Walking the Parables of Jesus: A Journey into the Words, Life and Times of Jesus Christ, authored by Deacon Bob Evans

Walking the Parables of Jesus: A Journey into the Words, Life and Times of Jesus Christ, authored by Deacon Bob Evans

Walking the Parables of Jesus: A Journey into the Words, Life and Times of Jesus Christ

by Deacon Bob Evans

Walking the Parables of Jesus is a unique treatment of Jesus’ parables. Drawing on the work of many scholars, the author takes those who seek a deeper understanding of the Christian faith on a “journey” with Jesus’ disciples, from one town to another, as Jesus shared His parables in their original order and context. What is especially new and engaging in this book is the application of insights from Middle Eastern Biblical Anthropology. People of Jesus’ time listened to and told stories differently than people do in Western cultures today. Through applying those insights, a fresh understanding is gained of what Jesus intended at the time He spoke, as well as what the evangelists intended in later recounting the story of Jesus sharing the parable.

Paperback $34.95 | Kindle $9.99

Deacon Bob Evans reads the first chapter of his book. Click play below to listen.

Listen to "WCAT Radio Walking the Parables of Jesus (April 25, 2019)" on Spreaker.


Dcn. Peter Lovrick, Homiletic and Pastoral Review. (April, 2021). Click here for the review


“Walking the Parables of Jesus is quite an achievement, congratulations on that. Unlike other approaches to the parables, this book put them in a context of various journeys of Jesus. I think one of the strengths of the book is all of the interesting background material provided, some of which is valuable for New Testament study in general. I am sure this book will be beneficial as an informative spiritual guide for its intended audience.” — Rev. Dr. John Paul Heil, Professor of New Testament, The Catholic University of America

“I highly recommend this beautifully written spiritual guide through the parables of Our Lord. Deacon Bob Evans’ book Walking the Parables of Jesus helps to strengthen one’s friendship with Jesus. As Jesus said: ‘You are my friends if you do what I command you'” [Jn 15:14].  – Most Rev. James S. Wall, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gallup

“In Walking the Parables of Jesus, Deacon Bob Evans takes us on a pilgrimage, a “walking journey” along the Jordan River and throughout the Judean countryside as disciples of an itinerant Jewish Rabbi of His times. Dcn Bob opens to our senses the sights, the smells, the sounds, the historical context of Jesus’ teaching stories. We become a part of the history of that time and place as we travel along with Jesus and His disciples. We delight in the profound simplicity of Jesus’s parable stories, which speak directly to the experiences and trials shared in our own daily lives. Deacon Bob’s imaginative writing style helps us to engage our own imaginations and to ‘see’ a mental picture as we walk along with Jesus on our own spiritual journey. Amen.” – Deacon James Trant, Director of the Diaconate, Diocese of Phoenix

Walking the Parables of Jesus is a great gift to all who love Scripture. It is a unique feast of biblical commentary and meditation. Those reading this work will be gifted with more knowledge of the Word and led by this same Word into prayer.” – Deacon James Keating, Director of Theological Formation, Institute for Priestly Formation

“When I consider that Jesus intended to teach and draw His disciples and us close to Him by using parables, I am so grateful for this book! The ‘Details’ are both relevant to the intellect and treasures for the heart. If we want to draw closer to Jesus we need to read and understand His word. This brilliantly written and keenly crafted book helps us to do just that. Thank you, Deacon Bob, for sharing such a bounty in this superb book.” – Julie Carrick, Catholic Recording Artist & Inspirational Speaker

“From page one on, Deacon Evans grips the interests of both the academic and the person in the pew with a fascinating perspective on the parables of Jesus. Through Evans’ expert background explanations and by the portrait he paints of each parable, it is impossible for readers not to feel as though they were sitting with Jesus as he spoke each of these teachings of faith. While Walking the Parables of Jesus is an excellent resource text, it is an even better inspirational servant of the soul!” – Dennis Lambert, author of The Table, winner of two 2018 Catholic Press Association awards

“In the hands of a patient and careful reader, Deacon Bob Evans’ book, Walking the Parables of Jesus, offers a superb overview of the parables of Jesus. This book is impressive given its intended audience. Usually, academic books about the parables exegete them according to a particular means of interpretation. General books for lay audiences too often eschew going into too much detail about how to interpret and correctly unpack the manifold layers of meaning in all the parables. With accuracy and detail, Dcn. Evans speaks to their place and role in the Word of God, the literary genre and techniques the Gospel writers employed in writing down what Jesus said, and the theological importance of Jesus’ teaching for how we live as Christians. One of the key roles the diaconate plays in the Roman Catholic Church is the proclamation and teaching of the Word of God. Deacon Evans fulfills his vocation superbly in this book.” – Ramon Luzarraga, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Theology and Division Chair of Undergraduate Studies, Benedictine University at Mesa

“Deacon Evans has written one of my favorite kinds of books: one where the author has done all the work, so you don’t have to. Walking the Parables of Jesus is a one-stop-shopping resource for everyone wanting to learn, understand, or even teach the parables of Jesus. Dcn. Evans’ meticulous scholarship reveals Jesus’ parables with a depth and clarity found in no other book I know of.” – Steve Greene, Director of Kino Catechetical Institute


Dcn. Bob Evans and his wife Rose live in Phoenix where he serves as a deacon in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, ministering at Blessed Sacrament parish in Scottsdale. They have three children and six grandchildren. His formal training in Scriptures was at the Kino Institute.Since 2004, he has been engaged in extensive biblical studies and is a popular teacher who draws heavily from the works of many others in bringing people deeper into Sacred Scriptures. He teaches Biblical Foundations with the parish-level U of Faith, Scripture for Homiletics to candidates in deacon formation and Jesus’ Parables in a diaconate post-ordination program. He mentors newly-ordained deacons, serves as the Asst. Director of Deacon Personnel for the Diocese of Phoenix, and helps as a Spiritual Director on Cursillo retreats. His website may be found at https://www.stephensbrother.com/


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The Meaning of the Eucharist by Fr. Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R.

The Meaning of the Eucharist by Fr. Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R.

The Meaning of the Eucharist

by Fr. Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R.

This book highlights some of the major theological voices from the past century who contributed to a deepening of the Church’s understanding of the significance of the Eucharist and whose efforts came to fruition in the teachings of the Second Vatican Council.  Each of the authors treated within these pages has a distinct voice that blends with the other voices of the Church’s rich theological tradition.  The result is a beautifully nuanced harmony of meanings that challenges the mind and moves the heart to wonder.

Paperback: $34.99 | Kindle: $9.99


“In this third volume of his series on the Eucharist, Fr. Billy presents the inspiring teachings of 28 philosophers, theologians, and other lay Catholic writers of the twentieth century regarding the Holy Eucharist. The chapters, or ‘voices’ of this treasury of the Church’s teachings stir up in the reader feelings of awesomeness towards the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and can be read independently of one another. Seminarians, priests, and religious will especially benefit from reading this book.” – Fr. Gene Martens, S.J., author of At Mass with Jesus on Calvary: Reflections on the Prayers of the Mass and the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist

“The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian life, and this book provides twenty-eight well-articulated reasons why from the great theologians of the 20th century. A must-read as we prepare to catechize the next generation of Catholics in this third decade of our third millennium in Christ!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, President of the Board of St. Gregory Cathedral School, Diocese of Tyler, Texas


Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R., is Professor Emeritus of the history of moral theology and Christian spirituality at the Alphonsian Academy of the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome and currently serves as The Robert F. Leavitt Distinguished Service Chair in Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore. An American Redemptorist of the Baltimore Province, Fr. Billy has advanced degrees from Harvard University, the Pontifical University of St. Thomas (Angelicum), and the Graduate Theological Foundation. The author of numerous books and articles on a variety of religious topics, he is also active in his order’s retreat apostolate and in the ministry of spiritual direction.


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On the End Times, or the First Return of Christ by Jacques Cabaud

On the End Times, or the First Return of Christ by Jacques Cabaud

On the End Times, or The First Return of Christ

by Jacques Cabaud

To pray the “our Father” is to pray for the renewal of humanity by the Holy Spirit. This book explains the implications of our prayer for the conversion of sinners in moral and metaphysical terms and is certain to become a tour de force in eschatological studies.

Paperback: $24.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Meaney, Marie Cabaud. (December 2022). “The Folly of God and God’s Fools – Eulogy for Jacques Cabaud (1923-2022).” Click here to read.



“Jacques Cabaud’s On the End Times, or The First Return of Christ is fascinating and inspiring. His research is unique in its depth and extent.” – Ronda Chervin, co-author with Sebastian Mahfood of Catholic Realism: A Framework for the Refutation of Atheism and the Evangelization of Atheists



Jacques Cabaud (1923-2022) was a professor at the Gustav Siewerth Academy where he taught Church history. He is considered an expert on the life and work of Simone Weil and has published a number of seminal works on her. He has also published a book on contemporary Marian apparitions that has appeared in three languages. He lives in Erlangen, Germany.


Click here to see his article entitled “Choices are Made in Heaven (or How my Work on Weil Began),” posthumously published by Attention SW in December 2022.



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Taming the Lion Within: A Workshop by Ronda Chervin

Taming the Lion Within: A Workshop by Ronda Chervin

Created by Diana Jump and Carla Conley with voice narration by Jennifer Hurt.

Receive a 20% discount on orders of ten or more workbooks. Visit http://sst.hgs.mybluehost.me/tamingthelion/ to place your order today.
Eastern Civilization from a Catholic Viewpoint

Eastern Civilization from a Catholic Viewpoint

Eastern Civilization from a Catholic Viewpoint

by Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, STD

Eastern Civilization from a Catholic Viewpoint traces the history of East and South East Asia from ancient times to modern times. In the process, the reader is introduced to the various cultures, philosophies, and religions from these two regions of Asia. Throughout the journey, reference is made to Catholic thought centered on Jesus who was born of a Western Asian woman, Mary.

Topics of interest to Catholics include how ancestor worship differs from ancestor veneration, the similarities and differences between Asian moral codes and Catholic morality, and the role of honor and shame with respect to God.
Paperback $19.99 | Kindle $9.99


Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, has produced quite a grand opus in his collection of works on Marian Devotion, Catholic Church History, East and South East Asian History, Catholic Apologetics, Protology and the Priesthood, Western Civilization and Political Science. Each of his books provides wisdom for the beginner and clarity for the educated. – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Holy Apostles College & Seminary


Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, STD, serves as President-Rector at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, CT. He received degrees from Middlebury College, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, the Dominican House of Studies, and the Catholic University of America. He is intent on putting his educational background at the service of the New Evangelization promoted by the recent popes.


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East and South East Asian History

East and South East Asian History

East and South East Asian History

by Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA

East and South East Asian History studies the historical development of countries that make up East Asia (China, Taiwan, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea) and countries that make up South East Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, East Timor). Although each of these countries and regions has a unique identity, they share common philosophies, customs, and practices. To bring out what these countries have in common, we will study them together while respecting their uniqueness. We begin with Asian pre-history and conclude with modern East Asia.
Paperback $19.99 | Kindle $9.99


Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, has produced quite a grand opus in his collection of works on Marian Devotion, Catholic Church History, East and South East Asian History, Catholic Apologetics, Protology and the Priesthood, Western Civilization and Political Science. Each of his books provides wisdom for the beginner and clarity for the educated. – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Holy Apostles College & Seminary


Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, STD, currently serves as President-Rector at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, CT. He received degrees from Middlebury College, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, the Dominican House of Studies, and the Catholic University of America. He is intent on putting his educational background at the service of the New Evangelization promoted by the recent popes.


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