So Shine is the debut album by brothersister 

10 new original Catholic Christian songs

Music & Lyrics by Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT

“‘So Shine’ strikes an excellent balance between Catholic hymns and classic rock.” – Check out the review at

The Prayer of Jesus Crucified: A Simple Way to Go Further in Prayer

by Fr. Larry Tucker, SOLT

In a world where so many people are looking for a way out . . . an escape . . . and finding only pain and disillusionment, The Prayer of Jesus Crucified offers an authentic solution . . . a ‘way in,’ as it were; an entrance into what St. John of the Cross called “silent love” (contemplative prayer).

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “Contemplation is a gaze of faith, fixed on Jesus.” This book will guide the reader into the loving ‘gaze’ of Jesus where . . . “you will find rest for your souls” (Mt 11:29)

Paperback: $9.95 | Kindle: $9.95

En un mundo donde tanta gente está buscando una salida… una manera de escapar… y encontrando solo dolor y desilusión, La Oración de Jesús Crucificado ofrece una solución autentica… una forma de entrar en lo que San Juan de La Cruz llamo “amor silencioso” (oración contemplativa).

El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católico ensena que, “La contemplación es una mirada de fe, fijada en Jesús.” Este libro guiará al lector hacia la “mirada” amorosa de Jesús, donde… “encontrarás descanso para tus almas” (Mt  11,29)

Espanol: $9.95 libro de bolsillo (Haga clic aquí para comprar) y $9.95 Kindle (Haga clic aquí para comprar)


Dr. Palmer and Dr Anthony Ciuffo interview on Listen-Up, Jesus is on the Air – September 10, 2011


“His Holiness [Pope Francis] wishes to thank you for your warm, filial letter, along with your book. He thanks you for this kind expression of closeness and wants you to know that he will pray for you so that you will never be ashamed to give witness to Christ Crucified… the wisdom and power of God. He is placing you under the maternal protection of the Holiest Virgin Mary, and, with special feeling, shares with you his Apostolic Blessing… which extends also to your loved ones. Thank you for this opportunity to express my consideration and esteem.” – secretary to Pope Francis upon receipt of the book

“I love The Prayer of Jesus Crucified!  No matter how much you love other prayers, try this one, too. It could change your life.” – Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., Catholic professor, writer and EWTN presenter

“¡Me encanta La Oración de Jesús Crucificado! No importa lo mucho que ames otras oraciones, intenta esto, también. Podría cambiar tu vida.”    Dra. Ronda Chervin, PhD,  Autor de 50 libros, Profesor Catolico, Presentador de EWTN

“I am praying for the widespread use of this book because it is a form of prayer that is needed more and more in our turbulent times. This way of prayer shows us how to bring our hearts out of life at large and into our Lord’s very presence in a most personal way. This kind of prayer makes it possible for Jesus to care for our souls, deep down where only he can reach.” – Julia D. Schuerger, LCSW  (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) Diocese of Rockville Centre, Long Island, NY

“Estoy orando por el uso generalizado de este libro porque es una forma de oración que se necesita cada vez más en nuestros tiempos turbulentos. Esta forma de oración nos muestra cómo sacar nuestros corazones de la vida en general y ponerlos en la misma presencia de nuestro Señor de una manera muy personal. Este tipo de oración hace posible que Jesús cuide de nuestras almas, en el fondo, donde solo Él puede alcanzar.”  – Julia D. Schuerger, LCSW, Diocesis de Rockville Centre, Nueva York

The Prayer of Jesus Crucified is a unique form of contemplation. It takes you outside yourself and is elevated above one’s daily prayers of petition, thanksgiving and even praise. Through this simple way of prayer, one will discover an intense and personal communion with our Lord and Savior.” – Dr. Marynita Anderson, Ph.D., Member of The Society of Catholic Social Scientists and contributor to The Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought. 

“La Oración de Jesús Crucificado es una forma única de contemplación. Te lleve fuera de ti mismo y se eleva por encima de las oraciones diarias de petición, acción de gracias e incluso alabanza. A través de esta sencilla forma de oración, descubrirá una intensa y personal comunión con nuestro Señor y Salvador.”    Dra. Marynita Anderson, PhD.  Miembro de la Sociedad de Cientificos Catolicos Sociales, y Colaboradora de La Enciclopedia del Pensamiento Social Catolico 

Dear Fr. Tucker… with a cordial greeting, I thank you very sincerely for sending your book, THE PRAYER OF JESUS CRUCIFIED: A Simple Way to Go Further in Prayer (published by Enroute Books and Media), which I will read with the serenity the subject requires. In a broad sense, it shows the importance that Jesus himself gave to prayer in his life which sustained him at all times and enabled him to fulfill the mission entrusted to him by the Father. Therefore… the importance of contemplative prayer in our life. Praying for your intentions, I place you under the maternal protection of St. Mary of Guadalupe, a woman made prayer.    Your brother and server, I bless you. + Norberto Cardinal Rivera Carrera, Archbishop Primate of Mexico


Fr. Tucker was born on May 26th, 1955, in Manhattan, New York City. He is a bilingual missionary priest in The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity and has served in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, England, Texas, and New York.

Fr. Tucker holds an A.A. in Liberal Arts from Nassau Community College, Garden City, NY; a B.A. in Human Relations from St. Joseph’s College, Patchogue, NY; and a Master of Divinity, as well as an M.A. in Theology, From Holy Apostles College and Seminary, Cromwell, CT.

El Autor:

El Padre Tucker nació en la ciudad de Nueva York el 26 de Mayo de 1955. Él es un sacerdote bilingüe/misionero en La Sociedad de Nuestra Señora de La Santísima Trinidad y ha servido en Guatemala, Belice, México, Inglaterra, Tejas, y Nueva York.

El Padre Tucker tiene una Licenciatura en Relaciones Humanas, de St. Joseph’s College, Patchogue, NY, y una Maestría de Divinidad, tanto como una Maestría en Teología de Holy Apostles Seminary, Cromwell, CT.


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