Lord, Do You Mean Me? A father-Catechist!

by Francis Etheredge

Reflecting on the reality of childhood, Francis Etheredge explores what is entailed in being a parent who wants to take up the vocation, as widely and as specifically as possible, of helping to found the lives of children on the truth: both discoverable and divinely revealed. Just as life itself is richly diverse, so are the chapters of this book; and, while there can always be more, let what is here at least be a beginning of God’s continuous work of creating and educating us all in all that belongs to us as human beings; and, at the same time, helping us to see that nothing is wasted, even the wasting of our talents and time can, in the end, be recycled by the Lord as evidence of His help in our lives. So, while the face of life and the family is often scarred, and deeply, let the love of God deliver us from sin, slavery and death and bring that abundant light of the resurrection to all who need it!

Paperback: $16.95 | Kindle: $9.99



Fr. Jude Langeh, cmf: Biography and Foreword

What Inspired Me to Write this Book

Chapter One: The Action of Jesus Christ

“School of Love and Service”: A prayer for the preservation of Catholic Schools

Chapter Two: Scripture for Parents”

“The Bright Promise of Good Friday”: A prayer for Catholic Mental Health Providers

Chapter Three: Part I: “God Creates the Whole in Detail: The New Evangelization for Catholics Today”

“Let No One Be Lost” (cf. 2 Peter 3: 9): A prayer for those who died, were injured, and who suffered loss from Hurricane Ida

Chapter Three: Part II: Personal Witness

“Resurrection”: A prayer to prevent burnout in Healthcare Workers

Chapter Four: Part I: “Lord: Do You Mean Me? A father-Catechist!”

“Hoping against Hope” (cf. CCC, 1819): A prayer for children living in poverty who need HIV drugs

Chapter Four: Part II: “The Vocation of the Parent as Teacher of the Catholic Faith”

Christ Crucified, Mary and Joseph”: A prayer for all the people massacred in Ethiopia

Chapter Five: Part I: “Science or Domestic Science for Parents”

“Oh Lord my God how great thou art!” (Hymn): A prayer for all substance users with Covid-19

Chapter Five: Part II: “Science and the Person”

“Incorporation”: A prayer to protect the environment


Chapter Six: Part I: “Philosophy: A Beginning”

“Abraham’s Children”: A prayer to end Islamophobia

Chapter Six: Part II: “A Philosophy of the Person for Parents”

“Who Will Be the Hands and Feet of the Good Samaritan?” (cf. Lk 10: 25-37): A prayer for India

Chapter Seven: Part I: “Theology for Parents”

“Who can Help us Hope and, Hoping, Help us?!: A prayer for the people of Afghanistan

Chapter Seven: Part II: “Theology for Parents”: “Fatherhood and St. Joseph”

“I am the G-d of the living” (Lk 20: 38): A prayer of remembrance for the Pittsburgh Synagogue’s shooting victims and their families

Chapter Eight: Part I: “Pain and Forgiveness”

“Contrasts”: A prayer for the protection of migrants

Chapter Eight: Part II: “Fatherhood: The Help of the Word”

Atoms and Molecules”: A Prayer to prevent suicide

Chapter Nine: Part I: “Fatherhood: Failure or Promise”

“Imprisoned but not Enclosed”: A prayer for the unjustly detained

Chapter Nine: Part II: “Nothing is Lost: The Usefulness of Experience”

“Crowns”: A prayer for the victims of domestic violence

Chapter Ten: Part I: “The Christian Life: Descending and Ascending”

“Your Abundant Giving”: A prayer to end abortion

Chapter Ten: Part II: “The Lord Does not Stand Still”

“Our Holed Humanity”: A prayer for all the children traumatized by sexual violence

Epilogue: Three Conversations

Asking the Help of Our Blessed Mother Mary

A final prayer: “Oh Mary, Mother of God and the Glory of Creation”


Francis Etheredge, The Catholic Weekly, “Lord, do you mean me?” (March 10, 2022). Click here to read the article.


Revd Prebendary Nigel Rawlinson
MA, MB BChir, FRCS, FFAEM, Cert Pall Med, Dip Th
University Chaplain and team leader, University of Bath
Associate Minister, Bath Abbey
Assistant Area Dean, Bath
Diocese of Bath and Wells


As I prepared to write this endorsement, I heard the good news that Francis’s Son Tom has been accepted to train as a priest in the Roman Catholic Church. How timely. This news is, in itself, an endorsement for this book. What more could I say?


We are all on a journey of faith. To follow Jesus demands lifelong learning.  This needs humility, and an openness to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Francis writes in a deeply personal way, including the time-line of his own return to faith, aged 40. He talks about the importance of his parents’ prayers for him as part of that return. I can only imagine his prayers for his children.


This is a book that describe the dynamic relationship between God and his people – a God who acts decisively and calls us to respond. Alongside scripture and faith writings there are reflections on contemporary events. The focus moves from Jesus, through scripture to looking at authentic faith today – from viewpoints that are personal, as a parent, in science, philosophy and theology. 


I am the Anglican University Chaplain at The University of Bath. I work non-denominationally and seek to have a ministry of “presence” – loitering with intent, outside the church building, where the chaos of the world meets the grace of God.  I find, there, people with more faith than they realise.  Tom helped lead a weekly session of Lectio Divina in the University Chaplaincy. This was always a blessed time.


Two other pictures come to mind. First – the guidance on the path. I work in the Sports Training Village on campus with elite athletes. I’m inspired by their dedication.  I noticed recently that the steps had freshly painted white lines, to help us avoid falling.  It made me reflect on the importance of life’s landing lights – within which we flourish. Much of this book is about these landing lights.


Second – the testimony of others.  We are all journeying. When we reflect, with humility, we are open to learn from each other.  We might experience a “better way to land the plane”, and so see the Holy Spirit’s guidance. 


This book is steeped in the Roman Catholic tradition, but it has much wisdom for all Christians. I believe that the foundation stones for Christian Renewal are:


  • A continual seeking for Chistian unity
  • A practice of compassion
  • A habit of regular prayer


Finally, the “glow” of hope…  overflowing. Paul writes:  May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit(Romans 15: 13).  Tom had this overflowing “glow”, and I was strengthened.


“An incredible book from the copious Catholic writer, Francis Etheredge. It is quite breath-taking in the range of its information and analysis, from the most profound, abstruse and theological issues such as whether women should be priests in the Catholic hierarchy to the power of spinach to revive the blood! Indeed, I would say that this is a first-rate book whose only ‘fault’ is possibly covering too much material; but saying that, the thing with Etheredge’s writing is that he does not do ‘superficial’ – every topic he covers, he considers in depth and furthermore provides ample footnotes and sources for his assertions. Truly, this book is a cornucopia of learning, which is surprising given his own account of his background and lack of encouragement. Etheredge is truly a late developer in every sense: in education, in marriage, in fatherhood and even in religion. But then, Christ Himself informs us that the first may be last, and the last first, so perhaps it is not the early shiners that we need to pay attention to! Finally, there are a lot of wonderful and insightful sentences in this book that one can treasure for a long time; here is one: “Others that they may learn from me that the Lord is faithful beyond / My failures, ever fostering a fruitfulness beyond failure upon failure.” Isn’t this another way of saying what the poet John Donne said some 400 or so years go: ‘Wilt thou forgive that sin which I did shun / A year or two, but wallow’d in, a score?’ I strongly recommend this book for all who want to explore what living as a Christian might really mean in the modern world.” —James Sale, writer and poet:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/author/B0034OVZ5I/about

“There is something for everyone in this book. Each reader will discover something new within its pages or gain a new perspective. Focusing upon fatherhood, Francis Etheredge makes clear that all dads are evangelists despite one’s shortcomings, weaknesses, and feeling unqualified. Nothing in the economy of God is ever wasted, and opportunities to accept His grace and mercy present themselves along life’s journey.” Kimberly Bruce, author of The Gender Link to the Human Soul

“Lord, Do You Mean Me?” is a beautiful collection of articles, prayers and experiences from Francis Etheredge that draws on the interconnectedness of one another, not only to each other but to the heart of God, our Father, as a loving Father who is with us in the darkest moments of our lives even if we don’t see or feel His presence.  In this series of articles and reflections, Francis shows us how the Father’s love shines out through the questioning of society, through the questioning of his own personal circumstances, and how God’s grace gave him strength and courage to journey onwards with hope and trust knowing that his Heavenly father was present in it all. The questions Francis raises throughout the book reminds me of the enquiring mind of St Augustine, Doctor of the Church, whom God was always drawing to himself in the details and darkness of Augustine’s Life. As a wife and mother, I can identify with the everyday trials and challenges of parenthood that Francis shares in his book. The ever-changing situations of daily family life are similar to being on a rollercoaster at times especially as children grow into young adults. Through these shared experiences of Francis’s, we get a deeper understanding of how faith plays an essential part in navigating emerging situations of daily life. A beautiful book which draws on the beauty and importance of vocation and shows how that vocation is woven into the delicate threads of life. I highly recommend this book.” Patricia McNally, Professional Wife & Mother/ Studio Manager Christian Media Trust /Radio Presenter part-time.
Lord, Do You Mean Me? A father-Catechist! can be considered classical. The prayers are drawn from the deep spirituality of the author. The book can be used as an aid for personal prayer and reflection. I hereby give my endorsement. Congratulations Francis Etheredge.” —Most Rev. Rogelio Martinez Jr., SCF. D.D., Archbishop of San Jose de Monte, Vatican in Exile, Our Lady of Fatima Parish Church, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
“Francis’ book is a reflection on his vocation as father and how his life experiences, both personal and familial, influence his teaching. Just as God uses the various successes and struggles in each of our lives to teach us valuable lessons, fathers can do the same in imitation of Him, using their daily lessons to teach their children virtue. The author wonderfully and uniquely weaves together personal stories from his life with divine truths while incorporating prayer and poetry, very similarly to how God uniquely weaves the threads of truth, beauty, and goodness throughout each of our own lives. Reading this book provided me with a new perspective on how I might approach my own vocations as both mother and catechist and will likely leave you with more ideas and insight about the person you are and the roles you perform in your daily life and how they can all be ordered to serve & glorify God.” Jen Arnold, https://catholicheartablaze.com/

“Francis continues his remarkable literary ministry in a way that continues to inspire others to a deeper prayer life, rooted in a love for the Holy Family. His written prayers are very creative and contextually vivid, covering many areas of pain and suffering. Francis shares movingly about his own health challenges in the context of his going to the Holy Land. Congratulations, Francis!” —Dr. Ed Hird, Anglican Priest in Canada

“As a catechist, I know that Francis Etheredge’s book is one that is sorely needed. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that parents are the first teachers of the faith, and this volume will help any parent with the task. This book combines the truths of the faith with fatherly love, care, and wisdom. Francis Etheredge has done a great service with the writing of Lord, Do You Mean Me? A father-Catechist!, and it is one I will recommend for years to come.” —William Hemsworth, M.Div., Columnist at Patheos.com and host of The Bible Catholic Show

This intriguing book is the result of a gift, the gift of faith. As Francis Etheredge explains, he was given that gift after some years of being just intellectually curious about the Catholic Church in which he grew up. He writes that because of that gift, “I understood my life in the light of a call to conversion which God alone made possible.” The book is his effort to share that gift with others, especially his children. Readers, no matter their own faith commitment or lack of it, will understand more fully how faith can shape life in generative and generous ways. — Bill Tammeus, journalist, whose books include Love, Loss and Endurance: A 9/11 Story of Resilience and Hope in an Age of Anxiety.

“Reading the Collection of Articles, Prayers, and Experiences from the great father-Catechist Francis Etheredge has given me a lot of Joy. The title A father-Catechist shows the author’s interest in a renewal of catechesis in the Church. In my priestly ministry, I have accompanied the members of the Neocatechumenal Way. I am thrilled by their love for the Church, catechesis and the vie for a solid Christian formation. Francis Etheredge, through this book, gives us drops of wisdom from what he has learned and lived in the Church. In it, he challenges every Christian to make an in-depth return to the beautiful deposit of our catholic faith since Jesus Christ. Like a father, Francis takes up the vocation of helping us discover the truth in our faith. The first paragraph that struck me was this: My parents found it very difficult to pray with us and, in the end, abandoned it; however, they still prayed for their seven children and, I am certain, returning to the Catholic Faith at forty was a direct result of their prayers and the prayers of many other people. (Chapter two) In my case, my parents and godparents always invited us to pray and be very active in Church. Reading through this book, I understand the vocation of the parent as a teacher of the catholic faith. I recommend this book to all who want to understand, live and teach the catholic faithfully. I endorse this book as a vademecum for all.” Very Reverend Father Jude Thaddeus Langeh, cmf, Major Superior of Claretian Missionaries in Cameroon [to download the letter with the seal, click here]

“When I read Francis’s book I thought of a painting by Caravaggio. It is ‘The Calling of St. Matthew.’ It celebrates the moment Jesus calls Matthew to follow him. We see the surprise in Matthew’s face as if to say ‘who me?’ Francis has the call to be a father and pray for different situations in our world. In reading, I feel again the call of God to engage in helping heal the hurts of our world. ‘Who me?’… ‘Yes.'” John O’Brien, ofm, author of The Crucible of Doubt

“A wonderful, highly original work, not only for fathers, but also for all those looking for new ways to evangelize!” Dr. Ronda Chervin, Emerita Professor of Philosophy, Catholic writer, speaker and media presenter.  


Mr. Francis Etheredge is married with eight children, plus three in heaven.

Francis is currently a freelance writer and speaker and his “Posts” on LinkedIn can be viewed here. Poetry; short articles; autobiographical blog; excerpts from books; and “Philosophize: A Ten Minute Write.”

For a list of all of Francis’ books published by En Route Books and Media, click here.

See Francis’ other books, too, entitled Scripture: A Unique WordFrom Truth and truth: Volume I-Faithful ReasonFrom Truth and truth: Volume II: Faith and Reason in DialogueFrom Truth and truth: Volume III: Faith is Married Reason.

He has earned a BA Div (Hons), MA in Catholic Theology, PGC in Biblical Studies, PGC in Higher Education, and an MA in Marriage and Family (Distinction).

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