Altar Against Altar: An Analysis of Catholic Traditionalism
By Andrew Mioni
Hardback: $29.95 | Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99
Likoudis, Andrew. (July 3, 2024). “Altar Against Altar: Wrestling with rifts in the Catholic Church.” On wherepeteris.com. To read, click here.
“Catholic traditionalism is not Catholicism but an ideological cult, the reactionary mirror-image of Catholic progressivism, also anti-Catholic. If you tend to agree with this but would like rigorous and principled arguments that prove its truth, Mioni’s book is for you.” – Thaddeus Kozinski, author of Words, Concepts, Reality: Aristotelian Logic for Teenagers
“Andrew Mioni’s book Altar Against Altar is a breath of fresh air amidst a sea of confusion. It exhibits a Chestertonian ‘radical orthodoxy’ or ‘radical center’ point of view, which is essentially the same as the “mind of the Church.” Mioni dispassionately, eloquently, and charitably refutes the underlying false and dangerous presuppositions entailed in the excessive and extreme factions of the traditionalist movement. Not all traditionalism is bad, by a long shot (we must always note). The crucial and necessary distinctions are made in this volume. Particularly helpful are Mioni’s insights regarding Vatican II and the Pauline (‘New’) Mass. He shows that they are not — like money — the roots of all kinds of evil, and that historical causation is far more complex than the logical fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc (‘after this, therefore because of this’). It would seem to be a simple enough thing to understand, yet hundreds of thousands have been led astray in this regard. Mioni backs up his analysis with copious documentation from Church documents, as well as writings from the SSPX and others of like mind. He makes a solid case that will stand up to scrutiny. Altar Against Altar is an exceptional, Spirit-led treasure trove of edifying and educational orthodox Catholic wisdom. I believe that it will lead many out of these serious and soul-harming errors. I’m happy to give it my highest and most enthusiastic recommendation.” – Dave Armstrong, Catholic apologist and author
“Mioni’s book fills a critical void in Catholic theology today, by providing a scholarly and balanced repudiation of a movement that is dividing the Catholic Church and stealing souls from the one fold of Christ: namely, a pseudo-Catholic theology that masquerades as fidelity to tradition while actually substituting private judgment, division, and insularity for authentic Catholicity. This important work will prove to be a valuable resource for both pastors and laity alike, as they grapple with the challenges wrought by traditionalism within their parishes, families, and the broader Church.” – Fr. Eric Gilbaugh, Priest of the Diocese of Helena
“Intelligent, insightful, and refreshingly charitable, Altar Against Altar is the book I needed but which sadly did not exist when I became a pastor in 2020. Frequently, many of the beloved sheep in my flock would express confusion about the numerous “Catholic denominations” that seem to abound. Which variety of Catholic should I be? This was a common point of anxiety and confusion. Andrew Mioni asks all the right questions in a way that cuts through the fog, avoids the red herrings, and brings new hope for anyone who wants to be a faithful and joyful Catholic in our fallen world. His book resoundingly answers several critical questions: When ‘traditional Catholics’ tell me that I must boycott the Novus Ordo Mass to be a good and faithful Catholic, is it true? What does authentic communion with our Holy Father and my local bishop look like? What is at the heart of the Church’s authority and what does it mean to live obediently under that authority? If you desire to fearlessly live out Christ’s call to be “salt and light” without rejecting the beauty of the Second Vatican Council and without breaking off communion with the Church, this book is for you. I will most certainly be recommending this book to all my brother priests as well as to anyone that wants to understand how to approach ‘Catholic Traditionalism’ in a healthy and informed way.” – Fr Justin Hamilton, Priest of the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas
“Andrew Mioni has provided the faithful with an impressive response to dissenters who undermine Christ’s church under the guise of tradition. He tackles a wide range of topics, from disputes over authority to liturgical controversies, with a masterful command of the magisterium. I highly recommend all who wish to acquire the mind of the church on controversies raging in the church today to read Altar Against Altar.” – Michael Lofton, Host & Founder, Reason & Theology; Professor, Catholic Polytechnic University
“Andrew Mioni addresses the principles of Traditionalism with erudition and eloquence, and without becoming mired in the talking points of the traditionalists which obscure the fundamental issues. The phenomenon of Traditionalism has assumed an influence within wider Catholicism that I could not have foreseen as a priest of the Society of St Pius X 30 years ago. Altar Against Altar: An Analysis of Catholic Traditionalism is a timely and welcome answer to the pernicious movement against the Second Vatican Council. I wish it a wide audience, and trust it will assist those who struggle to accept the Council and the pontificate of Francis.” — Gary Campbell, former SSPX priest
“Mioni’s work is an indispensable guide for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of the crisis in the Catholic Church, especially as it pertains to the rise of traditionalism and the challenges posed by the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX). The author navigates through the tumultuous waters of the Church’s recent history with a keen analytical eye—as well as a remarkable breadth and depth of vision—addressing the contentious issues that arose after the Second Vatican Council. Issues caused by misinterpretation, uneven implementation, and subsequent resistance to the Council in some quarters. This is due to a faulty and ahistorical theological paradigm. Mioni’s analysis of these issues is both thorough and empathetic, acknowledging the pain and confusion experienced by many in the Church, while also critiquing the self-enclosed circle mentality that often characterizes traditionalist enclaves—and he does this from a place of experience within these circles himself. In an ecclesial atmosphere where many conservatives hesitate to critique traditionalism due to a “no enemies to the right” policy, Andrew Mioni’s book Altar Against Altar emerges as a bold and constructive contribution. It is essential reading for scholars, clergy, and laypeople who are wrestling with these issues, and offers a way forward that respects the Church’s heritage while also welcoming its future.” — Andrew Likoudis, Editor, Faith in Crisis: Critical Dialogues in Catholic Traditionalism, Church Authority, and Reform; Associate Member, The Society for Catholic Liturgy
“Altar Against Altar is an important new book on the topic of ‘Catholic traditionalism.’ It is new in the sense that it is recent, but it is also new in the sense that it offers a perspective not yet considered, although sorely needed. This perspective entails the bracketing of all canonical specificities (debated ad nauseam and often to no avail), followed by the turning to a historical perspective, common sense, and basic principles of the Catholic faith. Instead of arguing whether this or that conciliar, liturgical, or magisterial text is the root of our woes, it asks us to consider the progressively dire trends of modernity alongside the progressively alarmed warnings of 19th and 20th century popes and theologians. Instead of arguing whether the Church canonically provides supplied jurisdiction to vagus clergy and/or priestly communities, it asks what it would mean if the Church did. Instead of arguing that there cannot be a state of necessity in the Church, it asks what it would mean if there was. Altar Against Altar is an important book because it brings—for the first time—a dose of common sense and a palpably Catholic spirit to an overly fraught question. It is a must-read in the midst of the polemics fueled by Denzinger-thumping armchair theologians taking place in Catholic circles on the internet.” — Dom Dalmasso, Host, The Logos Project; Editor-in-Chief, The Ecclesia Blog; M.A. Student in Dogmatic Theology, Holy Apostles College and Seminary.
“With truth and wisdom and charity, Andrew Mioni ventures into the heart of one of the great problems facing the Church today. His personal experience and detailed analysis of the various points of the traditionalist movement are simply and clearly synthesized in Altar Against Altar. This book is a powerful apologetic tool for those who are in traditionalist spheres, have exited from them and are trying to reorient themselves, or who have friends and relatives still under their sway; at the same time, Altar Against Altar provides a beautiful defense of the Catholic Church and of our need to maintain our trust in Her and remain fully united to Her and Her lawful shepherds. Andrew’s work is also a humble and implicit reminder to all of us of how it is the Church’s mission to save us; it’s not our mission to save the Church. God promises that His Church will not fail (cfr. Mt 16:18) and He will not go back on His promise.” — Fr. Terrance J.M. Chartier, S.T.B., FI (Franciscans of the Immaculate), host at Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center, Bloomington, IN
“Andrew Mioni’s Altar Against Altar is a clear, concise, and confident response to the Traditionalist challenge to the Church. A devastating critique, it reveals that the sources of this ideological movement’s internal rot are, in a strange plot twist, the same sources underlying the errors of liberalism and modernism! Andrew and I both grew up in the movement (although we never met), and from our separate personal studies of the Tradition we both came to understand a stunningly ironic fact: Traditionalism is not Traditional! His copious quotes from the Magisterium of the Church demonstrating this reality are unanswerable and irrefutable. I believe Altar Against Altar is a landmark contribution to this debate, and its value stems not only from the errors it refutes, but even more from the beauty of the Church’s life and truth it reveals by clearing them away.” — Mr. Andrew Bartel, OP; Author, “Why I Left the Society of St. Pius X: An Open Letter to Fr. Gołaski”
“An honest and compelling examination of Traditionalist claims, Altar Against Altar actually is what other books only claim to be: scholarly, easily-digestible, thought-provoking and 100% Catholic. Andrew knows his subject matter from the inside out. He charitably challenges the multiplicity of excuses that dissenting traditionalists use, and simultaneously reminds us of the beauty and wisdom inherent in the Church’s structure as Christ established it. This book will long be an excellent aid for those seeking clarity for their own sake, as well as for productive dialogue with radical traditionalism. I can’t recommend it too highly!” — Laura Vander Vos, Host, Misshappycatholic; creator and co-founder, TradRecovery.com
“Radical Traditionalists are rebelling against Holy Mother Church while confusing many in the process. This book does a superb job of pulling apart their claims and objections, one by one, and answering them. It is timely, well-researched, logically presented, and backed up by a plethora of sources and citations. It is an important resource that offers powerful counter arguments against Traditionalists and is very much needed in the Church today.” – Bryan Mercier, Catholic apologist, speaker, author, and President of Catholic Truth
“Altar against Altar provides an insightful investigation into the internal contradictions of the Traditionalist worldview written in a spirit of pastoral charity with an intention to heal the rift that separates our Catholic brethren.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, co-author with Ronda Chervin of Catholic Realism

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