We climbed to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, the world’s highest free standing mountain (19,341 ft) … for the least of the least. With Bishop Coffey (Military Archdioces), Dolores Meehan (Walk for Life West Coast), Bernadette Costello (LIFE Runners), representing our 16,500 teammates around the world, All In Christ for Pro-Life! See our ministry mission schedule at liferunners.org/africa.
LIFE Runners Daily Devotions
Edited by Dr. Patrick Castle and Bernadette Costello
All In Christ for Pro-Life! The LIFE Runners apostolate began by sharing these prayer-filled, challenging, one-minute devotions to help end abortion through holy teamwork. May this daily devotional inspire you to put your Pro-Life faith into action!
Following an encounter with Saint Padre Pio near the finish of the 2006 Pikes Peak mountain race, Dr. Patrick Castle was inspired to lead an Unbound book study about how evil works in the modern world. The original group of twelve faithful LIFE Runners identified abortion as the crown jewel of satan. They put their Pro-Life faith into action by writing these devotions, praying for mothers at abortion facilities, and visiting the elderly at nursing homes.
Now, thousands of LIFE Runners, newborns to elderly, in thousands of cities around the world, defend life from conception to eternity. Running is optional, and faith is required. LIFE Runners wear the REMEMBER The Unborn message as a public witness on shirts, jackets, hats, wristbands, and more. Their bold blue witness gear impacts hearts and minds for saving lives. LIFE Runners gather for an annual fall race retreat, the summer A-Cross America Relay, and many local chapter huddles. Join the team and order your witness gear at liferunners.org.
Thanks be to God for growing the LIFE Runners apostolate to help end abortion soonest. Special thanks to the 108 authors for sharing these devotions, En Route for publishing, plus Larry and Diane Cochran for sponsoring this holy project. Thanks to all LIFE Runners who are living out Christ’s call to share the gospel of life abundantly. Heaven is a team effort; forward in faith we go.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us persevere in running this race set before us with our eyes fixed on Jesus. ~ Heb 12:1-2
GOD first, LIFE always, TEAM forever!
Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99
Excerpts from Devotions
“When magnified, our first cell at conception, looks like a communion host, the Body of Christ. The cell’s surrounding corona radiata is like a monstrance.” ~ Dr. Patrick Castle (Jan 23)
“If we do not crucify our flesh with its passions and desires, our carnal desires will crucify our minds.” ~ Dr. Rich Reich (Jul 28)
“When we are daunted by the size of the task and keenly aware of our limitations, we are called to take risks with the tools that God has given us.” ~ Jeanne Mancini (Jan 10)
“Let us consider then how we may spur one another towards love and life. Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.” ~ Paul Westendorf (Mar 6)
“We must intensify our prayers and fasting for a new birth of freedom so that life and liberty is granted for all, born and unborn.” ~ Bishop Robert Gruss (Mar 28)
“This is a great tool for those who seek to become more devout in their faith. I am one of the 108 authors. With a Bible quote, reflection, and a challenge for the day, this devotional will help you be more firmly committed to the culture of life.” – Bishop Thomas John Paprocki, Diocese of Springfield in Illinois
“Spend a minute daily with devotions from LIFE Runners around the world. I am one of the authors, along with moms and dads, athletes and walkers, clergy and laity, students and teachers, people from all walks of life who share a passion for defending the unborn.” – Bishop Joseph Coffey, Archdiocese for the Military Services
Dr. Pat Castle is the founder of LIFE Runners, the world’s largest Pro-Life team with over 20,500 teammates who wear “REMEMBER The Unborn” jerseys as a public witness in 3,367 cities. Pat is an inspiring and unifying force for Pro-Life through faith, activism, and education. He received the Springtime Foundation Christian Unity Award and was part of the movie Unplanned. Pat encountered St. Padre Pio while racing the Pikes Peak Ascent and carried a “REMEMBER The Unborn” flag to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro. He cofounded the annual Law of Life Summit and the annual A-Cross America Relay, the largest spanning Pro-Life event. Pat served as a pregnancy help center chairman and teaches outreach at abortion facilities. He completed the Notre Dame Vita Institute and is a fourth degree Knight. Pat directed youth retreats and RCIA. He grew up in Sioux Falls and graduated from the Air Force Academy. Pat earned a PhD in nano-analytical chemistry from the University of Illinois and is a board member at the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology. He did ten military assignments, including the Weapons of Mass Destruction defense officer at the base closest to Osama bin Laden on Sep 11th. While an Air Force Academy chemistry professor, Pat developed the ethics curriculum and coached the marathon team. He raced 24 marathons, highlighted by Marine Corps (2:53), Boston (2:59), Pikes Peak (17th), Great Wall (2nd). Pat teaches for the Encounter School of Ministry. He has raised over $5 million to help end abortion. Pat speaks across America – video. Get his team Daily Devotions book to be All In Christ for Pro-Life!
Bernadette Costello (2020): operations director. “My mom conceived 22 children (6 miscarriages). After delivering her fifth child, the doctor attempted to do a hysterectomy without her permission. My mom awoke and stopped the doctor. Praise God for her heroic stand, as I was her 12th child born. Because of my moms example, I know that the fight to end abortion is the preeminent issue of all time.” Bernadette serves as a parish Respect Life coordinator, and started an Embrace Grace support group for women who have unplanned pregnancies. Bernadette does sidewalk outreach, praying and offering help to women at Carhart’s abortion facility. Bernadette and her children serve meals at the Sienna Francis Homeless shelter. She is on the executive team for Ablaze, a praise and worship ministry. She is also a faculty member at the Omaha Campus Encounter School of Ministry. “It is a privilege and blessing to serve God with LIFE Runners. All In Christ for Pro-Life!”
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