A Spiritual Plan for Families by Fr. Jacob Dankasa

A Spiritual Plan for Families by Fr. Jacob Dankasa

A Spiritual Plan for Families: Preparing your Home for a Life of Faith following the Examples of Saints who Raised Families

by Fr. Jacob Dankasa

Considering the challenges that many Christian families face today in building faith-based homes, it’s essential that every family create a deliberate and carefully thought-out plan for its spiritual life.

This book examines and draws from the examples of ten family men and women who lived ordinary lives with courage and resilience and are today declared saints or are in the process of becoming saints. These men and women faced their own times of challenges, their own life crises, and their own joys and struggles as they raised their families, like many of us today.

In this book, Father Dankasa provides a guide into how everyday Christian parents, couples, intending couples or even singles can develop a spiritual plan for themselves and for their families in order to build faith-based homes regardless of their everyday challenges of family life.

The book is meant to strengthen family life and boost Christian families to see that in the ordinary activities of their everyday lives they can also live the lives of saints. It presents suggestions for Christian families to help them understand the importance of drawing a spiritual plan for their families in order to achieve the goal of holiness.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99



In “A Spiritual Plan for Families”, Father Jacob Dankasa provides a much needed read for every Catholic husband and wife raising a family today! Through the lives of modern day saints, we too can recognize that with careful planning, and even through the peaks and valleys of married life, Father God wants each of us to taste heaven and holiness while we are walking on earth. Be inspired today!! Lisa Jones, Catholic Life and Relationship Coach, LR Coaching. 

Father Dankasa has channeled his priestly wisdom into a beautiful and inspiring book for married couples and families. Rooting his reflections in the lives and teachings of the saints, he offers many graced insights, both spiritual and practical, that will encourage husbands and wives to find solace and encouragement in their Catholic faith. I happily and heartily recommend this book to anyone seeking a renewed sense of joy as they discern the Lord’s invitation to holiness through married love! Father Thomas Esposito, O.Cist., Assistant Professor of Theology, University of Dallas.

We are parents of adult children who are now developing their own families. We’ll gift this wonderful guidebook to each of them to help strengthen what they learned from us, and to enlighten them to develop an actual spiritual plan for their own growing families. It’s as though Father Dankasa has a looking glass into our lives and his book helps us reroute our lives to a direct path to richer Christian family lives. The models of the saints’ family lives are relevant to real-life issues today. These examples coupled together with the authors advice are practical and easy to apply to our own family lives. We believe the treasures found in this book are invaluable and will surely have a spiritual impact on our family. Dolores Miranda, Mom

Catholics are facing ominous forces from various sectors of society. The family unit is being attacked by political policies, social liberalization, negative educational agendas, economic poor planning, and social media destruction of moral values. Families are overwhelmed and in need of guidance to combat and ameliorate the anxieties, fears, and wellbeing of the family. Finally, a book that lays out a road map to strengthen the security of families through a faithful Catholic paradigm. Father Dankasa’s book clearly presents a strategic blueprint to enhance all facets of family life. It builds inspiration through the model live of saints and the major components listed in his book. This is a rescue lifeline that has been long in coming to inspire, motivate, and encourage us to fight adversity. Bravo, Father Dankasa! Leo Miranda, Dad

In a class with other young parents many years ago, we heard a Bible Study teacher ask, “How much time do you spend plotting and planning your children’s earthly careers? Alternatively, how much time do you devote to their eternal ‘careers’?” Indeed, it is tempting to dedicate more time than we may realize to finding the best piano teacher, soccer coach, or tutor. In the midst of the ever-present mundane, Fr. Dankasa’s book is an inspiring guide full of tips to help parents avoid sacrificing the spiritual growth of the family. It’s not just the sports tournament or the summer camps, for example, that fill the calendar, but activities planned together with the children that strengthen faith lived with joy and with mercy to our own family members. As Fr. Dankasa says, “Little acts of invoking the spiritual without denying fun moments will make the things of God feel more natural and acceptable to growing kids, especially in their teenage stage.” Jackie and Bob Greenfield, Parents

Fr. Dankasa writes with honesty an essential guide for all families, giving concrete and practical advice on how to have a peaceful and prayerful household. Matthew and Julia Wade, Young parents

Thoughtfully crafted through the sharing of his experience as a pastoral leader and the lives of the saints, Fr. Dankasa’s words extend beyond the pages to become tangible modalities of accompaniment for families navigating the beautiful mess and joy of family life. Fr. Dankasa’s Spiritual Plan for Families certainly is a wonderful resource for all Catholic families who yearn to be guided in the building and rebuilding of their domestic churches.” Dr. Jody Hunt, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Ministry, University of Dallas.


Father Jacob Dankasa was ordained a Catholic priest in 2004 and presently serves as the Pastoral Administrator of Holy Family of Nazareth Catholic Church in Irving, Texas. He is a columnist and regular contributor to The Texas Catholic Newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas. In addition to bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy and theology, he has a master’s degree in Mass Communications and a doctorate in Information Science.


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Dear Mr Putin: An Epistolary Inquiry by Peter Breen

Dear Mr Putin: An Epistolary Inquiry by Peter Breen

Dear Mr Putin: An Epistolary Inquiry | Уважаемый господин Путин!

by Peter Breen

An epistolary exhortation in monthly installments to Mr. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, that asks: “Are you sure about waging war and brandishing a cross against the woman who promised Russia’s conversion and world peace…?”

“If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; and various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.” From Mary’s prophecy at Fatima in Portugal – July 13, 1917

“What I started in Fatima, I will complete in Medjugorje. My heart will triumph.” When Our Lady said these words, all I knew about Fatima was that it was vaguely similar to Medjugorje the Blessed Mother had appeared to three children there. But after this message, I became curious about it, and the more I learned, the more I began to see deeper connections between Fatima and Medjugorje.” Mirjana Soldo, My Heart Will Triumph, 2016

Bilingual edition–in English and Russian!

Paperback: $14.95 | Hardback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“Peter Breen bravely steps into the line of fire with his letters to Mr. Putin.  Anyone enduring the level of frustration of this ongoing action of the voracious Russian president against the mild mannered Ukrainians will quickly understand the motivation behind this must-read book.” – Dianne Coyle, author of A Widow’s Spiritual Journey: Prayers, Reflections, and Meditations for the Everyday Catholic


Peter Breen is an Australian writer and the author of several books including the bestselling The Book of Letters published by Allen & Unwin. In his book Prodigal Pilgrim, Peter returned to letter writing in a book of correspondence to Pope Francis about the Church in the modern world and private Marian revelation. In this new book, Dear Mr Putin, Peter continues his letter writing in a series of letters to Vladimir Putin concerning his attack on the people of Ukraine.


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Faith, Not Convenience: 17 Reflections for Spiritual Consistency

Faith, Not Convenience: 17 Reflections for Spiritual Consistency

Faith, Not Convenience: 17 Reflections for Spiritual Consistency

by Fr. Jacob Dankasa

It’s difficult to remain a committed Christian in our today’s society where social, moral and political views are often in conflict with the standards of the teachings of Christ. The infiltration of personal ideologies into the faith has left many Catholics and Christians confused. Many cannot be certain where the application of their personal ideologies stops and the gospel begins.

In this book, Father Dankasa accompanies you on the path towards a consistent life journey in faith to find God in your prayer life, in your relationships, in your desire to live a virtuous life, in your community, and in your virtual life – yes, to find God also online. He points out how holiness in the virtual environment is as important as holiness in everyday “real life.”

The book provides reflections with inspiring real-life stories and scripture to help you consistently journey with Jesus in your everyday life without losing your faith despite doubts, fears, and misunderstandings of faith and religion. It intends to accompany you in your spiritual journey to desire the gospel, not ideologies – faith, not convenience.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“I enjoyed reading the book, Faith Not Convenience, by Fr. Jacob Dankasa. The book is personal, but profound. The reflections are challenging, but hopeful. The content could be well used for group discussion. It is a practical book with suggestions that are helpful to our spiritual lives. The book is well written and says enough without saying too much!” – Fr. Bruce Bradley, Pastor, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Plano, Texas

“It’s refreshing when a priest like Fr. Jacob Dankasa encourages the faithful during turbulent times by guiding us back to that which is most important- namely a spiritual life laser-focused on Jesus Christ who is the Way the Truth and the Life.  Even though deep down we’re all aware of this Truth, it’s good from time to time to be reminded that only in Him will find the solution to the many problems that we’re facing as a nation and Church.” – Dave Palmer, Executive Director, Guadalupe Catholic Radio Network- North Texas

“In his work, Faith, Not Convenience, Father Jacob Dankasa points out the danger of allowing convenience and political ideology to dictate the truths of Faith and how we live that faith. We can be blinded to let what is easy or politically correct to dictate the Truths of Faith instead of what has been revealed by God through Scripture and Sacred Tradition. The several reflections he presented in this book will accompany you on a journey to concentrate on things that will help you sustain your faith.” – Most Reverend J. Douglas Deshotel, Catholic Bishop of Lafayette

“Over the last few years, Father Jacob Dankasa has been sharing the story of his personal journey of faith as well as his reflections on faith in today’s society with the readers of The Texas Catholic. His writings always strike a chord with our readers, offering them insight into what it means to live their lives through their faith while inspiring them to dig deeper into their own spirituality. Whether looking to find a better relationship with God in your life, your community or your own journey, Father Dankasa’s writings, as shown in the book Faith, Not Convenience, are a great way to open your heart and mind as you grow in your faith.” – Michael Gresham, Editor, The Texas Catholic Newspaper, the official Newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas

“This book is a gold mine of little nuggets of spiritual wisdom with plenty of points to ponder. Using examples from Scripture and from his own experience of priestly ministry, Fr. Dankasa provides a practical guide for today’s Catholic in staying true to the spiritual journey. He reminds us of the importance of humility, gratitude and friendship; and that God is present in every aspect of our lives, from our interior prayer life to our social connections and networks. Living our faith is often a challenge in today’s world, but it is the only way to find the peace and joy we desire in the midst of life’s uncertainties. I recommend this book of reflections to anyone on the spiritual journey, whether a beginner or a seasoned traveler with the Lord. There is something for everyone.” – Fr. Don Zeiler, Pastor, St. Gabriel the Archangel, McKinney, Texas 

“We loved reading this Book!  It was beyond our every hope; as We absorbed every encouragement, every faith-filled thought and then read it again – we felt delight in our soul returning. The Book clarifies the truth of the convenient choices we’ve regularly been offered and brings positive actions to use.  The book says, “As Christians our everyday goal is to identify Satan’s manipulative input and stop him before he stops us from becoming what God wants us to be.”  It points out a number of ways to do just that. Several very delightful thoughts in the book were surrounding “Digital Sanctity”, “Christian Guide to Online Conversations” and Developing Online Communication Spirituality”.  Those topics are very thought provoking and fun things to think about!” – Mary and Patrick Reddan, a Catholic couple

“I found Fr. Dankasa’s book Faith, Not Convenience to be a source of both practical suggestions for living out our faith and insights into the areas where we tend to rationalize our lazy habits!  Fr. Dankasa reminds us of the truths we affirm each time we recite the creed, and gives concrete suggestions for ways to live out those truths, suggestions which are useful for both clergy and the lay faithful and applicable to the world we live in.” – Ruth Vineyard, a Catholic and manuscript editor


Father Jacob Dankasa has been serving in pastoral ministry in the Catholic Diocese of Dallas, Texas, since 2010. He was ordained in 2004 for the Catholic Diocese of Kafanchan, Nigeria, where he served until 2008 when he left for the United States. He currently serves as the Pastoral Administrator of Holy Family of Nazareth Catholic Church, Irving, Texas. He is a columnist and regular contributor to The Texas Catholic, the official newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas. He writes on topics of faith, spirituality, family and everyday Christian life. He is the author of the book, Technology for Ministry: Best Practices for Evangelization on Social Media and the Internet in Africa (Paulines Publication, Africa). He has written and published several research articles in national and international peer-reviewed academic journals on both religious and secular topics. Father Dankasa has a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome and a bachelor’s degree in theology from University of Jos, Nigeria. He obtained a master’s degree in mass communications from St. Cloud State University, Minnesota, and a doctorate in Information Science from the University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. 


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Living as Long as I Can as Well as I Can by James Pomeroy

Living as Long as I Can as Well as I Can by James Pomeroy

Living as Long as I Can as Well as I Can

by James Pomeroy

This is a book that will be helpful to health care providers, including doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, chaplains, and their patients, because it offers a spiritual foundation for living well, individually and collectively, as demonstrated through one organization’s experience.

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“I wrote Living as Long as I Can as Well as I Can to demonstrate that in spite of the challenges of a medical condition our living a life of faith built around the cardinal and theological virtues leads to happiness and communion with our Creator. To this end, I devote a considerable portion of the book to showing how well a Catholic health care provider that makes an intentional effort to serve its mission, as a ministry of the Church, can be an essential component in promoting living well, using Old and New Testament scripture, the ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas, and the teachings of the Catholic Church as authoritative support for my conclusions. The chapters concern things like our fascination with death, what scripture reveals about eternal life, the place of miracles, the nature of virtuous living, and how we make informed decisions about how to live our lives. The purpose of this range of thought is both to offer the reader information that is useful and to provide a work that covers the spiritual foundation for living well, individually and collectively.  I hope that what I have written is helpful not only to health care providers, including doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, health care administrators, and chaplains, but also to average people who have been diagnosed with a serious illness and to their families.” – James Pomeroy, Author


“The Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Houston’s charism lives throughout the healthcare ministry of CHRISTUS HEALTH. Jim’s book serves to document its over 100-year history and continuing commitment. With the grace of God, we will have the privilege to serve the Church in this community for years to come.” – Sr. Jeanne Connell, CCVI

In a fast-changing healthcare environment, staying focused on the mission and its identity can be a hard-to-achieve goal for many Catholic healthcare organizations. Jim clearly articulates how mission-centered Catholic healthcare achieves excellence in all key areas of focus. He also demonstrates that staying faithful to the legacy of the founders and being rooted in the scriptures are keys to the success of any Catholic healthcare organization. – Rev. Lawrence X Chellaian, Vice President of Mission Integration, CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System, System Director for Spiritual Care Services CHRISTUS Health

“An outstanding demonstration of how to live the truth in love!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, former trustee at Aquinas Institute of Theology


James Pomeroy is a graduate of Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville with a BSW and MA. Mr. Pomeroy later earned his Master of Arts in Health Care Ministry from the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Missouri. He has also recently completed the requirements for a Graduate Certificate in Biblical Studies. He is currently completing the requirements for the Master of Arts in Theology at Aquinas Institute of Theology.

Mr. Pomeroy has been a teacher and social worker. Most notably, he has a career that spans over 40 years as a health care executive with both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. He recently retired as the Vice President of Mission Integration for CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System.

He has been married to his wife Trudy for 52 years. They have three married children and four grandchildren. They are long-time members of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in St. Charles, Missouri. Mr. Pomeroy is a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus and a temporarily professed Lay Dominican.


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A La Sombra de Nuestra Señora

A La Sombra de Nuestra Señora

Mary Kloska speaks to a ‘Seven Sisters’ Group about her book In Our Lady’s Shadow (May 21, 2021)

A La Sombra de Nuestra Señora: La Espiritualidad de la Oración por los Sacerdotes

by Mary Kloska

A la Sombra de Nuestra Señora: ‘La Espiritualidad de Rezar por los Sacerdotes’ es una guía para las mujeres, que las lleva a profundizar en una meditación sobre la relación entre Nuestra Señora y Jesús, el Sumo Sacerdote Eterno. Nos muestra sobre el desarrollo de su relación -desde su infancia (como  ‘Pequeño Jesús Crucificado’), pasando por Su Misión y Pasión (donde la Virgen fue Su compañera y Regalo) hasta su Resurrección y vida con Ella en la eternidad. A través de esta meditación, el lector no sólo llega a conocer más profundamente la relación de María con Su Hijo, sino también Su papel para ayudar a todos los hombres llamados al sacerdocio. Adentrándose en la espiritualidad de Nuestra Madre, de rezar por los sacerdotes, se enseña al lector la mejor manera de acompañar espiritualmente a los sacerdotes como madre, hermana, hija y amiga espiritual.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99

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The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love



“As the prayers of Saint Monica for her wayward son helped Augustine to become a great saint, the prayers of women help priests to likewise grow in holiness, our universal calling echoed every time we celebrate Mass and recite along with the angelic choir in heaven, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts.’ May many women be inspired by this book to pray for the holiness of our priests.” – Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, author of A Brief Historical Survey of Marian Devotion and Theology
“Mary Kloska’s book In Our Lady’s Shadow – The Spirituality of Praying for Priests is one of the most motivational contemporary Catholic books I have ever read. In our time of crisis in the Church, it is of vital importance that we be praying for priests in a way even more intense than before. Read it! It may enrich your own spiritual life in a way you cannot predict.” – Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., retired Catholic Philosophy Professor, author of numerous books, and  presenter on EWTN and Catholic Radio

“Published on International Women’s Day, Mary Kloska’s new book… IN OUR LADY’S SHADOW: The Spirituality of Praying for Priests… is a timely reflection on the beautiful mission that women in particular have of praying for priests. At a time when many women find themselves confused regarding their role in society and their place in the Church… the Body of Christ… the author points out the special, maternal giftedness of womanhood and the wonderful spirituality that flows from this reality. The author reminds women that, contrary to popular opinion, it is “littleness” that makes the biggest difference in this world.” – Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT… author of The Prayer of Jesus Crucified; Adventures in the Father’s Joy!; To Whom the Heart Decided to Love; The Redemption of San Isidro.

“What a tremendous consolation to Jesus it must have been to have His tender Mother there to support him with all her love and prayers throughout his priestly life, and especially on his way to Calvary. How much more do her other beloved priest sons need this Mother of consolation and mercy accompany them while they fulfill their priestly roles. I believe this book, “In our lady shadow: The spirituality of praying for priests” will inspire, those who read it, to fulfill our Lady’s urgent request to pray for priests in the spirit of Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Mother of priests and Queen of apostles. May all the love in the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph fill the hearts of every priest to overflowing!” – Bob Cantoni, host with Bob Carter of WCAT Radio’s “If You Know Mary, Then You Know Jesus”

“This book is a wonderful resource for young men studying for the priesthood, a beloved parish priest or priest friend, as well as anyone who feels drawn to pray for priests. It is a treasure trove of insight and gold mine of inspiration, so needed in this challenging modern world.” – Theresa Thomas, Family Columnist, Mother of nine, and author of Big Hearted (Scepter)
“As a mother of small children and someone dedicated to praying weekly holy hours for priests, this book helps me to love more deeply the devotions of priests and how much they need our prayers. I am so pleased to have it as a guide. A very special book!” – Amelia Colone, wife, mother and member of the Seven Sisters Apostolate of weekly adoration for priests 


Mary Kloska es de Elkhart, Indiana. Fue criada en una gran familia polaca (12 hermanos y hermanas) junto con muchos niños de crianza (foster babies) y otras personas necesitadas a quienes acogían por épocas. Ella tiene en la actualidad 70+ sobrinas y sobrinos. Ha vivido una vida única. Al graduarse de Notre Dame en 1999, dedicó 20 años en las misiones sirviendo a los pobres (incluyendo huérfanos) como también orando como una ermitaña consagrada alrededor del mundo –Siberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Sur África, Las Filipinas, México, Tierra Santa, como también por todo Europa. Aunque dedicó mucho tiempo alejada en silencio, rezando, irónicamente ama a los niños y es muy divertida y extrovertida cuando se trata de servir a jóvenes adultos, como también a los pequeños. También ha dedicado tiempo en las misiones dando retiros, dando catecismo, liderando grupos de oración, dando dirección espiritual, ayudando en liberaciones, cambiando pañales, alimentado bebés y limpiando pisos.


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Voices from the Upper Room

Voices from the Upper Room

Voices from the Upper Room

by Father Dominic Lenk, O.S.B.

Just who were those people gathered together in the Upper Room during those three days between the crucifixion and the resurrection? Imagine with the author all those people gathered in the Upper Room during those dark hours. United in a shared grief and striving to make sense of what they have experienced, these same people are united in prayer and in the breaking of the bread in imitation of the Lord Jesus. Yet at the same time they watch and wait and pray. In prayer, let us keep vigil with them through the pages of this book.
Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Cummings, Owen. (2022). Cistercian Studies Quarterly 57.3. Click here to read.


“Reminiscent of Giovanni Boccaccio’s The Decameron, Benedictine Father Dominic Lenk has authored a tale of tales in which those gathered in the Upper Room immediately following the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ share at the behest of the Blessed Virgin Mary their personal witness with one another. A tale of realized hope in the Risen Lord!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy


Born and raised in Troy, Missouri, Father Dominic professed his first vows as a monk of Saint Louis Abbey in the fall of 1991 and was ordained to the priesthood on July 4, 1998. He holds degrees in Accounting, Business Education, and Theology. In addition to serving in the Abbey as Formation Director and Master of Ceremonies, he is the Chair of the Theology Department at Saint Louis Priory School.


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