Tabernacle Art Coloring Book
by Lynda Rozell
Give this book to your small children to help you make a visit to the tabernacle with them. The pictures are drawn from the art that decorates tabernacles. They tell a story or reveal a truth about Jesus that you can share with the littles. The book also has pages with prompts for children to create their own drawings.
Prepare for your visit. Start with a short visit at a time of day when you are not rushed, and the children are not hungry or tired. Talk to your children ahead of the visit. Tell them that the family is making a visit to Jesus and why. You can explain how Jesus is present in a special way as the Host kept inside the Tabernacle. Encourage them to look for the Host at Mass and to watch to see when the Host is put inside the tabernacle.
Teach them to make the sign of the cross and to kneel on one knee before the tabernacle because Jesus is present there. Explain that this is how we say hello and goodbye when we visit Him.
Let your children know that Jesus is here, that He loves you, He sees you, and He hears you. Encourage them to talk to Him quietly in their heads without words or to draw pictures for Him. Share with them the skill of listening. What is it that they hear when they are quiet? They can draw it to talk with you later about it.
After visiting the tabernacle together, look at their drawings and talk with them about the love Jesus has for them. Plan when you will go back.
Learn more about tabernacles, the stories behind the symbols, and how to use them to pray in Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle by Lynda Rozell (En Route Books and Media, 2024).
Paperback: $9.99
Click on the puzzle images below to order your very own 500-piece tabernacle puzzle in a tin can (from the Tin-Can Pilgrim!) — both the book cover and the tabernacle from St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Miami Beach, Florida (photo courtesy of Jim Dwight Davis). More tabernacle puzzles coming soon!
“John Paul II said, “The presence of Jesus in the tabernacle must be a kind of magnetic pole attracting an ever greater number of souls enamored of him, ready to wait patiently to hear his voice and, as it were, to sense the beating of his heart” (Mane Nobiscum Domine, 18). In this inspiring and well written book Lynda Rozell invites all of us to take up this invitation and to be drawn into the Holy of Holies found in each tabernacle where the Eucharist is reserved. These lessons and meditations will be helpful for anyone who would like to encounter Jesus in a deeper way in the Blessed Sacrament.” — Most Rev. Andrew Cozzens, Bishop of the Diocese of Crookston, Chair of the National Eucharistic Congress
“An encounter with Christ in the Eucharist in adoration enables us to have Epiphany Moments where the Lord shines Truth on our lives. This book, Return to Me, can inspire our Epiphany Moments by providing beautiful images for meditation on the Eucharist and encouraging visits to tabernacles.” — Vanessa Denha Garmo, host of Ave Maria Radio’s “Epiphany” program, founder of Epiphany Communications & Coaching
“Lynda Rozell’s book, “Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle,” is an invaluable reminder of the treasure that exists in all Catholic churches – the Real Presence of Jesus Christ, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Eucharist. She dives into the purpose and history of tabernacles and shares why it’s important we spend time before them in adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament to pray to Jesus. She also offers thoughtful reflections on themes and symbols of tabernacle art. Her book is personal, as she traveled across the country, visiting dozens of churches. Photos of the tabernacles bring to life her reflections and prayers. Ultimately, the book is a faith-filled, informative and inspiring way to grow in deeper faith and knowledge of the Eucharist.” — The Very Rev. Edward C. Hathaway, Rector, The Basilica of Saint Mary (Alexandria VA)
“In this inspiring book, Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle, Lynda Rozell shares the heart of her wayfaring life—her visits to Jesus in the tabernacles of the many churches she passes on the road. A professional nomad, Lynda lives a life radically available to God’s call to bring the good news of his love to whomever he sends her. And along the way, she gains direction and strength from frequent visits to Our Lord in the tabernacle. A combination of photos, personal stories, meditations, prayers, and information about the Eucharist, tabernacles, and sacred art, Lynda’s poetic way with words makes Return to Me an engaging read. Whether you are a traveler or not, Lynda will have you looking for pit stops in your day and week to check in with Almighty God and gain strength, wisdom, and love for your own journey.” — Ever Johnson co-founder and director of Trinity House Community ministry
Lynda Rozell travels around the United States in her Airstream camper volunteering, writing, evangelizing, and speaking. Also known as the “Tin Can Pilgrim,” Lynda writes a blog about her travels and apostolate at You’ll find entertaining reels and photos about churches, shrines, areas of natural beauty, and her travels on @tincanpilgrim on Instagram and the Tin Can Pilgrim Facebook page. A graduate of the University of Virginia Law School, Lynda worked as an attorney for many years before embarking on her marvelous adventure with God. In addition to Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle (En Route Books and Media 2024) and this accompanying coloring book, Lynda’s books include Journeys with a Tin Can Pilgrim: from corporate lawyer to Airstream nomad (St. John’s Press 2021); In Plain Sight Hidden: Poems from a Tin Can Pilgrim (St. Bona’s Press 2022); and The Airstream Travels Coloring Book (St. Bona’s Press 2022). She also is a contributor and photographer for The Eighth Station by Deirdre McQuade and Friends (Via Crucis Press 2024).
Photograph by Renata Grzan Wieczorek —
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