Within Reach of You: A Book of Prose and Prayers

by Francis Etheredge

Prayer is immediate because God is present; therefore, there is no nearer, quicker more “in touch” contact than prayer. Prayer is personal – because it arises out of each person’s life; and prayer is communal because we pray with all who pray for all who need prayers. Prayer is the simplest communication because we are speaking to one who listens; and, whether we use words or not, there is prayer in the intention to pray. Prayer is challenging because it may not be answered as we ask – but answered according to a greater good we can scarcely see. Prayer is for the smallest need and the greatest common good. Prayer excludes no one and includes everyone; therefore, whether we are present or not, prayer makes it possible for us to accompany both the living and the dead into the presence of God.

Paperback: $17.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Oh angel of God

And a Summary Introduction: What is Prayer?

Foreword and Prayer
Bishop Fintan Monahan of Killaloe Diocese, Ireland
Within Reach of You

General Introduction

A Brief Answer
The Centre of this Book: The Domestic Church
Faith, hope and love are the foundation of prayer

Guest Prayer: Martin P. Higgins (RIP)
Martin’s Prayer

Either Or (I)
The Chosen Moment (II)
A Relationship (III)

Guest Prayer: James Sale

Part I: Place

Out of the Wind
A Place to Pray
The Kitchen Sink
Guest Prayer: Rev. Dr. Ed Hird
A Prayer for Pilgrim Families

Part II: Faith and Reason

What Exists and Human Reason
The earth in our hands
Word by Word
Moses the Shepherd (for Archbishop Moses Costa, Bangladesh)
A New Beginning (A Prayer for those Murdered in the Nice
Cathedral Attack, in English and French)
Mercy is Your Name (A Prayer for all those Beheaded in
Our Need for Help (A Prayer for those Beheaded in Nigeria)

Guest Prayer: The Revd. Neil Vigers
On Ecumenism

Part III: Talents, Business and Cultural Gifts

In the Image of the Creator
Hope in Blossom (A Prayer for China, in English and Chinese)

Guest Prayer: Eric Manuel Torres
A Devoted Student’s Prayer

Part IV: In the Family

Two Giant Mice, Lord, and Other Creatures in Other Worlds
Two by Two
Two-in-One, Lord, Even Three

Guest Prayer: I of II: Dr. Mary Anne Urlakis
The Gift of Life

Whatever Life Brings: It is Day by Day:

Lockdown: Our changing circumstances
Monday and the week
Easter Night and Early Morning
Vegetables and other activities
Alternate times of “normality”
Postscript: Christmas and St. Therese of Lisieux

Part IV: In the Family (cont.)

Short Prayers (I)
Short Prayer (II); Water into Wine (cf. Jn 2: 1-11)
A Longer Short Prayer (III): A Nothing into Something Day

Guest Prayer: Grace Marie Urlakis
Stained Glass

The Family Journey (in five parts plus one before the prayers):

The challenges of our children’s questions: the death of Pharaoh,
physics and vocation
Who is responsible for Pharaoh’s death?
If all is physics …
More obviously personal questions: What is the goal of life?

More Prayers
Love Loves to be Undivided
“Lord, Give Success to the Work of Our Hands” (Ps 89)

Guest Prayer: II of II: Dr. Mary Anne Urlakis
If I Had the Faith of a Child

Part V: In Healthcare and in Prison

Guest Prayer: I of II: Andy Doyle, OP
Man of Sorrows

Legs: On Pain and Healing
“You have the words of eternal life” (Jn 6: 68) (A Prayer to Repeal the Dutch Euthanasia Law for Under 12s and indeed for Anyone)
To Kiss the Leper (A Prayer for all Healthcare Workers with
“Oh Mother of the Stairs” (Part I: A Prayer for All Prisoners with
“Jesus, remember me” (Lk 23: 42) (Part II: A Prayer for All
Prisoners Who Have Died of Covid-19)
“Hell’s Hole: An Unbidden Mercy”

Guest Prayer: II of II: Andy Doyle, OP
Sweet Jesus

Part VI: “Let the Children Come to Me” (Mt 19: 14)

Your Presence in Our Loss (A prayer for those who have Lost a Child
through Miscarriage)
“I am the Bread of Life” (Jn 6: 48) (A prayer To End Child Starvation)
Where are You?

Guest Prayer: Kelly Jayne Lazell
A Mother’s Heart

Part VII: Within Reach of You

Let Hope Arise (After the Myanmar land slide)
A Prayer in the Midst of Destruction (An Explosion in Beirut)
In the Service of the Truth (I) (A Prayer for Alexei Navalny after
Being Poisoned)
In the Service of the Truth (II) (A Prayer for the Protection of Alexei
Navalny and the Russian people)
In the Service of Love (A Prayer for Refugees in Ethiopia)
A Temple of the Lord (2 Cor 3: 16-17) (A prayer for all the
Ethiopians Being Murdered at Religious Sites)
“I Beg You” (A Prayer for Peace in Myanmar)
“A Dark Light, Lord, Looms” (A Prayer for Nuclear Disarmament)

Guest Prayer: Gillian Cockwill
My Spiritual Journey – Good
My Spiritual Journey – Bad

The World in Turmoil


Your Cross
Life Grows into Life

End Word by Bishop John Keenan, of Paisley Diocese,


Review by Gillian Cockwill on Goodreads (August 10, 2022), click here.

Review by Monique Robles, MD, MS Bioethics, Pediatric Critical Care Physician, Bioethicist, Freelance Writer, on Human Dignity Speaks (May 8, 2022), click here.

Review by Christine Sunderland (April 25, 2022), click here.

“Lord: Do you mean me? A father-catechist!” in The Catholic Weekly (March 10, 2022), click here.

Gordon Nary, “Profiles in Catholicism,” editorial opening to issue on “Catholic Schools” (January 2022), click here.

Dr. Eileen Quinn Knight, “Profiles in Catholicism” (January 2022), click here.


“An important book that seeks to help mend the broken world we find ourselves in. Prayer is a universal human phenomenon, and it arises out of human need: when things get too much, when there is overwhelm, and when there is no human hope possible, then people start to pray in earnest. It is perhaps only a shame that it takes – usually – some tragedy in order to initiate the process. This book by Francis Etheredge explores how we can deepen our prayer life, how we can begin – through God – to make sense of things in our life which otherwise might remain fractured and broken. Certainly, Francis draws upon the deep wells of his own experiences to show how we might find words to approach God, how God can help us heal. Many of the prayers approach the condition of poetry – structured parallelisms, powerful repetitions and so on – and it is good that there is also a wide range of guest contributors. This is a wise resource and I strongly recommend it.” – James Sale of the United Kingdom, review posted on Amazon.com.uk

“Francis Etheredge’s new book Within Reach of You uses the metaphor of the Holy Family to unpack how to grow in one’s prayer life. In this book, he brings in many guests to share about various modes of family-oriented prayer. Woven into this book are stories from Francis’ extensive prayer and family journey. Francis’ passion for prayer is engaging and well expressed in his new book.” – Dr. Ed Hird, Anglican Priest in Canada

Within Reach of You shines a light on the Sacredness of the ordinariness of life, taking one into the very crevices of the mundane awakening of our mind to the knowledge that every daily task can be elevated as a prayer to God. Francis looks at the outside world with a heart of compassion, prayerfully considering the suffering of individuals and communities, and gives the reader a personal glimpse into his experience of lockdown, showing the very human side of family life, with its ups and downs, its daily challenges and struggles. It shows also a clear reliance on God in every situation, with a sense of journeying onwards, depending on God’s Grace for his fuel. A heartfelt and uplifting book that draws you in to its prayerfulness and reflectiveness. Like an enjoyable train journey, this book takes you to various reflective ‘stations’ moving you out of your own world into a place of prayer for others, a sense of thoughtfulness, and gratitude. The book is a powerful reminder that God is within our reach and that he is present in every single situation of our lives. I loved the sense of searching and journeying that is present throughout the pages, a sense of the spirit fully alive, a moving onward, and that constant craving for God. I got a sense of St. Augustine’s spirit echoing throughout the book in the questioning, in the searching, and in that deep longing for the Lord: ‘My heart is restless until it rests in you’ – St. Augustine. It has been an honour to read your beautiful book and I wish you every success with it.” – Patricia McNally, Professional Wife & Mother, Studio Manager – Christian Media Trust

“Francis Etheredge does a magnificent job of showing that prayer is not simply another thing to do, but the necessary personal encounter with the God who makes all things new. Etheredge illustrates through his personal story and life-journey that prayer helps people in whatever situation they encounter.  He provides heartfelt prayers for those who are forgotten as well as tough situations in life such as for prisoners, tough times in marriages, societal hatreds, those who are sick, miscarriage, and other important events. After reading this, you will be encouraged to know that God walks with you in all the crosses you bare, and those crosses can inspire beautiful prayer from the heart.  I encourage you to reflect on the prayers in this book to understand that God always offers hope and keeps it ‘Within Reach of you.’” – Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony, Co-Author of The Deacon and The Doctor: A Prescription for Navigating Child Loss and author of The Theology of the Body in Prayer

“Whether one is familiar with the previous two volumes of Francis Etheredge’s poetry or not, readers of Within Reach of You will find themselves in the unique position of glimpsing the most intimate place of the human condition – that is, the place where we face our longings and shortfalls, and present them to the Divine. It is equally fair to call this a book of poetry as it is to call it a book of prayer. But, for me, a Catholic who is used to myriad prayer books and devotional, this collection distinguishes itself best as a prayer book for the common person. So often we read prayers which are carefully composed by high-ranking clergy and canonized saints that we often associate such prayer with God’s being out of our reach… which thus underscores and illustrates the title of this collection. By sharing these intimate moments of ordinary people, Francis Etheredge succeeds in showing how God is very much within reach of everyone. The backstory provided with each prayer brings it all home in relatable and candid terms. Previous readers of Etheredge’s poetry will not be disappointed… and, those new to Francis Etheredge will find his work inspiring in both its clarity and humanity. This third collection will be appreciated by anyone who reads it and is a gift to all who are looking to deepen their prayer lives.” – Aimee O’Connell, Author, Editor; Co-founder of Autism Consecrated: https://autismconsecrated.com/

“Spirituality is lived. An individual learns Spirituality not by talking about prayer or asceticism but by doing it. A person is spiritual not because he has a Doctoral degree in Spirituality but because he prays and practises what he prays. The book Within Reach of You: A Book of Prose and Prayers reflects the author’s interior life. He does not merely talk about God and prayers, he has also immersed himself in prayer. We do not call a person a swimmer by merely speaking about different strokes and about the water; a person is a swimmer because he swims habitually. Such is Francis Etheredge. He himself is a pray-er. I hereby give my endorsement. May the Triune God bless you for His greater glory.” – + Most Rev. ROGELIO D. MARTINEZ,JR.,SCF,D.D., Archbishop of San Jose Del Monte (Vatican in Exile)

“Glory be to Jesus Christ! What Within Reach of You by Francis Etheredge brings to mind is a part of the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom which is repeated several times throughout. It is the part where the priest says ‘… let us commend ourselves and one another, and our whole life to Christ our God.’ The faithful respond ‘To You O Lord’. The word ‘commend’ did not really strike me until I realized that it was the same word Christ used on the cross when He said in Luke 23:46 ‘… into your hands I commend my spirit’ and that its real meaning is total entrustment. This means the complete handing over of ourselves, body and soul, our relationships, and our whole life to Christ. To truly live out that part of the liturgy is a lifelong work. What I read in the lines of Francis’ book is the expression of that lifelong process of entrustment. Our joys, our sorrows, even deep despair and every little mundane aspect of life are all part of this process as we learn to pray ‘without ceasing’ (1 Thess.5:16-19). As a fellow pilgrim in this journey of ‘learning the yearning’ for God in a life given over to Him totally, I say ‘amen’ and thank Francis for sharing!” – Deborah Patrick-Larmour, Director of Family and Life Office, Eparchy of Saskatoon, http://skeparchy.org/flo/

Extract from Fr. Tony Pazhayakalam’s review [read the full review here]: “I admire that each page of Within Reach of You is very much personal and no theme or discussion runs in the air or stands away from the personal touch of the author. It stands very much close to life and social context. Prayer becomes touching as every prayer carries a person or an event around us. When you say Thank you Lord for my nothing- being- something days – I had a laugh as I struggle to understand a day gratefully and gracefully if I have not done anything. I need to learn to appreciate my meditations and relaxations in the above title. Thanks for the meaningful and guiding Book.” – Fr. Tony Pazhayakalam, priest from Kerala, working in both English and Kerala communities

“A book treasuring the mystery of God’s Love, seen, known and recognised in the day to day of Christian living. Within Reach of You is aptly named. The perceptive attention with which it attends to both the details and the overview of things that weave themselves into our personal stories reminds one that God isn’t far off, but in the midst of our joys and our struggles. May Francis’ prayerful engagement with these mysteries inspire those who read this book not only to reflect on the words, but moved by his example seek, find and love God in all things.” – Máire Íde Ní hÁgain, Catholic writer and co-founder of Golden Rose Apostolate

Within Reach of You completes Francis Etheredge’s trilogy and follows on from The Prayerful Kiss and Honest Rust and Gold. Etheredge is not afraid to share his interior life, or his family life, with readers and this new book will not disappoint those who love his other works. I especially loved ‘The Kitchen Sink’ and find it very relatable. Before reading this book, I had prayed to God, “Lord, teach me how to pray!” I wasn’t sure if I was praying the right prayers. Is there a right prayer to pray in certain situations and circumstances? I thought that maybe there was and I wasn’t praying right. Feeling lost, confused and unsure, I cried out … Then, this book came into my life. Right on time. Not only did I benefit from reading Within Reach of You, but I was also asked by the author if I’d like to submit a prayer. To be part of such a powerful compendium of intensely private and personal testimonies shared by Etheredge and his guest writers, is such a privilege and honor. Initially I felt unworthy and spent much time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me. Then I realized that we all have our different stories to tell. There is so much pain in the world that sharing our stories and testimonies may help to bring healing to someone who is traveling a similar path. This book brought healing and some beautiful prayers into my own life. Highly Recommended.” – Kelly Jayne Lazell, Christian Book Editor & Proofreader, Homemaker, Handcrafted Jewelry.

“‘Where is God in my life?’ Faced with the many anxieties and distractions of our world today, we might often find ourselves asking this very question. Rooted in the ordinary experiences of the everyday and the mystery of marriage and family life, Within Reach of You answers: The Lord is not only present in our lives but closer than we could have possibly imagined, even within reach. In Him, we are made close to the needs of the whole human family, and the prayers and meditations in this book are an exceptional way to unite them to our own prayer.” – Carl J. Kessler holds a Master of Studies on Marriage and the Family from the International Theological Institute in Trumau, Austria.

“This book is going to be an asset to many through the Holy Spirit specially to people who are being called to get closer to God, to come into a deeper relationship with HIM. It is a breath of fresh air, a conversion of love. Life goes by too fast, and this book puts or helps one slow down and breathe God’s inspiration. This book will enliven many to fall deeper in love with Christ. When we are truly in love, we want to continue learning and loving from one another. This book helps us to focus and acquire this yearning for a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.” – Gabriela Economico, MSW

“Only the one who prays can know what prayer is. There is no definition crafted on the outside sufficient for understanding. In this third book in his trilogy on prayer, Francis Etheredge brings us inside: he opens up the interior space of one who prays. What we discover is the personality and artistry of prayer. This alone cannot make us pray, but it makes it harder to resist the painful, beautiful longing to enter in. Those of us stretched and strained in modern life need guidance to find the portals between prose and poetry that allow for a mystical realism, and Etheredge shows us the way. He speaks from an everyday-ness that opens to eternity, wooing us toward the life-saving touch of God who is always within reach of those who pray.” — Leonard J. DeLorenzo, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, author of Into the Heart of the Father: Learning From and Giving Yourself through Christ in Prayer

“‘Pray constantly’, wrote St Paul to the Christians of Thessalonika in the first century. Within Reach of You offers a cornucopia of prayers which will help Christians today to do just that. From COVID-19 to the kitchen sink, euthanasia to ecumenism, no concern of life is excluded from the conversation with God into which we are invited. Clearly the fruit of prayer, this book will surely sow seeds of prayer in many hearts to hasten the advent of the Kingdom.”  Laurentia Johns, OSB, Stanbrook Abbey, England 

“Within Reach of You is an invitation to vividly participate in a carefully curated, intimately personal recounting of joys and sufferings that span the vastness of human experience, all the while prayerfully fixing our gaze on God for ‘He is mighty in strength of understanding’ (Job 36:5, NRSV). Wounds are redemptively re-opened, as when collecting frankincense sap, so that they may then be offered up ‘as incense’ (Psalm 141:2, NRSV), to be unified with the Lord’s Passion. This is an honest and loving witness to God’s proximity in our lives; indeed, it is a special witness that I anticipate will touch the lives of countless readers.”  Vanco Hristov: BSc(Hons), GradDipPsych, PhD candidate (UoM)

“Prayer is our lifeline to our Heavenly Father. In this prayer book, Francis has a great compilation of prayers that are fitting with the issues and challenges of today. A much-needed book to enhance your spiritual journey. “ — John C. Preiss- President, Fatima Family Apostolate

Within Reach of You is a lovely collection of unique prayer prose. Francis Etheredge and his guest prayer poets rekindle belief in the power of prayer as they respond to world events, such as the prayer ‘Hope in Blossom,’ a prayer for China that is written in English and Chinese, or ‘To Kiss the Leper,’ a prayer for all healthcare workers with Covid-19. There are also prayers that emerge from the poet’s life. In fact, the book is dedicated to Etheredge’s sister, Charlotte, who has struggled with severe health issues for decades and whose life is itself a prayer of trust, fortitude, and enduring love, reminding us to ‘rejoice when you can.'”  Claire Henning, D.Min., catholic-conversations.com

“The title Within Reach of You excites. It tells of live, dynamic relationship. This is prayer. I imagine God’s gaze of grace, like a search-light beam, picking us out in love and care. And down that beam pours his Spirit, and up returns our praise and prayer. I am the University Chaplain, University of Bath. After 35 years working as a doctor and medical teacher (18 as a Minister in Self-Employment (worker priest) in the Anglican Church) I came here in 2016. It is so rewarding to work with students in a new way. Many are seeking God, and the hope that he gives. Faith is re-awakening. I believe that the foundation stones of this re-awakening are a narrative of seeking Unity (John 17: 21), a practice of compassion, and a rhythm of prayer. Prayer is the life-spring. This book is an excellent resource to encourage us to deepen our prayer life.”  Revd Canon Nigel Rawlinson, University Chaplain, University of Bath, UK, and Assistant Area Dean, Diocese of Bath and Wells.

“Serving the Missionaries of the Holy Family as mission advancement director, I am often surprised by Catholic families who have little or no devotion to the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. The Holy Family is the standard of holiness for all families, and Francis Etheredge makes this connection a living, breathing reality throughout Within Reach of You. Simple and profound, visible and invisible, from understanding each other’s needs, to questions about the universe, to fulfilling our relationships, growing closer to God through this book of prayer is Within Reach of You. +JMJ+”  Maurice Prater, Mission Advancement Director, Missionaries of the Holy Family (MSF)

“This book gives what this world desperately needs: Relationship and Family. When the world has been intentionally or unintentionally creating egocentric people who do not need God or family, I feel that Francis’ call is to bring people back to the right relationship with the Triune God and to cherish the ‘koinonia’ of a family, our own family and God’s family. As a musician, I enjoy reading this book as going to a Choir Festival, a Prayer Festival. With all the deep sharing of guests through their prayers. This book gives us a way to satisfy the desperate need of this world and it is PRAYERS. True deep and intimate prayers to open our eyes to see Jesus, to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to experience God with us – Emmanuel!”  Rt. Rev. Dr. Silas Ng, Chief Bishop, Anglican Mission in Canada

“This is a brilliant book. We think of insight as coming from the mind; and prayer as coming from the heart. In this wonderful book we find almost a new genre – insights about the most difficult and puzzling aspects of our present crisis, infusing the prayers with imagery that open our hearts to a new understanding of God’s truths. I thought ‘Hell’s Hole: An Unbidden Mercy’ was an especially wonderful description of despair turned into prayer.”Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., Retired Professor of Philosophy, author of numerous Catholic books, and TV and Radio presenter.

“Rabbi Menachem Mendl of Kotzk once asked his disciples ‘Where is the dwelling of God?’ His disciples wondered at his words: surely God was all around. Then Rabbi Menachem answered, “God dwells wherever human beings let him in”. The truth is we do not let God into our lives. Francis’s book, through his meditations and prayers is a gentle introduction to allowing God into our lives. We begin to see with the eyes of faith and all things appear new in this transformed vision.”  John O’Brien, ofm, author of At Eternity’s Gate: Artists of the Infinite

“I have read Francis Etheredge’s book of prayers and reflections with the greatest of interest. He offers a mixture of deep faith and lived experience which greatly enhances the value of this book: it is not a ‘mere’ academic exercise. As a former prison chaplain, I was particularly struck by the section on prisoners, which resonated very deeply. He captures the despair, but also the deep hope and faith that can exist in prisons, sometimes side by side. This book would be an excellent companion during a silent retreat, for those working with the most disadvantaged in our society (there is more than a touch of Pope Francis here) and for all who wish to experience prayer as more than a set text, but as a lived dialogue with God. A great book.”  Deacon Dr Harry Schnitker, Obl.O.Ss.S, Director, St John Henry Newman Centre for Pastoral Theology, Maryvale Institute, Birmingham; Associate, St Andrews Foundation, University of Glasgow.

“In a time of uncertainty and change, prayer is both a support and a tool for all Christians to use. In this third compilation of prayers and thoughts Within Reach of You, we are given helps for many different occasions. I commend this work as a very useful spiritual and pastoral resource for anybody living the Gospel life.” —Prof. Giorgio Giovanelli, Pontifical Lateran University:  https://www.giuristiperlapastorale.it/.

“The prayers rise to God, but their perfume lingers with us on earth.”  Fr. Michael Collins, http://www.fathermichaelcollins.com/


Mr. Francis Etheredge is married with eight children, plus three in heaven.

Francis is currently a freelance writer and speaker and his “Posts” on LinkedIn can be viewed here. Poetry; short articles; autobiographical blog; excerpts from books; and “Philosophize: A Ten Minute Write.”

For a list of all of Francis’ books published by En Route Books and Media, click here.

See Francis’ other books, too, entitled Scripture: A Unique WordFrom Truth and truth: Volume I-Faithful ReasonFrom Truth and truth: Volume II: Faith and Reason in DialogueFrom Truth and truth: Volume III: Faith is Married Reason.

He has earned a BA Div (Hons), MA in Catholic Theology, PGC in Biblical Studies, PGC in Higher Education, and an MA in Marriage and Family (Distinction).

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Talkaholics: Fate or Work-in-Process?

Talkaholics: Fate or Work-in-Process?

Talkaholics: Fate or Work-in-Progress By Ronda Chervin Why would I ever think I talk too much? Here are some tiny stories to show you why: “Ronda,” asked my spiritual director, “what would it be like if you joined a table (at the seminary where I was teaching and took...

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Purgatory in the Words of Jesus

Purgatory in the Words of Jesus

Purgatory in the Words of Jesus by Roger Skrenes In this book, Roger Skrenes explains how the teaching that only two possible realms exist after death, that of Heaven and Hell, as argued by many non-Catholic Christians, is not correct. Christ actually spoke of a third...

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The Sea Lord’s Bookshelf by Vincent Salamoni, M.S.A.

The Sea Lord’s Bookshelf by Vincent Salamoni, M.S.A.

All profits go to the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (M.S.A.) LORD, HAVE MERCY: The big ocean and our little boat.The Sea Lord's Bookshelf by Reverend Vincent A. Salamoni, M.S.A. This book is a catalyst, of a beginning voyage. Here it is a short one, yet a long...

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