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How can a Catholic scientist speak about “a beautiful mind and soul”? Dr. Gerard Verschuuren does so as a Catholic who knows that science has nothing to say about mind and soul, but also that science has nothing to say against it. Using a lively, conversational dialog between a skeptical scientist and a religious scientist, this book provides an enlightening tour through the pivotal questions raised by our human minds and souls, which were created in God’s image.
Paperback: $18.99 | Kindle: $9.99
“An important demonstration of the methods by which a scientist may speak with the authority of his Catholic faith tradition about the human mind and soul, created as they are in the image and likeness of God.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Interim Director of the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology
Gerard M. Verschuuren is a human geneticist who also earned a doctorate in the philosophy of science. He studied and worked at universities in Europe and the United States. Currently semi-retired, he spends most of his time as a writer, speaker, and consultant on the interface of science and religion, faith and reason.
Currently, while semi-retired, he writes about issues at the interface of
All his books can be found at:
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This book is an attempt to trace the footprints of the Creator since the event of the Big Bang. It is a snapshot in one volume of the movement and work of God in the world of our experience, especially illustrating the divine face of evolution since the beginnings of Creation.
Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99
“An excellent demonstration of the complementarity of our science and our faith!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Interim Director of the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology
Roger Skrenes studied science as an undergraduate and history as a graduate. He holds a master’s degree in religion and has taught high school in Los Angeles, California, for over thirty years, including six summers in the California Youth Authority (a prison for teenage boys in Whittier, CA). He is the father of three adult children, Mary, Mark and Therese.
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This intelligent and wise book demonstrates that the so-called conflict between science and religion is fundamentally misconceived. Seen in their proper complementarity, they jointly illumine life’s mystery and many conundrums.
Paperback $18.99 | Kindle $9.99
“Religion and science are two different and complementary avenues to knowledge and truth. Science aims for an explanation of how things work, but religion, for the most part, aims at trying to understand the meaning and ultimate purpose of life. Methodologically, explanation and understanding function differently, but have a lot to learn from each other. It is to Robin Arthur’s great credit that he sees and illustrates this important insight with great charm and in fine detail.” – Joseph Prabhu, Professor of Philosophy and Religion (Emeritus), California State University, Los Angeles, Trustee Emeritus and Adviser, Parliament of the World’s Religions
Robin Arthur is a newspaper editor and a journalist who won the Pan-Asia Journalism award in 1995. This book is a sequel to Science and the God Elusion, which he released in June 2019. He has written several other books including Can the Poor Inherit the Earth, which is an opinion on Third World development paradigms and which won acclaim from UN organizations including UNESCO and UNDP. His first novel, The Island of Habarra, provides a glimpse into the sad narrative of expatriate workers who leave families and home behind to work in the oil-rich Persian Gulf. In Canada, Arthur worked to develop an appreciation of interfaith dialogue, and between 2011 and 2016 convened three very successfully staged Spiritual Diversity Conferences, paving the way for the establishment of an Interfaith Council in the city of Halifax.
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“The eternal now of God is definitely the underpinning of the Eucharist and your theory in Everywhen – absolutely correct.” – from a personal email to Dr. Thomas Sheahen from Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ
Have you been told that science and religion are incompatible? Do you think you have to give one up to be consistent?
You don’t. In this book, MIT-trained physicist Thomas Sheahen explains how you can:
Hardback: $23.99 | Paperback: $18.99 | Kindle: $9.99
Dunn, John. (February 19, 2025). “The scientific method can move us a bit closer to God.” The Scientific American. Click here to access the review.
I really enjoyed reading this book. The author has forty-five years of experience as a research physicist. His love of science and the Catholic faith shines through.As we advance from Newton to Einstein, what we see is the development of a symmetrical pattern. Time and Space have a relationship that earlier scientists were not aware of. The laws of physics have a beautiful symmetric pattern. Science is not something random. Everything is ordered. There is something stupendous going on here because it could have been otherwise.But if everything was random, it would not have been possible for us to have such things as the laws of science. The very fact that the universe is so splendidly ordered suggests the existence of God who created space and time.When atheists like Dawkins asks the question: “who created God?”, the assumption is that God himself is in time. This suggests the superiority of time over God, and this is not the case.The Bible teaches us that God is superior to space and time. The world of physics has shown that there is a starting point to creation. This was deeply embarrassing for the atheists! So, they decided to create a fiction: the multiverse. That is one way to come up with one random universe that could sustain life. There is no proof whatever for the existence of this multiverse.Although science and faith complement each other, science is not rooted in religion. The Bible teaches us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go. Our limited minds cannot understand the mind of God. Stephen Hawking famously tried doing so and came up with the idea that gravity could explain everything. Which explains nothing. For Hawking, we are in existence by accident. There is no purpose in life.Can we turn science in an idol? I attended a lecture many years ago given by the distinguished priest-scientist Stanley Jaki. The take home message was that science is limited to measuring quantity. You cannot derive a set of moral beliefs from science alone. Love, beauty, truth, and goodness are beyond science but not opposed to it. In the ninetieth century, classical mechanics appeared to say that everything in nature is determined in advance. Science, it was suggested, can explain everything. How wrong they were. As science advances, the more we come to realise how little we actually know. They are surely wise who, like Socrates, recognize their limitations. “I know nothing” said the Fawlty Towers character Manuel. Such is the wisdom of fools.I do have some reservations. The author appears to suggest that Teilhard de Chardin was someone who showed that science and theology complement each other. Unfortunately, Teilhard appears to have fallen into the errors of pantheism and the denial of original sin. There are other problems with Teilhard. The great Catholic philosopher Dietrich Von Hildebrand was scathing of his theories.Having said that, I think this book is very good indeed. We have one more highly qualified scientist telling us that Christians have nothing to fear from science. Indeed, science and religion complement each other beautifully.
Everywhen. Beyond Everywhere.
God is smarter than Science.
While most will nod agreement without even thinking about it, a few may squint at the statement, not able to pit a known against an unknown entity. They know this fellow called Science; they have seen him and have marvelled at his revelations; The Other (whom they see mentioned in capital letters) is that unseen conjurer who is said to have pulled those rabbits out of this hat called Creation. To some, like Richard Dawkins and my mathematician neighbour, He does not even exist.
Thomas P. Sheahen, in his gently compelling book, Everywhen, convincingly presents an almost conjugal compatibility between Science and Religion; both confessing to a dependence on Faith. The scientist and physicist has as much faith in E=MC2 as the Christian in the Trinity and the Hindu in an elephant god. He needs to believe in the heritage of science to move on. This faith among physicists embraces an appreciation of the “fearful” symmetry and beauty of God’s creation, the symmetry of a multi-dimensional universe that challenges the boundaries of thought. For anything to be accepted by science, it has to be tested and subjected to measurement, but Sheahen states that “believing that a computer model equals truth is a unique new variety of idolatry.”
Everywhen: God, Symmetry and Time is wide in its scope of inquiry, bringing into focus those blurred images of Infinity and eternal life, which sit easy within the mind of the believer but can never be defined under the proud lens of even the most powerful of Science’s instruments. God is omnipotent and omnipresent, occupying the infinity of both space and time; not just everywhere; Everywhen. This is a book that has insights for everyone, presented in the vocabulary of vectors and matrices for scientists and physicists and clearly articulated for the theologian and layman. Everywhen is for everyone.
“I am impressed with Dr. Sheahen’s explanation of how God is not only everywhere but also ‘everywhen,’ not dependent on time. God is real; let’s stay Heaven bound. Cheers for eternity! ‘I knew you before you were in your mother’s womb.’ ~ Jer1:5” – Dr. Pat Castle, co-editor with Bernadette Costello of LIFE Runners Daily Devotions
“The author develops a model for the higher dimensional existence of God based on the symmetry laws and special relativity relations of physics, and very clearly explains it using the dimensional model published by Abbot in his book “Flatland”. Very well written and easy to understand, especially for scientific readers.” – Phil Cassady, Physicist
“If one accepts the premise that an intelligence created the universe, I am convinced that He would have to be close to what Tom describes.” – Dr. Steven I. Parks, Washington, D.C.-area physicist
“I think Everywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time will be very valuable for helping people see how science points to faith and to recognize the false dichotomies between faith and science imposed on many minds within the popular culture by those who dislike religion or champion scientism. I also think that this book, particularly the multi-dimensional parts of the last chapter, will help people recognize the possibility of God free from the constraints of time, and a Heaven that may transcend some of the constraints of time. There are many other wonderful insights that will bring people closer to God and the unity between faith and reason.” – Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, SJ, Host, “Fr. Spitzer’s Universe”
“Dr. Sheahen has written a very insightful and at times provocative book, addressing the often-forgotten issue of Time in regard to the Omnipresence of God. He points out that Catholic belief in God’s creation, both visible and invisible, includes not only the realm of space and particles, but also the very space-time fabric of reality. He applies the concept of God’s independence from time to discuss the ramifications in the physics world, the meaning of eternity, and even the existence of Hell. I am sure you’ll find this book to be interesting and thought provoking.” – David J. Keys, PhD, author of Discovering the Fullness of Reality and Exploring the Belief in the RealPresence
“…I was hanging on every word he said because it was so utterly mindblowing….When he explained the term ‘Everywhen,’ he got me imagining how to see God in a different light.” – an anonymous listener to Leighton Smith’s New Zealand-based Podcast
Thomas P. Sheahen earned BS and PhD degrees in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. During his 45-year career as a research physicist, predominantly in energy sciences, he worked for Bell Telephone Laboratories, the National Bureau of Standards, various research corporations, the U.S. Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. He was chosen as a Congressional Research Fellow by the American Physical Society, dealing with energy-related national legislation. Dr. Sheahen wrote the textbook Introduction to High-Temperature Superconductivity.
Dr. Sheahen, a lifelong Catholic, is director emeritus of the Institute for the Theological Encounter with Science and Technology, which focuses on demonstrating the compatibility of faith and science as paths toward knowledge.
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Modern science tells us that our “physical” universe began in a highly ordered, but unstable, non-physical state where even the laws of physics were not fully formed. It’s almost like something spiritual became broken. Evidence for design is apparent in evolution and has baffled scientists for decades. Yet, it is a world full of evil, suffering and death. On the other hand, Scripture tells us that God created everything, and it was good. But when Lucifer and other angels fell, all hell broke loose! Literally. Can we reconcile these two accounts of creation in a way that provides deeper insights into the mysteries of both the scientific and the biblical accounts of creation? The Fallen Angel Model addresses that question by speculating on whether our evolving universe, filled with physical and moral evils, is somehow linked to the fall of the angels.
Photo on bottom left: Presenting The Fallen Angel Model at the Robson Ranch Library
Paperback $14.99 | Kindle $9.99
Conscious Energy, The Fallen Angel Model, and the Catholic Church by Joe Provenzano, Dcn. Ron Morgan, and Dan Provenzano (January 2022)
“A proposed connection between an event described by science and an ancient revelation.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, director of the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology
“This book has to do with how the creation of the universe came about and where evil came from. This treatise is the most unique and original idea I’ve seen in theology in 50 years.” – Thomas P. Sheahen, former director of the Institute for the Theological Encounter with Science and Technology
The Philosopher — Joe P. Provenzano has an M.S. in Physics and is the author of Conscious Energy (previously published as The Philosophy of Conscious Energy) and How to Believe in God and Science — In Three Easy Steps.
The Deacon — Ron D. Morgan is a deacon in the Catholic Church and is a lifelong follower and student of physics.
The Scientist — Dan R. Provenzano has a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from the California Institute of Technology. Dan works with lasers and fiber optic sensors.
Joe and Ron are retired and live near Dallas, Texas. They have been brothers-in-law for over fifty years and have been developing the ideas and insights in this book for almost that long. Dan is the son of Joe and his wife, Linda. He is currently an Optical Scientist working in Blacksburg, Virginia. Dan is married with three children and has been involved with these ideas all his life. He wrote the ProWave Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics when he was in graduate school in the late 1990’s.
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David Keys reading from his book at Catholic Gifts and Books at 13397 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017. See
“Is there a transcendent element to Human Life?” In pursuit of an answer, Keys presents to the reader both things of the world which exist, affirming the teachings of science, and things of this world that apparently defy such teaching. Because, by definition, truth cannot deny another truth, Keys shows that in the end contradicting truths can both be true, but true in the sense they both accurately address only a subset of reality. It is when one considers the FULLNESS OF REALITY that apparent contradictions can be reconciled to one another. It is in this way that science and faith, which many say do not mix, can be demonstrated to NOT oppose one another; rather, they complement each other.
“Dr. Keys has made the case beyond any reasonable doubt that God (or someone) somehow designed and guided the evolution of our universe to produce life and consciousness.” – Joe Provenzano, co-author with Ron Morgan and Dan Provenzano of The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries
“Dr. David Keys leads the reader through a process of discovery of the Fullness of Reality, which is also the Fullness of Truth, and that is none other than a Person, namely Jesus Christ.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, co-author with Dr. Ronda Chervin of Catholic Realism: A Framework for the Refutation of Atheism and the Evangelization of Atheists
Dr. David Keys received a Ph.D. in Physics from Washington University in St. Louis, MO in 1984 and a Masters in Theology from Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio in 2013. For 38 years he worked in the field of Medical Physics, being involved in the physics of radiation treatment of cancer patients and in the physics of diagnostic imaging of patients and was named a Fellow by the American College of Radiology, the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, and the American College of Medical Physics. Dr. Keys retired from Medical Physics in 2012, and has since then, published a book—Exploring the Belief in the Real Presence, has been on EWTN, Immaculate Heart Radio, and Covenant radio networks and has delivered numerous talks on a variety of topics, including Faith and Science, the Shroud of Turin, and the Tilma of St. Juan Diego. In June, 2021, Dr. Keys was named Catholic Man of the Year in the St Louis Archdiocese by Lu Cortese’s St Joe Radio/SJENT.
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