Jesus Christ, Scandal of Particularity: Vatican II, a Catholic Theology of Religions, Justification, and Truth

by Eduardo J. Echeverria

In this book, in view of the light of Jesus Christ, the Light of the world, and hence the scandal of particularity, the author explores the relationship between the Second Vatican Council and a Catholic theology of religions, the standard by which the unevangelized will be judged, the ideology of dialogue and the corresponding idea of religious relativism, the truth-oriented dynamic of interreligious dialogue, the necessity of interreligious apologetics, truth and epistemic justification, and the orientation of dialogue to evangelization. The key figures discussed in this book are, inter alia, Gerald O’Collins, SJ, St. John Paul II, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, Bernard Lonergan, SJ, Marianne Moyaert, Edward Schillebeeckx, OP, and Wolfhart Pannenberg.

Paperback: $34.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Miller, Monica. “New book addresses indifferentism, false inter-religious dialogue.” The Catholic World Report. Click here to read the review.

Chalk, Casey. “Dr. E on False Universalism in the Church.” The Catholic Thing. Click here to read the review.


“A brace of stimulating essays from another distinguished American exponent of dynamic Catholic orthodoxy, whose immersion in the high-octane Protestant theological tradition in which he was raised makes him an exceptionally valuable contributor to today’s debates over whether the Lord Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, or just another avatar of a generic divine will-to-save.” – George Weigel in “Books for Christmas – 2024,” First Things (December 11, 2024)

“Dr. Echeverria is an eminent theologian and prolific author. His current effort does not disappoint as he tackles a central sticking point in ecumenical and interreligious conversations and relations in the wake of the Second Vatican Council, which he handles deftly and masterfully. This text comes at a most opportune moment due to the many confusing and hard-to-reconcile statements and actions of the present Roman Pontiff on this very topic. This is not a read for the faint of heart, but it is a necessary read.” – Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas, founder and president of the Catholic Education Foundation

“The topic Dr Eduardo Echeverria covers is of extreme importance. The Second Vatican Council stressed the importance of following one’s conscience (LG 16; GS 16), it indicated that Divine Providence does not refuse the indispensable help for salvation to those who do not yet believe (LG 16), and that rules of conduct and life of non-Christian religions not infrequently reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens all men (NA 2).  This teaching of Vatican II has often been misinterpreted, although the Declaration Dominus Iesus (Aug 6, 2000) provides a valuable and authoritative reflection on it. Dr. Echeverria’s book makes a very important contribution to an understanding of the teachings of Vatican II and its implications for evangelisation and the Church’s missionary mandate, and of the meaning of Revelation and salvation through Jesus Christ, the sole Mediator.” + Dr. Johannes Hendriks, Bishop of Amsterdam-Haarlem, Netherlands

“’Clarity before all else; the dialogue demands that what is said should be intelligible.’ These words of Pope Paul VI animate Eduardo Echeverria’s spirited dialogue and debate in this book. Taking issue with Gerald O’Collins’s views on religious pluralism and universal salvation, with Marianne Moyaert’s dialogic take on divine revelation, and with Pope Francis’s approach to interreligious dialogue, Jesus Christ, Scandal of Particularity offers a reading of the Second Vatican Council that is in continuity with the preceding tradition and aims to restore missionary proclamation as the church’s primary calling. This book is vintage Echeverria: intrepidly gospel-centered, well-informed, genuinely ecumenical, and—without fail—eminently clear.” – Hans Boersma, Nashotah House Theological Seminary

“I am grateful to be a colleague of Dr. Echeverria at Sacred Heart Seminary where we both teach. I am very familiar with his work and consider him one of the most able of sophisticated theological and philosophical defenders of foundational Catholic doctrines that are massively under attack. His work on authentic development of doctrine, the uniqueness of Jesus, the propositional content of Divine Revelation, and the theology of world religions is absolutely first-rate. This is a very important book. Highly recommended.” – Ralph Martin, Professor of Theology / Director of Graduate Programs in the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit

“Is Christian theology losing its distinctive voice amidst a climate of shallow, arbitrary, religious pluralism? This text draws not only from Roman Catholic theologians and the Magisterium, but also from the richness of Reformed, Anglican, Lutheran, and evangelical scholarship to address this question. In a deftly postliberal fashion, this book provides a robustly argued voice for the unique, particular revelation of God in Jesus Christ. While acknowledging our pluralist context and espousing religious dialogue, it equally eschews the reduction of general revelation to that of natural theology. Contra the tendency of some theologians who advocate a broad religious inclusivism, instead Echeverria astutely defends accessibilism, where the hope of God’s salvation in Christ is present for all, without suggesting that non-Christian religions are instrumental in salvation. He insists that revelation of salvation must not be confused with salvation efficacy. Indeed, this is a ‘scandal of particularity’ that also renews the particular voice of the hope of Jesus Christ and his Incarnation into a world of confusion and despair.” – Prof. Dr. Ronald T. Michener, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, BELGIUM

“Eduardo Echeverria’s new book on the scandal of Christian particularity is a much-needed corrective to the often-hidden relativization of the uniqueness of Christ in so much of modern theology. Dr. Echeverria’s claim, therefore, that theology has lost its distinctive voice is directly related to this relativization. For how can a truly “Christian” theology long survive without this fundamental affirmation? In a series of probing and deeply insightful essays he deftly analyzes all of the various arguments in favor of a “pluralism of religions” and shows clearly how each one falls short in problematic ways.  At once eminently erudite and readable, the text is a wonderful example of a theologian thinking with the mind of the Church in order to meet the challenges of today.  I cannot recommend it more highly.” – Larry Chapp, retired professor of theology, DeSales University, and founder and chief author of the blog Gaudium et Spes 22.


Eduardo Echeverria (PhD, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam; S.T.L., University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum) is Professor of Philosophy and Systematic Theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. He is the author of numerous books, including Roman Catholicism and Neo-Calvinism: Ecumenical and Polemical Engagements (2024), Are We Together? A Roman Catholic Analyzes Evangelical Protestants (2022), Pope Francis: The Legacy of Vatican II, 2nd edition (2019), Revelation, History, and Truth: A Hermeneutics of Dogma (2017). He is a member of the American ecumenical initiative, Evangelicals and Catholics Together.


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