A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come

by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R.

This collection of poems covers a wide variety of themes: light and darkness, life and death, faith and doubt, courage and fear, time and eternity, true self and false self—to name but a few. It is rooted in the Catholic faith and seeks to address questions that arise along the spiritual journey. It is also rooted in the belief that what is most private in human experience is also the most universal. May these poems touch your heart and help you to draw closer to the One who gave you Life and who keeps you in existence from one moment to the next.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99




Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R., is Professor Emeritus of the history of moral theology and Christian spirituality at the Alphonsian Academy of the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome and currently serves as The Robert F. Leavitt Distinguished Service Chair in Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore. An American Redemptorist of the Baltimore Province, Fr. Billy has advanced degrees from Harvard University, the Pontifical University of St. Thomas (Angelicum), and the Graduate Theological Foundation. The author of numerous books and articles on a variety of religious topics, he is also active in his order’s retreat apostolate and in the ministry of spiritual direction.



A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This collection of poems covers a wide variety of themes: light and darkness, life and death, faith and doubt, courage and fear, time and eternity, true self and false self—to name but a few. It is rooted in the Catholic faith...

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A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

Exult O shores, and ring O bells!But I with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead. - from "O Captain! My Captain!" by Walt WhitmanA Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney This first volume of poems is the poetic expression of the...

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A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney This small collection of poems, A Look at Life, is for individuals, couples, and families who want to ponder life and virtue and how we can cooperate with God's grace to become more virtuous and holy. It can be...

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Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Published on the Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin MaryWomen of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) - When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2Cloud of Witnesses by Joni J. Seith This 25th...

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Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun by Daniel Fitzpatrick Yonder in the Sun serves as a poetic rendering of the soul’s encounter with the world. Through three cycles of verses wrought in a blend of traditional forms, the poems draw the reader into encounters with love and death, the...

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Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days by Rachel Heise The author endeavors in this book of poetry to demonstrate an alertness to the divine glorious moments in time that often pass by underappreciated. She encourages all readers to be on the lookout for a trail of lights that leads back...

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Light of Faith: Poems and Plays

Light of Faith: Poems and Plays

“It is so sweet to serve the good God in the dark night of trial; we have this life only in which to live by faith.” - St Thérèse of Lisieux.   “The birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus means that one day everything sad will come untrue.” - J.R.R. Tolkien.Light of...

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Mark on the Line

Mark on the Line

Mark on the Line: ​On the sinking of the Marques, June 3, 1984 by Lawrence Hopperton Mark on the Line is centred on the grief author Larry Hopperton endured – endures – in the aftermath of the devastating 1984 loss of the sailing ship Marques, a vessel whose doomed...

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His Divine Presence

His Divine Presence

His Divine Presence by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. Poetry of praise for the grace that God freely provides at every moment of our lives. Paperback: $9.99 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIALS "A dancer took off her makeup and costume and asked, "What more is there to life?" A woman...

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Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton

Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton

Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton There is one story only. It’s woven out of personal experiences and memories, the worlds that we have actually known and loved. The poems in Such Common Stories connect to our individual stories, so that the experiences they...

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Pavement Prayers

Pavement Prayers

Pavement Prayers Kalia confessed to murder last night amid a hushed silence that lasted only a short while before he went into detailed account of the events that led to it . . . Thus begins one of the prayers in this book. This is a book of prayers that tell a story....

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Help Dante Help Italy

Help Dante Help Italy

Help Dante Help Italy A new translation by Daniel Fitzpatrick accompanied by the new sculptures of Timothy Schmalz Donate today!Canto 100 Revealed!The Inferno is now available in Paperback and Kindle! Click a link below to order your copy today! And, as you're...

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A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

– from “O Captain! My Captain!”
by Walt Whitman

A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial

by Daniel Mahoney

This first volume of poems is the poetic expression of the first stage of grief – denial. Wrestling with the reality that a dear friend is dead, a peculiar beginning amidst the sorrow is found. This first book begins a life of poetry, the expression of grief, and the pondering of beautiful things.

Hardcover with dust jacket: $15.95 | Hardcover Case Laminate with a special journaling section: $14.95 | Kindle: $5.99



Elisabeth Kübler-Ross described five stages of grief as follows:

1) Denial – an unwillingness to accept a loss and a rejection of the reality that loss brings

2) Anger – frustration at a situation one perceives is out of his or her control

3) Bargaining – negotiating with God or with whatever might pass for a higher being whom one perceives has control

4) Depression – sadness or despair at one’s situation of loss

5) Acceptance – acknowledgment of the reality of the loss

In this series of books, poet Daniel Mahoney has accomplished something profound, a laying out in verse of, as Alexander Pope described of wit, ‘what oft was thought but ne’er so well expressed.’ His healing process is also ours as his poetry teaches us that all five of these stages contribute to our healing.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of Catholic Realism

“Daniel Mahoney, in this impressive first collection of five volumes on grief, is the right poet to tackle the subject “Denial,” because he has a searingly honest voice, which is the only kind that could do justice to a phase of grief that few can authentically confront in memory, let alone art. I am asked to write endorsements of poetry collections frequently…and I must say, there is unique brilliance in this volume not often seen. It is perhaps not unrelated to this fact that Daniel has discovered and shared in his poem ‘The Greatest Paradox’ that Christ is both poem and poet. Many pearls in Daniel’s work have a music as strong as Gerard Manley Hopkins, an ache as stunning as Yeats.” – Annabelle Moseley, Award-winning Poet and Author of Sacred Braille, Our House of the Sacred Heartand Awake with ChristWriter-in-Residence, Walt Whitman Birthplace 2009-2010

“In Daniel Mahoney’s A Dear Friend: Volume I: Denial (pp. 39) there is the beginning of an analysis of grief, particularly the loss of a father as a son is beginning to emerge into who he is, like a chrysalis turning butterfly and discovering a certain unintelligibility as the parent is no longer there. But, at the same time, there is a kind of falling out into poetry, of writing it and therefore of being a poet, as if being a poet has emerged out of the author’s grief like Eve from the side of Adam (cf. p. 10): ‘Poetry could listen to me, and I could find solace’ (p. Iv) – as if this could not have happened with the same drama if loss had not “broken” the secret on who the son discovered himself to be. While, in one sense, the poetry is clear, in another sense it is like looking at a shape falling in the water and which leaves us wondering how many are the ways we remember or experience the passing of another. And through it all there is the relationship to Christ – as if He only becomes clear as his father goes; and, in a line reminiscent of reflections on Mary’s humility, the poet says: ‘I will be among the little and the small’ (p. 29), alone, because ‘no one wants to be little, no, not anymore’ (p. 29). So, join the poet’s pursuit but be willing to be pursued by your vocation!” – Francis Etheredge, author of The Prayerful Kiss and Honest Rust and Gold
“Under an anagram of his name, Mahoney’s Denialshows you how prosody can erase the wrinkles of grief; the rhyme and rhythm of dactyls and trochees transforming emotions into the music of the garden; of leaf and flower. Of Love. And peace. Shadowing Milton’s beatification of grief in that poetic masterpiece, Lycidas. “Hence with denial vain and coy excuse! So may some gentle muse with lucky words favour my destin’d urn. And as he passes, turn. And bid fair peace to my sable shroud.” But Mahoney looks beyond that transformation of grief to “Something different, something more. What lies behind another door.” He sees in his new discovered prosody a paradox, the “Word made flesh. Loving men who brought him death… Christ the paradox…The poem and the poet.” He thus guides grief to even more sacred shores, beyond Milton’s “Pilot of the Galilean lake.” And for you and for me, the reader on the last page, the last feeling set to meter, we wonder if we too can envision that peace of mind and soul if we can break down the prose of pain, wrath, resentment and the many pages of our earthly purgatory into that heaven called poetry.” – Ivan Arthur, author of Pavement Prayers
“Daniel Mahoney’s poetry captures in a memory the hollow feelings we may not have acknowledged as grief; the refusing to believe that the lost isn’t just in another room, or across the state, on vacation; putting into words, too, the hollow fears of other griefs we don’t recognize: fear, knowledge, failure, spiritual battle, dreams, and the longing for heaven, all becoming something of a vessel in which to place our pain, like the jars of water at Cana – they will be turned from pain into beauty, just as the author has turned his pain into poetry.” – Grace Bourget, author of Light of Faith: Poems and Plays
“To the poet, such as Daniel Mahoney, is given the special task of sharing truths that otherwise would be relegated to the darkness of the night. Mahoney writes of the original striving for the wholeness of the primordial garden, with a light-touch and an insightful mind. He stands with eyes wide open to the eternal risk of living and the grace to be found in embracing that reality. His poems are ardent, honest, and sure to find understanding with anyone who has ever loved deeply and suffered well. By intuiting the inherent beauty of paradox with agility of spirit, Mahoney practices poetic reflection in an exemplary manner.” – Rachel Heise, author of Flow Gently Days

“This collection of poetry mines the various dimensions of denial. Its rich imagery and metaphors help us to plumb the depths of denial and see it for what it is: a stage, a momentary step in a larger process.” – from the Foreword by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R., author of His Divine Presence


Daniel Mahoney is a husband, father, and a poet. He writes about beauty in the simplicities of life and gives voice to the experience of grief. Daniel seeks to increase the awareness of grief and calls people to encounter our Lord amidst their sorrows. He is a practicing Catholic in the Diocese of Madison where he lives with his wife and two boys.


A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This collection of poems covers a wide variety of themes: light and darkness, life and death, faith and doubt, courage and fear, time and eternity, true self and false self—to name but a few. It is rooted in the Catholic faith...

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A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

Exult O shores, and ring O bells!But I with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead. - from "O Captain! My Captain!" by Walt WhitmanA Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney This first volume of poems is the poetic expression of the...

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A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney This small collection of poems, A Look at Life, is for individuals, couples, and families who want to ponder life and virtue and how we can cooperate with God's grace to become more virtuous and holy. It can be...

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Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Published on the Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin MaryWomen of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) - When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2Cloud of Witnesses by Joni J. Seith This 25th...

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Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun by Daniel Fitzpatrick Yonder in the Sun serves as a poetic rendering of the soul’s encounter with the world. Through three cycles of verses wrought in a blend of traditional forms, the poems draw the reader into encounters with love and death, the...

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Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days by Rachel Heise The author endeavors in this book of poetry to demonstrate an alertness to the divine glorious moments in time that often pass by underappreciated. She encourages all readers to be on the lookout for a trail of lights that leads back...

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Light of Faith: Poems and Plays

Light of Faith: Poems and Plays

“It is so sweet to serve the good God in the dark night of trial; we have this life only in which to live by faith.” - St Thérèse of Lisieux.   “The birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus means that one day everything sad will come untrue.” - J.R.R. Tolkien.Light of...

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Mark on the Line

Mark on the Line

Mark on the Line: ​On the sinking of the Marques, June 3, 1984 by Lawrence Hopperton Mark on the Line is centred on the grief author Larry Hopperton endured – endures – in the aftermath of the devastating 1984 loss of the sailing ship Marques, a vessel whose doomed...

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His Divine Presence

His Divine Presence

His Divine Presence by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. Poetry of praise for the grace that God freely provides at every moment of our lives. Paperback: $9.99 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIALS "A dancer took off her makeup and costume and asked, "What more is there to life?" A woman...

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Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton

Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton

Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton There is one story only. It’s woven out of personal experiences and memories, the worlds that we have actually known and loved. The poems in Such Common Stories connect to our individual stories, so that the experiences they...

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Pavement Prayers

Pavement Prayers

Pavement Prayers Kalia confessed to murder last night amid a hushed silence that lasted only a short while before he went into detailed account of the events that led to it . . . Thus begins one of the prayers in this book. This is a book of prayers that tell a story....

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Help Dante Help Italy

Help Dante Help Italy

Help Dante Help Italy A new translation by Daniel Fitzpatrick accompanied by the new sculptures of Timothy Schmalz Donate today!Canto 100 Revealed!The Inferno is now available in Paperback and Kindle! Click a link below to order your copy today! And, as you're...

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A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry

by Belinda Terro Mooney

This small collection of poems, A Look at Life, is for individuals, couples, and families who want to ponder life and virtue and how we can cooperate with God’s grace to become more virtuous and holy. It can be used for simple reading and enjoyment, or as a help in prayer, reflection, journaling, copying, and memorization. It would make a great gift for special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and sacraments such as First Communion, and Confirmation.
Hardback: $14.95 | Paperback: $9.99 | Kindle: $4.99


“I really enjoyed this wonderful collection of poems. Great for a quick pick me up. Can be used during prayer or reflection time. Or just to pick up and read. It would be a great addition to and school, church or home library.” – Steven R. McEvoy, Book Reviews and More

A Look at Life is filled with pearls of wisdom poems that ponder God’s truth, beauty, and goodness. Belinda Terro Mooney has crafted verses brimming with faith, calling us to view life with gratitude and humility. Her serene poems are breaths of fresh air for a frantic world. Each page is full of whispers of love that bring wings to the soul.” – Sharon Dodd, Author, Poet, and member of Poetry Society of Texas

“A Look at Life is a spiritual gem. Author Belinda Terro Mooney’s poetry is profound in its wisdom and in its grace. This is the type of book a reader may turn to again and again for spiritual solace and renewal.” – Maria Gallagher, author of Joyful Encounters with Mary and Mercy’s Power


Belinda Terro Mooney is author of 6 published books and many forthcoming, including Pray with Us: A Saint for Every Day (OSV). She is a Catholic Coach, Certified Virtuous Leadership Consultant, Secular Carmelite, Adjunct Professor of Human Services, and mom of 7 adults whom she homeschooled.





A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This collection of poems covers a wide variety of themes: light and darkness, life and death, faith and doubt, courage and fear, time and eternity, true self and false self—to name but a few. It is rooted in the Catholic faith...

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A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

Exult O shores, and ring O bells!But I with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead. - from "O Captain! My Captain!" by Walt WhitmanA Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney This first volume of poems is the poetic expression of the...

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A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney This small collection of poems, A Look at Life, is for individuals, couples, and families who want to ponder life and virtue and how we can cooperate with God's grace to become more virtuous and holy. It can be...

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Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Published on the Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin MaryWomen of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) - When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2Cloud of Witnesses by Joni J. Seith This 25th...

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Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun by Daniel Fitzpatrick Yonder in the Sun serves as a poetic rendering of the soul’s encounter with the world. Through three cycles of verses wrought in a blend of traditional forms, the poems draw the reader into encounters with love and death, the...

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Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days by Rachel Heise The author endeavors in this book of poetry to demonstrate an alertness to the divine glorious moments in time that often pass by underappreciated. She encourages all readers to be on the lookout for a trail of lights that leads back...

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Light of Faith: Poems and Plays

Light of Faith: Poems and Plays

“It is so sweet to serve the good God in the dark night of trial; we have this life only in which to live by faith.” - St Thérèse of Lisieux.   “The birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus means that one day everything sad will come untrue.” - J.R.R. Tolkien.Light of...

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Mark on the Line

Mark on the Line

Mark on the Line: ​On the sinking of the Marques, June 3, 1984 by Lawrence Hopperton Mark on the Line is centred on the grief author Larry Hopperton endured – endures – in the aftermath of the devastating 1984 loss of the sailing ship Marques, a vessel whose doomed...

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His Divine Presence

His Divine Presence

His Divine Presence by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. Poetry of praise for the grace that God freely provides at every moment of our lives. Paperback: $9.99 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIALS "A dancer took off her makeup and costume and asked, "What more is there to life?" A woman...

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Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton

Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton

Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton There is one story only. It’s woven out of personal experiences and memories, the worlds that we have actually known and loved. The poems in Such Common Stories connect to our individual stories, so that the experiences they...

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Pavement Prayers

Pavement Prayers

Pavement Prayers Kalia confessed to murder last night amid a hushed silence that lasted only a short while before he went into detailed account of the events that led to it . . . Thus begins one of the prayers in this book. This is a book of prayers that tell a story....

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Help Dante Help Italy

Help Dante Help Italy

Help Dante Help Italy A new translation by Daniel Fitzpatrick accompanied by the new sculptures of Timothy Schmalz Donate today!Canto 100 Revealed!The Inferno is now available in Paperback and Kindle! Click a link below to order your copy today! And, as you're...

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Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Published on the Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Women of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) – When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2

Cloud of Witnesses

by Joni J. Seith

This 25th Anniversary Edition of Joni J. Seith’s charming telling of the lives of the saints in rhyme is once again available to teach and inspire a whole new generation of saints-in-the-making. This special edition contains all the stories and pictures that were first introduced in Cloud of Witnesses I & II, but there’s more!

New saints,
Longer poems,
Better, brighter paintings,
Entire text is in both English and Spanish.

Cloud of Witnesses tells the stories and life missions of 42 holy men and women who inspire us, teach us, and pray for us. Their stories offer us hope and encourage us to be great saints here on earth so that one day we may meet in His Heavenly Kingdom and be united as an ever growing

Cloud of Witnesses!

Paperback: $19.95 | Hardback: $29.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Segment cut from The Rosary – Living Divine Mercy TV Show (EWTN) Ep.102 with Fr. Donald Calloway (posted on August 24, 2024), the full broadcast of which is available here.


“We are indeed ‘surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses,’ (Heb 12:1) and this treasure of a book will teach children of all ages that the great cloud of witnesses not only surrounds… but inspires! Joni J.  Seith’s book of memorable featured saints for each month of the year, enhanced by art and history about each saint is told in rhyming quatrains. Seith’s stanzas are filled equally with facts and devotion. This book will ultimately remind: we are never alone, not as long as we remember to call upon our saintly patrons. May reading this wonderful book inspire you to adopt new heavenly friends, and call upon them often!” – Annabelle Moseley, author of Awake with Christ: Living the Catholic Holy Hour in Your Home (How Keeping God Prayerful Company in the Garden of Gethsemane can Change Your Life)

“Joni J. Seith has the gift of bringing the saints to life in the hearts of her readers. Her dynamic poems and artwork have brought lasting friendships with the saints to my children, and now my grandchildren. Each poem helps the reader learn, in an entertaining way, the interesting details and facts about the saints who have gone before us.” Sam Fatzinger, Mother of 14 children, and 13 Grandchildren, and author of A Catholic Guide to Spending Less and Living More: Advice from a Debt-Free Family of 16

“Cloud of Witnesses is filled from cover to cover with charming, effortless, engaging poetry, written and illustrated with exceptional attention to detail. One cannot help but catch the contagious passion that author Joni J. Seith has for the saints and symbolism of the Catholic Faith, which she desires to share with our children. Her book is certain to inspire, teach, elevate, and even entertain the minds of readers young and old.” – Allison Lunsford, author of The Fourteen Holy Helpers


Joni J. Seith is a Jewish convert to Catholicism and is married to Deacon Bob Seith. They are the proud parents of four grown children and four amazing grandchildren. Joni holds a BS degree in Secondary Education in Art from UMD and an MS degree in Psychology from Divine Mercy University. When Joni isn’t writing or creating in her art studio, she can be found playing with her grandkids, praying, and guiding her Spiritual Directees. Joni’s extraordinary story of joy, suffering and love for the Lord, His mother, and the saints can also be found in her book Pain of Grace. Joni can be reached through her blog at painofgrace.com.


A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This collection of poems covers a wide variety of themes: light and darkness, life and death, faith and doubt, courage and fear, time and eternity, true self and false self—to name but a few. It is rooted in the Catholic faith...

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A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

Exult O shores, and ring O bells!But I with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead. - from "O Captain! My Captain!" by Walt WhitmanA Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney This first volume of poems is the poetic expression of the...

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A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney This small collection of poems, A Look at Life, is for individuals, couples, and families who want to ponder life and virtue and how we can cooperate with God's grace to become more virtuous and holy. It can be...

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Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Published on the Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin MaryWomen of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) - When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2Cloud of Witnesses by Joni J. Seith This 25th...

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Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun by Daniel Fitzpatrick Yonder in the Sun serves as a poetic rendering of the soul’s encounter with the world. Through three cycles of verses wrought in a blend of traditional forms, the poems draw the reader into encounters with love and death, the...

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Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days by Rachel Heise The author endeavors in this book of poetry to demonstrate an alertness to the divine glorious moments in time that often pass by underappreciated. She encourages all readers to be on the lookout for a trail of lights that leads back...

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Light of Faith: Poems and Plays

Light of Faith: Poems and Plays

“It is so sweet to serve the good God in the dark night of trial; we have this life only in which to live by faith.” - St Thérèse of Lisieux.   “The birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus means that one day everything sad will come untrue.” - J.R.R. Tolkien.Light of...

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Mark on the Line

Mark on the Line

Mark on the Line: ​On the sinking of the Marques, June 3, 1984 by Lawrence Hopperton Mark on the Line is centred on the grief author Larry Hopperton endured – endures – in the aftermath of the devastating 1984 loss of the sailing ship Marques, a vessel whose doomed...

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His Divine Presence

His Divine Presence

His Divine Presence by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. Poetry of praise for the grace that God freely provides at every moment of our lives. Paperback: $9.99 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIALS "A dancer took off her makeup and costume and asked, "What more is there to life?" A woman...

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Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton

Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton

Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton There is one story only. It’s woven out of personal experiences and memories, the worlds that we have actually known and loved. The poems in Such Common Stories connect to our individual stories, so that the experiences they...

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Pavement Prayers

Pavement Prayers

Pavement Prayers Kalia confessed to murder last night amid a hushed silence that lasted only a short while before he went into detailed account of the events that led to it . . . Thus begins one of the prayers in this book. This is a book of prayers that tell a story....

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Help Dante Help Italy

Help Dante Help Italy

Help Dante Help Italy A new translation by Daniel Fitzpatrick accompanied by the new sculptures of Timothy Schmalz Donate today!Canto 100 Revealed!The Inferno is now available in Paperback and Kindle! Click a link below to order your copy today! And, as you're...

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Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun

by Daniel Fitzpatrick

Yonder in the Sun serves as a poetic rendering of the soul’s encounter with the world. Through three cycles of verses wrought in a blend of traditional forms, the poems draw the reader into encounters with love and death, the divine and the earthly, the grotesque and the beautiful. The book is a poetic conversation whose participants, aware of the unseriousness of the things of this world, nonetheless love them passionately.
Paperback $14.95 | Kindle $9.99


“Danny Fitzpatrick practices a poetics of experiential immediacy. Sound and image converge, where ‘the knuckles of my left hand have / split, and dark seeds squeeze / from Greek crosses cracked / into my ring finger.’ The sensitive, sensual engagements with the physical and familial lead into meditative moments where Hector and Achilles feature, how, in ‘Odysseus and the Squid’: ‘The War rhythm / drifted through the dream light / as irons sank into the shadow / like the soul of a murdered man / bending to drink a black lamb’s blood.’ Fitzpatrick has constructed a guide for wanderers, for those who feel unmoored, a map of many voices, where Marsden Hartley’s The Ice-Hole brushes with Don Quixote, Salvador Dali, and Wangechi Mutu. Yonder in the Sun is a book of lived lives steeped in dailiness, the present, while simultaneously enveloping the past. It’s a book of deep engagements with art, with examining what it means to be an American and a human in our present moment.” —Charles Kell, senior editor of the Ocean State Review

“This collection is a beautifully haunting ensemble of poems that each in their own way, offer glimpses of the author and his immediate surrounds; and yet the work operates just as efficiently through elusive imagery, which allude to ideas and slip insights that encourage and tempt the reader to look deeper that mere surface meaning. There is a perfectly pitched tone and rhythm that is at home in the South, but the poems open up into a wider world both contemporary and classical almost in the manner of a gentler Poe. Fitzpatrick commands the attention of his reader through skill and control of the line, but just as importantly, he has a gift for figurative language that encourages and demands trust in his delicate blend of suspended reality and absolute place. —Clifton Redmond, Poet

Yonder in the Sun is a powerful collection that takes the reader on an evocative voyage of light and shadow, loss and surrender, hope and transfiguration. Daniel Fitzpatrick skillfully weaves his personal experiences within the aesthetics of art, literature, and Christianity. Titled after Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night, Yonder in the Sunshines brightly amid well-crafted elegance and sensitivity to free, formal, and ekphrastic verse. Fitzpatrick’s word combinations sing as demonstrated in these lines, “sagging in her sofa’s gentle jaws, . . .” and “her eighty-year ears ripping rabbits/ from reality to thump the time, . . . “—Line after line Yonder in the Sun is an evocation of brilliance. Like Fitzpatrick’s poem Gabriel’s Oboe, this collection is poignant, higher-pitched, and penetrating, echoes the sounds of a double-reed woodwind instrument, where “The silken cups are shining in the knuckled twigs/ of dogwood.”  —Jeannie E. Roberts, author of The Ethereal Effect – A Collection of Villanelles and other books

“Daniel Fitzpatrick, who is a recent translator of Dante’s epic journey through Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, now gives us his own journey of original poetry spanning a spectrum through the hell, purgatory and heaven of his life experiences, with subjects ranging from family…to loss… to literary fascinations. Daniel’s poem “Transfigured” is an exemplar of the chiaroscuro of this collection, from the rawness of “resurrected wounds” to the encounter with a “glint of mystery.”  Annabelle Moseley, author of Awake with ChristSacred Braille: The Rosary as Masterpiece, and Our House of the Sacred Heart

“Behind the many opposites blended in these poems, a single spiritual landscape emerges – sunstruck but desolate, classically Mediterranean but also of the American south and the Caribbean, inhabited by the ghosts of past masters like Hart Crane and Wallace Stevens, vividly particularised like Elizabeth Bishop and touched by the traditionalism of Allen Tate. Daniel Fitzpatrick is the latest to have wandered in that hot, composite zone where childhood gives way to death and family is the only steadying influence. He has made his world here, taken his stand, and grounded himself in the language.” Harry Clifton, Irish poet, author of “Secular Eden”, professor at University College Dublin

“This collection of Daniel Fitzpatrick’s elegant poetry is a deeply personal journey into his soul and memories, but it becomes much more than that when we also realize that much of what he writes applies to our own journeys in this life. The first poem in this book, “Magi,” is the perfect jumping off point for the entire collection when it becomes clear that the Wise Men’s search, guided by a star, can apply to us in our own journeys led by our own personal stars.” —Charles Gordon Rex, Jr., editor of It Is My Soul That Sings: Selected Poems of Charles Gordon Rex

“This is a book arrayed with poetic puzzles, full of aromatic words, giving off sounds and smells and inviting us to listen, to see, to scent our way through many and various moments, sketched, observed, like ‘where a snake scribbles its way’ (p. 17), suggesting a mixing, an unusual juxtaposition of words,  like ‘the liquid tick’ (p. 74), and a blending of memories, impressions of people and places, ancient echoes and holy thoughts slipping out and through the kaleidoscopic, surreal sense. Enjoy!” Francis Etheredge, Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven and an author, recently, of An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

“These are beautiful poems. Daniel Fitzpatrick has the ability to describe ordinary events in startling and moving ways. His poems dialogue with the classics, great art, and particularly the Bible, but always take us in unexpected directions. Yonder in the Sun has a philosopher’s heart, but with lines that will haunt the imagination. What I love about these poems is how this world and the next world rub up against each other as if the poet has peeled something away.” Justin Lacour, A Season in Heck and Other Poems and editor of Trampoline: A Journal of Poetry

“There is a chastening, an encroaching of night into the senses, a holy agon in all great poetry. In Daniel Fitzpatrick’s refulgent Yonder in the Sun, the borderlines of Being and Memory crescendo into the faraway yet evocatively familiar land of all lands. Our poet lives within the sunset between this life and the next, between the heart’s own transience and the immortalizing wish which carves it anew, in that purgatorio of grace and glory. The poems are a lovemaking within the lifelong elegy of ecstasy, entanglement, and surrender. The beauty of this collection is in the entreating of the other to recover for the first time, the great oceanic trust in the hidden God Who resides in unending wells within and beyond us: ‘You must come close before your soul/swims into view at the bottom of the doubled world./ That second self will float in eyes like altars/ curved as gently as the earth/ to give you back this you/ which is not you, mirrored and multiplied.’Caitlin Smith Gilson, author of Rhapsody and Redolence and Tregenna Hill

“A masterpiece of the sublime!” Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy

“A delightful blend of imagery, fact, memory, meaning, and myth!” Fr. Dennis Billy, CSsR, author of His Divine Presence and A Time Will Come


Daniel Fitzpatrick is the author of the novel Only the Lover Sings (En Route) a translation of Dante’s Divine Comedy (En Route), and Restoring the Lord’s Day: How Reclaiming Sunday Can Revive Our Human Nature (Sophia Institute Press). He is the editor of Joie de Vivre: A Journal of Art, Culture, and Letters for South Louisiana, a member of the Creative Assembly at the New Orleans Museum of Art, and a teacher at Jesuit High School in New Orleans, where he lives with his wife and four children.


A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This collection of poems covers a wide variety of themes: light and darkness, life and death, faith and doubt, courage and fear, time and eternity, true self and false self—to name but a few. It is rooted in the Catholic faith...

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A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

Exult O shores, and ring O bells!But I with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead. - from "O Captain! My Captain!" by Walt WhitmanA Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney This first volume of poems is the poetic expression of the...

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A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney This small collection of poems, A Look at Life, is for individuals, couples, and families who want to ponder life and virtue and how we can cooperate with God's grace to become more virtuous and holy. It can be...

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Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Published on the Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin MaryWomen of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) - When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2Cloud of Witnesses by Joni J. Seith This 25th...

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Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun by Daniel Fitzpatrick Yonder in the Sun serves as a poetic rendering of the soul’s encounter with the world. Through three cycles of verses wrought in a blend of traditional forms, the poems draw the reader into encounters with love and death, the...

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Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days by Rachel Heise The author endeavors in this book of poetry to demonstrate an alertness to the divine glorious moments in time that often pass by underappreciated. She encourages all readers to be on the lookout for a trail of lights that leads back...

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Light of Faith: Poems and Plays

Light of Faith: Poems and Plays

“It is so sweet to serve the good God in the dark night of trial; we have this life only in which to live by faith.” - St Thérèse of Lisieux.   “The birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus means that one day everything sad will come untrue.” - J.R.R. Tolkien.Light of...

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Mark on the Line

Mark on the Line

Mark on the Line: ​On the sinking of the Marques, June 3, 1984 by Lawrence Hopperton Mark on the Line is centred on the grief author Larry Hopperton endured – endures – in the aftermath of the devastating 1984 loss of the sailing ship Marques, a vessel whose doomed...

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His Divine Presence

His Divine Presence

His Divine Presence by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. Poetry of praise for the grace that God freely provides at every moment of our lives. Paperback: $9.99 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIALS "A dancer took off her makeup and costume and asked, "What more is there to life?" A woman...

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Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton

Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton

Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton There is one story only. It’s woven out of personal experiences and memories, the worlds that we have actually known and loved. The poems in Such Common Stories connect to our individual stories, so that the experiences they...

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Pavement Prayers

Pavement Prayers

Pavement Prayers Kalia confessed to murder last night amid a hushed silence that lasted only a short while before he went into detailed account of the events that led to it . . . Thus begins one of the prayers in this book. This is a book of prayers that tell a story....

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Help Dante Help Italy

Help Dante Help Italy

Help Dante Help Italy A new translation by Daniel Fitzpatrick accompanied by the new sculptures of Timothy Schmalz Donate today!Canto 100 Revealed!The Inferno is now available in Paperback and Kindle! Click a link below to order your copy today! And, as you're...

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Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days

by Rachel Heise

The author endeavors in this book of poetry to demonstrate an alertness to the divine glorious moments in time that often pass by underappreciated. She encourages all readers to be on the lookout for a trail of lights that leads back to our Heavenly Father and reminds them there is still so much good to be found on that path.

Paperback: $9.99 | Kindle: $9.99



“Poetry requires a certain genius that not many have. When poetry is truly good, it has the uncanny knack of reaching into one’s depths and drawing out the unexpected. Heise is one of those who is a true poet. Her words, like arrows, go to the heart, the soul, the memory, revealing longings for beauty, home, goodness, love, childhood, friendship, awe. She gives sorrow a voice, too, and she brings forth wonders and mysteries in a myriad of marvelous ways. Unexpected insights surprise in every poem, and a desire to linger in the worlds she brings forth arises unbidden. Her poetry is…spellbinding.” – Keith Berube, PhD cand, author of Mary, the BelovedMary: the Rosary, the Relationship, and Dragons, and A Love Letter to Mary.


Rachel Heise is a senior graduating with a B.A. in philosophy from Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts. She hopes to pursue graduate studies at some later moment in time, alongside her love of tea, cattle dogs, and hiking moonlit paths.


A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

A Time Will Come by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This collection of poems covers a wide variety of themes: light and darkness, life and death, faith and doubt, courage and fear, time and eternity, true self and false self—to name but a few. It is rooted in the Catholic faith...

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A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

A Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney

Exult O shores, and ring O bells!But I with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead. - from "O Captain! My Captain!" by Walt WhitmanA Dear Friend, Volume 1: Denial by Daniel Mahoney This first volume of poems is the poetic expression of the...

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A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney

A Look at Life: A Book of Poetry by Belinda Terro Mooney This small collection of poems, A Look at Life, is for individuals, couples, and families who want to ponder life and virtue and how we can cooperate with God's grace to become more virtuous and holy. It can be...

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Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Cloud of Witnesses – 25th Anniversary Edition

Published on the Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin MaryWomen of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) - When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2Cloud of Witnesses by Joni J. Seith This 25th...

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Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun: Poems

Yonder in the Sun by Daniel Fitzpatrick Yonder in the Sun serves as a poetic rendering of the soul’s encounter with the world. Through three cycles of verses wrought in a blend of traditional forms, the poems draw the reader into encounters with love and death, the...

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Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days

Flow Gently Days by Rachel Heise The author endeavors in this book of poetry to demonstrate an alertness to the divine glorious moments in time that often pass by underappreciated. She encourages all readers to be on the lookout for a trail of lights that leads back...

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Light of Faith: Poems and Plays

Light of Faith: Poems and Plays

“It is so sweet to serve the good God in the dark night of trial; we have this life only in which to live by faith.” - St Thérèse of Lisieux.   “The birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus means that one day everything sad will come untrue.” - J.R.R. Tolkien.Light of...

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Mark on the Line

Mark on the Line

Mark on the Line: ​On the sinking of the Marques, June 3, 1984 by Lawrence Hopperton Mark on the Line is centred on the grief author Larry Hopperton endured – endures – in the aftermath of the devastating 1984 loss of the sailing ship Marques, a vessel whose doomed...

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His Divine Presence

His Divine Presence

His Divine Presence by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. Poetry of praise for the grace that God freely provides at every moment of our lives. Paperback: $9.99 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIALS "A dancer took off her makeup and costume and asked, "What more is there to life?" A woman...

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Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton

Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton

Such Common Stories by Lawrence Hopperton There is one story only. It’s woven out of personal experiences and memories, the worlds that we have actually known and loved. The poems in Such Common Stories connect to our individual stories, so that the experiences they...

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Pavement Prayers

Pavement Prayers

Pavement Prayers Kalia confessed to murder last night amid a hushed silence that lasted only a short while before he went into detailed account of the events that led to it . . . Thus begins one of the prayers in this book. This is a book of prayers that tell a story....

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Help Dante Help Italy

Help Dante Help Italy

Help Dante Help Italy A new translation by Daniel Fitzpatrick accompanied by the new sculptures of Timothy Schmalz Donate today!Canto 100 Revealed!The Inferno is now available in Paperback and Kindle! Click a link below to order your copy today! And, as you're...

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