Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas

by Dr. Donald G. Boland

The primary aim in this book is to contrast the notions of logic in Aristotelian terms, including its use in Metaphysics, with the peculiar sense which it has taken in modern times, tied to a materialist and anti-metaphysical notion of science, not extending beyond the mathematico-empirical consideration of things. In pursuing this aim, Dr. Boland divides this book into two parts, outlining first Aristotle’s treatment and then the modern, with which we can associate what is called the “New Logic” and “New Mathematics”, coming into the forefront of modern thinking in the late nineteenth century.

Paperback: $24.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“The first part of this book is an excellent exposition and explanation of the foundations of the metaphysical logic of Aristotle by way of the Commentaries of St Thomas Aquinas on Aristotle’s books devoted to Logic and on the De Trinitate of Boethius. This exposition and analysis, long over-due in modern day academia (including Catholic academia) is a most necessary foundation for the right study of Philosophy and for one’s personal growth in the science and art of right reasoning. The right foundation, having been solidly established, leads naturally into the topic of modern logics which occupies the second part of the book. The errors and pitfalls of modern logics (especially the mathematical logic of modern science), and their strictly limited sphere of rightful application, are exposed and discussed with great wisdom. The ethical nightmares and great evils that flow from the modern over-reach of this naturally truncated logic are made obvious for all to see. Dr Boland has taught Logic at university level for the better part of fifty years. This book might be called a condensation of his vast knowledge of the topic he deals with so clearly and astutely. He removes much of the difficulty of this subject by his frequent use of easy-to-understand practical examples. I would go so far as to say that it is the best book on logic that I have read. I wholeheartedly recommend it to teachers and students of philosophy, ethics, theology, science, and politics alike.”   – Frank Calneggia, author of Assertions and Refutations: An Assessment of Dr. Tracey Rowland’s Natural Law: From Neo Thomism to Nuptial Mysticism


Donald G Boland Ll. B. Ph. D. is a founding member of the Centre for Catholic Studies Inc. in Sydney Australia and is one of its former Presidents. He practiced for a number of years as a lawyer having a degree in law from the University of Sydney. Over much the same time, having obtained a doctorate in philosophy from the University of St. Thomas in Rome, he has taught philosophy and law in both Catholic and secular educational institutions, such as the University of Technology, Sydney, the University of Newcastle, the Aquinas Academy, the Centre for Thomistic Studies Inc., now operating under the name of the Centre for Catholic Studies Inc., and various Catholic seminaries, such as those of the Marists and the Vincentians. His doctoral thesis was on the concepts of utility and value in economics as found in the works of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas.


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