Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Women of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) – When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2

Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

by Joni J. Seith

Walking her readers through her conversion from a culturally Jewish background to Catholicism, Joni J. Seith relates her struggle to live with a chronic, painful, and progressive debilitating genetic condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Written with candor, in an upbeat and uplifting humorous style, Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity escorts the reader on an amazing journey of faith as shown in Joni’s dizzying, remarkable life. Her story gives unforgettable testimony of God’s love in suffering to a world in great need of this truth, providing hope to many who question life’s purpose. This heartfelt and honest memoir is for all those struggling with depression, despair, and chronic pain–and for all who need to be reminded of life’s true meaning.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Segment cut from The Rosary – Living Divine Mercy TV Show (EWTN) Ep.102 with Fr. Donald Calloway (posted on August 24, 2024), the full broadcast of which is available here.


“Joni Seith was given the cross of Ehlers Danlos, a debilitating connective-tissue disorder. Pain of Grace is her touching and compelling tale of Jesus inviting her into his transformative love through her suffering. Joni eloquently testifies to the words of St. John Paul II in Salvifici Doloris, ‘It is suffering, more than anything else, which clears the way for the grace which transforms human souls.’ Her story is a guide for us all to find His Grace in our pain.” – Most Reverend William D. Byrne, Bishop of Springfield, Massachusetts

Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity is precisely as the title proclaims — and then some. This is a most engaging story of a life suffused with physical pain and spiritual suffering, but even more so with God’s grace and love. Every reader should resonate with Joni Seith’s heartfelt reflections, from early memories of her family of birth, to those of a loving wife and mother across decades of struggles and triumphs as her children grow to adulthood as children of God. Every reader with a serious physical illness should obtain special solace, motivation, and even good laughs in this beautiful story of how all kinds of adversity can be transformed by God’s grace to the benefit of those who suffer and to all who are blessed to share their lives with them. A glorious read!” – Kevin Vost, Psy.D., author of Memorize the Latin Mass!

“Joni Seith has opened a window into the sanctifying and life-giving grace God freely provides through her memoir recounting her many decades of suffering Ehlers Danlos Syndrome with love and dignity.” – Cameron Fradd, “Among the Lilies”

“The words in Pain of Grace uniquely emerged through tears. Author Joni Seith wept throughout her writing because, simply, she was often in agony. Readers will shed tears for a different reason: they’ll be pierced and taken into a warm embrace of the manner in which a person copes and surrenders lifelong pain to Christ. Seith offers readers a profound meditation on how one brings physical and emotional travail – and bouts of hopelessness – to Golgotha. Cheeky humor is spread throughout her story, which makes Seith’s omnibus on living redemptive suffering all the more poignant and effective. The cross is rarely discussed today; thankfully Seith’s bracing tale shines bright light on its eternal weight. Bravo!” – Kevin Wells, author of Burst, Priest and Beggar, and The Priests We Need to Save the Church

“With clarity, charm, and open-hearted honesty, Joni Seith shares her transformational life journey with readers in a way that inspires us to reflect on our own burdens and blessings, and to embrace hope as real, and faith with purpose and celebration. As we travel with her – through pages of pain and perseverance, and moments of discovery and deepening spirituality – we are gifted with the truth of ups and downs and tears and laughter and loss and longing – all of which unfold as opportunities to live wiser, and to know God’s presence and love in a more personal and powerful way.” – Jeni Stepanek, PhD, author of the NY Times Bestseller, Messenger: The Legacy of Mattie J.T. Stepanek & Heartsongs

“Joni Seith has produced an incredibly wonderful book based on a remarkably beautiful life.” – Sebastian Mahfood, OP, PhD, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy

“What a wonderful life story – full of psychological insights and spiritual wisdom. A must to give to anyone suffering with chronic physical pain.” – Dr. Ronda Chervin, Jewish convert to the Catholic faith, philosophy professor, writer and speaker.

“Anyone who struggles with finding peace and purpose in suffering should read this book! We all think suffering is the thing getting in the way of our living peaceful lives full of purpose. Joni’s words and personal journey reveal the opposite: through Christ, our suffering yields peace and purpose otherwise inaccessible to us.” – Jessica Ptomey, PH.D. Author of Home in the Church: Living an Embodied Catholic Faith


Joni J. Seith is a convert to Catholicism from a culturally Jewish background whose conversion story has been published in Envoy Magazine and shared on EWTN’s Journey Home program. Joni is the author and illustrator of Cloud of Witnesses I and II, and was the Founder and President of Biblically Correct, Inc from 1995 – 2010 and a member of the Catholic Marketing Network. As a speaker on the subjects of Redemptive Suffering, prayer, the saints, miracles and her own conversion story, Joni enjoys sharing her love for the Catholic Church and Her teachings to people of all ages and faiths. Joni has given Lenten Retreat talks both to Catholic and non-Catholics alike and has taught Theology of the Body to teens. She has also taught RCIA classes as well as CCD. Although Joni suffers with a chronic debilitating pain and deteriorating condition, it hasn’t stopped her from spreading the joy of the Gospel which Jesus has handed down through His Suffering Bride, the Church. Joni’s candid and unique joy-filled way of seeing God in and through the sufferings in her life is both inspirational and contagious.


Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord From the journals of Ronda De Sola Chervin (written between 1977-1996), this autobiographical book explores a life of love and loss from a widow, mother, grandmother, professor of philosophy and theology, an international speaker and...

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The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives Assembled and Edited by Dr. Ronda Chervin Reading the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Ronda was moved by the ‘everywoman’ quality of that montage of memoirs of Chinese-American women. Years later, while patching together a quilt for her bed and...

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Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven by Dr. Suzanne R. Jamail This is my private journal, written during a difficult period of my life. The economy was poor, business was slow. The recession ravaged my private practice as a clinical psychologist. Thrown overboard into a sea of the...

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Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for the Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE...

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Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning by William J. Brown A celebrated tax law professor leaves the classroom to embark on a journey to a place that is both familiar and somehow new to him. In this book—part memoir, part devotional—he shares his transformation from a “fallen-away”...

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An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

by Francis Etheredge

This book began as a failed article about gardening; however, having written one, several more followed and so it became a short book, wonderfully enriched by the criticisms of my eldest daughter and a “Foreword” by an Anglican author, embracing our communion in the Christian Faith. But it is not so much about an experienced, knowledgeable, semi-successful gardener, as about a writer who goes into his back garden in the course of writing breaks and ends up writing about what happens “out there” and “in here”. It is part of an autobiographical series and so the author looks at his own life as well as what is around him; and, taking advantage of the multifaceted theme of nature, almost locally inconsequential as well as world-wide and geographically immensely significant, he writes “to” and “from” his own activities and the thoughts that break and burst into words. There are little discoveries, observations and themes; but, principally, it is a book about thought taking a start from going “to and fro” into the Garden of God in the hope that the flight of a word will catch the sunlight as it rises and speaks of what is so much greater than itself: an ascent, indeed, on a spiral staircase, “inlaid” in creation, to the One greater than any account of whom can be given!

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Foreword, Poem and Biography by Christine Sunderland: “A Garden of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty”

Introduction, other books by this author, and a summary of this book

The First Garden: The Garden of Eden

A poem called“Beautiful”

Part I: Conversions

The Garden of Eden and the Fall

A triptych called “The Unlikely Gardener”

Part II: Plants and Family Life

A Garden of Delights and The Marriage Feast at Cana

A poem called “Difference”

Part III: The Global Starts at Home

The Road to Emmaus (Lk 24: 13-35)

A poem called: “Time and Change”

Part IV: Eating up the Time

The Song of Songs: A Garden of Delights

A poem called: “Hands”


Part V: Talking Points

The garden of the world and the Word of God

A poem called “Global Gardening”

Part VI: A Question of Science

Biblical Science

A poem called “Shells”

Part VII: Philosophy and Ecology

The vocation to Global Gardening

A poem called: “Clothes

Part VIII: The Identity of a Seed

An Enclosed Garden

A poem called “Tree Seeds”

Part IX: We Are Not Products

The Garden of Gethsemane

A poem called “The Winter Tree”

Part X: The Garden of God

The future Garden

A poem called “Lilies”


A shout out to Mary Grenchus of the Grenchus Foundation for sharing the lead poem, entitled “Beautiful”, on her blog.


“A vision of loveliness, passing through time and space
Like a glance at the opening and flowering of grace.”


“This final couplet of An Unlikely Gardener, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, also aptly describes the experience of reading this collection of prose and poetry by Francis Etheredge. For indeed we behold the loveliness Etheredge shows us, with a gardener’s eye for displaying beauty and juxtaposing this lush crop with lessons firmly rooted in seasoned experience. In An Unlikely Gardener, Etheredge offers a well-ripened harvest of work, filled with the sun and shadow of hard-won wisdom learned over the literal and symbolic gardens of abundant years. Etheredge’s signature literary style is present in this volume in full splendour— journeying deftly from prose to poetry and back again— and his show-stopping hybrid is one that weaves faith and Scripture with family stories and verse bursting forth with tendrils of lush language. Francis Etheredge writes of, ‘Going into the garden with a cup of tea…’ and I suggest you enter this writer’s garden with a cup of tea large enough to fully savor the experience. The Unlikely Gardener sings of ‘The one who comes, you are the one who is already here, Ready and able to save me into the bark of Peter, You who are the Risen Christ, rising in me.’ May the Saviour, the greatest of all gardeners, accompany you through this ‘vision of loveliness’ Etheredge has written, and may you grow closer to Him because of it.” — Annabelle Moseley, author of Awake with Christ: Living the Catholic Holy Hour in Your Home (How Keeping God Prayerful Company in the Garden of Gethsemane can Change Your Life)

“As a lifelong Christian with a particularly strong passion for just about everything outdoors, I found An Unlikely Gardener to be thought provoking, spiritually nourishing, and refreshing. Akin to a beautiful and bountiful garden that begins, thrives, dies, requires work and thought along the way, and then brings goodness again, Etheredge has composed and arranged his own garden of interlacing stories, observations, reflections, and rich poetic verse that bring God’s gifts of the personal human experience, nature, and written word – with reminder of our call for Christian stewardship – into one unique place, An Unlikely Gardener.” — Tom Sunderland, Native Edge Landscapes | MLA, University of Colorado Denver


Mr. Francis Etheredge is married with eight children, plus three in heaven.

Francis is currently a freelance writer and speaker and his “Posts” on LinkedIn can be viewed here. Poetry; short articles; autobiographical blog; excerpts from books; and “Philosophize: A Ten Minute Write.”

For a list of all of Francis’ books published by En Route Books and Media, click here.

See Francis’ other books, too, entitled Scripture: A Unique WordFrom Truth and truth: Volume I-Faithful ReasonFrom Truth and truth: Volume II: Faith and Reason in DialogueFrom Truth and truth: Volume III: Faith is Married Reason.

He has earned a BA Div (Hons), MA in Catholic Theology, PGC in Biblical Studies, PGC in Higher Education, and an MA in Marriage and Family (Distinction).

Enjoy these additional articles by Francis Etheredge:


Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord From the journals of Ronda De Sola Chervin (written between 1977-1996), this autobiographical book explores a life of love and loss from a widow, mother, grandmother, professor of philosophy and theology, an international speaker and...

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The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives Assembled and Edited by Dr. Ronda Chervin Reading the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Ronda was moved by the ‘everywoman’ quality of that montage of memoirs of Chinese-American women. Years later, while patching together a quilt for her bed and...

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Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven by Dr. Suzanne R. Jamail This is my private journal, written during a difficult period of my life. The economy was poor, business was slow. The recession ravaged my private practice as a clinical psychologist. Thrown overboard into a sea of the...

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Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for the Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE...

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Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning by William J. Brown A celebrated tax law professor leaves the classroom to embark on a journey to a place that is both familiar and somehow new to him. In this book—part memoir, part devotional—he shares his transformation from a “fallen-away”...

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Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No Para Nosotros, Señor

by Marge Giangiulio

Un relato honesto y convincente de la vida de Marge Giangiulio y de las personas afectadas por una efusión de la bondad y la misericordia de Dios.

En rústica: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“En el ruidoso y ajetreado mundo actual, hemos olvidado hasta qué punto Dios está íntimamente implicado en nuestras vidas. Estas historias de la vida real demuestran Su profundo amor y misericordia por cada uno de nosotros. Las historias nos recuerdan que no hay simples coincidencias: Las “coincidencias” son disfraces de la providencia de Dios. Esperemos que quienes lean estas historias reflexionen sobre ello y tal vez sean más conscientes de la presencia de Dios en sus vidas personales y en las de quienes les rodean.” – Rev. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist.

“Enhorabuena por la publicación de su libro. Ahora los maravillosos y amorosos Caminos de Nuestro Señor estarán disponibles para tantas personas que necesitan Su amor, paz y aliento. Usted ha sido verdaderamente un salvavidas para tantos que han estado sufriendo y necesitan Su sanación y gracia. Estoy tan orgullosa y agradecida por tu “sí” a haber hecho realidad tus experiencias para tantos”. – Shirley Vilfordi, amiga de la autora


Marge Giangiulio es una antigua neoyorquina que se trasladó a Texas mientras trabajaba como ejecutiva en American Airlines. Se describe a sí misma como una católica perdida que experimentó una profunda conversión después de peregrinar a Medjugorje. Esta experiencia despertó su deseo de vivir más plenamente su fe católica. Como adoradora diaria de la Adoración Eucarística, recibió muchos impulsos del Espíritu Santo que fructificaron en toda la Diócesis de Dallas y, en cascada, llegaron a tocar las vidas de cientos, si no miles, de personas en todo el mundo. Sus muchos compromisos incluyen la implementación de programas de Adoración Eucarística, Asesoramiento en la Acera de Clínicas de Aborto, instigación de un programa mundial para rezar por nuestros sacerdotes, voluntariado con retiros de Jóvenes Centrados en la Eucaristía, Red de Radio Guadalupe, San Vicente de Paúl y el Comité Católico Pro Vida. Escribió Non Nobis Domine a petición de su Director Espiritual, cuya esperanza es proporcionar una oportunidad más para dirigir las almas a Dios.


Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord From the journals of Ronda De Sola Chervin (written between 1977-1996), this autobiographical book explores a life of love and loss from a widow, mother, grandmother, professor of philosophy and theology, an international speaker and...

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The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives Assembled and Edited by Dr. Ronda Chervin Reading the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Ronda was moved by the ‘everywoman’ quality of that montage of memoirs of Chinese-American women. Years later, while patching together a quilt for her bed and...

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Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven by Dr. Suzanne R. Jamail This is my private journal, written during a difficult period of my life. The economy was poor, business was slow. The recession ravaged my private practice as a clinical psychologist. Thrown overboard into a sea of the...

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Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for the Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE...

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Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning by William J. Brown A celebrated tax law professor leaves the classroom to embark on a journey to a place that is both familiar and somehow new to him. In this book—part memoir, part devotional—he shares his transformation from a “fallen-away”...

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There be Hope: Islands of Hope, My Memoir of Haiti, & The Hopeful Coconut

There be Hope: Islands of Hope, My Memoir of Haiti, & The Hopeful Coconut

There be Hope: Islands of Hope, My Memoir of Haiti, & The Hopeful Coconut

by Kiki Latimer

Hope is like the dirt and the stars; it is part of forever.

In 2007 the international relief organization Food For The Poor spoke to a small parish in Hope Valley, Rhode Island, about a massive project of building a village in Haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere. The pastor of the church challenged the families of his congregation to make a difference in the world through this mission of hope because at the same time many families in Haiti were being challenged to hold onto another form of hope, that of mere survival. Kiki Latimer became St. Joseph’s Church Haiti Project chairperson for the next fifteen years.

Over these years these two worlds would be brought together through many different housing, educational, and agricultural projects. The original village story, written by Kiki, was published by Educa Vision as the children’s book Islands of Hope. The sequel, The Hopeful Coconut, continued the mission story with a deeper, more philosophical, understanding of hope. Kiki would eventually make three trips to Haiti. Here at last is her story of the heart-opening journey into a land of great joy and great sorrow;  My Haiti Memoir brings to readers an understanding of hope that is indeed like the dirt and the stars.

Kiki Latimer is the author of Islands of Hope, The WaterFire Duck, Bubble Butt, Heal of the Hand, Seeing God’s Face, Home For the Homily, co-author of Philosophy Begins in Wonder, and host of The Catholic Bookworm. She lives in Hope Valley, Rhode Island, with her husband Jim.

Paperback [Full color photos!]: $TBA | Kindle: $9.99




Kiki Latimer is the author of Islands of Hope, The WaterFire Duck, Bubble Butt, Heal of the Hand, Seeing God’s Face, Home for the Homily, co-author of Philosophy Begins in Wonder, and host of The Catholic Bookworm. She lives in Hope Valley, Rhode Island, with her husband Jim.


Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord From the journals of Ronda De Sola Chervin (written between 1977-1996), this autobiographical book explores a life of love and loss from a widow, mother, grandmother, professor of philosophy and theology, an international speaker and...

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The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives Assembled and Edited by Dr. Ronda Chervin Reading the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Ronda was moved by the ‘everywoman’ quality of that montage of memoirs of Chinese-American women. Years later, while patching together a quilt for her bed and...

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Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven by Dr. Suzanne R. Jamail This is my private journal, written during a difficult period of my life. The economy was poor, business was slow. The recession ravaged my private practice as a clinical psychologist. Thrown overboard into a sea of the...

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Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for the Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE...

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Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning by William J. Brown A celebrated tax law professor leaves the classroom to embark on a journey to a place that is both familiar and somehow new to him. In this book—part memoir, part devotional—he shares his transformation from a “fallen-away”...

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Sad Songs: A View from the Front Lines of the Spiritual Battle between the Culture of Death and the Culture of Life–A Sidewalk Advocate’s Journal

Sad Songs: A View from the Front Lines of the Spiritual Battle between the Culture of Death and the Culture of Life–A Sidewalk Advocate’s Journal

Sad Songs: A View from the Front Lines of the Spiritual Battle between the Culture of Death and the Culture of Life–A Sidewalk Advocate’s Journal

By David E. Dowd with a commentary by Ronda Chervin


Working as a Volunteer Pro Life Sidewalk Advocate, the author recorded this series of reports. They were recently written over a period of six months during which he and others were praying and counseling as Sidewalk Advocates to women who entered an abortion clinic. As you read this collection of sad stories, the denial, hardship, struggles and desperation of some 20-30 women a day, 3 days a week might begin to register. These are not the stories that you hear or read from abortion advocates. The chapters of this book are based on observations, quotes, conversations, estimates and, yes, some speculations by the author as to what happens on the sidewalk.

The killing of babies by surgical and chemical means in our country is an ongoing NATIONAL DRAMA. Clearly, the abortion clinics are the Front Lines of an invisible Spiritual Battle, waged where the worldly Culture of Death collides with an undermanned, under-financed, misunderstood yet hopeful band of volunteer sisters and brothers, representing the Culture of Life, provides resistance against the imminent death of unborn children in the womb of their mothers–resistance to that March of Bloody Death every day a woman transacts a business decision with an abortion clinic. It’s a sad, sad song that must be heard.  We must look at the world as the world truly is before we look to God for the solace of our troubles.

Paperback $14.95 | Kindle $9.99


Attorney Elio Forcina, from Queens, NYC


“David E. Dowd’s splendid new book—Sad Songs, A Sidewalk Advocate’s Journal—is a revealing and compelling first hand account of the struggles and challenges of pro-life advocates outside the killing centers, as they try to rescue innocent children from the ‘primordial evil of our time’, legal abortion. David Dowd’s testimony is a reminder of the passage from Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. Sidewalk advocates understand the spiritual nature of this warfare. They seek not only to save the life of the child, but the soul of the mother. Even the abortionists and their collaborators are not beyond their prayers and ministrations. Reading David Dowd’s book, one apprehends the vital necessity for spiritual preparation and grounding on the part of the sidewalk advocate. Their unique apostolate requires all of the Theological, Cardinal and Capital Virtues and the many Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Ghost. Armed with all of these, and in a state of sanctifying grace, they are ready to do battle against this Luciferian evil. They are the heroes of our time.” – C.J. Doyle, Executive Director, Catholic Action League of Massachusetts

“This book is a great read for those who pray outside of abortion clinics or are considering it. The best parts are the factual descriptions of what actually happens outside a clinic. It introduces all of the characters you are likely to meet: clinic workers and volunteers, other prayer warriors and counselors, and, most importantly, women who are considering abortion. Dowd offers excellent examples of how to engage with these and others in calm, empathetic dialogue.” — Jennifer Hurt, Pro-life Ministry Leader, Philosophy MA Holy Apostles 

“Like watching a trainwreck, you won’t be able to tear your eyes away. You won’t be able to unsee the story David Dowd, a sidewalk counselor and advocate, has put together for you. Yet, an essential story for everyone on the right side of life, a story that will resonate with anyone who’s ever tried to save an unborn child.” — Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, a Lay Dominican of the Province of St. Albert the Great


David E. Dowd, a self-described repentant Catholic poet and former insurance underwriter, is a Pro-Life Activist who has been involved in street preaching in Boston. He is the author of Love, Life, Family & the Boston Red Sox: A Book of Poetry and Always a New Beginning!


Ronda Chervin, PhD, is a professor of philosophy, widow, grandmother, and great grandmother. She has taught at Loyola Marymount University, St. John’s Seminary of Los Angeles, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, and Holy Apostles Seminary and College. She is the author of numerous books about Catholic living and presents on EWTN and Catholic Radio. Most well-known of her books are The Way of Love, Treasury of Women Saints, Avoiding Bitterness in Suffering: How our Heroes in Faith Found Peace amid Sorrow, Escaping Anxiety on the Road to Spiritual Joy, Talkaholicsand, with David Dowd, Always a New Beginning.



Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord From the journals of Ronda De Sola Chervin (written between 1977-1996), this autobiographical book explores a life of love and loss from a widow, mother, grandmother, professor of philosophy and theology, an international speaker and...

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The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives Assembled and Edited by Dr. Ronda Chervin Reading the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Ronda was moved by the ‘everywoman’ quality of that montage of memoirs of Chinese-American women. Years later, while patching together a quilt for her bed and...

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Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven by Dr. Suzanne R. Jamail This is my private journal, written during a difficult period of my life. The economy was poor, business was slow. The recession ravaged my private practice as a clinical psychologist. Thrown overboard into a sea of the...

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Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for the Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE...

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Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning by William J. Brown A celebrated tax law professor leaves the classroom to embark on a journey to a place that is both familiar and somehow new to him. In this book—part memoir, part devotional—he shares his transformation from a “fallen-away”...

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God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God’s Memoir

by Kristina Olsen, OCDS, PhD

God’s Memoir invites you into the mind of God in an imaginative exploration of how God might think about Bible events and our lives today. We consider Creation, the birth of Jesus and the role of the family, as well as art, architecture and music. It’s a sketch of God’s inner life in the Trinity and how He/They talk, think and communicate. True to the Bible, Scripture references are provided throughout this introduction into how God might think “behind the scenes.”

Paperback $9.99 | Kindle $9.99


“An interesting and creative piece of writing.” – Fr. Salvatore Sciurba, OCD
“What a beautiful, poetic, inspiring book! We may think that we know the basics of the faith so well that we will never read anything new. Not so! In this original creative book, we feel inspired to sing a new song to our God.” – Dr. Ronda Chervin is the author of numerous books about Catholic spirituality and a media presenter
“I’ve never heard of such a creative book.” – Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson, author of Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness



Dr. Kristina Olsen has a Ph.D. in Theology/Spirituality from Catholic University of America, a D.B.A. in Business Administration from the University of Maryland, and an M.S. in Computer Science from Northwestern University. She also has certifications in Project Management (PMP) and Change Management (PCP). She is retired from Bell Laboratories, where she was a Member of the Technical Staff. Currently she works in the Office of Innovation and Technology at the City of Philadelphia. She also teaches courses in Theology, Business and Information Technology at several universities. She is a member of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCDS).


Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord From the journals of Ronda De Sola Chervin (written between 1977-1996), this autobiographical book explores a life of love and loss from a widow, mother, grandmother, professor of philosophy and theology, an international speaker and...

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The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives Assembled and Edited by Dr. Ronda Chervin Reading the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Ronda was moved by the ‘everywoman’ quality of that montage of memoirs of Chinese-American women. Years later, while patching together a quilt for her bed and...

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Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven by Dr. Suzanne R. Jamail This is my private journal, written during a difficult period of my life. The economy was poor, business was slow. The recession ravaged my private practice as a clinical psychologist. Thrown overboard into a sea of the...

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Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for the Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE...

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Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning by William J. Brown A celebrated tax law professor leaves the classroom to embark on a journey to a place that is both familiar and somehow new to him. In this book—part memoir, part devotional—he shares his transformation from a “fallen-away”...

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