Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

From the journals of Ronda De Sola Chervin (written between 1977-1996), this autobiographical book explores a life of love and loss from a widow, mother, grandmother, professor of philosophy and theology, an international speaker and author of some forty-five books (at the time of writing) about Catholic living.

Get your copy for free! Just pay shipping by clicking on the PayPal button below. 


For orders of 10 or more, contact the publisher at for a 50% discount and free shipping.


An enjoyable and insightful read through the mind of a contemporary philosopher learning to embrace the fullness of her faith over the course of life’s trials. – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, co-author with Dr. Ronda Chervin of Catholic Realism.


Ronda Chervin has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Fordham University and an M.A. in Religious Studies from Notre Dame Apostolic Institute. She is a convert to the Catholic faith from a Jewish but atheistic background. She has been a professor at Loyola Marymount University, St. John’s Seminary of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, and presently teaches at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Connecticut. More than fifty books of hers have been published by Catholic presses in the area of philosophy and spirituality. Dr. Ronda presents on EWTN and Catholic radio. Her many books include Quotable Saints, Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of AgingCatholic Realism and Voyage to Insight.


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The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives

Assembled and Edited by Dr. Ronda Chervin

Reading the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Ronda was moved by the ‘everywoman’ quality of that montage of memoirs of Chinese-American women. Years later, while patching together a quilt for her bed and thinking about how the quilting bee had become a literary symbol, suddenly the two images came together. Why not assemble a book of memoirs of women she knew, using squares of fabric as the device? She would invite friends of many backgrounds to let the memory of particular pieces of fabric call up the feelings they had about incidents in the different stages of their lives. This book is just that kind of literary quilt.

Get it now for free! Just pay shipping by clicking on the button below.


For orders of 10 or more, contact the publisher at for a 50% discount and free shipping.


What an excellent collection of vignettes into the lives of twenty women whose stories happen, like a quiltwork, come together in an inspiring whole. – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, co-author with Dr. Ronda Chervin of Catholic Realism.


Ronda Chervin has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Fordham University and an M.A. in Religious Studies from Notre Dame Apostolic Institute. She is a convert to the Catholic faith from a Jewish but atheistic background. She has been a professor at Loyola Marymount University, St. John’s Seminary of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, and presently teaches at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Connecticut. More than fifty books of hers have been published by Catholic presses in the area of philosophy and spirituality. Dr. Ronda presents on EWTN and Catholic radio. Her many books include Becoming a Handmaid of the LordSeeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of AgingCatholic Realism and Voyage to Insight.


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Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven

Healing from Heaven

by Dr. Suzanne R. Jamail

This is my private journal, written during a difficult period of my life. The economy was poor, business was slow. The recession ravaged my private practice as a clinical psychologist. Thrown overboard into a sea of the unknown and the unstable, I fell into unrest and was plagued with thoughts of “going under,” but in my heart, I believed my situation would turn around. In 2013, my office building finally sold. It was located in Flint, Michigan, the crime capital of the United States. It sold for the price of a fully loaded compact car. The financial loss only served to fuel the tidal wave of dis-empowering thoughts that tormented me. Giving up wasn’t an option, while it frequently crossed my mind. Surely heaven understood my condition. So, I decided to say yes to life expecting God’s favor to lift me above my personal challenges. – Suzanne R. Jamail Ph.D.

Paperback $16.95 | Hardback $22.95 | Kindle $9.99



Suzanne Jamail’s Healing from Heaven is a heavenly haven where readers can find refuge from and resources for dealing with all their worldly worries. Its scores of heartfelt meditations, seeped in psychological insight and spiritual wisdom, bring solace and courage with every page. Healing from Heaven is one to keep on the nightstand or next to the recliner so Dr. Jamail’s warm and wise counsel will be at hand again and again so that as those problems of life arise, you can better rise refreshed and ready to meet them.” – Kevin Vost, Psy.D., author of Memorize the Mass! and Memorize the Latin Mass!

“This book is filled with short, beautiful meditations on the love of God and the healing he wants for you. A perfect companion for adoration.” – Matt Fradd, author of Does God Exist?

“Dr. Jamail has crafted a devotional that packs great emotional and spiritual depth into brief reflections accessible to every reader. Her transparency regarding her own times of struggle and the reaffirmation she experienced of God’s love and providence is a passionate call for each of us to abandon ourselves to God’s plan for our sanctification and ultimate glorification.” – Shane Kapler, author of Marrying the Rosary to the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Through, With, and In Him: The Prayer Life of Jesus and How to Make It Our Own

“I believe each day on earth will be what it should be if we will spend some time focused on heaven. This book can help us do that.” – Jim Stovall, author of The Ultimate Gift

This book, Healing from Heaven, by Suzanne R. Jamail, Ph.D., is a treasure waiting to be claimed. If you seek peace, it will find you and settle your spirit. If you search for answers to problems that seem insurmountable to overcome, you will find your way to compassion and inner strength. A believer will hear God speak. A non-believer will find something greater than himself at work on these pages. The words are comforting and encouraging. The short readings clear a path to understanding in troubled times. This book will not be read once and lay on a shelf. It will be read again and again when life’s obstacles seem to render us defenseless. There are strong messages on these pages. To me, I felt God, Himself, could have gently spoken the messages. This book is Omnipotence in a small, succinct package. Life’s greatest gifts often come in small packages.” – Carol A. Chaney, University of Michigan-Flint


Suzanne R. Jamail holds a Doctor of Philosophy in clinical psychology (Ph.D.) from the Miami Institute of Psychology in Miami, Florida, graduating in 1993. Dr. Jamail divides her time between clinical practice, supervising master’s level and doctoral level students, and writing. She is a member of the American Psychological Association. Committed to self-development and spiritual growth, Dr. Jamail enjoys getting together with friends in the countryside and by the water. She resides in Windsor, Ontario, across from the U.S. city of Detroit. She is a pup parent to Malachi, an 8-year-old German Shepherd, and advocate of German Shepherd rescue.


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Adventures in the Father’s Joy: Mission Stories for The New Evangelization

Adventures in the Father’s Joy: Mission Stories for The New Evangelization

Great news! Adventures In The Father’s Joy! won 3rd place as a Backlist Beauty in the 2021 Catholic Media Awards!

So Shine is the debut album by brothersister 

10 new original Catholic Christian songs

Music & Lyrics by Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT

“‘So Shine’ strikes an excellent balance between Catholic hymns and classic rock.” – Check out the review at

Adventures in the Father’s Joy: Mission Stories for The New Evangelization

by Fr. Lawrence Tucker, SOLT

As Pope Francis point’s out in The Joy of the Gospel, “If we want to advance in the spiritual life, then, we must constantly be missionaries.” Adventures in the Father’s Joy! provides the reader with concrete, inspirational examples of how a person is spiritualized through the gift of evangelization and missionary outreach. These mission adventures will illuminate and put “flesh” on the “spirit-filled” principles of mission and evangelization presented in Pope Francis’ document on the new evangelization (Evangelii Gaudium). These “adventures in the Father’s joy” are not just for Church “professionals”… every baptized Christian will discover in them a well-spring of joy and inspiration!
Paperback $12.95 | Kindle $9.95
Banish Me!

Banish me, banish me!
Unto some realm remote…
Where life doth brew slowly,
And truth hath full sway.

Banish me, banish me!
To solitude send me …
Where dark bringeth brightness,
And night turneth day.

Banish me, banish me!
The holy place unknown…
Where breath runneth freely,
And rest cometh soundly.
Where seraphs there will be,
And good light to bound me!

— Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT


If you’re like me, you know how a good missionary brings to life the heart, mind, and soul of the Gospel. Well… we have such a good missionary in Father Larry Tucker. From his daily experiences as a missionary, he has woven stories that help us experience the Greatest Story ever told… the life and love of Jesus Christ for his people! Allow Father Tucker to take you along with him to encounter Jesus and his Church. – Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi, Office of New Evangelization (former Director), Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY.

I love these inspiring mission adventure stories! They fill me with a great desire to serve and to participate in The New Evangelization. In an age saddened by materialism and indifference, college and university students will find hope in these stories because they show that, contrary to popular opinion, there is more joy in giving than in receiving!” – Michaela Henry, 21, Student- Molloy College, Long Island, NY

It is one thing to read, hear, and speak God’s Word. It is quite another to have a missionary such as Father Larry live Christ’s Word every moment of every day… a missionary that inspires and motivates us to weave the Spirit into our lives and let the Father’s joy flourish so abundantly that we want to share it with everyone! – Ruben R. Gonzalez, Knight of The Equestrian Order of The Holy Sepulchre, Yale University Alumnus, and General Partner- Trium, Ltd.

Father Larry Tucker’s accounts of his missionary journeys are not only very descriptive and inspiring… they are also hilarious at times! I shared one of his experiences described in the book; the discovery of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Robstown, TX. Reading his account of that event brought back many happy memories! You will be entertained by these adventurous stories… and motivated by them to enter into the joy of The New Evangelization! – Fr. Robert Shaldone, SOLT: National Spiritual Director of The Lay Missionaries of Charity (St. Mother Teresa’s congregation).

Maryellen and I are enjoying your Adventures in the Father’s Joy! Heart opening and hilarious! Very well written! Maryellen’s sister is going to recommend it to her Book Club. – personal email to Fr. Larry from William Lynch, Levittown, NY


Fr. Tucker was born on May 26th, 1955, in Manhattan, New York City. He is a bilingual missionary priest in The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity and has served in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, England, Texas, and New York.

Fr. Tucker holds an A.A. in Liberal Arts from Nassau Community College, Garden City, NY; a B.A. in Human Relations from St. Joseph’s College, Patchogue, NY; and a Master of Divinity, as well as an M.A. in Theology, From Holy Apostles College and Seminary, Cromwell, CT.


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Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for the Translated Versions.

And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. 

FREE ITEMS … Page down to see many FREE offerings! NOTE: Listening to item #04-3-b (about the interview with Wayne Norman), and then listening to item #09 … (and then also reading items #07 and #08) — are all highly recommended.

And you ABSOLUTELY DON’T WANT TO MISS item number #13 on our list below (for your FREE audio of our New Weekly Radio show, by episode) and (for your FREE copy of our entire-first-book in the AUDIO version, by episode). These FREE audios are INSTANTANEOUSLY “life-changing!”

Book #2 … (entitled: “Tony’s 50,000 Co-incidence Miracles – Book 2”); has been released and is now available at all normal book outlets. Book #2’s cover displays a “Red-Sunset” (forecasting Good Weather) and it shares another 100 true miracle stories. Both books are great “life-changing gift items”.

Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles – Books 1 & 2

Increase the print size by pinching out on your mobile device or pressing CTRL and the + sign. Blessings!

TABLE OF CONTENTS (page down to find the (Item #) you wish to find):

  • Item 01……DISCOUNTS: How to earn (discounts) on purchases of 10 or more books.
  • Item 02…….INTRODUCTION: Click on the audio box below for a brief FREE audio introduction.
  • Item 03……INVITE THE AUTHOR TO LECTURE: (at your: Family, Club, Church, or School events).
  • Item 04……RADIO INTERVIEWS: Listen to FREE audios about the book’s mission & goal.
  • Item 05……READER REACTIONS: Read or listen to FREE reader reactions and testimonies.
  • Item 06……AUTHOR BIO: See Bio of author’s background, career, and mission for God.
  • Item 07……WELCOME LETTER: See author’s Welcome Letter (with mission statement).
  • Item 08……GOD’S APPROVAL: See evidence of Jesus and Mary’s approvals of this book.
  • Item 09……TALK WITH GOD: FREE audio/video. (How to talk to God face-to-face, as a friend, daily).
  • Item 10……LINKS TO ORDER BOOKS: Easy and convenient links to use for ordering books.
  • Item 11……PICTURES OF BOTH BOOK COVERS: The front covers of each book are shown at the top of this web page.  The Back covers of each book are shown at the end of this web page (at item # 11 below).
  • Item 12 …… MEMORIZE THE 10-COMMANDMENTS (in just 10-minutes). WHY?  Because they are not God’s requests, they are God’s “Commandments.” Just page down to item #12 at the bottom of this web page and click on the LINK (then, you can print it out and spread The Good News)!
  • Item 13 …… FREE AUDIOS … of our first book #1, and also FREE AUDIOS .. of our new weekly Radio Show; which shares new miracles coming up every day in our city and our state. Our radio show is something like the CBS Sunday Night Series called “God Friended Me”.
  • Item 14 …… To see ALL Tony’s BOOKS + FREE items, CLICK HERE
  • Item 15 …… Translate our book (and get a royalty per print-book sold), CLICK HERE
  • Item 16 …… CLICK HERE: For A “FREE” TWO-PAGE SUMMARY of “AMAZING EVIDENCE & PROOFS OF GOD” which Tony has “EXPERIENCED” during 50 years of daily miracles and conversations with Jesus! CLICK HERE–> Two Pages (Says it all)!

Item 01: Discounts when purchasing 10 books or more:  After you read this book, you will be convinced that God really wrote it. Then, you will want everyone to read it — in order to gain the same PERSONAL GROWTH which you gained from reading it. You can purchase these books at very special discounts and then, you can sell them on your own – or gift them to friends.    Phone or email us. Phone: …. Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, at 314-706-1009. Email: …. 

Click here for bulk orders.

Item 02 . . . INTRODUCTION: Click on the audio box below for a brief audio introduction. PAGE DOWN TO SEE FREE-AUDIOS … and … FREE-VIDEOS … and … MORE INFO ABOUT THIS GREAT BOOK …. such as … THIS 18-MINUTE INTRODUCTION! Listen to “Introduction to Tony Coscia’s Book entitled Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles” on Spreaker.

Item 03 . . . INVITE THE AUTHOR TO LECTURE: (at your: Family, Club, Church, or School event). Your attendees can be having face-to-face CONVERSATIONS with Jesus the very next day! Just Email: , or phone in USA … (203) 217-8889.

Item 04 … RADIO INTERVIEWS: Listen to audios about the book’s mission & goal.

Listen to Audios:
1. 5-minute audio on highlights of the book – read by the author
2. 1-minute summary radio ad on WCBS radio.
3. Live Radio interview of the author:

a. Listen now as Tony is interviewed by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson on the Author-to-Author show (June 6, 2020)

Listen to “Tony Coscia is interviewed by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson on the Author-to-Author show (June 6, 2020)” on Spreaker. b. Listen now as Tony is interviewed by Bill Ayles on the “Treasures in Heaven” show (August 7, 2019) Listen to “Tony Coscia is interviewed by Bill Ayles on the “Treasures in Heaven” show (August 7, 2019)” on Spreaker.

c. Listen now as Tony is interviewed by Joe Avalos on WCAT Radio’s “Cry Oneness.” 60-minutes 01/24/2018

Listen to “Tony Coscia is interviewed by Joe Avalos on WCAT Radio’s “Cry Oneness.” 60-minutes (January 24, 2018)” on Spreaker.

d. Listen now as Tony is interviewed by Wayne Norman on WILI 1400 AM. 37 minutes 12/14/2017

Listen to “Wayne Norman Interviews Tony Coscia about his book Tony’s 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles” on Spreaker.

e. Listen now as Tony is interviewed by Bob Olson on the “I Thought You’d Like to Know” show (October 24, 2016) Listen to “Tony Coscia is interviewed by Bob Olson on the “I Thought You’d Like to Know” show (October 24, 2016)” on Spreaker.
f. Listen and watch Tony explain the three DISTINCT PHASES of having face-to-face conversations with GOD (as our very best friend).
g. Click on the following Miraculous Marble Slab story to see and to read about how this miraculous marble slab (has existed inside of a Catholic Church for well over 200 years).

See an article on this phenomenon at A Miracle? Do You See the Blessed Virgin and Joseph in This Marble? – EpicPew


Item 05 … READER REACTIONS: Read or listen to reader reactions and testimonies.

    a. Read … Sophia Press .. a major Catholic Publisher.
See what EpicPew (a division of Sophia Press, a major publisher of Catholic books) has to say in a two-page synopsis-testimonial of Tony’s book … by clicking this BLUE LINK! and also this BLUE LINK!
    b. Read … Many reader reviews below.

Tony’s 50,000 Co-incidence Miracles is a sweet and uplifting read. I highly recommend it.” …SM

“I read the first 4 chapters non-stop and I can’t wait to get back to read chapter 5.”   … FMM

“You absolutely have to get this book out to as many people as possible, without delay!” … FBM

“It is amazing!  I wish I knew about this process and these true stories years ago. I am already enjoying the process.”AFC

“It seemed so simple and you explained the process so very well. I started noticing the Miracle-Clues you mentioned on the very next day.” … JAC

“Wow!  Really a great read. It was very impactful and convincing!  I could not put it down once I began.” … EJC

“It was an experience! I never realized that we could live that way and see those things. I now realize that I have been missing many of my daily miracles. Thank you!” … SAM

“One of the most interesting, informative, exciting, and learning books that I’ve ever read covering earthly subjects and spanning into the Heavenly realms. Also use it as a study guide to become closer to God and can have immediate effect understanding the Love of God..The words become touching to the extent of just having to stop and ponder at times > on the life of the Tony-Godly sincerity speaks..And his OUT OF THIS WORLD communications with GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT..Yet, making even the unlearned individual to grow closer to GOD..WOA!! A true testimony in the Faith World of believers..A light that shines from the text. Listen for the voice of Jesus speak personally to you while reading..a most read.” – Reginald Aiken

    c. Read … readers posted opinions on the “Amazon Website
    d. Listen … Famous People:
        1. Kevin Vost, author of Memorize the Mass!  — 1-minute.

        2. J.B. Smith – Retired Sheriff of Smith County, Texas, and author of The Unholy Ghost Murder   — 1-minute.

Item 06 … AUTHOR BIO: See Bio of author’s background, career, and mission for God.
Author Bio (50 years as a FRIEND OF CHRIST).

After 50-years of being blessed by Jesus in many miraculous ways, Tony has been inspired by Jesus to write a book to document some of the daily miracles he has been blessed to notice. Tony understands that God’s reason for writing a book now, after all these years, is so that someone in the future may benefit from seeing how loving and how friendly God is to those who seek Him each day.

Tony was married to his wonderful wife Julie (his high school sweetheart) for 53-years. His beloved Julie has passed on into eternity now, but Tony still feels her loving presence in his life each day. They gave birth to 3 wonderful children (Lisa, Eric, and Tanya). And, at last count, they have had 5-grandchildren, and 2-great-grandchildren.

Tony grew up in a very loving and supportive family and he attended Catholic Grammar schools. He attended evening classes at college for 11-years while also working as an accountant full-time each day, in order to obtain his college degrees.

Tony spent 35 years working in the accounting and finance areas with companies like: Clairol Hair coloring, International Silver, Johnson and Johnson, Remington Electric Shavers, and Timex Watches – and also moving on to become the president of four other companies as well. Tony explains that Jesus tutored him each day on what to do as a company president in these four companies, with amazing success. Because of God’s daily tutoring-miracles; Tony was able to turn around many negative and un-profitable business activities and to help these companies to succeed.

For the past 15-years, Tony has managed a business consulting and business coaching firm which helps senior management to utilize the techniques which Tony has learned from God in his professional business career over the past 50-years.

Tony has attended well over 40-annual spiritual-retreat-weekends on a wide variety of Spiritual Teachings. For well over 40 years now; Tony has also taught CCD-Sunday-School and has also been an active lay evangelist. As an evangelist; he has been issuing weekly inspirational letters since 1980. These weekly letters do report on both; weekly inspirations from Jesus … and weekly miracles as well. You can email, to be added to this FREE weekly letter. He has also appeared on radio and television as an evangelist.

Tony is often heard saying: “All of my peace and joy and happiness come from the moments when I am participating with Jesus in doing God’s Will.” Tony also says that; “Jesus wants to co-exist with each person every day (as a close friend); we were created by God because He decided that He really wanted us to be His Friends.”

Item 07 … WELCOME LETTER: See author’s Welcome Letter (with mission statement).

Click here for the Author’s Welcome Letter.

Item 08 … GOD’S APPROVAL: See clear evidence of Jesus and Mary’s approvals of this book.

Proof of Jesus and Mary’s approval of this book (exhibit-H)

Our Lady of Medjugorje’s message on 08-02- 2017 did confirm the inspired mission of this book. You can click on the following BLUE link because Our Lady’s Medjugorje message is included as Exhibit H

Item 09 … TALK WITH GOD: Free audio/video. (Talk to God face-to-face, as a friend, daily).
A “FREE” AND POWERFUL LECTURE (on how to speak with God face-to-face, daily). Just Click on the appropriate ARROWS BELOW — to view (or to just listen to) parts #1 or #2 or #3.  Each part runs for about 20-minutes each so that you can listen to the lecture, with breaks every 20-minutes.

Watch the author explaining: “Listening To, and Having Conversations With God”: 

Part 1: 

Part 2: 

Part 3: 

Item 10 … LINKS TO ORDER BOOKS: Easy and convenient blue links to use for ordering books. 

Book # 1:

a. from

b. from Barnes and Noble

Book # 2:

a. from

b. from Barnes and Noble

c.  from the publisher (BULK ORDERS).  This link is for retailer uses only.  Individual Consumers must still use (items 10 a. OR 10 b. above instead).

Item 11 … Photos of the book covers.

Item 12 … Memorize the 10-Commandments in 10-minutes. Just click on the following LINK: (MemoryAid-10Cs)

Item 13… Get your FREE AUDIOS of (book #1) … and also … (our New Weekly Radio Show). Our radio show is something like the CBS TV Series called “God Friended Me”. Just click on the following LINK:

Item 14 …… To see ALL Tony’s BOOKS + FREE items, CLICK HERE

Item 15 …… Translate our book (and get a royalty per print-book sold), CLICK HERE

Item 16 … CLICK HERE: For A “FREE” TWO-PAGE SUMMARY of “AMAZING EVIDENCE & PROOFS OF GOD” which Tony has “EXPERIENCED” during 50 years of daily miracles and conversations with Jesus! CLICK HERE–> Two Pages (Says it all)!


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Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning

Canticle of Returning

by William J. Brown

A celebrated tax law professor leaves the classroom to embark on a journey to a place that is both familiar and somehow new to him. In this book—part memoir, part devotional—he shares his transformation from a “fallen-away” Catholic to one whose faith is stronger than ever!
Paperback $14.99 | Kindle $9.99



“What a delight! Canticle of Returning is humorous, grace-filled, humble, intelligent, and broad in knowledge and wisdom. The essays are meaningful and artful and deserve contemplation as stand-alone segments. This will be an inspiration to multiple audiences.” – Carol E. Lytch, President, Lancaster Theological Seminary

“There are great books by philosopher/theologians such as Augustine and Newman that explain why it is wonderful to be a Catholic. How about one by a tax-lawyer? With William Brown’s rollicking personal style, you are sure to find reasons to rejoice that this man, after many wanderings, is now back in the haven of the Church.” – Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., Emerita Professor of Philosophy, Holy Apostles College and Seminary. 

“In reading Canticle of Returning, I found Professor Brown’s words taking careful hold of my heart as I journeyed with him through his insights and experiences of faith. Within his openness, I found myself continually nodding in recognition, pausing in reflection, and ever thankful for the inspiration.  I’m confident that this book will do the same for each and every one of its readers!” – Dcn. Dennis Lambert, Diocese of Phoenix, author of The Table (En Route Books and Media, 2017)


William J. Brown is an award-winning emeritus professor of Federal tax law, retired after fifty years of teaching.

He is a graduate of The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law (J.D., 1963) and Yale Law School (LL.M., 1968).

Professor Brown resided in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, until his death in 2019. He is survived by his wife, Eliza, and their three grown children.

“During secular times as these, religion plays a diminished role, and many either forget or remain unaware of how love of God begets joy—with both emotions flourishing to enhance our time on earth. Just as ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day,’ the same is true of a beautifully burnished soul: building a lasting relationship with your God takes time, but it will come!” ~William J. Brown, Pittsburgh, PA


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