“That They May Have Life” (John 10:10): 35 Meditations

“That They May Have Life” (John 10:10): 35 Meditations

“That They May Have Life” (John 10:10): 35 Meditations

by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O.Cist.

This collection of meditations is a rich anthology of writings very much in the spirit and vein of the documents of the Second Vatican Council, and of the ideas represented by the discourses of Popes St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI. The variety of essays crystallizes the thoughts of a Cistercian priest and monk through sixty years of his pastoral service. The assortment of articles combines reflections on a variety of liturgical feasts and different aspects of spiritual life like faith, humility, prayer, judging others, and death. Running throughout is the mystery of sharing in the divine life by Christians, best expressed by the Johannine term, life or eternal life. The overarching tone of this slender volume is optimistic, its pages brimming with a spirit of hope and serenity.

Paperback $24.95 | Kindle $9.99




Born and raised in Hungary, in 1953 Fr. Julius clandestinely entered the Cistercian abbey of Zirc, which had been suppressed by the communist government. After three years of formation conducted underground and in hiding, he left Hungary in 1956 to study theology in Rome. After earning his doctorate in theology in 1964, he joined fellow Hungarian refugees at Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian Abbey, which had been founded just a few years earlier. In 2011 Fr. Julius retired from the Abbey’s prep school, where he taught for 46 years, including serving as librarian for 20 years. He translated and published The Auschwitz Journal, the chronicle of Klára Kardos, a Hungarian Catholic of Jewish background, who survived the Nazi concentration camps.


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Consumed by Love: A Missionary Handbook for Priestly and Lay Formation by Mary Kloska

Consumed by Love: A Missionary Handbook for Priestly and Lay Formation by Mary Kloska

Consumed by Love: A Missionary Handbook for Priestly and Lay Formation

by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

“Here I am, Lord, I have come to do your will.” (Hebrews 10:7,9)

This should be the heartbeat of every missionary. One is never a missionary for himself or because of himself. A true missionary is one called by God, formed by God, sent by God to do a work of God for God – a missionary only needs to be surrendered and docile before the Word of God. Consumed by Love provides just such a handbook for the one who is called and is wondering what next.

Hardback: $24.95 | Paperback: $19.99 | Kindle: $9.99

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The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love



“A beautifully written, inspiring and theologically sound and deep book. We are all of us missionaries in one way or the other, as Mary Kloska explains, so this book will be a treasure for all Catholics.” – Dr. Ronda Chervin, retired philosophy professor, author and speaker

“A powerful response to the 6th edition of the Program for Priestly Formation (2022), which expresses the fundamental idea from the 2016 Ratio Fundamentalis that “Seminaries should form missionary disciples who are ‘in love’ with the Master, shepherds ‘with the smell of the sheep,’ who live in their midst to bring the mercy of God to them.” This book shares with its reader the power of the missionary life with excerpts included by permission of the Libreria Editrice Vaticana from Pope Pius XI’s 1926 encyclical Rerum ecclesiae, Pope St. John XXIII’s 1959 encyclical Princeps pastorum, Pope St. Paul VI’s 1975 apostolic exhortation Evangelii nuntiandi, and Pope St. John Paul II’s 1990 encyclical Redemptoris missio.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, co-author with Bishop Richard Henning of Missionary Priests in the Homeland: Our Call to Receive

In Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, there is one line that is particularly beautiful and inspiring: “I dream of a ‘missionary option’, that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything…” If we think of Evangelii Gaudium as the Church’s main ‘book’ on mission and the New Evangelization, we now have a handbook to go with it; Consumed By Love: A Missionary Handbook by Mary Kloska. It would be difficult to read this new book without being inspired to joyfully embrace the new “missionary impulse” Pope Francis is calling for. In addition to being exceptional spiritual reading, this handbook, as the author notes, would be of great assistance to those directing missionary formation programs.” – Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT, author of Masters of Interior Space; The Redemption of San Isidro; To Whom The Heart Decided To Love; Adventures in the Father’s Joy; The Prayer of Jesus Crucified



Mary Kloska is from Elkhart, Indiana. She was raised in a huge Polish family (12 brothers and sisters) along with a lot of foster babies and other needy people in and out of the house. She presently has 70+ nieces and nephews.  She has lived a very unique life. Upon graduating from Notre Dame in 1999 she spent almost 20 years in the missions serving the poor (including orphanages) as well as praying as a consecrated hermit all over the world –Siberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa, Philippines, Mexico, the Holy Land and all over Europe as well. Although she spent a lot of time away in silence praying, ironically she loves children and is very fun and outgoing when it comes to serving young adults, as well as the little ones. She also spent her time in the missions giving retreats, doing simple catechesis, leading prayer groups, giving spiritual direction, helping in deliverance, changing diapers, feeding babies and cleaning floors. After spending intense time serving in a mission she would withdraw for periods of ‘retreat’ as a hermit (including three years as an official diocesan hermit with vows under a Bishop.) The last few years she has spent as a fulltime nanny to infant triplets, twins and several large families. She speaks many languages (poorly) and enjoys playing guitar, painting icons, baking, gardening, reading, writing and simply filling in where there is the greatest need in the Church. Her WCAT Radio program, “The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love,” may be found here.


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“My Darling Joe”: A Reflection on a Personal Relationship with Saint Joseph

“My Darling Joe”: A Reflection on a Personal Relationship with Saint Joseph

“My Darling Joe”: A Reflection on a Personal Relationship with Saint Joseph

by Sr. Adaku Helen Ogbuji, CCVI, PhD

Prayer to St. Joseph

Hail Sweet and Darling Joe!
Your love for your Son, Jesus and your spouse, Mary is so efficacious!
Teach me to love them!
Help me to serve Jesus as you did.
In times of pain and doubt, may I feel your protection and closeness,
And guide me in the right path.
Intercede for me to your Son, the Incarnate Word!
At the hour of my death, take me to your Son, my Beloved,
So that I may die with your holy arms around me,
And rejoice in heaven with you, your Son, Mother Mary and all the saints forever.
Amen.  ―Sr. Helena

Paperback: $12.95 | Hardback: $29.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“What a beautiful insight on St. Joseph. Absolutely lovely, inspiring, and hopeful. When I think of St. Joseph, I will have a new appreciation for his experiences and sensitivities to immigrants, homeless, poor, fearful, dreamers, laborers, parents, orphans, and on how to love Jesus unconditionally and more. Sr. Helen has opened my eyes, heart and soul.”  – Chris Karam, SVP, CHRISTUS Health Louisiana and Southeast Texas


Sister Adaku Helen (Helena) Ogbuji, CCVI, PhD, belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Houston, Texas. She is an author of several books: Dealing Effectively with Domestic Abuse: The Ministry of Reconciliation and Healing; Influence of Childhood Experiences on Faith Development: A Journey Towards Wholeness; Out of the Lips of Infants, Wisdom Comes: Retelling the Bible Stories. Recently, she edited and co-authored Incarnational Spirituality: Embodying the Love of the Incarnate Word. She holds a master’s in Theology, Divinity and Psychology and a PhD in Counseling Psychology. Presently, she is the Formation Director and the Novice Director in their formation house in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. 


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77 Soundbytes of Love

77 Soundbytes of Love

The Interactive Blog is not yet in working order. Please email Ronda directly if you have any thoughts. chervinronda@gmail.com

77 Soundbytes of Love: The Philosophical Spirituality of Ronda Chervin

By Ronda Chervin

This book is an anthology of soundbytes — 77 to be exact — drawn from almost one hundred philosophical works of Ronda Chervin written over the past half century. Why 77? It’s a number signifying the triumph of the spirit over matter and the personal freedom to pursue things of interest. That’s the goal for our readers – to set their souls free to partake in a spiritual journey to a more authentic self. Readers will engage a soundbyte a day, journaling as they go, trying to live by the spiritual truth expressed over the course of their time with it before advancing to the next soundbyte.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $4.99



“Dr. Ronda Chervin, the ‘Expert of the Experts,’ has done it again with an outstanding book that evolves around her expertise of bringing all her past writings into the current society of group discussions or personal reflection. The book was used as a personal reflection with journaling, and it transpired into a weekly group discussion with its members. A great book to discuss in groups or for personal use. It is very educational and helps the reader grow spiritually, feeding the mind with ‘Truth, Logic and Wisdom’ for today’s society.” – Alicia Harley is a wife, mother, and spiritual leader. She is the author of Spiritual Dreams for Our Journey to Eternity.

“A synthesis of over half a century’s publications on practical wisdom from a philosopher intent on helping others improve their lives.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, co-author with Ronda Chervin of Catholic Realism


Ronda Chervin, PhD, is a professor of philosophy, widow, grandmother, and great grandmother. She has taught at Loyola Marymount University, St. John’s Seminary of Los Angeles, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, and Holy Apostles Seminary and College. She is the author of numerous books about Catholic living and presents on EWTN and Catholic Radio. Most well-known of her books are The Way of Love, Treasury of Women Saints, Avoiding Bitterness in Suffering: How our Heroes in Faith Found Peace amid Sorrow, and, most recently, with co-author Albert Hughes: Escaping Anxiety on the Road to Spiritual Joy. 


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Talkaholics: Fate or Work-in-Process?

Talkaholics: Fate or Work-in-Process?

Talkaholics: Fate or Work-in-Progress

By Ronda Chervin

Why would I ever think I talk too much? Here are some tiny stories to show you why:

“Ronda,” asked my spiritual director, “what would it be like if you joined a table (at the seminary where I was teaching and took my meals) and didn’t talk first?”

“Ronda,” a co-professor at a university told me: “when you interrupt me while I am talking it feels as if you think nothing I am saying is important, only what you say!”

“Ronda,” a mentor asked me: “how many sentences do you enunciate which start with the word I”?

“Ronda,” someone said: “it’s as if when I talk your foot is on the brake, but ready in a second to jump onto the accelerator to say what you wanted to say, not as a response, but just what you happen to think is more important.”

During a conversation with another talkaholic, David Dowd, a co-author of mine of the book “Always a New Beginning, ” we joked this way: “How about we start a group called Talkaholics Anonymous?”

Paperback: $9.95 | Kindle: $4.99



“How is it that in a society where so many people are experiencing an absence of meaning in their life, there seems to be an epic amount of talking taking place? And this verbosity tends to be rather shallow. It’s light years away from, and not even remotely similar to, the depth of conversation of the ancients; such as we witness in the Socratic Dialogues of Plato. No… the garrulousness of our times is more of a symptom than a solution to the emptiness people are experiencing. Thus, the popularity of books such as The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren; or Victor Frankl’s classic… Man’s Search for Meaning. In this little book, Talkaholic, Dr. Ronda Chervin, the most published Catholic philosopher in the USA (80 books and counting!), takes on this explosion in loquacity and, to use contemporary parlance… “crushes” it! Dr. Chervin, a master of existential/philosophical analysis, walks the reader through this fascinating question of talkaholism, and in the process, witnesses to the truth of Jesus’ profoundly insightful statement: ‘A man is not debased by what goes into his mouth, but by what comes out of it. For what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart.’ (Matthew 15:11, and 15:18).” – Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT, author of The Prayer of Jesus CrucifiedAdventures in the Father’s Joy! (CMA Book Award); To Whom the Heart Decided to Love (CMA Book Award); The Redemption of San Isidro (CMA Book Award); and Masters of Interior Space

“This book is the cat’s meow! It will be the talk of the town!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy


Ronda Chervin, PhD, is a professor of philosophy, widow, grandmother, and great grandmother. She has taught at Loyola Marymount University, St. John’s Seminary of Los Angeles, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, and Holy Apostles Seminary and College. She is the author of numerous books about Catholic living and presents on EWTN and Catholic Radio. Most well-known of her books are The Way of Love, Treasury of Women Saints, Avoiding Bitterness in Suffering: How our Heroes in Faith Found Peace amid Sorrow, and, most recently, with co-author Albert Hughes: Escaping Anxiety on the Road to Spiritual Joy. 


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Charles Rich: Give Me Your Heart–Preparing for Eternal Life by Charles Rich

Charles Rich: Give Me Your Heart–Preparing for Eternal Life by Charles Rich

Charles Rich: Give Me Your Heart–Preparing for Eternal Life

Ed. by Ronda Chervin

How about a book for the elderly by a sage who was still making disciples in his nineties?

Who was this Charles Rich, anyhow? One of the most fascinating Hebrew-Catholics of all times was Charles Rich (1899-1998). Born in Hungary in a Jewish village similar to the one in Fiddler on the Roof, Charles was noticed by the rabbis as an extraordinarily religious boy. He loved to stay in the forests to pray alone. His father joined one of the many waves of Jews who went to America to seek better opportunities. After establishing himself in New York City, he sent for the family.

This was the beginning of a very dark time for Charles. He found it impossible to be close to God in the teeming city and among the strict legalistic rabbis he had to study with. Eventually, he lost his faith. He worked as a waiter by night and spent 8 hours a day at the 42nd St. public library searching world literature, philosophy, and religious writings searching for the God he had lost.

Eventually, Charles fell into despair and tried to commit suicide. Three times he tried; three times he failed, being rescued the last minute. Feeling even more of a failure, one day he went into a Catholic Church. Jesus spoke to him directly from a painting telling him that He was God and to trust in him.

Instructed by the Jesuits, Charles became a Catholic and then a lay contemplative, spending hours and hours of the day rapt in prayer. Catholics seeking a deeper prayer life were attracted to him, especially Jewish converts such as myself. Quite a number of books of his thoughts and meditations have been published.

Paperback: $12.95 | Kindle: $9.99





Ronda Chervin, Ph.D. is a professor of Philosophy, widow, grandmother, and great grandmother. She has taught at Loyola Marymount University, St. John’s Seminary of Los Angeles, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, and Holy Apostles Seminary and College. She is the author of numerous books about Catholic living and presents on EWTN and Catholic Radio. Most well-known of her books are The Way of Love, Treasury of Women Saints, Avoiding Bitterness in Suffering: How our Heroes in Faith Found Peace amid Sorrow, and, most recently, with co-author Albert Hughes: Escaping Anxiety on the Road to Spiritual Joy. 


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