Special thanks to Tamara Colver Dixon for designing the cover.

Revelationship Devotional & Study Guide

by Cathy Garland and Dr. Randy Colver

Embark on a transformative journey of intimacy with Christ through Revelationship, a daily devotional designed to deepen your faith and awaken your spirit to the God who relentlessly pursues you. This 250+ page devotional features inspirational photography, scripture, personal stories, journaling and prayer prompts, mindfulness exercises, poetry, group discussion questions, and QR codes linking to immersive praise and worship experiences.

Each chapter invites you to encounter God’s divine presence, offering guidance toward healing, revival, and renewal. Rooted in themes of prayer, praise, and worship, this charismatic devotional infuses hope, deliverance, and grace into your daily walk with Jesus.

Centered on the transformational power of the Holy Spirit dwelling with us, Revelationship leads you into moments of stillness, scripture, and prayer, guiding you toward spiritual growth, supernatural encounters, and the blessings of true intimacy with God. Whether you long for inner peace, renewed faith, or the fire of revival, this devotional equips you for Christian living that thrives.

Begin your journey today with Revelationship and discover the blessings of walking closely with Christ.

Paperback: $45 | Kindle $9.99


“This book is a profound challenge to the Body of Christ to wake up to God’s passion for a deeper relationship with us. I particularly loved the chapter “The God Who Wrestles With Us.” You can always tell when someone has wrestled with God because—like Jacob—they walk differently. The personal stories of Randy and Cathy create a desire in the reader to experience a deeper relationship with God in a fresh transforming experience. This is a must-read!” – Frank Seamster, Evangelist, https://seamster.org/

“I’ve known Dr. Randy Colver for over forty years. His life as a husband, a father, a man of God, and a friend is the purest reflection of one who is a mature apprentice (disciple) of Jesus. His daughter Cathy is equally devoted to Christ. They both share an “epignosis” relationship with Jesus. Epignosis simply means an authentic, fully experiential, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. Every page of this book will draw you into a transformative encounter with the Lord. “Revelationship” is a precursor of revival where the Word marries the Spirit.” – Elder Yul Crawford, Atlanta Metropolitan Cathedral

“The concept of this book is absolutely ingenious and so necessary. What a gift this resource will be to the body of Christ!” – Larry Sparks, MDiv., Publisher, Destiny Image, Author, Pentecostal Fire, LarrySparksMinistries.com

“The writers have poured you a glass of hope, for you hold an insightful and valuable book in your hand. Randy and Cathy offer you an open door through which you are welcome to come in and drink deeply of the Lord’s presence. There you will be surprised, enlarged, and instructed by God on what the love and fear of God really means, which is to know him through his word and the revelation of his presence.” – Nita G Berquist, Bible Teacher and Author, Kent, Washington

“Dr. Colver and his daughter, Cathy, take you into a deeper understanding of the nature of God and his pursuit of us. They create a ladder of experiences through each chapter based on their personal encounters with God that will stimulate a greater hunger to know Him and pursue Him. It is truly transformational and the questions, devotional readings, and time of reflection and prayer in the companion devotional guide drive home a deeper, applicable experience in your own journey in Christ. I highly recommend any book whose authors know God and provoke me to grow. This clearly is one of those books.” – Dr. Jay Zinn, Founder and Author, DiscipleshipGroup.com

“Revelationship is more than a book. It is a God-encounter…the Bible verse, “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalms 35: 8), becomes alive and tangible. Revelationship is a tool in the hands of Jesus for Christians to know Him and be known by Him. This is an experience I won’t soon forget, leaving me longing for the next chapter and more of Him.” – Sharon Mullins, Pastor of Coweta Community Church, cccnewnan.org

“A powerful message that speaks to every Christian of how the transformative activity of God in our lives draws us ever closer to him.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Founder and President, WCAT Radio

“If you are pursuing to create or deepen a personal relationship with God, then read this book. Why? The authors cite example after example of biblical passages which specifically highlight why God desires to reveal Himself on a personal and intimate level. Each chapter is filled with not only insights from Scripture, but also personal experiences from their own lives of how revelationship transformed and deepened their understanding of God’s love and goodness. So, if you’re looking for practical and thoughtful insights having a revelationship with God, then you will not be disappointed.” – Dr. Alan Cureton, Former President of Northeastern University – St. Paul


Cathy Colver Garland, oldest daughter of Dr. Randy Colver, writes Gracefull Musings, a blog providing women a moment of rest and challenge before those little fingers appear under the bathroom door. A former Vice-President of a software company, she currently consults with institutions and companies on marketing, sales, and strategy. She also mentors women in professional, spiritual, and personal development. Saved and living an “absolutely surrendered” life, her passion is to teach people to hear God’s voice and obey, surrender their lives absolutely, and walk in freedom. She is married to Mickey and has two children in elementary school.


Connect with Cathy on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cathy.garland
Connect with Cathy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gracefullgarlands/

Ordained in 1982, Dr. Randy Colver is a seasoned Bible teacher who has written numerous Bible workbooks for class instruction and online studies. Dr. Colver received his ThD from Logos University and is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society. Dr. Colver serves as an elder and teacher at the Coweta Community Church. Dr. Colver and his wife, Kim, have been married for over forty years. They have six children and fifteen grandchildren, including co-author Cathy Colver Garland. Dr. Colver believes, “My greatest blessing is to know that all my children are serving God.”


Connect with Randy on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/randy.colver

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