dignity of the human person is under attack more now than at any other time in history.  Man is made in the image of God and as such deserves dignity and respect.  This goes applies to both sexes, all races, and nationalities.  Augustine Kelechi does a masterful job of synthesizing the issues and analyzing them with the context of catholic thought.  The end result is a masterful work that defends the dignity and worth of the human person.  Well done.”William Hemsworth M.Div., MATS, Columnist at Patheos and Catholic Stand


Ikegwu Augustine Kelechi was born and raised in Upe Town Autonomous Community in Ngor-Okpala Local Government Area, Imo State, Nigeria. He’s a Religious, a graduate of Philosophy from Claretian Institute of Philosophy, located in Maryland Nekede in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. Augustine obtained a Bachelor in Philosophy (B.Phil) from Pontifical Urban University Rome, and Bachelor of Arts (B.A) from Imo State University Owerri, Nigeria, and is currently undertaking a course in Theology outside of his home country, Nigeria.

Aside from being a prolific writer, he is also a speaker and blogger with numerous articles published in various secular and catholic newspapers and magazines. A vocal human right activist, his latest interview was conducted by a team of Fearologists from a school of thought known as (Fearism) on the existence of fear.


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Romans by Paul, authored by Richard L. Akins

Romans by Paul, authored by Richard L. Akins

Special congratulations to Rick for his being awarded third place in the 2020 Catholic Book Awards contest for best Catholic novel for Rebirth of Nicodemus.

Romans by Paul: The Apostle’s Defense of Catholic Doctrine

by Richard L. Akins

We are often challenged in our faith. When confronted by other Christ-followers, we can experience doubts and confusion. They may use many select Scriptures, especially from Paul’s book to the Romans, to argue that we Catholics are lost. Romans by Paul provides a first-hand, decade-long account of the specific verses and challenges raised against Catholicism. You will come away armed to stand against these challenges, understanding specific biblical defenses that support the Catholic faith.
Paperback: $18.95 | Kindle $9.99


“My main goal for this work has always been to show our fellow Catholics how to respond to biblical claims from Evangelicals that are used to damage our faith and Church. I have also been deeply involved with ecumenism, which is so needed in today’s world so Christianity can remain effective in the general society. It is difficult have an ecumenical dialogue when one side is taught that Catholics are not Christian in the first place. The scriptural arguments made to support this view have long needed to be answered.” – Richard L. Akins


“An astute apologetic on key doctrines; particularly predestination versus free will. Written with obvious charity and a desire to understand contradictory teachings within Christianity, Mr. Akins reinforces the necessity of ecumenical dialogue for the glory of God and the unity of his one Church.” —Anne Stokes, author of Will the Real Church Please Stand!

“The timing of Romans by Paul could not be more provident. The focus on a certain interpretation of Paul by many who call themselves ‘reformed or Evangelical’ has made it difficult for them to even consider Catholics as fellow Christians. Romans by Paul sums up for readers this stumbling block to mutual understanding. The author is dealing with some very difficult questions about human freedom and grace but discusses them in a language that makes them accessible. Catholic readers of Romans by Paul will become better acquainted with the biblical references used to support arguments against the Church. They will become comfortable with the interpretation of those same verses that supports a more Catholic understanding of the Gospel. Reformed Christians will find permission via Romans by Paul to rediscover the wider Christian world as a much larger family of God, this is Good News. Enjoy then a bit of the Good News told from a single voice that holds the whole experience together. One that is probably not too far from your own struggle with freedom and grace.” – Reverend Dr. John Balluff, S.T.D.


Rick Akins is a Novel of the Year award winner from the Catholic Press Association for The Rebirth of Nicodemus.  He is the father of three and lives in the suburbs of Chicago. He is an electrical engineer and MBA, and ran several businesses since 2000. He owns six patents in the field of fiber optics.

Akins’ book Challenged to Grow, published in June, 2018, describes his personal experiences splitting time between Catholic and Evangelical churches.


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Wisdom Literature

Wisdom Literature

Wisdom Literature

by Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA

The seven books of wisdom include Job, the Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Wisdom, and Sirach, all of which teach one thing in a universal and essentially poetic manner: wisdom. Wisdom is  a practical type of knowledge that is to be reflected in right living. This book offers a spiritual engagement of the Old Testament genre that will enable the reader to apply the teaching in everyday life.

Paperback: $14.99 | Kindle: $9.99


The Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, has produced quite a grand opus in his collection of works on Sacred Scripture, Marian Devotion, Catholic Church History, East and South East Asian History, Catholic Apologetics, God the Father and the Priesthood, Eastern and Western Civilization, and Political Science. Each of his books provides wisdom for the beginner and clarity for the educated. – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Holy Apostles College & Seminary


The Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, STD serves as President-Rector at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, CT. He received degrees from Middlebury College, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, the Dominican House of Studies, and the Catholic University of America. He is intent on putting his educational background at the service of the New Evangelization promoted by the recent popes.


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Pentateuch by Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA

Pentateuch by Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA

Pentateuch: A Spiritual Interpretation

by Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA

This book gives a special emphasis to a spiritual interpretation of the Pentateuch in a manner that springs forth from and is based on the literal interpretation, in particular the actual words used in Hebrew. Although the presented spiritual interpretation is distinctly Catholic, in which Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all the types contained in the Old Testament, this does not mean that the ancient Israelite people did not also read the Bible in a spiritual way, and their spiritual interpretation is also, at times, presented.    

Paperback: $19.99 | Kindle: $9.99

Pentateuch: A Spiritual Interpretation, Part 1
Pentateuch: A Spiritual Interpretation, Part 2
Genesis, Part 1: Historical Character of Genesis
Genesis, Part 2: Creation and the Trinity
Genesis, Part 3: Six Days of Creation
Genesis, Part 4: Seventh Day and Covenant
Genesis, Part 5: Adam and Eve
Genesis, Part 8: Eden

Genesis, Part 9: Two Cities
Genesis, Part 10: First Born Sons
Genesis, Part 11: Noah


The Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, has produced quite a grand opus in his collection of works on Sacred Scripture, Marian Devotion, Catholic Church History, East and South East Asian History, Catholic Apologetics, God the Father and the Priesthood, Eastern and Western Civilization, and Political Science. Each of his books provides wisdom for the beginner and clarity for the educated. – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Holy Apostles College & Seminary


The Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, STD serves as President-Rector at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, CT. He received degrees from Middlebury College, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, the Dominican House of Studies, and the Catholic University of America. He is intent on putting his educational background at the service of the New Evangelization promoted by the recent popes.


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