Mary Kloska speaks to a ‘Seven Sisters’ Group about her book In Our Lady’s Shadow (May 21, 2021)

A La Sombra de Nuestra Señora: La Espiritualidad de la Oración por los Sacerdotes

by Mary Kloska

A la Sombra de Nuestra Señora: ‘La Espiritualidad de Rezar por los Sacerdotes’ es una guía para las mujeres, que las lleva a profundizar en una meditación sobre la relación entre Nuestra Señora y Jesús, el Sumo Sacerdote Eterno. Nos muestra sobre el desarrollo de su relación -desde su infancia (como  ‘Pequeño Jesús Crucificado’), pasando por Su Misión y Pasión (donde la Virgen fue Su compañera y Regalo) hasta su Resurrección y vida con Ella en la eternidad. A través de esta meditación, el lector no sólo llega a conocer más profundamente la relación de María con Su Hijo, sino también Su papel para ayudar a todos los hombres llamados al sacerdocio. Adentrándose en la espiritualidad de Nuestra Madre, de rezar por los sacerdotes, se enseña al lector la mejor manera de acompañar espiritualmente a los sacerdotes como madre, hermana, hija y amiga espiritual.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99

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The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love



“As the prayers of Saint Monica for her wayward son helped Augustine to become a great saint, the prayers of women help priests to likewise grow in holiness, our universal calling echoed every time we celebrate Mass and recite along with the angelic choir in heaven, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts.’ May many women be inspired by this book to pray for the holiness of our priests.” – Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, author of A Brief Historical Survey of Marian Devotion and Theology
“Mary Kloska’s book In Our Lady’s Shadow – The Spirituality of Praying for Priests is one of the most motivational contemporary Catholic books I have ever read. In our time of crisis in the Church, it is of vital importance that we be praying for priests in a way even more intense than before. Read it! It may enrich your own spiritual life in a way you cannot predict.” – Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., retired Catholic Philosophy Professor, author of numerous books, and  presenter on EWTN and Catholic Radio

“Published on International Women’s Day, Mary Kloska’s new book… IN OUR LADY’S SHADOW: The Spirituality of Praying for Priests… is a timely reflection on the beautiful mission that women in particular have of praying for priests. At a time when many women find themselves confused regarding their role in society and their place in the Church… the Body of Christ… the author points out the special, maternal giftedness of womanhood and the wonderful spirituality that flows from this reality. The author reminds women that, contrary to popular opinion, it is “littleness” that makes the biggest difference in this world.” – Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT… author of The Prayer of Jesus Crucified; Adventures in the Father’s Joy!; To Whom the Heart Decided to Love; The Redemption of San Isidro.

“What a tremendous consolation to Jesus it must have been to have His tender Mother there to support him with all her love and prayers throughout his priestly life, and especially on his way to Calvary. How much more do her other beloved priest sons need this Mother of consolation and mercy accompany them while they fulfill their priestly roles. I believe this book, “In our lady shadow: The spirituality of praying for priests” will inspire, those who read it, to fulfill our Lady’s urgent request to pray for priests in the spirit of Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Mother of priests and Queen of apostles. May all the love in the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph fill the hearts of every priest to overflowing!” – Bob Cantoni, host with Bob Carter of WCAT Radio’s “If You Know Mary, Then You Know Jesus”

“This book is a wonderful resource for young men studying for the priesthood, a beloved parish priest or priest friend, as well as anyone who feels drawn to pray for priests. It is a treasure trove of insight and gold mine of inspiration, so needed in this challenging modern world.” – Theresa Thomas, Family Columnist, Mother of nine, and author of Big Hearted (Scepter)
“As a mother of small children and someone dedicated to praying weekly holy hours for priests, this book helps me to love more deeply the devotions of priests and how much they need our prayers. I am so pleased to have it as a guide. A very special book!” – Amelia Colone, wife, mother and member of the Seven Sisters Apostolate of weekly adoration for priests 


Mary Kloska es de Elkhart, Indiana. Fue criada en una gran familia polaca (12 hermanos y hermanas) junto con muchos niños de crianza (foster babies) y otras personas necesitadas a quienes acogían por épocas. Ella tiene en la actualidad 70+ sobrinas y sobrinos. Ha vivido una vida única. Al graduarse de Notre Dame en 1999, dedicó 20 años en las misiones sirviendo a los pobres (incluyendo huérfanos) como también orando como una ermitaña consagrada alrededor del mundo –Siberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Sur África, Las Filipinas, México, Tierra Santa, como también por todo Europa. Aunque dedicó mucho tiempo alejada en silencio, rezando, irónicamente ama a los niños y es muy divertida y extrovertida cuando se trata de servir a jóvenes adultos, como también a los pequeños. También ha dedicado tiempo en las misiones dando retiros, dando catecismo, liderando grupos de oración, dando dirección espiritual, ayudando en liberaciones, cambiando pañales, alimentado bebés y limpiando pisos.


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