The Fourteen Holy Helpers

Authored by Allison Lunsford and Illustrated by Joan Bennett

Saint Acacius, Saint Barbara, Saint Blaise, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Saint Christopher, Saint Cyriacus, Saint Denis, Saint Erasmus, Saint Eustace, Saint George, Saint Giles, Saint Margaret, Saint Pantaleon, Saint Vitus
These fourteen saints were classified as the “Holy Helpers” during the scourge of the Black Plague in the 1300s. Today, it seems there has never been a better time to re-introduce the Holy Helpers to the Catholic world and to society as a whole. Especially helpful to younger readers, but suitable for all ages, this book offers a devotion to the Fourteen Holy Helpers that will inspire, uplift, and draw us into a deeper friendship with the saints and thus with God Himself. The need is great in our world and in our homes, and though we cannot perhaps reach every soul, we would count ourselves blessed to be able to bring truth to just one soul or one home. May the fire of the Holy Spirit enkindle us with His love and give us all the grace of zeal for God’s honor and glory, as He did for the Fourteen Holy Helpers.
Full Color Inside!
Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Saint Agathius (Acacius)

Saint Catherine of Alexandria

Saint Denis

Saint George

Saint Pantaleon

Saint Barbara

Saint Christopher

Saint Erasmus

Saint Giles

Saint Blaise

Saint Cyriacus

Saint Eustace

Saint Margaret of Antioch

Saint Vitus


Esfield, Jill. (April 7, 2023.) “Book reintroduces saints in time of need.” The Leaven Catholic Newspaper. Click here for the full article. 


“In an era when so much of our Catholic tradition has been abandoned, Allison Lunsford and Joan Bennett’s new book The Fourteen Holy Helpers is a delightful surprise. Through them, a signature devotion of plague-ravaged medieval Christendom has come roaring back to life. The Fourteen Holy Helpers is a well-written and well-illustrated volume strongly reminiscent of the Fr. Lovasik books that are so popular with our kids and others in our parish. Adults will also enjoy these stories of both familiar and little-known saints, gaining many new heavenly patrons for the problems that life can throw our way. A great resource for Catholic families!” —Claudio Salvucci, Author and founder of Ancilla Press

“This beautifully illustrated book, filled with captivating accounts of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, paints the images of the saints so well both in art and words. Readers of all ages will be inspired by these incredible saints!” — Jessica Gordon, Blogger, Shower of Roses and Catholic Cuisine

“In Catholicism we believe in knowing of God, of approaching Him, through the way of beauty. Allison Lunsford’s book, The Fourteen Holy Helpers, is beautiful. Allison Lunsford wrote the story of each saint clearly and succinctly, so anyone – even children – can remember the basics about each one. She emphasizes for each saint, the relationship with God, the aid of God in those martyred, and how each one’s life and death was tied to why they are venerated. Her friend, Mrs. Joan Bennett, completed an original painting of each saint. The paintings show each saint as a unique, unrepeatable, person – it is as if she took a photograph of the saint and painted it. Her artistic skill brings out the holiness in each saints face. When I saw the paintings of Saint Blaise and Saint Giles, as a previous throat cancer patient, I was overcome with emotion. The Helpers were venerated individually, but during the Bubonic Plaque, they were venerated as a group. We should ask for their intercession now, in the time of the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. And this presents an opportunity for us to teach our children of the relevance of the Helpers and all saints, in our daily lives, if we but ask for their help. Put the book in your book case or coffee table, where it is always available and will put you in mind of the help so easily available by simply asking for it!” – Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson, S.T.L., Holy Apostles College and Seminary, Professor of Dogmatic and Moral Theology, author of Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness


For Allison, writing has always been her easiest and most honest mode of expression, so bringing the lives of the Fourteen Holy Helpers to life in narrative form was a welcome challenge.

Since earning her Bachelor of Arts degree in English and History from Holy Apostles College in Cromwell, CT, she has dreamed of pursuing her passion for writing. She is grateful for God’s grace and the suggestion of Joan Bennett, the illustrator, in making this dream a reality.

Allison prefers writing to reading, cooking to baking, and home improvement projects to any other entertainment. She and her husband Denton make their home in Kansas. Both are deeply devoted to the music and mystery of the sacred liturgy.


Joan has worked at painting her whole life, but it was only recently that she has made it her business. Four years ago, Joan’s daughter experienced a miraculous healing through St. Maria Goretti’s intercession, and when she couldn’t find a painting of the young saint she really loved, Joan decided to create her own.

Through the encouragement of family and friends, Joan began expanding her collection of saints, and today, she especially enjoys providing paintings for those who are searching for portraits of lesser-known saints. She is the proud mother of four and grandmother of seventeen, one of which is a little saint who died the day of her birth and baptism. Joan lives in rural Pennsylvania with her husband and daughter.

Joan owns Good Shepherd Fine Arts shop on Etsy, where she sells her paintings, holy cards, jewelry, and stationery in an effort to spread devotion to the saints and to touch her customers’ lives in any way she can. You can view her work online at


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