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A new ethic, secularist in its radical aspects, has spread like wildfire all over the world since the end of the cold war. This ethic is the fruit of the Western feminist, sexual and cultural revolutions and of the long march of the West towards post-modernity. In the West, the revolution is achieving its chief objectives and even seems to have reached the point of self-destruction. But for a generation, the battle line has moved to the non-Western world. This manual aims to provide educators with the information they need to acquire, in the light of the eternal law written by God himself in the heart of all men and women, the knowledge and the discernment of the key concepts and operational mechanisms of the globalization of the western cultural revolution. It also seeks to encourage our friends in the non-Western world to be faithful to who they are and, by remaining themselves, to offer the world a leadership that is specific to them and that is already awaited by all those who wish to go back to reality, truth and love.
Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99
Photo by The European Conservative during book launch in Hungary, January 26, 2023
Dr. Ted Baehr, Founder and Publisher of Movie Guide. The full review page may be found here.
The Globalization of the Western Cultural Revolution is the most compelling, important, profound, readable analysis of the destructive influence of postmodernism on the world at large. Postmodernism is a loose term applied to a group of left-wing theories attacking conventional notions of reality and social structures. Author Marguerite A. Peeters does an incredible job of helping the reader understand the roots of postmodernism, the impact of postmodernism, the players in the postmodern revolution, and the social devastation it’s caused. First, she details the influence of feminists like Margaret Sanger and Simone de Beauvoir, the fraud of Alfred Kinsey and his new science of “sexology”, and the Cultural Marxism of Herbert Marcuse in a fruitful, compelling way. Having studied most of these influences for years, I was surprised to find myself educated in a way that could produce a zeal for reclaiming the territory post-modernism has taken. If you want to know why governments have been powerless to stop post-modernism, this is the book. If you want to know how post-modernism undermined religion, this is the book. If you want to understand the destruction of democracy and capitalism by post-modernism, this is the book. The Globalization of the Western Cultural Revolution shows the dictatorship of the post-modern groups as they work within the United Nations, NGOs (or non-governmental organizations), and governing bodies in society to refute the Good, the True, and the Beautiful. If there’s one book that you read, The Globalization of the Western Cultural Revolution is the book. The Globalization of the Western Cultural Revolution is highly recommended.
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Conscience and Power examines how civilization in “the West” arose after the fall of the Roman Empire and has grappled ever after with a desire of citizens of nations of Western civilization for justice and the necessities of political order. This contest between Western man’s sense of justice and the rule of nation states has had consequences for democracy in America and in the centers of Western Europe, and the reason is that Roman religion was replaced by a new truth of social order–the order of Christendom. Consciousness of that new Christian faith defined a new era, from the 5th century to the 14th century, which historians call “First Europe,” during which period Christian monastics and theologians celebrated faith in Christ and replaced the old order with a new tradition. Their “conscience” contested with monarchs who resisted their claim to dominance and gave us insight into the truths of Christendom. What we in the West inherited from ancient Israel, the ancient Greeks and Romans and an enduring Christendom formed during the Middle Ages, however, is no longer central to the lives of citizens of Western nation states. Because the death of everything living is preceded by a natural process of birth, growth and senescence, death is an end point for all “being things.” Conscience and Power asks, therefore, how much longer can democracies in the West live before they, too, meet their end?
Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle $9.99
“One of the most significant books of our age.” –Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP
Richard J. Bishirjian was Founding President and Professor of Government at Yorktown University from 2000-2016. He earned a B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh and a Ph.D. in Government and International Studies from the University of Notre Dame.
Dr. Bishirjian was Gerhart Niemeyer’s teaching assistant at Notre Dame. He was an assistant professor in the Department of Politics at the University of Dallas in Texas, chairman of the Political Science Department at the College of New Rochelle in New York and founder of Yorktown University where he served as President and Professor of government from 2000-2016.
He served as a political appointee in the Reagan Administration and in the Administration of George H. W. Bush.
He is the editor of A Public Philosophy Reader and author of three books, The Development of Political Theory, The Conservative Rebellion and The Coming Death and Future Resurrection of American Higher Education. His most recent work, “Coda,” is a novel published by En Route Books. His most recent three scholarly studies are Ennobling Encounters, Rise and Fall of the American Empire, and Conscience and Power. Ennobling Encounters was published by En Route Books in September, 2021.
Dr. Bishirjian’s essays have been published in Forbes, The Political Science Reviewer, Modern Age, Review of Politics, Chronicles, the American Spectator and The Imaginative Conservative.
For the full story, see Dick’s website.
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The abuse, harassment, or devaluation of women, in any form by Catholic priests and bishops, raises concerns about:
This volume commences a foundational conversation about certain deficiencies in light of God’s plan for men and women, redeemed by His grace. The essays examine the scriptural, theological, anthropological, and psychological dimensions of the Catholic view of men and women and related issues.
Understanding that the Church has norms and practices in place to protect girls and women from clerical sexual abuse, this volume offers an opportunity to deepen the conversation about remaining psychological, spiritual, and theological matters.
Like the first volume, Clerical Sexual Misconduct: An Interdisciplinary Analysis, this second volume, subtitled A Foundational Conversation, is an answer to the call of Pope Francis for assistance from members of the faithful engaged in higher learning to serve the Church through study of the culture of abuse in its midst.
Paperback: $29.95 | Kindle: $9.99
“What is truly remarkable about this book is the breadth and depth of the analysis of the entire sex abuse crisis from men and women possessed of deep Catholic identity and firmly committed to authentic Catholic renewal.” -Jeffrey Mirus,
This book “belongs on the shelf of every chancery, seminary library and rectory.” It “examines the causes of the crisis, both inside and outside the Catholic Church, such as the role that cultural Marxism has played in undermining the family and sexual morality; the impact of the now-debunked Kinsey reports on human sexuality; and the pernicious theories of Wilhelm Reich that undergirded the sexual revolution of the 1960s…. While comprehensive and packed with scholarly footnotes, Clerical Sexual Misconduct offers an engrossing read, accessible to anyone who cares about cleansing the scourge of clerical sexual abuse from the church and in preventing its resurgence.”-Deborah Gyapong, Catholic News Service
“Over the last decade I have read several books on the subject, often written by disgruntled Catholics or liberals who loathe the Church and who exploit this very real issue to further their own agenda. What I felt was required was an in-depth analysis in order to bring about an authentic Catholic renewal. I believe that this is the book that was needed…. In summary, this is by far the best book on the subject.” -Dr. Pravin Thevathasan, Catholic Medical Quarterly
This book “is valued not only because of its scholarship, but also for the commitment to Catholic orthodoxy of its contributors, who realize that any remedies must be faithful to the liberating truths Jesus has revealed to his Church in particular and to mankind in general…. Clerical Sexual Misconduct serves as a reference work to understand better the key factors that enabled the scandal to develop over time, and also proposes measures to ensure it never happens again.” -Thomas J. Nash, The Catholic World Report
Dr. Jane F. Adolphe is called to practice law in the State of New York, USA and Province of Alberta, Canada with degrees in civil law (LL.B/B.C.L) and canon law (J.C.L/J.C.D). As a Professor of Law at Ave Maria School of Law (AMSL), in Naples, Florida (2001 – present), with an expertise in international human rights law, from 2003 she worked for the Holy See (Pope), Secretariat of State, Section for Relations for States, first as an outside legal advisor for Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, then in 2011, during the final years of Pope Benedict VI’s papacy, as an inside expert on international human rights issues within the United Nations System in Vatican City State, and continued into the papacy of Pope Francis, until her resignation in 2020.
While working for the Holy See, in her capacity as Professor of Law, Adolphe established the International Center on Law, Life, Faith and Family (ICOLF), in 2014, as a forum for Catholic jurists guided by the Holy See’s Charter on the Rights of the Family. It was renamed the International Catholic Jurists Forum (ICJF), in 2021. Under the auspices of this forum, Adolphe has organized multiple international conferences on topics of relevance for the Holy See, some of which have resulted in the publication of books that she has co-edited: Clerical Sexual Misconduct: An Interdisciplinary Analysis (Cluny: 2020); Equality and Non-discrimination: Catholic Roots, Current Challenges (Pickwick: 2019); The Persecution of Christians in the Middle East: Prevention, Prohibition, Prosecution (Angelico Press: 2018).
Dr. Robert L. Fastiggi, Bishop Kevin M. Britt Chair of Dogmatic Theology and Christology, has been at Sacred Heart Major Seminary since 1999. Prior to coming to Detroit, he taught at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas from 1985-1999. Dr. Fastiggi received an A.B. in Religion (summa cum laude) from Dartmouth College in 1974; a M.A. in Theology from Fordham University in 1976; and a Ph.D. in Historical Theology from Fordham in 1987. During his time at Sacred Heart, Dr. Fastiggi has taught courses in Ecclesiology, Christology, Mariology, church history, sacramental theology, and moral theology. He is a member of the Society for Catholic Liturgy, the Mariological Society of America, the International Marian Association, and a member of the Pontifical Marian Academy International (P.A.M.I).
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In this work, Fr. Paul Ezinando not only demonstrates that knowledge is a necessity for love, but he also shows that proper knowledge promotes love. Following the argument of St. Augustine, who wrote, “you cannot love what you don’t know,” and using St. Thomas Aquinas’ philosophical proofs of the existence of God, Fr. Ezinando demonstrates that knowledge of God, self-knowledge, and knowledge of neighbour are the gateways to the love of God, proper self-love, and the love of neighbour, respectively. In this way, this book provides a clear demonstration of the connection between knowledge and love.
Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99
Fr. Paul Ezinando is a priest of the Archdiocese of Bertoua. He has his first degree in philosophy from Bigard memorial Seminary Enugu Nigeria and his master’s degree in dogmatic theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut, USA. Presently, he is a formator and a spiritual director at St. John Baptist spiritual year seminary Doume, East Cameroon.
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La Cattiva Condotta Sessuale del Clero, Un’Analisi Interdisciplinare è un libro importante curato da Jane F. Adolphe e Ronald J. Rychlak. Originariamente pubblicato in inglese, è stato ora tradotto in italiano dal dott. Marco Toti. Nel 2018, mentre i resoconti di cattiva condotta sessuale del clero in Cile, Honduras e Stati Uniti agitavano la Chiesa cattolica, è stato convocato un incontro internazionale di esperti di giornalismo, diritto, cura pastorale, filosofia, psicologia, sociologia e teologia, per studiare il incidenza di abusi sessuali da parte del clero sui maschi. Questo volume raccoglie le intuizioni di questi esperti sullo scandalo della cattiva condotta sessuale del clero.
Paperback: $29.95 | Kindle: $9.99
“Ciò che è veramente notevole in questo libro è l’ampiezza e la profondità dell’analisi dell’intera crisi degli abusi sessuali da parte di uomini e donne in possesso di una profonda identità cattolica e fermamente impegnati nell’autentico rinnovamento cattolico”. –Jeffrey Mirus,
Questo libro “appartiene allo scaffale di ogni cancelleria, biblioteca del seminario e canonica”. Esso “esamina le cause della crisi, sia all’interno che all’esterno della Chiesa cattolica, come il ruolo che il marxismo culturale ha svolto nell’indebolire la famiglia e la moralità sessuale; l’impatto degli ormai smascherati rapporti Kinsey sulla sessualità umana; teorie di Wilhelm Reich che hanno sostenuto la rivoluzione sessuale degli anni ’60… Pur essendo completo e ricco di note accademiche, La Cattiva Condotta Sessuale del Clero offre una lettura avvincente, accessibile a chiunque abbia a cuore di ripulire il flagèllo degli abusi sessuali da parte del clero e di prevenirne la recrudescenza” – Deborah Gyapong, Catholic News Service
“Nell’ultimo decennio ho letto diversi libri sull’soggetto, spesso scritti da cattolici scontenti o liberali che detestano la Chiesa e che sfruttano questo problema molto reale per portare avanti la propria agenda. Quello che sentivo era necessario era un’analisi approfondita in per realizzare un autentico rinnovamento cattolico. Credo che questo sia il libro che ci voleva… In sintesi, questo è di gran lunga il miglior libro sull’soggetto». – Dr. Pravin Thevathasan,Catholic Medical Quarterly
Questo libro “è apprezzato non solo per la sua erudizione, ma anche per l’impegno per l’ortodossia cattolica dei suoi collaboratori, i quali comprendono che qualsiasi rimedio deve essere fedele alle verità liberatrici che Gesù ha rivelato alla sua Chiesa in particolare e all’umanità in generale. … La Cattiva Condotta Sessuale del Clero funge da opera di riferimento per comprendere meglio i fattori chiave che hanno permesso allo scandalo di svilupparsi nel tempo e propone anche misure per garantire che non accada mai più..” – Thomas J. Nash, The Catholic World Report
Jane F. Adolphe laureata in diritto civile (LLB/BCL) e diritto canonico (JCL/JCD), è professoressa di diritto presso l’Ave Maria School of Law, a Naples, in Florida, con esperienza in diritto internazionale dei diritti umani. Dal 2003 al 2011 lei ha lavorato presso la Sezione per i Rapporti con gli Stati della Segreteria di Stato in Vaticano come consulente legale esterno dei Papi Giovanni Paolo II e Benedetto XVI. Poi nel 2011, durante gli ultimi anni del pontificato di Papa Benedetto XVI, lei ha prestato servizio come esperta interna lavorando nello Stato della Città del Vaticano, e ha continuato in questa posizione nel pontificato di Papa Francesco, fino alle sue dimissioni nel 2020. La prof.ssa Adolphe ha co-curato diversi libri: The Persecution and Genocide of Christians in the Middle East: Prevention, Prohibition, and Prosecution; ; Equality and Non-Discrimination: Catholic Roots, Current Challenges; e St. Paul, the Natural Law, and Contemporary Legal Theory.
Ronald J. Rychlak è un illustre professore di diritto presso l’Università del Mississippi negli Stati Uniti e anche consigliere giuridico della delegazione della Santa Sede presso le Nazioni Unite. Ha conseguito la laurea in giurisprudenza presso la Vanderbilt University ed è autore di numerosi libri tra cui Hitler, the War, and the Pope.
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Unfolding a Post-Roe World is the second edition of what had formerly been entitled The ABCQ of Conceiving Conception. It explores what is involved in grasping the beginning of each of us – but we need the truth to open the heart to love for it to be helpful in humanizing us. If we are equally given the gift of existence, why are we, who are born, the judges of those who will be born or not?
This second edition helps the reader to see more clearly both the “light” and the “dark” of seeking a stable account of the American Constitution, from the point of view of perceiving the right to life of all. But as with Poland’s perseverance in the Christian faith in the course of two atheistic types of social domination, and along with Germany and Italy’s protection of the human embryo, in different but complementary ways, we see that countries can have a vocation in world history. Thus, the ongoing debate on the 14th Amendment of the American Constitution has assumed a vocational witness on behalf of the whole human family.
Scientists can help us see the reality of the first instant of fertilization being the beginning of human existence – but we need an educated humanity to go beyond the technicalities to the appreciation and development of the relationships that come to exist. To this end, Unfolding a Post-Roe World explores both an ongoing willingness to adapt our speech to our listeners and the continuing help of God to enable us to go forward in a spirit of forgiveness and understanding of all that is involved.
Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99
Revisiting the Publisher’s Blurb
A Biography and New Foreword by Kiki Latimer: Biography; the New Forward: On the Reality of the Human Person: One in Body and Soul; On the Dignity of Women; To Choose Life; On the Reasonable Recognition of the Person; On the Coercive Choice; On the Objective Beginning of Personhood; On the Good of the Family
Excerpt from an interview with Elizabeth Kirk on Promoting Adoption in America
Part I: Refocussing the Heart of this Book
What is in a Title? Unfolding A Post-Roe World: Conception: An Unfolding Content; Rights Are Integral to Human Existence;
The help We Need to Understand What Is not so “Familiar; Conception: An Unfolding Content; Conception Expresses Both Uniqueness and Relationship; Questions; Is My Body Mine?; This Book; Five Parts
Part II: The Teaching of Experience: Law; Analogies; and Gardening: Comprising Chapters One and Two; Five examples of the image as a counterargument
Chapter One: An Imaginative use of Gardening and Plant Life: Part I: The Science of Plant Reproduction; Part II: Teaching through the Everyday Experience of Growing Vegetables: Tomato Seeds, Plants and Conception; The Early, Hidden Development of Both Tomato Plant and Embryonic Child; Conception and Growing Potatoes; The Integrity of Human Being; Plant Loss and Human Sorrow
Chapter Two: A Unitary Beginning of One or Many: Two Views: Immediate or Delayed Animation; The Possibility of a Single Answer to When Did I begin? Embryology: What is One Organism? Reverting to What is Original; A Difference of Words: Embryo and Child?
Part III: Literary Truths and the Literal Truth: Comprising Chapters Three and Four
Chapter Three: Passing Through the Past to the Present: From the “literal” use of an Image to the Truth of Embryology; Stage One: Taking the Comparison with a Plant to be Literally True; Stage Two: Movement, Sensation and the Rearing of Young; Stage Three: Rational Ensoulment; A Concluding Reflection: Towards Understanding Human Ensoulment; The Greatest Natural Transformation: The Unfolding of Conception
Chapter Four: Scripture and Theology: Word and Dogma: The Word of God and Dogma; A Variety of Witnesses to Human Conception – Beginning with Eve; Job; David; the Martyred Mother of Her Seven Martyred Sons; Mary: The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception and Human Conception
Part IV: What is Certain and What is Uncertain about Conception: Comprising Chapters Five, Six and Seven; Conversion to Reality
Chapter Five: The Teaching of the Church and the Problem of Uncertainty: Prologue: A Modern Moment; Introduction: Who is My Neighbour; The Problem of Uncertainty in both Church Teaching and the 14th Amendment
Chapter Six: On the Interpretation of Texts: Particularly “Amendment 14”: Amendment 14; Mr. Justice Rehnquist, Dissenting; On the Question of the Rightful Protection of Women; and The Principle of Determining an Appropriate Level of Legal Action
Chapter Seven: An Answer to the Uncertainty of What or Who Exists at Conception: What is the Experience of Women in Pregnancy?; The Witness of Each One of Us; A Discussion on the Teachings of the Catholic Church and the “Opinion of the Court”; A Clarification as Regards the Teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas; The Contribution of Revelation and Dogma; A Variety of Bioethical Declarations; Gravitating to a Consensus
Part V: Unfolding a Post-Roe World: Comprising Chapters Eight, Nine and Ten; Distinguishing Actual and Potential Human Life
Chapter Eight: Roe v Wade: The Ongoing Arguments of Benefit to us All: Justice Beyond a Change of Justices (i); Viability is for Life (ii); Choice, Burdens, and their Alleviation (iii); Bodily Integrity, Liberty, Equality and the Constitution (iv); Brain Death and Abortion (v); Abortion and the Advancement of Women (vi); True Justice is Irreversible (vii)
Chapter Nine: A New Beginning: The Opinion of the American Supreme Court; A Book by John Strege: Hannah: The First Child Adopted as a Frozen Embryo; ITEST Webinars Entitled “A Post-Roe World” (I) and “Bioethics and Law: Understanding the Nexus: Truth and Meaning in Constitutional Jurisprudence” (II) and The ongoing challenge: Is There a Right to Life in the American Constitution?; A Possible Comparison between the Legislative Variations of American States and a Precept of the European Court; Coercion: Personal and Social; An Ectopic Pregnancy: Fear, Truth and Opportunity; Pope Francis on Justice, the Bond of Fraternity and Peace
Chapter 10: A Conclusion in Three Parts: Part I: Lest we Forget Mother, Child and Father; Part II: The Wider Implications for a Post-Roe World: Three Loci: To Know our Identity; a Move Towards the Further Denial of Being Human; and Change; and Part III: The Disruptive Power of the Word of God: The Human Unpredictability of an Answer to Prayer: The Will of God
A Very Distinguished Testimony: Saint Teresa of Calcutta; Where To Get Help? “Seek and you will find” (Mt 7: 7): Help with Pregnancy or Post-Abortion Counselling; Dr. Pat Castle: ‘78% of post-abortion mothers said if they had encountered ONE supportive person or encouraging message, they would have chosen life.’ And, therefore, he founded “Life Runners”: they wear ‘“REMEMBER The Unborn” jerseys as a public witness in over 3,300 cities’.; A Testimony from a Man to Men: An Unexpected Joy: An Unprecedented Pain; Joy and Pain Express “Relationship”; “Indelible”; and the “Rise of Articles on St. Joseph and Fatherhood
Further Reading: A Variety of Prior Work on Conception and Specific Documents of the Catholic Church in English
Mary Grenchus, in The Grenchus Foundation (January 16, 2023). To read on the Grenchus Foundation website, click here.
James Sale, in (January 11, 2023). To read on Goodreads, click here.
Christine Sunderland, in (November 13, 2022). To read on Christine’s website, click here. To read on Goodreads, click here. To download as a PDF, click here.
“A masterful work of philosophical and theological reasoning. A truly indispensable and invaluable guide for navigating one’s way through the contentious and ongoing abortion debate.” – Professor Richard Spinello, Boston College and Saint John’s Seminary, Boston
“In a post-Roe world, decisive answers to difficult questions and clear vision amidst deliberate ambiguity are required more than ever when it concerns Human life. That is exactly what Francis Etheredge offers here, not only to the United States but to the World.” – Fr Sean Gough is a Diocesan Priest of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, England. He has faced criminal charges for praying peacefully outside of an abortion centre.
“The advocates of the sexual revolution promised a breakthrough for the freedom, the happiness and human development of persons, especially women. But has this revolution really been the path to ‘an earthly paradise’? At a time when many fierce voices continue to deny the most basic right – the right to life – to the voiceless human beings in the womb, Francis Etheredge’s arguments have a compelling self-evidence because he allows human conception to show its beauty and preciousness. While admitting and understanding that “some people have difficulty in recognizing a real beginning”, the author invites us to go back to our own beginning, “to go to the roots of the basic questions of human existence and human rights” by appealing primarily to our human experience. No better route to take! He shows the readers that amidst the rich variety of life on earth, human life is cause for special wonder and that its sacredness is something that can be and is sensed by everyone who appreciates the wonder of human life. The child in the womb is not a ‘potential’ life, but a human life with potential. The baby’s life in the womb is an astonishing process of growth and development. As science makes clear, it is at fertilization that a new, unique, and genetically complete human being comes into existence. To help us understand human conception and why it makes perfect sense to defend it and adequately protect it, Francis Etheredge adopts a multifaceted approach and draws together insights from the fields of biology, gardening, medicine, literature, sociology, politics, law, ethics, philosophy, and theology. There is something for everyone to read, discover and ponder! If those who read this book allow it to challenge them and to form and/or deepen their understanding and appreciation of human conception, a great good will be accomplished.” – Monica Rapeanu STL, Co-founder and co-organizer of the Theology of the Body International Symposia
“I wholeheartedly recommend this book Unfolding a Post-Roe World. The topics of this book range from philosophy, bioethics, theology, which all make for an engaging read. Francis does a tremendous work portraying the aspect ‘that gratitude for childbearing has diminished in a culture that often condemns a mother for introducing another carbon footprint into the world.’ His exploration of ‘abortion and the advancement of women’ made for an inspiring read. Francis highlights the importance of breaking down the idea of ‘potential life.’ Utilizing the word of God, Francis demonstrates that the sacredness of all human life is the ultimate hope for society. This deep book provides a premise on the importance of not compromising when it comes to choosing life. Unfolding a Post-Roe World is an interesting work and a profoundly rewarding read.” – Catherine Mockler at SPUC and on Instagram
“Unfolding a Post-Roe World is one of the most comprehensive books on the greatest human rights issue of our time: the unborn child. Etheredge beautifully interweaves the pro-life position with arguments from science, theology, philosophy, and so much more. At the final judgment, our generation will be accountable for the unborn children who died on our watch, making this book even more timely.” —Patrick O’Hearn, author of Parents of the Saints: The Hidden Heroes Behind Our Favorite Saints
“The subject of abortion has once again come to the forefront with the passing of the Dobbs decision by the supreme court. We all have a beginning, but when that beginning occurs is a matter of debate in the public sphere. In his book, Unfolding A Post-Roe World, Francis Etheredge answers this vital question from several disciplines. Using theology, philosophy, law, and many others he answers this question and defends life from the point of conception. This amazing book is a must have for anybody that is serious about defending life.” —William Hemsworth, M.Div. (click here for his personal website), Columnist at Patheos, and Host of The Bible Catholic Show
“It is true that in our end is our beginning. But our understanding of our beginnings will shape the ends any society pursues. Francis Etheredge’s Unfolding a Post-Roe World uses a variety of intellectual tools from biology, law, literature, philosophy, and theology to help readers see what preborn life is and why defending it is essential for a post-Dobbs society.” —David P. Deavel, Associate Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas (Houston, Texas), and Senior Contributor, The Imaginative Conservative
“Francis Etheredge’s book Unfolding a Post-Roe World follows on the judgment of the American Supreme Court in the Dobbs case, April 2022, which concluded that there is no constitutional right to abortion in the United States. The book is, therefore, written from what is now a post-Roe perspective, where there is no federal jurisdiction over abortion but where each individual state will promote its own legislation. This is a major legal and political matter discussed in the book, which also considers ramifications for other jurisdictions. The author goes further, telling his readers that the broader purpose of the book derives from his conviction that: ‘… there needs to be a law that embodies the multiple rights of the nascent human person: the right to the life embodied in the dynamism of every human embryo; the right to completing human development; to the completion of what began unfolding from conception; and the right of ensuring the human integrity of each human being, so that nobody’s human identity is compromised by being ‘mixed’ with animal ingredients’ (Pp. 21-22). This is a matter for international law, therefore a matter of concern for every jurisdiction.” —Moira McQueen, LLB, MDiv, PhD, DSL (Hon.), Executive Director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute, University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto
“I find this book feels far more complete than the first version, particularly due to the comments on Dobbs v Jackson. I think this book makes excellent material for educating Catholics, but also to persuade other Christians of our views. The book is educational and convincing, but also moving. It proposes the case of Natural Law with charity and compassion for all. I hadn’t heard about the reimplantation of ectopic pregnancies before. I have found that a lot of talk around abortion differs from other areas of medicine in that people have little belief in the improvement of the science of fertility. For example, I have noticed that many of the people I have talked to about abortion tend to think the risk of maternal death is much higher than it really is. They don’t know that ‘viability’ or rather survivability of an unborn child is quickly becoming earlier and earlier. They also don’t share a vision or hope that medicine could improve with new techniques or technologies that would mean both mother and child could survive in almost all cases. Thank you for the updated version – I thought the new foreword, along with the new afterword were particularly powerful pieces.” —Michal Paszkiewicz, BSc Theoretical Physics, PgDip Science and Religion at Mobile Technical Lead at Navico Group
“This book, with the new foreword by Kiki Latimer, presents a suitable commentary on the issue of abortion. The poetic-theological “seasoning” of it brings an appropriate touch to the philosophical sensibility of Etheredge’s position, which operates with respect to the legal and social data of a pre- and post-Roe world. Etheredge’s overall approach is, I think, helpful because, on one hand, it squelches a popular tendency to reject any attempt at rational discourse about abortion while, on the other hand, employing basic principles of bioethics—and, to a lesser, though still informative, extent, metaphysics—so to present the dynamism of the issue at hand in a winsome manner. I anticipate that this book will serve as a positive guide, one which will lead its reader along a path of deep reflection concerning the genesis of human life—scientifically, philosophically, and theologically—and therein elicit a fundamental ethical question that should face each of us in our present epoch: What, exactly, are the metaphysical, moral, and theological implications of discontinuing, destroying, and discounting human life at its most vulnerable? My prayer for this book is that it will prompt the reader to reflect deeply on the question of human origins, and do so along the same lines as that “true metaphysician,” St. Bonaventure, did: that human life belongs supremely to the originating principle of the Father, and to the receiving principle of the Son, and to the terminating end of the Holy Spirit, ‘the Lord, the Giver of Life.'” —Lance H. Gracy, M.A., Teaching Fellow, University of North Texas, Department of Philosophy and Religion
“What Francis Etheredge has done here with “Unfolding a Post-Roe World” is tremendous. His work of cutting through the legal jargon and red tape of the American Constitution surrounding the recent Dobbs v. Jackson case is extraordinary. With patience and undebatable precision, Etheredge combs through various questions regarding life, existence, conception and the arguments against basic human rights: the rights of the unborn child. “Unfolding a Post- Roe World” reads clearly with strength and undeniable truth as the leading voice of defence for the defenceless. This book is without a doubt a clear outline for how we as a world can navigate these ethically complex times we find ourselves a part of.” —Annemarie Thimons, Director of Communications,
“In this short work, Francis Etheredge applies evidence and argument from different disciplines to the question of human personhood. His reasoning is thorough, patient, and infused with love. He establishes the personhood of the child in the womb from the moment of the joining of sperm and egg and lays out a convincing case for the 14th Amendment’s protection of all human life.” —Christine Kasun Moruza, Superior Court Judge (Ret.), Alameda County, CA, USA
“This is a truly astonishing book – in its range, depth, subtlety of learning, knowledge, philosophy and theology; not to mention jurisprudence, sociology and other stuff too! So in one sense it is complex and difficult to read, but in another it is very straightforward: it argues ‘that the more we depart from the simple principle, do good and avoid harm, the more there is a proliferation of moral crises and dilemmas’. These crises and dilemmas are a direct result of the American Wade v Roe ruling in 1973 and its approach to abortion, which the book argues fails to recognise what is being aborted: ‘Everyone agrees that something dies in an abortion; but does someone die?’ Thus, we get a cornucopia of research and ideas which are truly mind-boggling. Etheredge is a Catholic and I am not, so there are aspects of the Catholic parts of his argument that I do not fully accept, although I agree with most of the thrust of what he is saying; but importantly, he makes this great concession: ‘As atheist Nathan Hentoff recognized years ago, abortion is not a religious issue but one that can be understood as wrong by the light of natural reason alone.’ This, then, is not just a moral issue to be decided by an authority; it is also an ethical matter on which all right thinking people can think, and furthermore consider the evidence – biological, sociological, familial and so on – and therefore reach a much more informed conclusion. Indeed, the issue is much wider than abortion, for as Etheredge notes: ‘Bishop John Keenan suggests, there is a very real danger that free speech is under threat as it becomes socially unacceptable to protest, peacefully, to pray and counsel outside an abortion facility or to otherwise raise the contrary point of view in the pursuit of truth.’ This is certainly happening in the UK and it is a worrying and fascistic tendency. I cannot therefore recommend this book highly enough – given its level of detail and research, I am surprised that Etheredge is not a Professor at some prestigious university. Not an easy read, but I recommend you read it!” —James Sale, a reader from the UK on
“For those looking to understand the history and rational arguments concerning Roe V Wade, this book has a lot to offer. Coming from both scientific and religious perspectives, it offers a comprehensive look at the entire spectrum of defining life from conception to death, what conception really looks like, and how this conversation influences—or should influence—our legal system. Lots of points to highlight and consider as we move into our future, hopefully with our humanity intact.” —Ann Frailey, a reader from the US on
“Unfolding a Post-Roe World manages to shed new light on life after the Dobbs decision. He reminds us that to understand the post-Roe world, we need to draw on the best insights from science, history, law, philosophy, and theology. We need rigorous thinking to defend the dignity of the unborn and compassionate hearts to address the plight of women in unexpected pregnancies. Etheredge’s thoughtful book equips readers with arguments and models of charity that should inspire them to promote a culture of life.” —Fr. Michael Baggot, LC, of the Regina Apostolorum
“With the likely overturning of Roe v. Wade, cogent arguments are needed to help people understand the moral evil of abortion as the issue returns to the democratic process. Francis Etheredge has made a significant contribution to this debate with the publication of The ABCQ of Conceiving Conception. In it, he makes a persuasive case for the personhood of the unborn child by unpacking the meaning of conception. Using images from botany, zoology, philosophy, and theology, Etheredge accompanies readers on a journey to the discovery of conception as the necessary beginning of human life, with all its attendant rights.” – Thomas D. Williams, PhD. Author of Who Is My Neighbor? Personalism and the Foundation of Human Rights
“The moment of conception can be described as a mystery and miracle. Even from a secular perspective, the beginning of human life carries immense wonder. Notwithstanding our modern medico-scientific understanding of human embryology, the use of analogy remains a valuable means for grasping the marvel of conception. Borrowing illustration from gardening and plant growth, Francis Etheredge in The ABCQ of Conception offers an accessible introduction to this wondrous moment. By seeing human conception for what it is – the beginning of a human person’s life – Etheredge shows that each human being is a unique gift invested with dignity. As conception initiates an innate developmental process that seamlessly leads to a mature human individual, Etheredge compellingly argues that impeding this process for non- therapeutic reasons amounts to a transgression against the natural right to develop, entailing the need to protect human life from the moment of conception.” – Eric Manuel Torres, BHlthSci, MOrthoptics (LaTrobe), MNSc (Melb), GradDipTheol, MTS (CTC/UDiv), GradCertEdu [Specialist Inclusive] (Deakin), CertIIIBAdmin (S.Russo), AOBR, MOA, RN, Assoc. Member CMAV. Catholic moral theologian and bioethicist.
“The commonest argument put forward to justify abortion is that the unborn child belongs to the mother. It is therefore her body, her choice. This book beautifully dismantles such a view: ‘our bodies express each one of us’ from conception till natural death. Our very biological make-up says so: once pregnant, the mother’s immune system has to let it accept the presence of a different human being growing inside of her. The book demonstrates admirably and by means of analogy that the unborn child is no more part of the woman’s body than a plant is a part of the soil it is growing in. Of course, the plant needs the soil and the unborn child needs his or her mother. The book seeks to stimulate the founding of an internationally binding charter which envisions the natural integrity of every human being from conception till natural death. It is my firm belief that this work has given us a rational foundation to propose this.” – Dr. Pravin Thevathasan, MB.BS, MRPsych, MSc (Medical Ethics) Consultant Psychiatrist and Editor, Catholic Medical Quarterly
“In his verse, the French Catholic poet Charles Peguy loved to celebrate beginnings and origins. The first beginning for all of us, the starting-point of the great adventure of our human life, is conception in our mothers’ wombs. Francis Etheredge deserves our gratitude for helping us understand and appreciate its beauty.” – Fr. John Saward, author of several books, including Redeemer in the Womb
“What Francis Etheredge elucidates so clearly within the pages of The ABCQ of Conception is that every human life is sacred, that human life possesses a dignity beyond that of plants and animals. Why? Because from the beginning — from the very moment of our conception — we are formed in our mother’s womb in the image and likeness of God. Every human life would not be life at all without the direct intervention of God, who infuses a rational soul into a body, uniting spirit and matter. Etheredge leads the reader toward a heartfelt gratitude to God for the gift of life and the recognition that every human life is something to be marveled at and reverenced, not trivialized and exploited. He illuminates well the responsibility of every Christian and person of good-will to seek out the just and legal means necessary to protect innocent human lives from their inception. This work is much needed and timely in its arrival.” – Rev. Kenneth M. Dos Santos, MIC, Provincial Secretary, BVM, Mother of Mercy Province; author of Hagia Sophia: The Wisdom of God as Offered to the Modern World
“In his book The ABCQ of Conception, Francis Etheredge takes advantage of our natural experience of living things—such as the potato and its life cycle—to help us bridge the modern ‘gap’ in understanding when life begins in the human person. Regarding our conception, Etheredge states, ‘there is a common agreement that ‘something’ comes to exist at conception. The question is, then, what comes to exist at conception?’ —A basic question, yet so profound. I laughed out loud because it struck me with its simple logic and undeniable philosophical truth. Another of his questions begs an equally unmistakable answer: “What is so disappointing about a miscarriage? Surely it has nothing to do with the abstract claim of losing a blob of cells…” The ABCQ of Conception aids us in acknowledging the beginning of human life—so vitally important for those in the womb; conceived by invitro; in frozen embryo form; experimented upon; and whose DNA is mixed with animal DNA creating chimeras. All persons have a God-given right to their natural human development and their distinct familial history and experience of siblings, grandparents, and other natural relations. Etheredge sums up his book, poignantly, in one clear statement: “…if the truth establishes our common human identity then it establishes, at the same time, our ethical responsibility for each other.” This responsibility, therefore, creates necessity for global acceptance of the beginning of human life for proper respect, protection, care, and posterity of humanity and the natural family unit.” – Kimberly Bruce, MA Theology, author of The Gender Link to the Human Soul and Look at the SON: The Fruit of Medjugorje
Mr. Francis Etheredge is married with eight children, plus three in heaven.
Francis is currently a freelance writer and speaker and his “Posts” on LinkedIn can be viewed here. Poetry; short articles; autobiographical blog; excerpts from books; and “Philosophize: A Ten Minute Write.”
For a list of all of Francis’ books published by En Route Books and Media, click here.
See Francis’ other books, too, entitled Scripture: A Unique Word, From Truth and truth: Volume I-Faithful Reason, From Truth and truth: Volume II: Faith and Reason in Dialogue, From Truth and truth: Volume III: Faith is Married Reason.
He has earned a BA Div (Hons), MA in Catholic Theology, PGC in Biblical Studies, PGC in Higher Education, and an MA in Marriage and Family (Distinction).
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