The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

by Francis Etheredge

Running away at 14. Attempting suicide. Pill prescriptions for almost every mental health condition: Marketing or medicine? The exponential rise of the medicalization of children. Personal experience. Conversion. Listening. Catechesis. Pilgrimage. The word of God. The Immaculate Conception. Our times and an antidote!

 In the lives of young people, the help of the word of God to uncover what is hidden (cf. Ps. 19: 12), and to heal it, seems completely underdeveloped. Discover what makes sense of who we are and where hope is to be found! And life! And love!

Paperback: $18.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Guest Writer: Maria McFadden Maffucci: Biography and Foreword: “Enriched by Experience”: An Epidemic of Despair; Mary as Our Guide; Mental Health and the Church; Identity Is the Key to Happiness 

What is this Book about?

A Dedication to the Children of God

A Personal Preface

And a prayer for evangelists: “Eternally Given”

Chapter One: The Immaculate Conception: Beads; Dogma; Scripture; Duns Scotus; and Liturgical Feasts

A prayer for global access to timely care for autism:

 “Queue Jumper”

Chapter Two: Part I: France, Nemour, Lourdes, Spain, Pamplona, the Castle of St. Francis Xavier, Santiago de Compostela, Saints and sharing en route

A prayer for journalists and writers: “Word upon word”

Chapter Two: Part II: And on to Portugal, Fatima and the Suffering of the Innocent 

A prayer for the victims of human trafficking: Part I: “Lord, I stood alone”

A prayer for the victims of human trafficking: Part II: “Pins to People”

A prayer to protect the health and life of children: Part III: “A Body Broken for You”

Chapter Three: Youth, Mental Health and the Word of God:

The Situation of “today”; Where to Begin: What About Asia?; A Comment on the Fashion Industry; America and the UK; Depression, Suicide, and Transitioning as a Response to Events; Feminism

A prayer to end gun violence: “Evidence and Action”


Chapter Four: “The Truths of Faith and Reason are  Complementary”: 

In the Pursuit of Truth; And What is Bioethics? Why Do We Even Think of a Bodily Expression of a Soul?; As Regards the Roots of the Bodily Expression of Being Male and Female; Unnecessary Pills Preceded Unnecessary “Engineering”; The Appearance of Male and Female and Surgery; With Respect to Mental Health and the Family; Are We Awake to the New Developments: What About Brain Privacy?

A prayer to end death from opioids: “Rock Bottom”

Chapter Five: Leading to the Word, the Community and to Christ and His Church: 

The wise man [or woman] has many counsellors (Proverbs 15: 22); We Are Not Alone!; Where to Start: A Relationship with Christ and His Church; Christ is Alive; The word of God in the life of Brother Wilfred, David, Saul, Hannah, Samuel and ‘a Jewish girl’

A prayer for maturing young people: “Crossing”

A Few Final Reflections: 

The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ; ‘What advice would you give to young people who want to be happy? (From an Interview); The Next World Youth Day: South Korea; Panning Out From South Korea

A Prayer for Artists Who Create Sacred Art: Part I: “From Creator to Creative Creatures”     

A prayer for Church musicians Part II: “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord Help us!”

Guest Writer: Lara Katherine Miller: Biography and End Word: The experience of the absence and presence of “Christ the Eucharist”: 

Natural and supernatural wisdom; feeling good and meeting Christ; Coming out of media immersion and entering into our humanity; A society without or with Christianity; Alone with the Eucharistic Christ: “inpatient treatment”

A prayer for the intercession of Mary, the Mother of the Lord: “In the Midst of Life”


A Review by Fr. Vivian Boland, OP. (August 1, 2024). Profiles in Catholicism. Click here to read.


The Word in Your Heart is Francis Etheredge’s exploration of healing from emotional and spiritual woundedness through the word of God, Mary, and the Neocatechumenal Way. In it, he illustrates how God acts in our “struggles, sins, and failures.” The moving personal stories and discussions on anti-life issues, such as abortion, suicide, and gun violence, are interwoven with Scripture, the lives of the saints, church teaching, and prayer. They help readers, especially young people, to reflect on their spiritual journey with God as their guide and Our Lady as their spiritual, motherly companion. The aim is that those experiencing woundedness will come to their senses and foster a deeper vertical relationship with God and a horizontal relationship with others so that they can engage in the Christian faith and begin anew on the path of love rooted in the love of God and for the Church.” Rev. Vien V. Nguyen, SCJ, Lecturer of Scripture Studies, Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, Hales Corners, Wisconsin, USA

“Teenagers and other young adults today have become what author and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt calls — in the title of his latest book — The Anxious Generation. Because of the extraordinary, disorienting and destructive pressures of social media and what Haidt calls the “great rewiring of childhood,” mental illness among such young people is growing in epidemic proportions. This new book by Francis Etheredge seeks solutions to this catastrophe by rooting itself in both Catholic tradition and the author’s personal experience of mental distress as an adolescent. Thus, it is another helpful tool for trying to solve a disaster that is robbing young people of their present and, at times, even their future.” — Bill Tammeus, journalist, whose books include Love, Loss and Endurance: A 9/11 Story of Resilienceand Hope in an Age of Anxiety
A Word in Your Heart is a gift of empathy in an age when nothing is needed more. This remarkable book lays its erudition and experience at the feet of today’s most neglected people: the afflicted young. To a secular order that sees them as victims, Francis Etheredge counters that they are instead pilgrims — designed for, and in need of, the spiritual adventures and consolations described in these stirring pages.” Mary Eberstadt:

“Francis Etheredge writes with passion and faith as he walks alongside young people and their journey. If you work with young adults in the Church or in mental health this is an insightful read with a personal and Marian perspective.” – Angela Ward, host of A Beautiful Thing podcast

“An extraordinary book, buzzing and chock-a-block with ideas, information, aphorisms and incidents that are all telling in the overall purpose of the book, which is to help heal emotional and spiritual wounds. It’s quite clear that the author himself has experienced many, if not most, of the ‘wounds’ he outlines, sometimes very graphically. The cornucopia we have here can possibly be criticised as too much; perhaps a little pruning might have been in order, but that said, I learnt so much from reading this book: about pilgrimage, about Catholicism (I am not a Roman Catholic), about Lourdes and Fatima, about the miracle of Jordan Peterson’s wife, Tammy, about mental health, body problems, loneliness, gun violence opioids, addiction, abortion and JK Rowling being at Rock Bottom. It really is quite breathless – and oh! Good also to see Dante quoted at least 3 times. So, all in all, quite an incredible book, and I think as my final observation in this brief encomium, one that is ideal for dipping into: you will find wisdom almost anywhere you dip!” – James Sale, poet and feature writer for the Epoch Times (see his page on Amazon)

“In this book, Francis Etheredge invites us to accompany him and 270 young people on the road to Lisbon for World Youth Day 2023. Woven into the background of this pilgrimage, Francis relates his own life’s woundedness with searing honesty and his joys with gratitude. Drawing extensively on the writings of Pope Francis, the example of numerous Saints and Blesseds and, above all, the Immaculate Conception of Mary, he maps a route for healing – for himself and for young people across the earth. Equipped with ‘beads, fragments and pieces,’ he charts a pathway through the many stresses and influences affecting young people today, particularly in the field of mental health. I found his reflections and prayers to be thoughtful and thought-provoking, calling me and all of us to discern anew our relationship with God and with each other in the healing light of Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.” – Andy Doyle, OP

“Life and the exploration of faith is indeed a pilgrimage of intense soul searching, desirably beginning amid youth and lasting through a lifetime of the discovery of the power and love of God as the Father and Jesus as our Son and Savior. The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth, and Mental Health is an incredibly thought-provoking and insightful, revelational book about the deep abiding love of our Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God born of the Virgin Mary. The book dives into deep waters of human suffering and the vital cry for mental and emotional securities from an author who understands the hard times and challenges of being a youth and gaining and growing in the knowledge and love of our Savior. The abiding love that Mary shared as a pure and Holy Mother and the transformational spirit of Jesus Christ to this generation is conveyed in a way that can quite probably bring new life and healing to those who read it. I highly recommend this transformational book.” – Teresa J. Herbic, Award-Winning Author, Script Writer and Editor, Brand Marketing and Public Relations Professional, and Adoptive Mom, Child, and Orphan Care Leader

“This intriguing book, inspired by the experience of the author as he travelled to World Youth Day, invites the reader to embark on a healing pilgrimage in the company of Mary. It addresses a myriad of pressing issues facing us today, focusing particularly on the challenges and vulnerabilities of young people. Inspired by the spirituality of the Neocatechumenal Way, Etheredge presents a collection of reflections stemming from his personal story, enriched by insights from the Christian tradition. What shines through is his passionate conviction that only an encounter with God, in Scripture, in the Christian Community, in the Sacraments, can restore us to health and bring about a spiritual renewal adequate to the confounding confusion of the world.” – Brian K. Reynolds, Fu Jen Catholic University, author of Gateway to Heaven: Marian Doctrine and Devotion in the Patristic and Medieval Periods

“This book is impactful and deals with much that is plaguing culture. The author masterfully lays the groundwork for the understanding of our beautiful faith, and that mercy and grace are available for the asking. The reader will be changed by this book, and the reader will go forth and change the world.” – William Hemsworth M.Div, columnist at Patheos, and Partner/Director at CatholicismRocks

“Francis captures the essence of pilgrimage in his latest work The Word in Your Heart and invites the reader on a journey to Lisbon via interwoven narratives. In turn, each story recounted serves as a catechetical waypoint. This book – a lifetime in the making – is itself a collection of biographies gathered together symphonically and revealing the grand interpersonal context within which God’s Will operates.” – Vanco Hristov: BSc(Hons), GradDipPsych, PhD candidate (UoM)

“In The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health, Francis Etheredge addresses the important subject of mental health problems among today’s youth. Written in the backdrop of World Youth Day 2023 (Lisbon, Portugal), Francis offers his personal story of suffering and redemption as a means to inspire young people to seek hope through God’s love. Highlighting the vital ‘tripod’ of God’s words (Scripture), liturgy, and community, Francis reminds young people – and everyone – of their deepest identity as children of God called to live life to the full (Jn 10:10). With the rise of in mental health issues, particularly among youth, this book serves as a timely reminder that nobody, no matter how broken, is beyond God’s healing love and grace.” – Eric Manuel Torres, BHlthSci, MOrthoptics (LaTrobe), MNSc (Melb), GradDipTheol, MTS (CTC/UDiv), GradCertEdu [Specialist Inclusive] (Deakin), CertIIIBAdmin (S.Russo), AOBR, MOA, RN, ACMA Member. Catholic moral theologian and bioethicist.

“Francis Etheredge has written a very important and timely book on a crucial subject for our times. The cultural pressures and stress that are on our young people these days are unprecedented. Youth mental health is the elephant in many rooms in the Western world. The message of this book should land in the hearts of young people in Western societies and truly be helpful!” – Dr. Joe Malone, author of Battles of the Sexes

“Francis Etheredge’s latest book is powerful, full of fresh creative images, and a penetrating analysis of the contemporary scene for youth. Because of his own personal tragic history redeemed by his conversion, his insights shuttle us back and forth between surprise and inspiration. Highly recommended.” – Dr. Ronda Chervin, Catholic writer, professor, and media presenter, online at

“Delighted to share my enthusiastic endorsement for The Word in Your Heart, a powerful resource created by Francis Etheredge, and am impressed by the valuable insights, thought-provoking, and transformative teachings that Francis brings to the table. What sets “The Word in Your Heart” apart is Francis’ ability to connect the wisdom of ancient texts with the challenges and realities of our modern world. Francis Etheredge’s expertise and unique perspectives are equipping readers with the knowledge that individuals seeking spiritual growth and philosophical insights need.” – Sidoney S.

“I have had a chance to read your book The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health. It was wonderful. A great mix of sincere, and prayerful intentions. The book reveals an inspiring journey of faith, courage, and hope amidst adverse circumstances. You as the author have intertwined your own journey of despair and healing, developing a special faithful coping mechanism which I believe will lend itself to others in the same circumstances including young people.” – Carol-Ann Lane, Ph.D., OCT, MEd, HBEd, HBA, Christian author devoted to sharing stories of inspiration and hope. Author, Writing Coach, Educator, online at


Mr. Francis Etheredge is married with eight children, plus three in heaven.

Francis is currently a freelance writer and speaker and his “Posts” on LinkedIn can be viewed here. Poetry; short articles; autobiographical blog; excerpts from books; and “Philosophize: A Ten Minute Write.”

For a list of all of Francis’ books published by En Route Books and Media, click here.

See Francis’ other books, too, entitled Scripture: A Unique WordFrom Truth and truth: Volume I-Faithful ReasonFrom Truth and truth: Volume II: Faith and Reason in DialogueFrom Truth and truth: Volume III: Faith is Married Reason.

He has earned a BA Div (Hons), MA in Catholic Theology, PGC in Biblical Studies, PGC in Higher Education, and an MA in Marriage and Family (Distinction).

Enjoy these additional articles by Francis Etheredge:

Mary, Our Blessed Mother

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La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania’s Polish.

To duchowe przemówienie, które wygłosiłem grupie polskiej młodzieży w ośrodku rekolekcyjnego w Bablińcu, Polska o Miłości, jaką Bóg dla nich ma. Został on przetłumaczony 3 września 2005 roku przez Hanię Przybylo. Można to posłuchać zarówno w moim języku angielskim, jak i po polsku Hania.

La Sainteté de la Féminité

par Mary Kloska

Un grand mystère entoure le don de la féminité que Dieu veut que les hommes chérissent et protègent. The Holiness of Womanhood est une retraite spirituelle qui décrit les divers dons que Dieu a confiés aux femmes (ou plus précisément qu’il a fait des femmes) et leur rôle en tant que compagne, épouse et mère. Ce livre aborde également l’appel de Dieu à une femme dans une vocation spécifique, son don de pureté et sa vie intérieure unique en relation avec la Croix, l’Eucharistie et la prière. Il se termine par une réflexion sur les exemples des saints et de la Vierge, qui est le chef-d’œuvre de la féminité de Dieu.
Broché : $14.99 | Kindle : $9.99
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The Holiness of Womanhood Retreat


The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love



The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska is profound and remarkably readable, a great treasure for our times. I would recommend this book to anyone for their spiritual benefit.” — Fr. Ayub Francis Nasar

“Translating this book is really helping me to respect my wife, mother, sisters and all women more and more. I am very sure that I am going to get more depth and reverence for women as I continue to work on it. And really thanks for writing such a masterpiece. There is no doubt that our society here needs this book very much. I believe this book is not only going to change women, but also men. Praise the Lord for using you to be the sign of hope. This book is going to be hope for our women who really are struggling with their true identity.” — Aqif Shahzad- translator into Urdu

“I picked this book up and could not put it down until I turned the final page… and I’m a man! If it captivated me to such a degree, I can only marvel at the wondrous effect it will have on women! This book is so uniquely beautiful that I would not be at all surprised if in time it is recognized as a classic in Catholic women’s literature. I would encourage every woman to read this treatise and to hold on to it for her entire life… keep returning to it; and finally… leave it as a special heirloom to someone you love dearly.” — Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT, author of The Redemption of San Isidro; To Whom The Heart Decided To Love; Adventures In The Father’s Joy; The Prayer of Jesus Crucified (La Oracion de Jesus Crucificado); and the new Catholic music album/CD, So Shine by brothersister

“Mary Kloska takes on an important, though much neglected issue: the real differences between women and men, with a focus on the impact of those differences on women’s spirituality. The joy of reading this is that in place of the anger that sometimes accompanies such issues, Mary gently and calmly observes the differences and celebrates both, even as she focuses her attention on the spiritual gifts of women. I, a man, have directed women, and I know a number of women who give spiritual direction to men, yet Mary’s insights into the spiritual life of women offer far more insight than I can. In addition, her experience comes from her having lived on four continents, among very diverse people — North America, Europe, Africa and Asia, which gives her insights breadth. Her own spiritual life is the obvious source of her depth. Her book is a profound aid in a woman’s spiritual development.” – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, president and founder of Ignatius Productions and senior fellow of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology

“What a beautiful retreat for women! I love it. Full of deep insights. I can assure you from reading the book …that it is full of joy and peace and that it actually helped me at age 82 (even though I wrote a whole book about women and several books that I use on retreats myself). I still found new insights in this book. So even if you have been to women’s retreats, this could give you something new and very important.” – Dr. Ronda Chervin, leader of dozens of women’s retreats, and author of Feminine, Free, and Faithful

The Holiness of Womanhood contains much wisdom and Truth for any woman who really wants to become what God created her to be. Having lived through the rise of women’s liberation in the sixties and seventies, which began the release of tons of literature about women that only polluted the mind, I find this book refreshing. It gives a Godly spin to femininity and has many riches for any woman who wants to be a woman of God.” – Clare R. Ten Eyck, Ed.D., Catholic Therapist and Retreat Director

“Mary Kloska’s retreat for women, especially in their early twenties, lays out the principles for motivating a young person’s true identity in the making. Even more, a mother of a family can find in this book, easy to read and think about, practical insights to help her daughters mature toward a deep sense of potential motherhood. Then she can more truly discern an authentic spouse to love her and her children in marriage with sacrificial love.” – Fr. Basil Cole, Professor of moral, spiritual, and dogmatic theology at the Dominican House of Studies

“This book provides a much needed insight into authentic femininity, and is a must read for young and old women alike, who wish to delve deeper into their individual vocations and their meaning and purpose as a daughter of the King.” – Theresa A Thomas, Mother of six daughters, 15-year family columnist at “Today’s Catholic News,” contributor to Integrated Catholic Life website, Catholic Exchange, freelance writer and author of Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories from Every Day Families (Scepter, 2013)


Mary Kloska is from Elkhart, Indiana. She was raised in a huge Polish family (12 brothers and sisters) along with a lot of foster babies and other needy people in and out of the house. She presently has 70+ nieces and nephews.  She has lived a very unique life. Upon graduating from Notre Dame in 1999 she spent almost 20 years in the missions serving the poor (including orphanages) as well as praying as a consecrated hermit all over the world –Siberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa, Philippines, Mexico, the Holy Land and all over Europe as well. Although she spent a lot of time away in silence praying, ironically she loves children and is very fun and outgoing when it comes to serving young adults, as well as the little ones. She also spent her time in the missions giving retreats, doing simple catechesis, leading prayer groups, giving spiritual direction, helping in deliverance, changing diapers, feeding babies and cleaning floors. After spending intense time serving in a mission she would withdraw for periods of ‘retreat’ as a hermit (including three years as an official diocesan hermit with vows under a Bishop.) The last few years she has spent as a fulltime nanny to infant triplets, twins and several large families. She speaks many languages (poorly) and enjoys playing guitar, painting icons, baking, gardening, reading, writing and simply filling in where there is the greatest need in the Church. Her WCAT Radio program, “The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love,” may be found here.


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Medjugorje: Mon long chemin de conversion avec Notre Dame de la Paix de Medjugorje

Medjugorje: Mon long chemin de conversion avec Notre Dame de la Paix de Medjugorje

Pour en savoir plus sur Medjugorje, consultez les autres livres d’En Route!

 Médaille d’argent!
Division des mémoires aux Catholic Media Association Awards

Une belle histoire de foi en Notre Sainte Mère dans laquelle l’auteur partage, de manière intime, comment elle a reçu la grâce de communiquer avec Marie et a également développé une compréhension des miracles. Après avoir vécu la perte douloureuse de son jeune frère, l’auteur envisage de se rendre en pèlerinage à Medjugorje et de se consacrer à l’aide aux malades, aux handicapés et aux perdus. Elle finit par devenir accompagnatrice de pèlerinage, amenant des pèlerins dans d’autres lieux saints. Ce livre a été écrit au fil du temps et couvre quelque 36 années d’événements qu’il vaut la peine de connaître.

Medjugorje: Mon long chemin de conversion avec Notre Dame de la Paix de Medjugorje

Par Penny Abbruzzese et traduit par le P. Michel Legault, M.S.A.

En pleine période de souffrance, Penny Abbruzzese apprend que la Vierge Marie est apparue à six enfants à Medjugorje, en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Se demandant si la Vierge Marie peut réconforter son cœur encore en deuil, Penny entreprend un pèlerinage à Medjugorje, sans savoir que ce voyage et cette quête de guérison changeront sa vie d’une manière qu’elle n’aurait jamais pu imaginer. En chemin, elle est amenée à regarder au plus profond de son âme et à se poser des questions sur sa foi. Les gens croient-ils vraiment aux miracles ? Les apparitions sont-elles réelles et peuvent-elles vraiment changer la vie d’une personne ? Une fois sur place, elle reçoit miraculeusement la grâce de communiquer avec la Vierge, qui lui dit : “Marie vous donne de l’espoir”. Les messages continus de la Vierge poussent Penny à adopter un nouveau mode de vie. Son cœur s’ouvre à un nouvel objectif : aider les personnes qu’elle avait auparavant ignorées – les âmes perdues, les malades et les handicapés. En réponse, Penny conduit plus de 100 pèlerinages avec d’innombrables pèlerins, témoignant d’une grâce abondante et de nombreux miracles. Elle trouve la réponse à toutes ses questions : oui, les miracles et les guérisons existent. Ce livre raconte l’histoire des 36 années de voyage de Penny, au cours desquelles elle s’est donnée pour les autres, trouvant l’espoir et la foi pour partager cet espoir avec ceux qu’elle rencontre sur son chemin. L’histoire de Penny est une source d’inspiration pour tous ceux qui croient que les miracles se produisent, en particulier au cours d’un voyage semé d’épreuves et de larmes.
Livre de poche $19.95 | Kindle $9.99

Penny présente à Marie à Medjugorje la traduction française de son livre

Medjugorje Message de la Sainte Mère à la voyante Marija Pavlovic

25 mars 2021

Chers enfants, aujourd’hui encore, je suis avec vous pour vous dire Aujourd’hui encore, je suis avec vous pour vous le dire : Petits enfants, qui priez, ne craignez pas l’avenir et ne perdez pas espoir. Vous êtes choisis pour porter la joie et la paix parce que vous êtes à moi. Je suis venue ici avec le nom de “Reine de la Paix” parce que le diable veut la paix et la guerre, il veut remplir votre cœur de la peur de l’avenir – mais l’avenir est à Dieu. C’est pourquoi, soyez humbles, priez et remettez tout entre les mains du Très-Haut qui vous a créés. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel.


“Mon amie Penny Abbruzzese a écrit un livre passionnant sur ce que signifie consacrer sa vie aux révélations privées qui se déroulent au sanctuaire de guérison de Medjugorje. Alors que beaucoup d’entre nous croient que Marie est le prophète de notre temps, peu sont plus dévoués à la diffusion des messages de Marie que Penny. Son livre est une véritable source d’inspiration, non seulement pour les informations spirituelles qu’il transmet, mais aussi comme un témoignage de ce qu’une personne dévouée peut faire dans ses efforts pour déplacer des montagnes”. – Peter Breen, auteur de Prodigal Pilgrim: Letters to Pope Francis on Lourdes, Fatima, Garabanal and Medjugorje (Prodigal Pilgrim: Lettres au pape François depuis Lourdes, Fatima, Garabandal et Medjugorje)

Dans Matthieu 5, 14-16, Jésus a dit : “Vous êtes la lumière du monde”. Dans ce magnifique mémoire, le lecteur verra comment cela se produit ; comment Jésus illumine, élève et sanctifie une âme docile ouverte à son amour transformateur… et comment cette âme s’avance alors comme une lumière dans les ténèbres de ce monde. La merveilleuse histoire de Penny témoigne avec force du rôle fondamental de notre Mère dans ce processus mystérieux par lequel notre Père attire ses enfants en sa présence et les fait devenir un avec lui… comme il est un avec eux.” – Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT Auteur de The Prayer of Jesus Crucified (La prière de Jésus crucifié); Adventures in the Father’s Joy (Aventures dans la joie du Père); To Whom the Heart Decided to Love (À qui le cœur a décidé d’aimer); The Redemption of San Isidro (La rédemption de San Isidro)

“Le livre de Penny Abbruzzese, Medjugorje: Mon long chemin de conversion avec Notre Dame de la Paix de Medjugorje est un hommage sincère à la puissance de l’amour de la Vierge qui agit dans une vie et un cœur vraiment ouverts à sa grâce. Penny prend le lecteur par la main et voyage avec lui à travers les joies et les peines de sa propre vie, tout en montrant l’influence croissante de l’amour et des enseignements de la Vierge, en particulier tels qu’ils ont été partagés avec elle à travers Medjugorje. Ce livre inspirera au lecteur la foi et l’espoir que la puissance de Dieu et la sollicitude maternelle de la Vierge sont vraiment vivantes et actives dans la vie ordinaire de chacun. – Mary Kloska, auteur de A Heart Frozen in the Wilderness: The Reflections of a Siberian Missionary (Un cœur gelé dans la nature: Les réflexions d’une missionnaire sibérienne)

“Au cours des 40 années d’apparitions quotidiennes sans précédent de Marie à Medjugorje, les messages de la Vierge, que Penny s’efforce d’imiter, l’ont conduite à une nouvelle vie dans l’Esprit Saint, comme j’ai pu le constater au cours des 30 années qui se sont écoulées depuis que nous nous sommes rencontrés. L’école d’amour de la Vierge à Medjugorje fait passer Penny de la douleur et de la souffrance liées à la mort tragique de son frère à la paix et à la confiance en la Providence de Dieu, alors qu’elle partage son chemin de foi que je trouve vraiment inspirant”. – John McFadden, prêtre retraité du diocèse de Scranton, PA

“C’est un excellent livre sur une vie transformée par un simple message de la Vierge. J’ai été inspirée par le courage de Penny de se rendre dans un pays inconnu ; l’aventure m’a captivée, mais ce qui m’a poussée à continuer à lire, c’est la façon dont ce voyage a continué à porter ses fruits de tant de façons inattendues!” — Marie Baker- Harrogate, N. Yorkshire, UK

“Penny Abruzzese démontre à travers ce livre qu’elle est une lumière qui brille dans l’obscurité, dans la lueur partagée de la lumière qu’est Notre Dame de Medjugorje! – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, auteur de The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy (La spiritualité narrative de la Divine Comédie de Dante)


Penny Abbruzzese, qui a une grande dévotion pour Notre Sainte Mère, est coordinatrice de pèlerinages religieux. Elle a effectué son premier pèlerinage à Medjugorje, en Bosnie-Herzégovine, en mars 1984. Depuis, Penny s’est rendue plus de 100 fois à Medjugorje avec des groupes venus de près ou de loin. Au cours des 37 années qui se sont écoulées depuis son premier pèlerinage, Penny a dirigé des excursions vers des lieux saints tels que Fatima, Lourdes, Garabandal et Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle. Elle a visité des sanctuaires en France, en Italie, en Bavière, au Mexique, en Turquie, en Grèce, en Pologne, à Prague, à Vienne et dans les lieux saints chrétiens d’Israël.

En collaboration avec l’église croate de New York, qui est une paroisse sœur de Saint-Jacques de Medjugorje, Penny a parrainé plusieurs voyants et prêtres célèbres de Medjugorje pour qu’ils s’expriment à New York. En tant qu’une des fondatrices d’une organisation à but non lucratif, Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Group, Penny a publié un bulletin, Mary’s Mantle, pendant 25 ans avec un lectorat de plus de 5.000 abonnés. Mary’s Mantle exposait les messages de la Vierge, avec des articles importants sur la guérison – physique et spirituelle – et de beaux témoignages de conversion à travers les apparitions rapportées de la Vierge.

Plusieurs groupes de prière ont été créés par Penny et (toujours) un prêtre, ainsi qu’un petit groupe d’amis qui avaient fait l’expérience de Medjugorje ensemble. Quatre groupes de prière se sont réunis chaque mois, de 1986 à 2013, pour prier pour les vocations, les familles, la paix dans le monde et pour mettre fin à l’avortement du premier vendredi jusqu’en mars 2020, date à laquelle le risque de COVID19 a mis fin à cette dévotion.

Penny a été l’invitée du réseau Telecare du diocèse de Rockville Centre de Monseigneur Tom Hartman en 1987 et dans les années 1990. Elle a partagé son expérience en amenant à Medjugorje un ami proche et un partenaire de prière de renommée internationale, l’inspecteur Steven McDonald. Steven est devenu tétraplégique après avoir été abattu dans Central Park à New York en 1986.

En 2014, Penny a coproduit un documentaire sur les apparitions signalées à Medjugorje, intitulé “God Exists… The Queen of Peace Speaks from Medjugorje” (Dieu existe… La Reine de la Paix parle depuis Medjugorje). Le film de Penny a été écrit et produit par Peter Powell, un chercheur et directeur de la photographie qui a travaillé sur plus de 150 campagnes médiatiques aux États-Unis et à l’étranger. La narratrice de Penny était Rita Gam, une actrice chevronnée, sous contrat avec les studios MGM. Plus de 3 000 exemplaires du documentaire de Penny ont été distribués et sont disponibles sur Amazon.

La vie de Penny a pris un tournant radical lorsqu’elle était très éloignée de sa foi. La douleur du suicide de son jeune frère a mis Penny à genoux. L’histoire de sa conversion, Medjugorje… My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, a été inspirée par le Père Svetazor Kraljevic, OFM, à Medjugorje. Dans son livre, Penny emmène le lecteur depuis les jours les plus sombres de la perte de son amie la plus proche, en passant par les étapes de l’abandon, pour finalement se rapprocher de Jésus par le biais des messages de la Vierge de Medjugorje.

Penny est mariée à Michael depuis 50 ans. Elle est mère de trois enfants et grand-mère de six enfants et vit actuellement à Lynbrook, dans l’État de New York.


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Rosary Consecration: Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and Her Most Holy Rosary, authored by TJ Burdick

Rosary Consecration: Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and Her Most Holy Rosary, authored by TJ Burdick

Rosary Consecration: Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and Her Most Holy Rosary


by T.J. Burdick


What if you knew what God’s will was for your life right now? What if you had the ability to destroy vice, decrease sin, and cause good works and virtue to flourish? What if you could have the light of God and the plentitude of his graces every single day of your life, leading to true peace in your soul? That’s exactly what you’ll get at through this book, which will prepare you for total consecration to Jesus through Mary. It is the most practical, deep, and accessible way toward becoming a closer disciple of Christ and attaining, as St. Paul wrote to the Colossians, “full knowledge of God’s will through perfect wisdom and spiritual insight” (1:9). To make it so, Burdick combines the timeless Marian prayer of the Rosary and intertwined its mysteries with St. Louis De Montfort’s True Devotion, St. Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter, Rosarium Virginis Mariae, and the four Marian Dogmas of her Immaculate Conception, Divine Motherhood, Perpetual Virginity, and her Assumption into Heaven.

Paperback $14.99 | eBook $9.99

PRAISE FOR Consecrate Me

In Rosary Consecration: Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and Her Most Holy Rosary, T.J. Burdick masterfully weaves together the mysteries of the Rosary with key insights from St. Louis De Montfort’s True Devotion, St. Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter, Rosarium Virginis Mariae, and the four Marian Dogmas. The reader is invited to prayerfully reflect for 33 days on designated brief daily reflections. At the end of the 33 days, total consecration to Jesus through Mary is to take place. Consecration to Our Lady is a source of holiness that many saints have availed themselves of, and in so doing grew in sanctity. Burdick’s creative methodology is well suited to our times so that people of today, like great saints of the past, may readily consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary and grow in sanctity.” — Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, author of A Brief Historical Survey of Marian Devotion and Theology 


T.J. Burdick the author of several books and article on the Catholic faith. He is the founder of the Dominican Institute ( and blogger at A missionary to Latin America, T.J. writes on how to grow in holiness amongst the distractions and difficulties of the current age. He resides in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and four children when he is no on mission al over Latin America and throughout the United States.

Mary, Our Blessed Mother

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House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold

by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

Our Lady has spent my entire lifetime blessing me with Her friendship –and so I rejoice today to offer Her this little gift of a book, which I hope brings many more souls into Her humble, Motherly embrace.

Hardback: $19.95 | Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99

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The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love






Mary Kloska is from Elkhart, Indiana. She was raised in a huge Polish family (12 brothers and sisters) along with a lot of foster babies and other needy people in and out of the house. She presently has 70+ nieces and nephews.  She has lived a very unique life. Upon graduating from Notre Dame in 1999 she spent almost 20 years in the missions serving the poor (including orphanages) as well as praying as a consecrated hermit all over the world –Siberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa, Philippines, Mexico, the Holy Land and all over Europe as well. Although she spent a lot of time away in silence praying, ironically she loves children and is very fun and outgoing when it comes to serving young adults, as well as the little ones. She also spent her time in the missions giving retreats, doing simple catechesis, leading prayer groups, giving spiritual direction, helping in deliverance, changing diapers, feeding babies and cleaning floors. After spending intense time serving in a mission she would withdraw for periods of ‘retreat’ as a hermit (including three years as an official diocesan hermit with vows under a Bishop.) The last few years she has spent as a fulltime nanny to infant triplets, twins and several large families. She speaks many languages (poorly) and enjoys playing guitar, painting icons, baking, gardening, reading, writing and simply filling in where there is the greatest need in the Church. Her WCAT Radio program, “The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love,” may be found here.


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Peregrino Pródigo: Cartas al Papa Francisco desde Lourdes, Fátima, Garabandal y Medjugorje

Peregrino Pródigo: Cartas al Papa Francisco desde Lourdes, Fátima, Garabandal y Medjugorje

Peregrino Pródigo: Cartas al Papa Francisco desde Lourdes, Fátima, Garabandal y Medjugorje

por Peter Breen

La comunidad cristiana ha estado estudiando la evidencia médica y científica de las apariciones marianas desde que Maria, la Madre de Jesús, se apareció por primera vez al apóstol  Santiago en Zaragoza, España, en el año 40 EC. Más recientemente, María se ha aparecido de manera creíble en Medjugorje en Bosnia Herzegovina durante los últimos 40 años con el mensaje de que Dios puede salvarnos. ¿Es María es la profeta de nuestro tiempo?
El Papa Francisco dio su aprobación oficial a las peregrinaciones de Medjugorje en 2019. Durante una peregrinación a Lourdes, Fátima, Garabandal y Medjugorje, el Peregrino Pródigo le escribe al Papa Francisco, instando al reconocimiento formal de las apariciones de Medjugorje. María ofrece un salvavidas a la humanidad, dice el autor, una alternativa a la observación de David Attenborough de que las cosas solo pueden empeorar para el planeta Tierra.
Paperback $19.95 | Kindle $9.99


“En su libro, el Peregrino PródigoPeter Breen se enfoca en la crisis del medio ambiente. Señala el pensamiento del Papa Benedicto XVI – mencionado por el Papa Francisco – en que sería necesaria la intervención divina para superar esta problemática. Breen, en una serie de cartas a Francisco, recurre a declaraciones del Papa Benedicto para concluir – de manera fascinante – que esta intervención ya se ha producido a través de los mensajes de la Virgen en Lourdes, Fátima, Garabandal y Medjugorie.” – Dra. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson, Profesora de Teología Dogmática, Colegio y Seminario de los Santos Apóstoles

“El Peregrino Pródigo envuelve al lector en un conflicto cautivador; el impulso hacia la incredulidad, por un lado, y, por el otro, la devoción generada por la fe. Algunos pueden leer el Peregrino Pródigo como una versión de Disenso Leal de Charles E Curran. En la introducción del libro, Peter Breen confiesa ser un católico practicante con una crisis de fe en la Iglesia, derivada de razones que van más allá de los escándalos sexuales del clero. A través de un confesionario enrejado, Breen hace una apasionada súplica al Papa para que reconozca los milagros de Medjugorje. Lleva al lector y también al Pontífice, en una peregrinación a los lugares de las apariciones de Nuestra Señora: Lourdes, Fátima, Garabandal y Medjugorje, fomentando la devoción a María como profeta de nuestro tiempo. María, la Madre de Jesús, se presenta como la que ofrece al mundo un salvavidas. La forma epistolar en la que el autor expresa su mezcla de fe y disidencia, es inusual. Podría haber sonrisas y ceño fruncido en lo que algunos pueden considerar como la mejilla del autor al escribir una serie de cartas personales al Santo Padre Francisco, dirigidas como el Padre Jorge Bergoglio; cartas que comienzan con un querido Padre Jorge, como si fuera un párroco. Es una lectura atractiva; una invitación a creer ante los baches intelectuales. Ofrece al católico disidente, pero leal, un lugar en el que podemos llamar, después de Breen, la peregrinación pródiga.” – Ivan Arthur, autor de Saynt Lachmi y Pavement Prayers


Peter Breen es un escritor australiano y autor de varios libros, incluido el éxito de ventas The Book of Letters, publicando por Allen & Unwin. Es un abogado de casos de difamación y medios de comunicación y ex miembro del parlamento estatal. En su neuvo libro Peregrino Pródigo, Peter vuelve a escribir cartas en un libro de correspondencia al Papa Francisco sobre la Iglesia en el mundo moderno y la revelación Mariana privada.


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