“Kimberly Bruce has done an important service bringing ancient and modern wisdom to bear on our contemporary confusion around gender. Modern proposals (and demands!) that gender is a subjective experience, coincidental at best to the person have reached the highest levels of our society and culture. Bruce makes the case that gender is not only biological, but theological, and essential to the Creation, Fall, and Redemption of the human person made male and female. Sex and gender exist with meaning and purpose well before any conscious phenomenology of them. Sex and gender will continue to exist with their eternal meaning and purpose in Heaven. There are few more urgent and important issues today where Christians need the light of God’s wisdom than on gender. A prayerful reading of this book will bring light to both the mind and heart.” – Damon Owens, Theology of the Body Teacher, Evangelist
“In unassailable contrast to the cloudy spirit of our age, Kimberly Bruce produces a sharp and clear examination of gender and the identity of each unique human person. She synthesizes science and theology to show that gender is real and everlasting, not something that is fluid and imaginary. This is a significant work for our time, one that is the manifestation of dogma lighting the path that can guide humanity forward in true progress.” – Stacy Trasancos, PhD, Executive Director of the St. Philip Institute for Catechesis and Evangelization
“In this brief study Kimberly Bruce has compiled a comprehensive account of the biological, psychological, sociological, Scriptural and Magisterial sources on the abiding reality of embodied personhood, drawing particularly on the living mysteries of the Son of God, Jesus Christ and His Mother Mary; and, as such, leads to the possibility of enriching a growing body of reflection and stimulating further work on the significance of being a male-person or a female-person. The eternally enduring nature of being male and female raises the following, blazing questions: What is the everlasting significance of being male and female? What is the resplendent revelation of the person-gift-sign of being either a man or a woman which awaits us in heaven? In what way will the mystery of the Blessed Trinity brilliantly illuminate the fact that man and woman are made in the image and likeness of God?” – Francis Etheredge is married with eleven children, three of whom are in heaven, his latest book is Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration
“Kimberly Bruce has written a must-read introduction to the body-soul composite. In six chapters, she addresses important gender issues, such as gender identity, that are being discussed in our modern culture. Using biology, theology, and common sense, she explains the proper interpretation of these issues. She immediately, on the first page of the book, writes: “Identifying gender as being an everlasting attribute of one’s eternal soul distinguishes gender as being fundamental and intrinsic to the human person – a quality that is retained – not shed, ‘done away with’ nor morphed into its opposite in the life to come.” That is, once we are conceived, we live forever, as male or female. Kimberly uses the example of Christ in the third chapter. The divine Person who became incarnate as a male, lived his life as a male, died as a male, and in the Resurrection, we see that he is still a male. That is true of the Ascension too. So too in the fifth chapter when she addresses Mary, the Mother of God, who was born a female, and the Church teaches, is now the Queen of Heaven. Chapter 4 was my personal favorite, because Kimberly talks about male and female in communion, and what happens to that relationship after the Fall. The consequences are serious, but yet there is hope for mankind. This is the subject matter of much of St John Paul II’s theology of the body. I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in gender issues, in the fact that we remain male and female into the next life, or in the Theology of the Body.” – Cynthia Toolin-Wilson, Ph.D., S.T.L., author of Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness
“This short book goes a long way toward an original yet orthodox exploration of the role of gender in Catholic theology. Especially enlightening are the chapters that relate the holy gift of gender to Christ’s glorified body, Mary’s Assumption, and mankind’s Fall. Readers will leave with a renewed appreciation for the mystery of human gender and its complementarity in God’s divine plan. I highly recommend that readers think deeply about this book and its lessons.” – Christopher M. Reilly, MA, MPIA