A Quienes El Corazón Decidió Amar

A Quienes El Corazón Decidió Amar

¡Una gran noticia! En los Premios de la Catholic Media Association (CMA), la edición original en inglés de… A Quienes el Corazón Decidió Amar… ganó el segundo lugar en la categoría Backlist Beauty.

So Shine is the debut album by brothersister 

10 new original Catholic Christian songs

Music & Lyrics by Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT

“‘So Shine’ strikes an excellent balance between Catholic hymns and classic rock.” – Check out the review at Aleteia.org

A Quienes El Corazón Decidió Amar

by Padre Lorenzo Eduardo Tucker, SOLT

Cuando se trata de el escandaloso problema de la pobreza global, como también la destrucción continua y suicida de nuestro ambiente natural, si una persona no es parte de la solución, lo más probable es que ese individuo forma parte del problema; indiferencia en cuanto a estos asuntos, contrario a la opinión popular, no se clasifica como una posición neutra.

Un multi-billonario llamado Benjamin Lake era completamente indiferente y parte del problema hasta el momento en que una serie de experiencias profundas le transformaron su corazón… ¡completamente! A Quienes El Corazón Decidió Amar es una historia de cómo una persona, por medio del amor misericordioso de Dios, llegó a ser parte de la solución.

Edición Rústica $14.95 | Kindle $9.99



“Cuando leí la última página, y por fin pude dejar el libro, me hizo cuestionar profundamente lo que el mundo contemporáneo valora, y me hizo valorar, sin reserva, la riqueza del amor redentivo que con nada se puede comprar.” – Annie Monaghan, Asesora de Políticas (Retirada): Oficina del Primer Viceministro, Londres, Reino Unido

“El protagonista del libro del Padre Tucker no nada mas te forzará a pensar sobre ti mismo pero también te motivará a pensar en el prójimo y en el amor al prójimo.” – Monseñor Richard M. Figliozzi, Antiguo Director de la Oficina de la Nueva Evangelización, Diócesis de Rockville Centre, Long Island, Nueva York


Padre Tucker nació el 26 de Mayo de 1955 en Manhattan, Nueva York. Es un sacerdote misionero bilingüe de la Sociedad de Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad y ha servido en México, Belize, Guatemala, Inglaterra, Texas y Nueva York.

Padre Tucker cuenta con un diplomado en los Artes Liberales de Colegio Comunitario de Nassau, Garden City, New York, una licenciatura en Relaciones Humanas de St Joseph’s College, Patchogue, New York, y una Maestría en Divinidad y también en Teología del Seminario de los Santos Apóstoles, Cromwell, CT.


Cortesía de Adriana y Arturo Campbell — Adriana y Arturo, son Estadounidenses naturalizados nacidos en México, cuya crianza y experiencia de vida les ha permitido gozar de un dominio de los idiomas de Inglés y Español, y un aprecio profundo de ambas culturas.

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Senator Bob Hill

Coda: American Politics, Personal Loss, and Recovery

A Novel by Dick Bishirjian

Senator Bob Hill (R-PA) is sentenced for involuntary manslaughter for an accident in which he was driving under the influence. Prior to completing his sentence in jail, the Senator is ordered to enter a substance abuse treatment program. His personal life and his political ambitions shattered, Sen. Hill is little aware that during treatment at the Betty Ford Clinic he will be surprised by the miracle of a statue that comes to life and challenges his recovery.
Paperback $14.95 | Kindle $9.99

CODA Gallery, which provides one of the scenes for this book, was founded by Connie and David Katz in 1987. For a virtual tour, click here. Special thanks to Samuel Heaton, its current owner, for his providing the photograph (shown here on this page and included in the book) of David Katz.

CODA Gallery
73400 El Paseo, Suite B1
Palm Desert, CA 92260
760.776.4010 fax


Kevin Derby, “Conservative Leader, Educator Richard Bishirjian Focuses on Politics, Redemption in New Novel,” Florida Daily, read the interview here.


“In Coda, Dick Bishirjian writes with unique insight into behind the scene political maneuvering. His main character,  U.S. Senator Robert “Bob” Hill (R-PA), an educated Catholic conservative nationalist, is not worried about his up-coming re-election; indeed, he is looking beyond it to a possible run for the Presidency in 2024.  But, as Bob Hill’s wife Mary tells him, he drinks too much.  It is this weakness that threatens to destroy any future he might have in politics.  Coda is the dramatic story of his struggle to deal with his grief and alcoholism.  A mystical experience of a beautiful dancing lady in blue offers a promise of redemption and a new life.” — Joyce Corrington is author of five screenplays for theaters and a television film, The Killer Bees.

“Dick Bishirjian nails it in Coda– those familiar with the inner workings of Washington, D.C. will recognize the settings, issues, personalities, and argot of American politics. The fascinating characters Bishirjian creates in Coda are tested against a DC cauldron of special interests, back biting, and good intentions gone awry. Bishirjian’s first novel is a splendid mixture of well-researched political science and a dash of sagacious commentary all bound by an enthralling storyline of gripping literary imagination.”  — Bob Schaffer, Colorado State Senator, 1987-1996 and Member of Congress, R-CO, 1997-2003

Coda! What a novel! Bishirjian, who worked for Nixon, Goldwater and Reagan, succeeds in redeeming politics of its tawdriness to bring out the inherent drama of the power struggle of 21st Century America! At the same time, the personal story of addiction reveals how even powerful men can be surprised by Grace. Bravo, Dick Bishirjian!” — Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Philosophy, Holy Apostles College and Seminary.



​Dick Bishirjian’s career was shaped by the influence of William F. Buckley, Jr., Dr. Russell Kirk, and Libertarian economist, Friedrich Hayek. That led him to work on three Presidential campaigns, on the staff of a U.S. Senator, and in the Reagan Administration. He earned a Ph.D. in Government at Notre Dame.

Writing a sequel! For the story, see Dick’s website.

Other Books by Dick Bishirjian


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The Redemption of San Isidro: A Tale of Mercy and Love by Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT

The Redemption of San Isidro: A Tale of Mercy and Love by Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT

Great news! The Redemption of San Isidro won 3rd place in the Catholic Novel category; it also took 3rd place in the Best Front Cover category in the 2021 Catholic Media Awards!

So Shine is the debut album by brothersister 

10 new original Catholic Christian songs

Music & Lyrics by Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT

“‘So Shine’ strikes an excellent balance between Catholic hymns and classic rock.” – Check out the review at Aleteia.org

The Redemption of San Isidro: A Tale of Mercy and Love

by Fr. Lawrence Tucker, SOLT

“Are you a PRIEST?” growled the ferocious man… if you could call him a man; when red-hot anger was seeping out of every pore of his rock solid, brobdingnagian body! . . . And so begins the riveting mission journal of Fr. John Landon, a member of a new missionary community called The Missionaries of Holy Mary and The Three Divine Persons based in Las Cruces, New Mexico, that illustrates for the reader in a very powerful and concise way the essential spiritual dynamic of missionary work: it’s all about the Spirit!
Paperback $14.95 | Kindle $9.99


“An on-the-edge-of-your-seat adventure in the Holy Spirit from the very first lines! A tale that will engage you in a single sitting from beginning to end!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy
“A dream of a book about the power of good in the presence of evil.” — Annie Monaghan, Senior Policy Advisor (Retired), Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, London, UK

The Redemption of San Isidro is a delightful, inspiring, and unique look into the relationship between the true Catholic Church and the crime ridden population of parts of Mexico. The novel narrates how a missionary priest and his team overcome years of corruption in a town in Mexico with the help of good Catholics coming against the problems of a parish priest addicted to gambling. It reminds me of the famous best-seller and film The Little World of Don Camillo concerning a priest and a Communist mayor in Italy after World War II. This sparkling novel by Fr. Larry Tucker, SOLT, who did missionary work in Mexico, gives us what we need to see the crisis described in Church documents in a fresh and hopeful light.” — Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., Emerita Professor of Philosophy at Holy Apostles College and Seminary, writer and Catholic TV and radio presenter


While reading this novel, Catholic students may reflect on the following questions for discussion. Note that the following are just some of the questions that are addressed in this intriguing, action packed story that takes place in the mysterious and vast, Chihuahuan Desert of Northern Mexico. Students will surface others as they engage the book. 

  • “When man misuses his free will and brings serious damage into the world around him, does God respond in any way other than the exercise of his permissive will?
  • Is God not also free to exercise his love in the world?
  • Is God passive in the face of his children’s weaknesses and sufferings?
  • Does God just sit back and watch the world ‘go down the tubes’ as his creation… humanity… pollutes the human environment and consequently the natural environment by embracing moral evil?
  • Human freedom, and God’s respect for that freedom, is a reflection of the great depth and authenticity of God’s love for his children. So why does man act as if he was ‘on his own’?
  • Can he… should he… ‘go it alone’ to resolve the brokenness within himself, the human environment, and the natural environment?
  • Is there any hope for man and the world?

“I lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence shall come my help. My help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth!” (Psalm 121 1-2)


Fr. Tucker was born on May 26th, 1955, in Manhattan, New York City. He is a bilingual missionary priest in The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity and has served in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, England, Texas, and New York.

Fr. Tucker holds an A.A. in Liberal Arts from Nassau Community College, Garden City, NY; a B.A. in Human Relations from St. Joseph’s College, Patchogue, NY; and a Master of Divinity, as well as an M.A. in Theology, From Holy Apostles College and Seminary, Cromwell, CT.


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The Rebirth of Nicodemus, authored by Rick Akins

The Rebirth of Nicodemus, authored by Rick Akins

Special congratulations to Rick for his being awarded third place in the 2020 Catholic Book Awards contest for best Catholic novel. 

The Rebirth of Nicodemus

by Rick Akins

As the Romans prepare to destroy Jerusalem and its Temple in 70 A.D., the Apostle John visits the elderly Pharisee, Nicodemus. The last surviving Apostle seeks information for his writing of the fourth Gospel.  As a young and prideful scribe, Nicodemus told King Herod where the ‘king of the Jews’ would be born. From this mistake, the children of Bethlehem were butchered. Follow the Pharisees’ interactions with Jesus as he learns to bring Christian forgiveness into his own life, while John learns the secrets to writing his dramatic account of Christ’s life.
Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle $9.99


“THE REBIRTH OF NICODEMUS…AND ME? I found resonance in Rick Akin’s Rebirth of Nicodemus, a novel, imaginatively put together and chastely written. Akin presents the spiritual struggle of Nicodemus, trying to reconcile the Pharisaic way with the madness of one whom some saw as the Messiah. Jesus had said that he needed to be born again! Madness. It was a madness that in a strange way pointed to a higher truth and challenged the sanity of the Law that governed his life as a member of the Sanhedrin. As a reader, one cannot help but join in that struggle, the journey into that ‘womb’; the spiritual passion, death and eventual resurrection, the re-birth that Jesus talked about. We see Nicodemus not just as another minor actor in the theatre of redemption but as a mirror reflecting one’s own journey — from the sanity of tradition and the world to that divine madness of the Christ’s teaching; from the dictates of the Decalogue to the luminescence of the Beatitudes.” – Ivan Arthur, author of Saynt Lachmi

“I really enjoyed getting to know Nicodemus’s character and found it quite creative how the author had him, in some way, involved with all the critical stages of Christ’s life. Through Nicodemus’s perspective, we see the landscape, learn of the political struggle, and experience life as a Jewish person in this first century. This was particularly evident when Nicodemus takes John to the Temple the first time to tell him about meeting Jesus when he was 12. Those descriptions, smells, details….all well done. I pray this book finds its way into the hands of thousands of people. It’s a beautiful, thoughtful story that I would recommend to any of my friends and family.” – Natalie Hanemann, Owner and Editor, Hanemann Editorial

The Rebirth of Nicodemus is a story takes you in and takes you back, being a part of the troubled times which include the destruction of the temple. It is one family’s story of being caught up in the violence and finding hope in Jesus the Son of God. Their company and guide is St. John the Beloved. The characters whose names we know from history are made vivid, living, walking souls and we become their contemporaries. It is good company I recommend you walk with them.” – Rev. Dr. Balluff S.T.D., Vicar for Priests Diocese of Joliet

“I will say I was entertained, and it was a powerful finish for sure. I found The Rebirth of Nicodemus an intriguing story which captured my imagination. I could not help but think how many of us are on similar journeys of faith. Many clinging to the past, clinging to possessions, clinging to worldly desires and our pride like an old tradition or faith. Knowing that the joy of our Lord Jesus and God is right in front of us, many times we are too afraid to take the steps forward and truly trust in Christ and his promise to us. I pray we all have this ‘Nicodemus moment.’ ‘Send your Spirit, send your Spirit like the wind Lord, forgive me, take me back!'” – Tim Botka, Director, Fishers of Men, Diocese of Joliet

The Rebirth of Nicodemus not only gives new life to Nicodemus, it brings back to life on earth to a host of first century Jews and Christians, the beloved disciple John, and Jesus Christ, Who loved him and loves us all. This book is masterful historical and biblical fiction. I can only imagine how many hours Rick Akins spent in research and in weaving this story together, but I know he has provided every reader a few hours of inspiration and delight.” – Kevin Vost, Psy.D., Author of 12 Eternal Life Lessons from St. Thomas Aquinas

“In The Rebirth of Nicodemus, Rick Akins give us a unique and reverent take on a story of a turbulent time – and the timeless story of Jesus – a devotional speculation of beautiful connections told through the conversations of beloved Gospel characters, against the backdrop of the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple. A worthy addition to the tradition of biblical historical fiction!” – Jim L. Papandrea, M.Div., Ph.D., Professor of Church History and Historical Theology and author of The Squire’s Journey


Rick Akins is a father of three and currently lives in Wheaton, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. He was born and raised Catholic in upstate New York and has an electrical engineering degree and MBA from the University of Illinois.

Rick has been widely published in the technology field and owns six patents in fiber optics. In 2004, he began attending an evangelical church every other weekend for family reasons and wrote several books about the experience.


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Children of the Breath: A Dialogue in the Desert

Children of the Breath: A Dialogue in the Desert

Children of the Breath: A Dialogue in the Desert

by Martin Chervin

Martin Chervin, Ronda’s husband, became a Catholic at the age of sixty, after decades of struggling with doubt. His way of resolving his doubt was to ponder the battle between Satan and Christ during the forty days in the desert for the prize of the human soul. Is it worth the gamble for the children of the breath to reject Satan and all the worldly goods he promises to follow the Lamb of God? Readers are challenged to make their own decision.

Get this book for free! Just pay postage by clicking on the PayPal button below. 


For orders of 10 or more, contact the publisher at contactus@enroutebooksandmedia.com for a 50% discount and free shipping.


Readers of Children of the Breath will doubtless be reminded of other writers who have tackled the great scriptural themes. The formidable Satan of Milton’s Paradise Lost and the silent loving Christ of Dostoevsky’s The Grand Inquisitor come easily to mind. – Gabriel Meyer, National Catholic Register


Martin Chervin, author of Children of the Breath, and two plays: Born/Unborn and Myself: Alma Mahler, was born in 1918 on the Lower East Side of New York City to a Polish Jewish family. His fascination with Jesus began as a boy reading a New Testament he found in the public library. Later as a sea man and then as an international bookseller, Martin pondered the claim of the Jewish prophet to be the Son of God and the Saviour of all mankind. At forty-three, Martin married Ronda, a zealous Hebrew-Catholic philosopher. Fathering Carla, Diana and Charles, raised as Catholics, intensified his interest in the figure of Christ.


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Ties that Bind: The Story of a Marriage

Ties that Bind: The Story of a Marriage

Ties that Bind: The Story of a Marriage

by Ronda Chervin

January 4, 1984 would be a day to remember for Margo Kemperdick. It began when the thirty-five year old woman walked out of her dilapidated, wooden frame row house in the South Bronx one morning to get her mail, and saw the bulky brown paper-wrapped package…

Paperback $6.99


For orders of 10 or more, contact the publisher at contactus@enroutebooksandmedia.com for a 50% discount and free shipping


Ronda Chervin has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Fordham University and an M.A. in Religious Studies from Notre Dame Apostolic Institute. She is a convert to the Catholic faith from a Jewish but atheistic background. She has been a professor at Loyola Marymount University, St. John’s Seminary of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, and presently teaches at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Connecticut. More than fifty books of hers have been published by Catholic presses in the area of philosophy and spirituality. Dr. Ronda presents on EWTN and Catholic radio. Her many books include Quotable Saints, Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of AgingCatholic Realism and Voyage to InsightThis is her first novel.


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