Assertions and Refutations VI: The Poupard “Solution” of the Galileo Case, or As a True Elect, the Holy Father will Never be Deceived, nor will he ever be a Deceiver–An Historical Analysis

by Frits Albers, edited by Frank Calneggia

Those who have followed the ‘Galileo Case’ would recall that in July 1981 Pope John Paul II set up a Commission to investigate the case anew and to recognize wrongs from whichever side they came. He had hoped to resolve the long-standing controversies that have surrounded Galileo from the time of his condemnation in 1632. The concluding phase of the Commission’s work was placed by John Paul II under the direction of Cardinal Paul Poupard. The Cardinal presented his report of the Commission’s work and its conclusions; or, as the title of Frits Alber’s book indicates, his “Solution” of the Galileo Case to John Paul II in 1992.  It is effectively Cardinal Poupard’s report that became John Paul’s address of October 31, 1992, to the Papal Academy of Science “Faith Can Never Conflict With Reason”.

One recalls news items, in both secular and Catholic media, with headlines such as “Church Admits it Was Wrong”, “Galileo Exonerated” immediately following the Papal Address.

This book, which the author wrote shortly after the Papal Address was printed in the Osservatore Romano of November 4, 1992, is most perceptive. It analyses the papal text in detail and sharply separates wheat from chaff. It is well worth reading for those with a particular interest in the ‘Galileo Case’ and with a general interest in the relationship between Faith and science. Its conclusions will shock some, console others and should enlighten all.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99





Frits Albers Ph. B (1921-2000) was born in Holland and studied under the Jesuits at Nijmegen during the 1940s.  He emigrated to Australia in 1951, and travelled extensively within the south-east region of the ‘lucky country’.  He joined the Department of Education in Victoria and worked as a high school teacher who specialised in mathematics, French and English.

In the early post Vatican II period he realised that the strange interpretations of the recently concluded Council that were being forced upon Catholics were under pinned by the same philosophy he had been taught in the 1940’s by the Jesuits at Nijmegen in the name of St Thomas Aquinas, but which in reality was the systematic Modernism of Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, S.J. Thus, in the early 1970’s he began writing articles and books to expose the philosophical root of these errors and aberrations of Teilhard De Chardin, and to defend Catholic Faith, clear thinking, and right philosophy.



The editor is a retired electrical engineer who worked for most of his professional career in the specialist area of power generation. In a sabbatical year, he completed post graduate research in the History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Melbourne. He has long loved the philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas.


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