How YOU Can Build the World’s Largest Second-Hand, Catholic Bookstore

How YOU Can Build the World’s Largest Second-Hand, Catholic Bookstore

How YOU Can Build the World’s Largest Second-Hand, Catholic Bookstore

by Bruce Mac Vicar with Sebastian Mahfood

Have you ever wanted to promote your Catholic faith by sharing books with others? How about by selling books to others on the cheap? How about by going all out and building the world’s LARGEST second-hand, Catholic bookstore? Bruce Mac Vicar shows you in five easy steps how to set up the organizational structure to make your dream a reality, walking you through the process of setting up, creating a support network and steady stream of incoming books, and moving your stock into the avid hands of the faithful (and not-yet-so-faithful) persons seeking a greater understanding of their relationship with God and man. If you’re a Catholic looking for a lifelong, faith-filled and faith-sustaining project, this book is for you.
Paperback $9.99 | Kindle $9.99


WCAT Radio’s “I Thought You’d Like to Know This, Too” with Bob Olson

Listen to “Bob Olson interviews Catholic Author Bruce Mac Vicar (May 12, 2017)” on Spreaker.

Article in the Orange Country Catholic:


Bruce provides us with some excellent ideas within his book, but the idea engine never stops! Here’s another:

Mall “pop-up” stores are a popular trend for testing your product line for a couple of months without committing to a lease. They are set up in malls which are in decline and give the mall owner a chance to give more life/energy to the mall. This keeps customers from abandoning the mall as “dead.”  This is a WIN/WIN if the new business can afford to move their products in and out of the space in short order.  Nothing new, of course, as there have been popups for Halloween costumes and Christmas specialty gifts (think David’s nuts and dried fruit packs) but now, as more malls go into decline, other types of businesses are giving it a try. Since the type of shelving I propose in the book is portable and does not need to be nailed to the wall, this could work for a group, like Knights of Columbus, putting together a store – i.e., they’d have enough manpower to move the shelves and inventory in a short period of time. This “test” of the product line might be useful while building capital for the eventual permanent location.

An article on the Internet today indicated ToysRUs may go bankrupt because, in part, their brick-and-mortar venues cannot compete with And, yesterday, there was an article in the Orange County Register Business section (9-17-2017) about second hand stores succeeding as traditional retailers stumble. The article noted that thrift/resale stores have grown 7 percent a year for the last two years while major department stores are having to downsize. The article goes on to note that resale stores first became popular during the recession and that clients not only love the savings but enjoy the fun of “the hunt.” This seems to support two points I made in the book: used books provide affordable merchandise, and displaying the books in a random manner adds to the fun of “the hunt.”


Born in Glendale, CA, Bruce Mac Vicar earned his B.A. from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

He served in the U.S. Coast Guard with a tour of duty in the Presidential Honor Guard and followed that as a job placement counselor at U.C.S.B. and as a records manager for banks and the national archives.

He was the co-founder of a crisis counseling center in Isla Vista, CA, and was elected member of the Isla Vista Community Council.

Over the years, Bruce developed six used bookstores in CA, an experience he happily shares in the pages of his book.

A convert to Catholicism, Bruce is a third degree Knights of Columbus. He has been happily married for 36 years to his good wife, Ann.


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Economic Science and St. Thomas Aquinas: On Justice in the Distribution and Exchange of Wealth

Economic Science and St. Thomas Aquinas: On Justice in the Distribution and Exchange of Wealth

Economic Science and St. Thomas Aquinas: On Justice in the Distribution and Exchange of Wealth

by Dr. Donald Boland

This is a book on what is perhaps the most burning and urgent of social issues of our times, namely, the relationship between the science of Economics and Ethics. It demonstrates that the modern view has reversed the true relationship and that it is a mistake of enormous practical significance, not unrelated to the vicissitudes that the modern economy has experienced in the past and, now worldwide, is undergoing at the present time. To regain the proper perspective on the relationship, we need to recover the practical wisdom of two of the geniuses of Ethics in the history of that study: Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas.

Paperback $14.95 | Kindle $9.99


“This seemingly innocent book is actually quite thought provoking, and to the ordinary entrepreneur of today, quite disturbing. The commercial customs and ordinary drivers of society today that we all take for granted, upon which laws are made, children are educated, parents set out to achieve, businesses thrive in and the like, are not necessarily in accordance with the laws of God and in some respects, are quite contrary to even the first commandment. This is one of those books that at first reading seems innocent enough, but a seed is sewn, and then you think on it, read it again, and start to see the world in quite a different light. Then what was camouflaged under the old light is laid bare, but others still don’t see it yet and you are left enlightened and disturbed.” – Marcel Sahade

“Drawing on the wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas, Dr. Don Boland presents a thoroughly Catholic understanding of economics. In a thought provoking manner, Boland applies the philosophical principles of St. Thomas to modern-day economic conditions. Participating in the penetrating intellectual gaze of St. Thomas, Boland reveals the many flaws and shortcomings of economic theory as it is predominantly taught. – Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, author of Political Science from a Catholic Perspective

As I am finishing your book “Economic Science and St. Thomas”, I wanted to thank you for such an insightful overview of St. Thomas’s forgotten contributions to economics, and how these correct the faults of both economic liberalism and Marxist socialism. So many fellow Catholics seem to settle for one or the other, despite works like this, Chesterton’s “Outline of Sanity”, and the papal encyclicals all suggesting there is a “third way”. Your work helped clarify my understanding of St. Thomas, whose questions in II-II of the Summa I first read while at Boston College. – Jonathan

I think the subject is appropriate for the age and is especially timely for the age given Pope Francis’s recent statements on the modern economy — there is great interest but not a lot of teaching on the subject. – Michael


Donald G Boland Ll. B. Ph. D. is a founding member of the Centre for Catholic Studies Inc. in Sydney Australia and is its current President. He practiced for a number of years as a lawyer having a degree in law from the University of Sydney. Over much the same time, having obtained a doctorate in philosophy from the University of St. Thomas in Rome, he has taught philosophy and law in both Catholic and secular educational institutions, such as the University of Technology, Sydney, the University of Newcastle, the Aquinas Academy, the Centre for Thomistic Studies Inc., now operating under the name of the Centre for Catholic Studies Inc., and various Catholic seminaries, such as those of the Marists and the Vincentians.

His doctoral thesis was on the concepts of utility and value in economics as found in the works of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas. He has maintained a  constant interest in the relation between moral, social and political philosophy and modern Economic Science. He has written numerous articles on this subject and has now condensed them into this book.



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Parish Management and Operations

Parish Management and Operations

Want to listen to this book on WCAT Radio? Click here and subscribe to the weekly sessions of between 20 to 30 minutes in length as read by Catholic author Michael Brinda.

Prof. Brinda, pictured here below with his students at Mundelein Seminary in Chicago in February, 2017, may be reached at

Parish Management and Operations: The Buck Stops Here

by Michael A. Brinda

How often have we heard the sayings, “It’s harder than it looks” and “If it were easy everyone would be doing it”?

 These sayings were never more appropriate than when they are applied to the field of parish management and operations. Every how and why detail in parish management and operations . . . is in fact a lot harder than it looks. Take a look at some of the content of this book and ask yourself if you have mastery over these topics— because every one of them and many more are integral to establishing superior parish management and operations:
  • Chapter   1   Delegation
  • Chapter 10   Parish Management and the Parish Mission Statement: A Codependent Relationship
  • Chapter 14   The Creation of Want
  • Chapter 19   The Buck Stops in PMO
  • Chapter  21  The Relationship of Performance to Culture
  • Chapter  40  On Turnover
  • Chapter  43  PMO Strategic Plan Science
  • Chapter  51  The Art of Achieving Superior Execution
  • Chapter  56  On The Art and Science of Strategic Plan Creation
  • Chapter  59  On Rejection and Failure
  • Chapter  62  The Primary Hiring Foundational Principle
  • Chapter  74  On Firing

Paperback: $22.95 | Hardback: $34.95 | Kindle: $9.99


WCAT Radio Interview of Michael A. Brinda on the “I Thought You’d Like to Know Show.”

Listen to “Michael Brinda, author of “Parish Management and Operations: The Buck Stops Here,” Talks About His Book” on Spreaker.

Listen to “Michael Mahfood interviews Michael Brinda, author of “Parish Management and Operations: The Buck Stops Here”” on Spreaker.


“Michael Brinda’s Parish Management and Operations: The Buck Stops Here is an excellent contribution to our work in parish ministry. It provides useful tools based upon sound principles. It will also be a help to me in my own teaching of pastoral planning to current and future ministers. For those looking for a practical guide on church operations, it is a must-have book!” – Michael Castrilli, author of Parish Finance: Best Practices in Church Management (Paulist Press, 2016)

“Do you want to have a Parish that is ON FIRE for the Lord? If you do, and if you are in any way part of the workings of the Parish, I have a book for you.” – Click here for the full review by Deacon Marty McIndoe

“This book is the greatest book on management I have ever read. It’s good for any field. Filled with wisdom you will not find anywhere else.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Vice-President of External Affairs, Holy Apostles College & Seminary, Cromwell, CT

“It’s too easy to use being spiritual as a reason for neglecting the basic principles of human management and organisation within parishes. Using a conversational, accessible style, and drawing on his extensive business experience, Michael Brinda applies the practical to the spiritual in a book which anyone interested in successful parish management should read. Not always comfortable because it challenges assumptions which may have deep roots, this book will give structure and process to the complex task of making church, or indeed any Christian organisation, effective.” – David Strachan, Former Parish Minister, Managing Director, Tern TV


Review by Archeparch of Asmara and Metropolitan of Eritrea, East Africa, Abune Menghesteab Tesfamariam, MCCJ, 1/17/2018

Michael A. Brinda’s book on Parish Management Operations deals with the foundational principles of effective pastoral work in a given Parish. It aims at getting better results by avoiding the persistence of a broken culture.

He proposes that using successful business principles without becoming business-like is the way to an effective and successful parish management. This, of course, is worth the try. Identifying the presence of different gifts, needs and sharing responsibilities (delegating) in the parish is the starting point for such successful Parish Management Operations. He writes,

“Culture is the force that animates and motivates people, thereby creating a correct working environment and now bringing us to this important additional insight: it is a derivative of the correct culture that provides the PMO administrator with the foundational framework for accurately measuring all results.”

When this does not take place, in the long run culture becomes weighty bureaucracy; hence, instead of helping PMO it becomes a hindrance if not a deviation to it. It becomes a “broken culture”, resistant to any novelty.

Michael Brinda’s effort to bring new and creative initiative is therefore most welcome. I would like to congratulate him for his commitment to the improvement of pastoral methodology. It is sure that many people of our time will make the best use of such a proposal and benefit from its practical suggestions.

Review by Deacon Marty McIndoe, Diocese of Rockville Centre on Long Island, NY, 1/17/2018

In the book of Revelation (3:15-16) Jesus tells the church at Laodicea “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.” In my travels I have seen many Catholic churches and there are very few that really seem “hot”, even fewer that seem “cold”, but many that seem “lukewarm”. If you are currently ministering in a church that is lukewarm, or perhaps we should say, mediocre, and you are content with that mediocrity, then this book is not for you. However, if you want a church that is hot, or exemplary or superior, then this is the book for you. I would go so far to say that this book could lead to a totally changed Church worldwide. Unfortunately too many people are leaving the faith and many of our parishes are suffering. This book could stop that exodus and actually help to bring people back.

The author, Michael A. Brinda, combines his obvious business management skills with a deep faith that the Church is called to serve God’s people. He tells us that we must serve God’s people in an exemplary way. There is no room for mediocrity in the Church. This involves all people in all ministries in the Church. We, lay or ordained, are all called to superior service. Thus this book is not just for pastors. It is for anyone in a leadership/ministry role in the parish. There is no doubt that the ways of the pastor most influence the culture of the parish and it is extremely important for all pastors to read this book. I have worked in parish leadership ministry for over 40 years, 37 plus of them as an ordained deacon. This book changed my thoughts on how a parish should be managed.

At the very heart of the author’s message is the idea that each parish needs a good Parish Management person who is trained in how to bring about exemplary, not mediocre, ministry from parish personnel. He believes, rightly so, that we need to look at the culture of the parish (which probably has been formed and perpetuated for many years) and that you cannot try to change this culture, but that you must kill it and then install a new culture. If this seems difficult to you; it is. However, the author gives us many tools to help bring this about. I was very impressed by the tools that he gives us. There is no doubt that this hard work will bring about what God calls us to be and do. Using the words of the author, “And why do we bother with this process? As always, so that we can serve greatly those we are called to serve. If something were worth doing at all, why wouldn’t it be worth doing in a superior way? Are the barriers to superior performance too tough and too high for you overcome? No. Never.”

I received my degree in Business Administration – Management and worked my entire career in management and I can tell you that the tools and wisdom given by the author in this book are exemplary. I am also an ordained deacon for 38 years now and have worked even more than that in parish ministry. This book is not just a book written by a businessman to apply to the Church. It is written by a businessman who has a deep faith and knows that the Church is called to use all of its resources in an exemplary way to spread the Good News and to serve the People of God. The Church is in dire need of this book.

The good news is that this book is well written and easily read. Putting what it says in to practice will be difficult, but all of us know that you can’t accomplish anything great without hard work. Throughout the book, the author gives us numerous quotes from a wide variety of individuals from spiritual writers to business writers to pop culture individuals. He makes the book an interesting read. I was really disappointed when it ended. I wanted more. If you are in any type of parish ministry, especially leadership roles, this book is for you. Do yourself a favor and read the book. It will benefit you, the Church and the building of the Kingdom of God.

Review by Richard S. Meloche, Ph.D., Director of the Tulsa Theological Institute in the Diocese of Tulsa

There is a very important dictum in orthodox Catholic theology that maintains that ‘the higher never negates the lower’. We see this dictum, for example, governing our understanding of the soul’s relationship to the body, correcting our thought on the relationship between the two natures of Christ, and helping us grasp how an act of mercy is related to, and perfective of, justice.

Unfortunately, today, this principle – whether found in lofty speculative thought or in its practical application -, is often violated. In fact, it may be argued that the eclipsing of this principle is at the root of many of the ailments plaguing our culture and the Church.

As such, Professor Brinda’s book is a welcomed correction and proper application of this dictum in the area of parish management and operation. Brinda rightly argues that the best practices and truths found in effective business management models are not at odds with the truths found in the Gospel. Rather he maintains that it is only when these two come together, in a mutually enriching way, that the current malaise and ineffectiveness in parish culture and management will be overcome.

Brinda’s text thus provides an accurate assessment of the current crises in parish management and operations and a practical, no-nonsense guide of overcoming the problem by creatively conjoining the wisdom of the Catholic intellectual and spiritual tradition with the art of a highly effective, holistic, system of parish management. Brinda’s book is a must read for all who are interested in revitalizing parish life.

About the Author:

Michael Brinda founded New Horizons Computer Learning Centers ( in 1982, started franchising around the world in 1992, and sold New Horizons to a public company in 1994.

Prior to founding New Horizons, Michael serviced and taught mainframe and mini-computer technology worldwide for Sperry Univac. He was an Ernst & Young 1994 Entrepreneur of the Year award winner.

Michael is currently active in Kairos Prison Ministry, has taught RCIA and has conducted Communion Services in prison. He previously worked for four years as a parish business manager in a large, multi-cultural parish. He is a speaker at Cursillo, Kairos, and Legatus.

Michael’s specialties include building worldwide enterprise, entrepreneurship, leadership, management, franchising, sales systems, marketing, technology, and strategy.

Michael holds a Bachelor of Arts in History in the Social Sciences and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies, Summa Cum Laude,  and is a Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa – from Holy Apostles College & Seminary, located in Cromwell, CT.

Michael has been married 44 years to his wife, Kathy, and has three children and five grandchildren.



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99 Ways

99 Ways

99 Ways to Teach like the Master book cover

99 Ways to Teach Like the Master

by T.J. Burdick

99 Ways to Teach Like the Master is a journey into the instructive techniques of Jesus. By learning from the Master, we can learn better how to communicate and impart knowledge to others. Whether it is for the teacher of a small classroom or a large symposium, or a home school parent, T.J.’s insight into the teaching style of Christ is one of a kind and proves to be a useful resource to any teacher.

Paperback $11.99 | eBook $9.99


“This little book is the kind of grounded reminder every educator needs about why, how, and what we teach our children, parents especially. The most fundamental answers all go back to Scripture, and T.J. Burdick has laid the model out in a concise and accessible format, a mini-reference book when you need to grab the truth.”

– Stacy Trasancos, chief editor for Catholic Stand and senior editor at Catholic Lane

“T.J. Burdick’s 99 Ways to Teach Like the Master is, literally, a godsend.  This book offers prayerful wisdom, insight, inspiration and advice that I think will be a blessing for anyone struggling to find the right way to teach with gospel values in today’s world.  Accessible, yet insightful, T.J.’s engaging style will captivate teachers across a wide spectrum  from public schools to home schools, in CCD or adult education.  Using concrete examples from scripture, and sound principles of education, 99 Ways to Teach Like the Master can teach all of us how better to communicate with fervor and faith.”

– Deacon Greg Kandra, veteran broadcast journalist and blogger at

“With 99 Ways to Teach Like the Master, T.J. Burdick has created a terrific tool for educators. Blending sacred scripture with novel techniques and strategies, T.J.’s book belongs in every classroom as part of a teacher’s arsenal of professional development resources. And since every parent is indeed the primary educator of their children, I’d like to see 99 Ways to Teach Like the Master in every kitchen too! Pick this up for yourself or your favorite educator and enhance the world of the students you serve.”

– Lisa M. Hendey, Founder of and author of A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms

“Teacher and writer,  T.J. Burdick has crafted a book that equips teachers to proclaim the gospel without speaking a word. A few minutes every morning reading 99 Ways to Teach Like the Master will prime teachers to set an example that will bring the living Word of God to their students. And so the gospel that works in our hearts by the Holy Spirit will touch their lives.”

– Bert Ghezzi, co-author of Discover Christ, Developing a Personal Relationship with Jesus


T.J. Burdick is the author of several books and article on the Catholic faith. He is the founder of the Dominican Institute and blogger at A missionary to Latin America, T.J. writes on how to grow in holiness amongst the distractions and difficulties of the current age. He resides in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and four children when he is not on mission all over Latin America and throughout the United States.


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