Être le patron: Le pouvoir de la subsidiarité pour faire avancer les choses

Être le patron: Le pouvoir de la subsidiarité pour faire avancer les choses


Être le patron: Le pouvoir de la subsidiarité pour faire avancer les choses

par Ian Wilders et Joan Kingsland

Ian est un PDG visionnaire connu pour son plaidoyer en faveur de la subsidiarité sur le lieu de travail. Dans son livre, il partage des idées pratiques et des exemples concrets sur la façon dont ce concept favorise l’innovation, la collaboration et le succès. En encourageant l’autonomie et en reconnaissant les talents individuels, Ian propose un plan pour transformer les structures traditionnelles en lieux de travail dynamiques. Grâce à ses idées stimulantes, il invite les dirigeants à libérer le plein potentiel de leurs équipes, en aidant les chefs d’entreprise ou les cadres à répondre à des questions telles que celles-ci :

  • Que signifie la subsidiarité et quel est son rapport avec la gestion et la prise de décision dans votre entreprise?
  • Comment aligner la prise de décision sur l’autorité dans votre organisation?
  • Comment introduire le concept de subsidiarité auprès des nouveaux employés?
  • Quel rôle jouent la mission et l’autorité dans la mise en œuvre de la subsidiarité au sein de votre entreprise?
  • Comment encouragez-vous la confiance, l’autonomie et la transparence au sein de votre organisation?
  • Pouvez-vous donner des exemples de la manière dont votre système de gestion financière s’aligne sur les principes de subsidiarité?
  • En tant que chef d’entreprise ou manager, quelles sont vos responsabilités dans la promotion et le maintien d’une culture de la subsidiarité au sein de votre organisation?
  • Comment évaluez-vous et mesurez-vous le succès de la subsidiarité au sein de votre organisation?

Livre de poche: $14.95 USD | Kindle: $9.99


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Ian Wilders dirige une entreprise multinationale dont les employés travaillent en Espagne, en Belgique et en France. Voyageur passionné, il s’est lancé dans un tour du monde d’un an avec sa femme et ses quatre enfants et a embrassé le monde avec un esprit ouvert. Il inspire souvent les organisations par des exposés captivants sur la subsidiarité et l’expression des talents.

Joan Kingsland est une femme consacrée de Regnum Christi depuis plus de 30 ans. Elle enseigne des cours tels que la Doctrine sociale à l’Athénée Regina Apostolorum à Rome. Pendant les vacances d’été, Joan offre son expertise en tant que consultante théologique à Ruah Woods, à Cincinnati, dans l’Ohio.


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Homework: How to Hire, Manage & Monitor Employees who Work at Home

Homework: How to Hire, Manage & Monitor Employees who Work at Home

Homework: How to Hire, Manage & Monitor Employees who Work at Home (Post-Covid Edition)

by Phillip Emile Mahfood and Sebastian Phillip Mahfood

Aren’t telecommuters just employees who work at home?

In the landmark 1992 edition of Homework: How to Hire, Manage & Monitor Employees who Work at Home, businessman and entrepreneur Phillip Emile Mahfood described three types of telecommuters:

  • The traditional, work-at-home — either full- or part-time
  • Those who work in a satellite office
  • Those who work in a neighborhood center

and asked some important questions concerning them:

While telecommuting is obviously a savings for the employee in terms of the time, expense and pressures of commuting, how does it help the employer?

In Homework, author Phillip Emile Mahfood provides an in-depth analysis of the cost benefits to all involved, and also details an echo-effect in which the benefits to the employee are a boon to the employer and vice versa. A few of the employer’s benefits include:

  • Decreased overhead
  • A larger, more talented workforce from which to draw
  • Increased productivity

Increased productivity? Wouldn’t there be less direct supervision and, therefore, less accountability among at-home workers?

Telecommuting is about productivity and accountability — not office politics, not the corporate ladder and not “people pleasing.” Thanks to today’s technology, supervision of home workers doesn’t have to be a problem, and with less time wasted in commuting, workers have more uninterrupted, time-on-task hours per day. The guarantee of a productive telecommuting plan is in its method of structuring and implementation.

How does one structure a telecommuting program that ensures productivity and profitability?

Homework shows companies how to implement an air-tight program, covering every aspect from the cost of starting up to managing those who work outside the office. Using case histories of companies that have effectively integrated telecommuting programs, this hands-on guide explores all the key issues:

  • Positions that lend themselves to telecommuting
  • Selecting employees who make good telecommuters
  • Attributes needed for effective telecommuter management
  • How to prioritize tasks for the at-home worker
  • How to monitor and measure job performance
  • Telecommuting as a means of legislative compliance
  • Organized labor’s view of telecommuting
  • Telecommuting as it relates to a global economy

In this post-Covid edition, Dr. Sebastian Phillip Mahfood picks up where his father left off following an additional three decades of technological development and a world-wide cataclysm that caused for a time the home-basing of a great number of employees in practically every industry, government office, school and college.

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99




Phillip Emile Mahfood (1947-2004) owned and operated a telemarketing sales company for over three decades and was a consultant specializing in the establishment and management of telecommuting and telemarketing divisions who traveled extensively to conduct seminars on the benefits of teleprocessing.

The author of three business books, including TeleSelling: High Performance Business to Business Phone Selling Techniques and Customer Crisis: Turning an Unhappy Customer into a Life-Long Client, Phillip Mahfood sought to provide business owners with the kind of expertise that became even more greatly needed during the extended Covid-19 homestays as businesses struggled to figure out how to “hire, manage & monitor,” in effect, to ensure their businesses could continue to thrive with remotely located human resources, the home-based worker.


Sebastian Phillip Mahfood was raised in a home of an innovator in work-based methodologies, learning first-hand the secrets of the Arab caravan model of entrepreneurialism under the tutelage of someone who’d have given the most die-hard Phoenician colonialist a run for his money.

Such techniques as he learned from his father enabled him to remotely multiply twenty-fold over the course of a decade the tuition revenues of a small Catholic liberal arts college in central Connecticut relying almost exclusively on a network of home-based faculty and staff. His skills also enabled him to launch a home-based publishing house and radio station and manage the efforts of what is now over two hundred authors and show hosts in a growing Catholic media enterprise.

The wisdom revealed in this book begins with that of Phillip Emile Mahfood and is extended by his son, who has also accomplished through remote work while traveling the globe, four master’s degrees following the completion of his doctorate, the establishment of a Catholic Distance Learning Network, and the development of a number of 100% online service organizations.



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Translanguaging: Teaching English to Secondary School Students in Tanzania

Translanguaging: Teaching English to Secondary School Students in Tanzania

Translanguaging: Teaching English to Secondary School Students in Tanzania

by Thomas R. Kagumisa

This book is a synthesis of Tanzanian educators’ core beliefs and perspectives on the effectiveness of translanguaging strategies in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to secondary school students. While the existing literature informs and addresses the topic of translanguaging in a general way, the present study does so with a particular focus on the Tanzanian educational context. The data collected from select participants through an online survey confirmed that translanguaging strategies facilitate lesson comprehension, active engagement, satisfaction, and less stress during the lesson. Conversely, adherence to the English Only Policy (EOP) acts as a barrier toward lesson comprehension, causes tension and a stressful atmosphere, and creates fear and lack of confidence, especially among students with little background in literacy. As a solution, the author recommends adapting specific translanguaging techniques such as the use of insertional and alternating methods, creating opportunities for professional development of English educators, and prioritizing instructional strategies that sustain students’ cultural identities.

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“Kagumisa addresses the complexity of the region’s geography, language practices, and school system in a way only one with intimate knowledge of the region and a keen eye for cultural and linguistic nuance could do. Drawing on surveys he conducted with educators, current research, and his own experiences growing up in Tanzania’s English-only system, he illuminates with loving attention important tensions among pedagogical practice, language values, and perceptions of the English Only Policy (EOP) in Tanzanian schools. He thus substantiates, through his own research, the recommendation that a national instructional policy allowing the use of Swahili alongside English would best support student learning and the maintenance of their cultural identities. As scholars of culturally responsive pedagogy like Gloria Ladson-Billings, Geneva Gay, and Sonia Nieto note, teaching in ways that support cultural identity are crucial to ensuring students thrive.” – Sara Cooper, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Doctor of Arts in English Pedagogy Program, Murray State University, Kentucky, USA

“Dr. Kagumisa’s volume not only provides a useful overview of theories and practices of translanguaging but also models the protocols and considerations for applying translanguaging in a specific context.  In doing so, Dr. Kagumisa lays out both challenges and solutions in second language instruction in a region in which a predominant language is contested to a degree.  Most importantly, his work demonstrates in a significant and broadly useful way how translanguaging can, and should, be at the center of culturally sustainable second language instruction.” – Kevin Binfield, Ph.D., Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in English, Murray State University, Kentucky, USA

“The English-speaking world is remarkably diverse and was imprinted throughout the twentieth century by a whirlwind of independence and decolonization movements. Language and education are at the contested center when a nation transitions to self-rule. This is the case in Tanzania, a polyglot nation where speakers of Swahili, English, and hundreds of other regional and ethnic language families regularly use different languages for different purposes. Learners in such diverse linguistic environments determine the extent to which they will make full use of all of their language resources, practicing translanguaging, or combining, meshing, or switching among multiple languages. The Rev. Dr. Thomas Kagumisa reveals the complexity of translanguaging beliefs and practices in this study of Tanzanian English teachers’ translanguaging beliefs and practices. These teachers experience the tension between supporting their students’ right to their own languages and cultural heritages, providing students a robust background in their nation’s lingua franca, and reconciling national education policy with the realities of the classroom. Dr. Kagumisa, who is from the Kagera region of Tanzania, supplements the insights of his research with first-hand experience. This work has implications for educators in any linguistically-diverse place (including the United States) where teachers must understand their own translanguaging beliefs and advocate for the policies and resources necessary to serve their students.” Dr. Zachary Garrett, Assistant Professor of English, Murray State University, Kentucky, USA

“Learning a new language is arduous when one grows up in a multilanguage context. One component of effective communication is a natural flow, and translanguaging provides that cog that dispels clogs, and Dr. Kagumisa delineates such benefits in his research; as he discovers that translanguaging is the panacea to human labor of meaning-making incurred in the context of prevalent multilanguage cognition and transaction. The socio-cultural implication of a potpourri of languages within a context requires an easier way to relay information quickly and to drive the cultural values and connection. Dr. Kagumisa argues that since translanguaging significantly bridges the communication gap and integrates the people of parallel socio-cultural history, it behooves our educational institutions to acknowledge its function and validate its dynamic in curriculum development.” – Dr. George Ebimobowei OtiProsocial Pedagogy Expert, San Jacinto College, Texas, USA

“Dr. Kagumisa’s study offers great promise for the reform of English instruction in Tanzania and, by extension, throughout the world, and the methods discussed will be helpful to any country struggling with a need for language acquisition in order to participate in a global linguistic system, such as Cameroonian students learning French, Uzbek students learning Russian, and Basque students learning Spanish, to name some examples. In short, Dr. Kagumisa provides a generally useful study on a method of language acquisition in an increasingly interconnected world.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, Tunisia (1994-1996), Retired Professor of Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies, St. Louis, Missouri, USA


Thomas Kagumisa is a Catholic priest originally from Bukoba Catholic Diocese, Tanzania. He is currently ministering to the Catholic Communities in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona, USA. He obtained a B.A in Sacred Theology from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, an M.Ed. in English from Liberty University, Virginia, and a Doctor of Arts in English Pedagogy – Technology and Writing from Murray State University, Kentucky. His interest in English prompted him to delve into the topic of translanguaging, the findings of which he submitted as a Capstone Project of his doctoral program.



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Learn to Coach, Learn to Lead: Grow Your Sales, Team, Business, and Yourself by Transforming from Manager to Coach

Learn to Coach, Learn to Lead: Grow Your Sales, Team, Business, and Yourself by Transforming from Manager to Coach

Author, Sean Kelley (left), with a fan.

Learn to Coach, Learn to Lead: Grow Your Sales, Team, Business, and Yourself by Transforming from Manager to Coach

by Sean Kelley

Learn to Coach, Learn to Lead is for leaders of all levels wanting to hone their leadership skills and master coaching. This book is chock-full of tactical strategies to generate buy-in and maximize employees and sales growth. The coaching conversations documented within will enhance your career fulfillment while teaching you to impact lives through coaching. Remember, everyone you get to manage is also a person you have a chance to lead.

Paperback: $19.95 | Hardback: $24.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Humble Faith with Jacob Ogden
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Humble Faith with Mary Kloska

Humble Faith with Chas Kelly

Humble Faith with Adam Chaslak


Learn to Coach, Learn to Lead is a pivotal resource that offers insights into the power of effective coaching in leadership. Sean Kelley, drawing from a wealth of experience that spans from serving in the military to revolutionizing sales teams, offers wisdom that transcends industries. This book is not just about leadership; it’s about instilling a coaching mindset that transforms challenges into triumphs and teams into families. Kelley’s approach equips leaders with the tools to foster resilience, drive performance, and create a legacy of empowered individuals.” – Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is the Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and New York Times bestselling author of The Earned LifeTriggers, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

“This book is an invaluable tool/guide for those who are inspired to be coaches and/or business leaders at the most elite levels of success. For coaches in the world of sports, the principles and real-world anecdotes contained within will not only equip you to be a master communicator and leader in your sport, but they will also arm you with the coaching-leadership skills that you can take to your next field of endeavor when that inevitable transition takes place. Invest in yourself.” – Kelly Kleinman/Car Motivators, Marketing & Content Director

“Written for anyone who manages people, this book provides wisdom and inspiration for taking those people to the next level in their personal and professional development.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, co-author with Phillip Mahfood of Homework: How to Hire, Manage & Monitor Employees who Work at Home (forthcoming by En Route in 2024)


After leaving US Army Special Operations as a Non-Commissioned Officer, Sean Kelley applied those leadership principles to automotive management, and successfully led car dealerships for over a decade. After recently surviving severe covid pneumonia, Sean’s most recently published book The Visitor is being sold in multiple countries and published in several languages. The non-profit Sean launched, Cards for COVID, cards4covid.org, supports hundreds of medical professionals and COVID patients in multiple States. Sean’s passion for people development and ability to coach led him to grow from General Sales Manager to Chief Business Development Officer of a multi-million-dollar CRM software company. Now, as CEO of Car Motivators, and founder of Market Motivators, Sean and his team works with dozens of car dealerships, technology companies, fortune 500 companies, start-ups, and hundreds of coaching clients across the country to help them achieve their biggest goals. Sean helps his clients grow with a no bull approach, ability to improve communication, follow through and a focus on continuous improvement. As such, Sean’s clients consistently set sales records, eliminate employee turnover, all while increasing gross and net profit. More importantly, Sean and his team help the managers throughout the businesses they coach enjoy their role by helping them grow as leaders. Sean was consultant of the year in 2018 by Dealership News and recently ranked #10 in Ambition.com top 100 sales coaches. Sean’s engaging presentations have been featured at conferences like: Digital Dealer, Automotive Game Changers, Rockstar Tech Conference, Canadian Game Changers, SLADA, TIADA, and DrivingSales. Sean’s vision is to positively impact the leadership landscape and culture of the businesses he works with, by teaching managers the leadership language of coaching.


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Learning: The Critical Competency–The Journey of a Practitioner

Learning: The Critical Competency–The Journey of a Practitioner

Learning: The Critical Competency–A Practitioner’s Journey

by Vicente F. Estrada

In this book, the author shares the simple message that learning is a process, which means that the results of learning can be measured and that the process can be controlled, troubleshot and optimized. With this insight, Vicente Estrada offers a humble effort to share his experiences of the adult learning process – its principles and its practices.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“My first MTS project was with a chemical plant on the Houston Ship Channel. Vince was the Project Manager. Thus began my own “learning” journey that spanned more than three decades with Vince as my mentor, finally resulting in my ownership of the company. I have since followed in Vince’s footsteps and passed the MTS baton to the next generation to continue their own journeys”. – Neil Blahut, MTS World – Co-owner and Chief Learning Officer

“I found the book on Learning to be a very informative encapsulation of the topic. The balance of Vince’s personal journey, along with the MTS Learning principles and external sources lend a lot of credibility to the subject. I really liked the adaptation of the Ten Key Questions to the context of Learning, and the explanations provided for each. I read a lot of books on leadership, and Vince’s writing style is equal to some of the best I’ve read, which is a combination of conceptual, factual and personal”. – Todd Kackley, Vice-President & CIO – Textron

“Vince Estrada has written an excellent book that captures the essence of the learning process. The primary focus flows from his years of experience as a trainer, but he effectively distills and applies various theories of learning with graphics and both domestic and international examples.  Anyone involved in teaching or training can benefit from his summary and practical applications of learning theory”. – James Brasfield, PhD – Professor Emeritus – Webster University

“Love it! Long and short enough to make it an easy understandable read. The country stories are excellent and bring home what was discussed in the beginning. Well written and kept me interested”. – Susanne Evens, Founder & CEO – AAA Translation Inc.

“Thank you for sending over Learning: The Critical Competency. The book itself is well laid out following the methodology taught in the book and certainly challenged me to evaluate how I learn and gave me pause to evaluate, how as a lifelong learner, I can be more effective in leading others to learn. The work is a great introduction to the process of learning.” – Fr. Peter Fonseca, Director of Continuing Formation of Priests, Archdiocese of St. Louis

“Vince’s warmth and knowledge shine through in his book Learning: The Critical Competency. Vince’s expertise from many years in the industry, along with his own commitment to lifelong learning, makes this book an excellent resource for professionals, teachers, and curious people alike.” – Audrey Smith – Educator and Academic Designer

“Ever since Descartes coined the famous phrase: “Cogito ergo sum” (I think, therefore, I am), man has been fixated with thoughts about how we think and therefore, how we learn.  In his book Learning, The Critical Competency ‘The Journey of a Practitioner’, Vicente Estrada takes us on a multi-faceted exploration of learning ideas, processes, questions, and styles, in both a left brain (words) and right brain (images) approach which is indicative of his inclusive and sensitive appreciation of learning.  I found of particular interest his sharing of eight personal experiences that reflect the key concepts outlined in his book.  Two additional parts that I will remember and treasure:  ’Sometimes you win; sometimes you learn’; and, the extensive collection of quotations on learning, wisdom and life at the end of the book.  Thank you, Vicente for being a lifelong learner and one who is willing to take the time and intelligence to show us the way”. – Charles Durban, Human Development Consultant and author of Adventures with the Holy Spirit

“Before joining the MTS team as a Project Manager, I was a customer of MTS on multiple occasions over a 15-year span.  Vince knows of what he writes.  I have seen first-hand how helping people learn, and learn how to learn, not only benefits organizations but changes the lives of individuals. The opportunity to make a difference is why I joined the MTS team. I know it has changed my life. God bless you, Vince!” – Gary Usery, Project Manager – MTS World LLC

“A concise, personal, and to-the-point doorway into the world of learning.  In many ways this little tome provides a glimpse and a look back at how all of us learn.  In truth, we may not have had any idea of the dynamics of what our brains were capturing and then putting into practice in our everyday lives.  This will no doubt give you some idea of the depths and subtleties of learning. But what sets this tale apart from other how-to journals are the personal, real-life examples of decades of traveling the world and seeing firsthand how others learn. Sharing those experiences…the successes and the failures…make this a compelling and challenging read.  If you want to figure out how you have learned what you have learned over the years, then take the time to read Learning, The Critical Competency: The Journey of a Practitioner.  It is motivational, inspiring, and may actually give you the courage to help someone else learn how to learn.  That, of course, can be life-changing”. – Chuck Neff – TV & Radio Broadcaster and Documentary Producer


Vicente F. (Vince) Estrada is the former President & CEO and principal owner of MTS World (MTS), an international firm specializing in consultation and implementation of industrial training and process management systems. Based on a succession plan and to make room for a new MTS generation Estrada sold the company to an existing associate in 2012 – but retained an agreement to continue to do consulting work internationally; what he callsthe journey of a lifetime”. During his 50+ years with MTS, Estrada has been involved in more than 200 projects in 31 countries for 100 national and multinational corporations. His consulting engagements have been in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

His first 10 professional years were with Monsanto as a senior engineer in the Cincinnati, Ohio area.

He has presented conferences & workshops on performance management systems and training systems at various professional organizations in different countries, and has been published in the trade and business media, including: The Conference Board Magazine, The President (AMA), Quality Digest, Executive Excellence, Personnel Journal, Human Resource Professional, Engineer’s Digest and Hydrocarbon Processing, and has been featured in publications such as Fortune, The St. Louis Business Journal, Industry Forum (AMA), The Journal of Business Strategy and Corporate University Review. In the early 1990’s Estrada served as part of 4-member panel advising the Department of Defense on the privatization of non-combat training.

Estrada is the author of three personal and self-published books: “In a Constant State of Becoming” (Autobiography), “180 Times Around the World” (Travelogue) and “Learning: The Critical Competency” (Professional Experience). As another dimension of his personal life, during the period 2000-2019 together with his musically talented son José Antonio (Tony) and a group of equally talented musicians, a CD of old Cuban music titled Compasión was professionally recorded and produced.

In 1990, he founded The Leadership & Development Institute (LDI) as a non-profit institution to provide pro bono consultation to other non-profit institutions that are value-based and community service-oriented. His community consultation focuses on Strategic Planning, Organizational Development and Training.  Through LDI, Estrada has developed and delivers training on nonprofit modules, including: Nonprofit Board Development – Roles & Responsibilities, Nonprofit Strategic Planning Process, Pastoral Planning Process, The Ministry of Parish Councils and The Ministry of Parish Commissions. Other LDI modules on Leadership Skills are currently under development.

Estrada holds a Chemical Engineering degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Master in Business Administration from Xavier University, Cincinnati. He is certified (CMC) by The Institute of Management Consultants.

On another personal note, Estrada, Cuban-born and after receiving a world-class primary and secondary Jesuit education in Cuba and completing his university engineering studies in the US, permanently  immigrated to the US in 1960. Together with his also Cuban-born wife Emi, he became a US citizen in 1971. Among the many blessings received, are the open arms of the USA after the Estradas lost their country of birth. Added to that blessing is a clan-sized family of 35 and growing.


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Being the Boss: The Power of Subsidiarity for Getting Things Done

Being the Boss: The Power of Subsidiarity for Getting Things Done


Being the Boss: The Power of Subsidiarity for Getting Things Done

by Ian Wilders and Joan Kingsland

Ian is a visionary CEO known for advocating subsidiarity in the workplace. In his book, he shares practical insights and real-world examples of how this concept drives innovation, collaboration, and success. By promoting autonomy and recognizing individual talents, Ian offers a blueprint for transforming traditional structures into dynamic workplaces. Through his thought-provoking ideas, he invites leaders to unlock their teams’ full potential, helping the business owner or manager address such questions as these:

  1. What does subsidiarity mean and how does it relate to management and decision-making in your company?
  2. How do you align decision-making with authority in your organization?
  3. How do you introduce the concept of subsidiarity to new employees?
  4. What role does mission and authority play in implementing subsidiarity within your company?
  5. How do you promote and foster trust, autonomy, and transparency within your organization?
  6. Can you provide examples of how your financial management system aligns with the principles of subsidiarity?
  7. As a business leader or manager, what responsibilities do you have in fostering and maintaining a culture of subsidiarity within your organization?
  8. How do you assess and measure the success of subsidiarity within your organization?

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99




Ian Wilders leads a multinational company with employees across Spain, Belgium, and France. A passionate traveller, he embarked on a year-long world tour with his wife and four children and embraced the world with an open mind. He often inspires organisations through captivating talks on subsidiarity and talent expression.

Joan Kingsland has been a Consecrated Woman of Regnum Christi for over 30 years. She teaches courses such as Social Doctrine at Regina Apostolorum Athenaeum in Rome. During the summer break Joan provides her expertise as a theological consultant at Ruah Woods in Cincinnati, Ohio.


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