The Book of Love: Brief Meditations

The Book of Love: Brief Meditations

Cover design by Sophia Clements

When given the chance to submit cover designs, four out of five of Richard Clements’ children submitted drawings. The one selected is from among those four submissions. The other three submissions are featured here above.

The Book of Love: Brief Meditations

The Book of Love: Brief Meditations contains eighty-five brief, accessible, easily readable reflections on various aspects of love, including the following:
  • the essence of divine love as the selfless gift of self, given and received, as revealed by Jesus Christ
  • the various types of love, including God’s love for us and our love for God, self-love, marital love, parental love, friendship, love of one’s neighbor, and love of one’s “enemies”
  • the four key elements of genuine love
  • suggestions for living out those four key elements in one’s daily life
  • discerning and fulfilling one’s unique mission of love in the world

We human beings are all homo viator: people on a journey. We are all on a journey ad Amorem, a journey toward Love. Drawing upon some profound insights regarding love from a variety of thinkers, including Hans Urs von Balthasar, Josef Pieper, Thomas Aquinas, Pope John Paul II, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and C. S. Lewis, Clements skillfully guides readers of The Book of Love a little farther along the path toward Love.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“A travelogue of love that will lead you more deeply into the mind of God, demonstrating how a journey is part of its destination.” –Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy


Rick Clements has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Purdue University and has taught psychology at several universities. He is the author of The Meaning of the World Is Love. He lives in Valparaiso, Indiana with his wife Jessica and their five children.


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Les deux principales sources de la prière de Marie de l’Incarnation

Les deux principales sources de la prière de Marie de l’Incarnation

Les deux principales sources de la prière de Marie de l’Incarnation

par Père Michel Legault, MSA

Le 28 octobre 1999, l’Église catholique a célébré le 400e anniversaire de la naissance de Marie Guyard, connue aujourd’hui sous le nom de Sainte Marie de l’Incarnation, canonisée le 3 avril 2014 au Palais apostolique par le pape François, «La Thérèse du Nouveau Monde.» Je souhaite que cette simple recherche sur la prière de Marie de l’Incarnation, réalisée en 1999, soit considérée comme un acte d’admiration et de reconnaissance envers Dieu le Père qui a fait de cette humble femme un témoin lumineux de son amour dans le début de l’Église en Amérique du Nord.

À l’heure actuelle, le New Age est à la recherche de nouvelles voies de connaissance pour atteindre le Divin. Pourquoi cherche-t-on aussi dans l’ésotérisme le contact avec les pouvoirs de l’Au-delà? Notre monde a faim de spiritualité. Marie Guyard, dès l’âge de sept ans, éprouvait la faim de Dieu. Grâce à l’Esprit Saint qui l’habitait depuis son baptême, elle connut très tôt le chemin vers Dieu le Père: ce chemin pour elle fut Jésus qu’elle rencontrait dans l’Église, qui lui parlait dans l’Écriture, qui l’unissait à lui-même dans la l’Eucharistie, et qui lui enseignait les mystères divins par l’action de l’Esprit Saint.

Quelles ont été les lignes de force de la prière de Marie Guyard? Comment l’a-t-elle nourrie alors qu’elle travaillait pour son beau-frère sur les quais de Tours ainsi qu’elle enseignait aux jeunes filles algonquines et françaises pendant ses premières années de la fondation de Québec durant la première moitié du dix-septième siècle? Quels sont les piliers de sa vie contemplative et apostolique?

C’est pour répondre à ces questions que j’ai choisi de réfléchir sur les fondements de la prière de Marie de l’Incarnation. Avec quelle nourriture spirituelle a-t-elle nourri sa prière et son union intime avec Dieu? Après avoir lu quelques-unes de ses Lettres et quelques commentaires sur sa spiritualité, je crois pouvoir retenir deux sources principales: tout d’abord, la Parole de Dieu, qui lui parlait dans l’Écriture Sainte. Puis, j’ajoute les sacrements, en particulier, l’Eucharistie, que Jésus a confiés à son Église pour donner à ses fidèles la vie de la grâce et qui sont célébrés dans la liturgie sacrée, la prière de l’Église. A partir de ces deux sources, l’Écriture Sainte et la Liturgie. Je montrerai brièvement comment ces sources ont influencé la vie spirituelle de Marie de l’Incarnation, tout comme elles doivent d’être les sources de la vie de prière de tout chrétien.

Paperback: $9.99 | Kindle: $7.99



“Par son analyse de la vie de Sainte Marie de l’Incarnation, le père Legault souligne les vraies lignes de force de l’Eglise de toujours : la Parole de Dieu à travers la Sainte Écriture et la Liturgie qui ne font qu’une seule dans la rencontre de l’âme avec Dieu.” – Judith Cabaud, auteur de Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

“Le Père Michel Legault dans ce livre nous enseigne magnifiquement comment les paroles et les prières de sainte Marie de l’Incarnation peuvent améliorer notre propre vie contemporaine et nous amener à une plus grande union avec Dieu.” – Dr Ronda Chervin auteur de A Widow’s Walk et Trésor des femmes saintes

«Le P. Michel Legault a écrit un livre inspirant sur la façon dont la Parole de Dieu, qui nous est venue à travers l’Écriture Sainte et la Sainte Eucharistie, a éclairé la vie spirituelle de Marie de l’Incarnation. Je recommande ce livre comme une lecture spirituelle qui enrichira sans aucun doute sa vie.» – Très révérend Peter S. Kucer, MSA, auteur de Catholic Church History: Pre-Christian to Modern Times



MATHIEU BOCK-CÔTÉ, “Il était une fois Marie de l’Incarnation” (27 mai 2021) Journal Montreal. Pour lire, cliquez ici.


Le Père Michel Legault, prêtre de la Société des Missionnaires des Saints-Apôtres, a été pendant plus de 50 ans professeur de philosophie et a assumé  divers ministères et responsabilités au Canada, au Cameroun et aux États-Unis.


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Target Heaven: What You Didn’t Know about Father Benedict Groeschel

Target Heaven: What You Didn’t Know about Father Benedict Groeschel

Originally published as Father Benedict Groeschel: A Conversational Biography, © Good Counsel Homes, 2014.

Target Heaven: What You Didn’t Know About Father Benedict Groeschel

by Good Counsel, Inc.

Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, SV, opens this book by proclaiming Fr. Benedict Groeschel a prophet. “Father Benedict has,” she explains, “forcefully proclaimed the Word to the world through his books, his preaching, and through EWTN. He has proclaimed the Word in a thousand ways to all of us who needed hope. He has guarded the Church and the treasures of its grace. We really can’t imagine the millions who have listened to him and who have been blessed.” And with that, this book carries the reader through half a dozen interviews on the life of Fr. Groeschel, including his own testimony, concluding with a statement from his successor, Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, CFR, as Chairman of Good Counsel Homes. A work of grace, by grace-filled people.

Paperback: $19.99 | Kindle: $9.99



“Father Benedict Groeschel brought together the truthful parts of modern psychology with the absolute truths of the Faith. He was a priest counselor of the highest order.” – Dr. Ray Guarendi, Host of EWTN’s “Living Right with Dr. Ray”

“Fr. Benedict Groeschel was a man of deep prayer, steadfast faith and courageous action. He promoted the mission of the Church by responding to the challenges of our age with his unwavering witness to Christ’s truth and love. He loved the poor. He helped those in difficulty. He taught by word and example. His writings and his television programs continue to instruct and inspire. This collection will introduce you to a remarkable Franciscan who was a true priest of God.” – Fr. Gerald E. Murray, Pastor, Holy Family Church, New York, NY, Member of EWTN’s “The Papal Posse”

“I met Father Groeschel in New York City in the mid-1970’s. We hit it off from the start. and he was my sponsor when I officially came into the Catholic Church. We often discussed positive and negative relationships between psychology and the Faith. For me it was rare to meet anyone thinking about such topics at that time – and even rarer to meet someone living such an obviously spiritual and holy life. I think reading about Fr. Groeschel should be a blessing.” – Paul C. Vitz, PhD, Senior Scholar, Divine Mercy University, Psychology Professor Emeritus, New York University


Good Counsel is a nationally recognized nonprofit leader and innovator in creating supportive residential care and community-based services for homeless, expectant, and new mothers and their children in the context of the Catholic social tradition. Pregnant and expectant mothers, with or without other born children, including mothers with mental health or addiction challenges, from any location, are able to receive help in a Good Counsel home.

Good Counsel was founded in 1985, and its outreach program continues to this day. Good Counsel now has four homes: three in the New York State counties of the Bronx, Richmond (Staten Island), and Rockland; and in New Jersey’s Burlington County (just outside Camden and very near Philadelphia).

For more on Good Counsel Homes, visit their website at


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Devociones Diarias de LIFE Runners

Devociones Diarias de LIFE Runners

Devociones Diarias de LIFE Runners

Editado por Dr. Patrick Castle and Bernadette Costello

¡DIOS primero, VIDA siempre, EQUIPO para siempre!

Corredores de VIDA es el equipo Pro-Vida más grande del mundo, correr es opcional, se requiere camiseta y se necesita fe. Nos alimentan las oraciones y devociones. Impactamos corazones y mentes por salvar vidas con nuestras camisetas “RECUERDA a los no nacidos”.

¡Todo en Cristo para Pro-Vida!

LIbro en Rústica: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“Cuando se amplía, puede ver que el cigoto, nuestra primera célula en la concepción, parece como una hostia de comunión, la Eucaristía, el Cuerpo de Cristo. La corona radiata que rodea la celda es como una custodia, el recipiente que contiene la Eucaristía”. ~ El Dr. Patrick Castle (Enero 23)

“Si no crucificamos nuestra carne con sus pasiones y deseos, nuestros deseos carnales crucificarán nuestra mente”. ~ El Dr. Rich Reich (Jul 28)

“Cuando nos intimida el tamaño de la tarea y somos muy conscientes de nuestras limitaciones, somos llamados, como David, a correr riesgos con las herramientas que Dios nos ha dado”. ~ Jeanne Mancini (Jan 10)

“Consideremos entonces cómo podemos estimularnos unos a otros hacia el amor y la vida. Amemos, no de palabra o discurso, sino de verdad y acción”. ~ Paul Westendorf (Mar 6)

“Debemos intensificar nuestras oraciones y ayuno por un nuevo nacimiento de libertad para que la vida y la libertad sean otorgadas para todos, nacidos y no nacidos”. ~ Bishop Robert Gruss (Mar 28)


“Esta es una gran herramienta para los que buscan volverse más devotos en su fe. Soy uno de los 108 autores. Con una cita bíblica, una reflexión y un reto para el día, este devocional le ayudará a estar más dedicado a la cultura de la vida”  Obispo Thomas John Paprocki, Diócesis de Springfield, Illinois
“Dedique solo un minuto todos los días a los devocionales escritos por Life Runners del mundo entero. Soy uno de los autores, junto con mamás y papás, atletas y caminantes, clérigos y laicos, estudiantes y maestros, personas en todas las fases de la vida que comparten la pasión por defender a los niños no nacidos.”  Obispo Joseph Coffey, Arquidiócesis para los Servicios Militares


Dr. Pat Castle es el fundador de LIFE Runners, el equipo Pro-Vida más grande del mundo, con más de 20,500 compañeros de equipo que usan camisetas de “REMEMBER The Unborn” como testigos públicos en 3,367 ciudades. Pat es una fuerza inspiradora y unificadora para Pro-Vida a través de la fe, el activismo y la educación. Recibió el Premio de la Unidad Cristiana de la Fundación Springtime y formó parte de la película Unplanned. Pat tuvo un encuentro con St. Padre Pio mientras corría en el Pikes Peak Ascent y tambien llevó una bandera de “REMEMBER The Unborn” a la cima del Monte Kilimanjaro. Fue cofundador del evento Law of Life Summit  y el evento anual A-Cross America Relay que es el evento Pro-Vida más grande en los Estados Unidos. Pat ha servido como presidente de un centro de ayuda para mujeres embarazadas y enseña alcance público en las aceras de centros de aborto. Completó el Instituto Vita de la universidad de Notre Dame y está en el cuarto nivel de los Caballeros de Colon. Pat ha dirigido retiros juveniles y RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos). Creció en Sioux Falls y se graduó de la Academia de la Fuerza Aérea. Pat obtuvo un doctorado en química nano-analítica de la Universidad de Illinois y es Miembro de la Junta Directiva del Instituto para el Encuentro Teológico con la Ciencia y la Tecnología. Hizo diez asignaciones militares, incluyendo el oficial de defensa de armas de destrucción masiva en la base más cercana a Osama bin Laden en el 11 de Septiembre. Mientras era profesor de química de la Academia de la Fuerza Aérea, Pat desarrolló el plan de estudios de ética y entrenó al equipo de maratónes. Corrió 24 maratones, destacándose en los maratones de: Marine Corps (2:53), Boston (2:59), Pikes Peak (17º), Great Wall (2º). También es maestro en el campus de Omaha de Encounter School of Ministry. Ha recaudado más de $ 5 millones para ayudar a terminar con el aborto. Pat habla en todo los Estados Unidos.  Compre el libro Devocionales Diarios para estar Todos en Cristo para ProVida!


Bernadette Costello (2020): Directora de Operaciones. “Mi mamá concibió 22 hijos (perdio 6). Después de dar a luz a su quinto hijo, el médico intentó realizar una histerectomía sin su permiso. Mi mamá se despertó y detuvo al médico. Alabado sea Dios por su postura heroica, ya que yo era su hijo numero 12. Gracias al ejemplo de mi madre, sé que la lucha para acabar con el aborto es el tema mas importante de todos los tiempos”. Bernadette sirve como coordinadora parroquial de Respect Life y comenzó un grupo de apoyo Embrace Grace para mujeres que tienen embarazos no planeados. Bernadette hace alcance publico en las aceras, reza y ofrece ayuda a las mujeres que llegan al centro de abortos de Carhart. Bernadette y sus hijos sirven comida para personas sin hogar en el refugio de Sienna Francis Homeless Shelter. Ella está en el equipo ejecutivo de Ablaze, un ministerio de alabanza y adoración. También es miembro de la facultad en el campus de Omaha de Encounter School of Ministry “Es un privilegio y una bendición servir a Dios con LIFE Runners. ¡Todos en Cristo para Pro-Vida!”



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Nuggets of Wisdom

Nuggets of Wisdom

Nuggets of Wisdom

By Bob Sizemore with Ronda Chervin

In this handy volume, Bob Sizemore and Ronda Chervin engage in a dialogue intended to deliver nuggets of life’s wisdom, offering both specific and general insights on navigating one’s way through this world and into the next.
Paperback $12.95 | Kindle $9.99


“For me this book is a delightful combination of spiritual direction and help.” – Marti Armstrong, M.S., Pastoral Counselor

“Stunning in its simplicity. Profound in its scope.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy


Bob Sizemore, a secular Franciscan, is a Catholic counselor who has served as an adjunct professor of sociology at Holy Apostles College & Seminary.

Accompanied by

Ronda Chervin, Ph.D. is a professor of Philosophy, widow, grandmother, and great grandmother. She has taught at Loyola Marymount University, St. John’s Seminary of Los Angeles, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, and Holy Apostles Seminary and College. She is the author of numerous books about Catholic living and presents on EWTN and Catholic Radio. Most well known of her books are The Way of Love, Treasury of Women Saints, Avoiding Bitterness in Suffering: How our Heroes in Faith Found Peace amid Sorrow, and, most recently, with co-author Albert Hughes: Escaping Anxiety on the Road to Spiritual Joy. 


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Rekindling Wonder: Touching Heaven in a Screen Saturated World

Rekindling Wonder: Touching Heaven in a Screen Saturated World

Rekindling Wonder: Touching Heaven in a Screen Saturated World

by Fr. Chris Seith

Our screens are not morally neutral. The devices that we are so attached to affect our perception of the world. Unless we use them in a way contrary to the way in which they are intended to be used, we will find ourselves imprisoned in our own minds and living in a boring and lifeless world. In this book, Fr. Chris Seith exposes the spiritual apathy consuming our lives and, more importantly, God’s response to our imprisonment. In Jesus Christ, God has set us free from our spiritual malaise and rekindles in us a sense of wonder at the beauty of reality.

$14.95 Paperback | $9.99 Kindle


By Sister Marysia Weber, RSM, author of Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put That Phone Down


Smartphone use outside of work-related activity preoccupies the average American for 5.4 hours each day. In his book, Rekindling Wonder: Touching Heaven in a Screen Saturated World, Father Christopher Seith argues that deleting apps or reducing screentime isn’t enough to rehabilitate a generation dependent on digital stimulants. Constantly irradiated by screens, our culture is sick with what the desert fathers called “the noonday devil”—acedia. He vividly highlights how ever-increasing hours spent captivated by screens isolates persons and threatens to precipitate an existential crisis. Acedia’s daughter vices—despair, distaste for the sacred, and distraction– dispose us to estrangement.


Without condemning technology, Father Seith observes that dependence on the digital makes life more convenient and less painful, but not more human. Father Seith poignantly describes how a community could devolve into a network of individuals programmed to escape misery and anxiety through virtual algorithms. 


Father Seith articulates that with attachment to digital devices, we have forgotten the value of human life and our ontological end to make God’s love present in the world.  He reiterates that the primordial and sacred Church has something liberating to offer in the midst of a dehumanizing world.  


Father Seith seeks not to offer practical solutions but to provoke thought.  I highly recommend Father Seith’s book as it invites a world eclipsed by the modern noonday devil into the Light of Truth.  


“Father Seith’s book Rekindling Wonder: Touching Heaven in a Screen Saturated World is a thought-provoking exposé about the necessity of exposing our modern noonday devil—digital devices—to the Light of Truth.” – Sr. Marysia Weber, RSM, author of Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put That iPhone Down

“Put down your devices and read Rekindling Wonder. This is a most important work for our time. Fr. Seith has diagnosed a silent, omnipresent and deadly spiritual condition. Gratefully, in this engaging book he leads the reader on a journey to healing through trust and joy with Jesus Christ.” Most Reverend William D. Byrne, Bishop of Springfield, MA

“In Rekindling Wonder: Touching Heaven in a Screen Saturated World, Fr. Christopher J. Seith lays bare the true nature of acedia, showing us how to find stability within an inconstant, digitally-mediated world by grounding ourselves in the truth of Jesus Christ.” – Matt Fradd, author of Does God Exist? A Socratic Dialogue on the Five Ways of Thomas Aquinas

“Do you worry that you are too tied to a smartphone? Do you worry about the consequences? Have you found nothing that resolves the problem? Then turn with author Father Chris Seith to the age-old Christian wisdom about acedia. A new Christ-centered understanding of your experience will set you free.” – Fr. Timothy M. Gallagher, OMV, author of The Discernment of Spirits: An Ignatian Guide to Everyday Living

“This book, written with deep spiritual insight and theological wisdom, deftly applies ancient Christian wisdom to the ever-expanding reach of our current technology.” – John S. Grabowski, Ph.D., Professor of Moral Theology/Ethics, School of Theology and Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America

“Father Seith has accurately diagnosed acedia as the condition of contemporary Man. Such a condition will not be disarmed by more data or information provided by the internet. It will only be wrestled to the ground by the in-breaking of the presence of Christ. It is Presence that heals the boring self-enclosed, self-imposed world we inhabit. A world of our making, a world built up through our patterned and addictive relationship to technology. Here in these pages we find a way out of boredom and obsessive control seeking. But the way out is a way of intimate healing, a way of welcoming the Divine Presence IN. Only the harrowing of ‘our’ hell by the Christ will set us free. This beautifully written and erudite book will give us the courage to say YES to this in-breaking, this rescue mission born of God’s love.” – Deacon Jim Keating, Professor of Spiritual Theology at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary

Rekindling Wonder engages the reader with a vision of living a more authentic relationship with God and man.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of Teaching and Learning in the Age of COVID19: Faith-Based — Online and Emergency Remote


Fr. Christopher J. Seith was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington in 2014. After serving as parochial vicar at Our Lady of Mercy parish in Potomac, MD, he began his doctoral studies at The Catholic University of America while living at St. John Paul II Seminary.  

In the Spring of 2020, he successfully defended his dissertation in which he examined Josef Pieper’s thought to argue that digital devices, unless they are used in a way contrary to their intended use, will imprison their users within a workaday world and damage their ability to joyfully celebrate the sacred mysteries.

He is currently the Director of Spiritual Formation at St. John Paul II Seminary.


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