Mary, Star of the New Evangelization

by James Likoudis, edited by Andrew Likoudis

This anthology of Dr. James Likoudis’s essays in Mariology, entitled Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, offers readers a comprehensive look into the teachings and beliefs of the Catholic Church on one of Her most profound and rich fields of study. Within these pages, Dr. Likoudis establishes a strong foundation for an eventual 5th Marian Dogma, focusing on Mary’s roles as Mediatrix, Co-redemptrix, and Advocate, with an eye toward our separated Eastern brethren, and their understanding of the Mother of God. It is our hope that the conversation around this potential dogma, long delayed due to polemics, can, with the aid offered here, be significantly furthered, and that this aid will also resolve difficulties standing in the way of a long-awaited full reconciliation between East and West.

Paperback: $29.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“In Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, James Likoudis covers many important themes such as Mary’s knowledge of her Son’s divinity, her role in the work of redemption, and her relation to the Church’s evangelizing mission. The main contribution of this volume, however, is its serious engagement with Eastern Orthodox Mariology on topics such as the Immaculate Conception, Mary’s predestination, and her mediation of grace. This book is especially valuable for its exposition of the Mariology of Gregory Palamas (1296–1359) and its examination of the significance of Our Lady of Fatima for the conversion of Russia.” – Robert Fastiggi, PhD, Former President, Mariological Society of America; Member, Theological Commission of the International Marian Association; Corresponding Member, Pontifical Marian Academy

“The special contribution of Mary, Star of the New Evangelization is the insight James Likoudis shares in recognizing that the Blessed Virgin Mary is key to evangelization in the post-modern, secular world. With personal experience as a Greek Orthodox convert to Hellenic Greek Catholicism, as well as years of teaching, Likoudis analyzes Patristic, Magisterial, and Eastern liturgical texts to overcome contemporary confusions about Mary. His book illustrates how “the Church must breathe with both her lungs” (Ut Unum Sint, §54) in sharing our Blessed Mother with a world that does not know her as it should.” – Gloria Falcão Dodd, SThD, Research Professor, International Marian Research Institute, University of Dayton, and President of the Mariological Society of America

“As people are abandoning their Catholic faith for other denominations or no religion at all, Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, presents inspiring light for those who desire to deepen their relationship with God and for those looking for greater hope in the future of the Church. Our Blessed Mother Mary appeared to God’s people in various cultures in times of distress, of great need, in war, and in persecution. She appears from heaven to aid us in our zeal for love of God and serving His people in evangelization that springs forth as an overflow from our relationship with Him. Like a lighthouse with its rays radiating in the darkness, Mary is the guiding light that directs and points us to her son Jesus Christ. Mary, Mother of Hope, comes to console us when we turn to her, and she becomes the Cause of our Joy.” – Angelus Virata, MA, Director of Evangelization, Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary—America’s First Cathedral

“The many Marian contributions of James Likoudis found within MaryStar of the New Evangelization, edited by his grandson, Andrew Likoudis, may elicit the question: Another book on Our Lady? Yes, happily another book on Our Lady! How fitting that the ever ancient, ever new truths about the Mother of God be considered time and time again. This volume presents a host of Marian topics—for example, the Ever-Virgin’s role in contemporary evangelization, the Immaculate Conception, the Mariology of Gregory Palamas, Mary’s understanding of the Sacred Divinity of her Son (in the words of the esteemed Mariologist, the Reverend Dominic J. Unger, OFM Cap., “not only in His infancy, but at the Annunciation”) and Our Lady of Fatima and the Church’s unity—that will both inform and inspire. A special feature of this book is the discussion of how Mary is viewed by Christian believers in the West and in the East. And MaryStar of the New Evangelization provides a service to readers by offering the text of Chapter Eight of the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium (November 21, 1964) as well as that of the Apostolic Exhortation Marialis Cultus (February 2, 1974) from Pope Saint Paul VI. There is much about Our Blessed Lady herein that deserves our careful attention.” – Monsignor Charles M. Mangan, JCL, Associate Professor of Theology, Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary, Emmittsburg, Maryland

“The lifetime writings of Mr. James Likoudis constitute a living witness to the fact that an authentic Catholic can at once be entirely Marian, and also entirely ecumenical. Of like witness to the complementary goals of defending the “whole truth about Mary,” and the imperative for Christian Unity as profoundly embodied by Pope St. John Paul the Great, James Likoudis also comprises a contemporary theological and catechetical voice for full Mariological truth, not as an obstacle, but rather as a means to authentic ecumenical unity.” – Mark Miravalle, St. John Paul II Chair of Mariology, Franciscan University of Steubenville; Constance Shifflin-Blum Chair of Mariology, Ave Maria University; President, International Marian Association (From the Foreword)


A convert from Greek Orthodoxy, James Likoudis is an internationally known apologist, one who has dedicated his life to reconciling his Eastern Orthodox brethren with the Catholic Church Jesus Christ founded. He excels in analyzing the key issues that separate Catholics and Orthodox, including regarding papal and conciliar history, and he cherishes all we hold in common in Christ.

Likoudis served for more than twenty-five years at the lay apostolate Catholics United for the Faith (CUF), including as president. His other books include The Pope, The Council, and The Mass; The Divine Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and Modern Eastern Orthodoxy: Letters to a Greek Orthodox on the Unity of the Church; Eastern Orthodoxy and the See of Peter: A Journey Towards Full Communion; Ending the Byzantine Greek Schism; and Heralds of a Catholic Russia: Twelve Spiritual Pilgrims from Byzantium to Rome. He has written and lectured widely on ecumenism, religious education, liturgy, sex education, family life, and the role of the laity in the Church. He is also a former college instructor in history and government, with over twenty years of teaching experience. Likoudis received an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit (2020). He and his late wife Ruth have six children, thirty-five grandchildren, and forty-five great-grandchildren.


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