Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

by James Likoudis with essays selected and edited by Andrew Likoudis

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique, penned by esteemed scholar Dr. James Likoudis, meticulously scrutinizes the doctrines of Palamism, a theological construct found in Eastern Orthodoxy, but seemingly less than essential to it. This Palamite system, controversially claimed to be foundational to Eastern Orthodoxy, primarily involves the essence-energies distinction made famous by Hesychast monk Gregory Palamas. Dr. Likoudis examines the tenets of this system, discussing their place in Eastern Orthodox theology and ecumenism. He assesses the scriptural and traditional foundations of Palamism, as well as providing a Catholic lens through which to understand it, in the hopes of resolving longstanding difficulties in the way of full unity between the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“James Likoudis deserves much praise for this present volume, which provides a sound Catholic critique of the essence/energies distinction promoted by the Byzantine monk, archbishop, and theologian, Gregory Palamas (1296–1359). Since the 1930s, there has been a revival of interest in Palamism on the part of Eastern Orthodox Christians. Some Orthodox theologians and bishops even consider the essence/energy distinction of Palamas to be a dogma of the faith. Likoudis carefully examines the history of Palamism and the metaphysical and theological problems that some—including Orthodox—have noted in his system. This volume is enriched by an excellent foreword by Fr. Thomas Weinandy, OFM Cap. and a number of valuable appendices, especially one by Yves Congar, OP. Gregory Palamas might have been a holy monk, but the problems with his mystical theology should not be minimized or ignored.” — Robert Fastiggi, Ph.D., Bishop Kevin M. Britt Chair of Dogmatic Theology and Christology, Sacred Heart Major Seminary

“James Likoudis’s Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique is a most welcome and timely publication. While debate will continue over the compatibility of Palamas’s theology and metaphysics with Catholicism, there can be no disputing Likoudis’s pivotal role in bringing Palamas into the theological awareness of many Western Christians. Likoudis’s trenchant engagement with Palamas over several decades helped set the tone for Orthodox-Catholic apologetics and has had a non-negligible impact in sparking a good deal of more recent scholarly research. This alone more than justifies this publication of Likoudis’s collected writings on Palamas. However, it is Likoudis’s clear presentation of Palamas’s beautiful teaching on the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of all Christians, that sets this book apart. Mary is the key to resolving remaining theological differences between Catholic and Orthodox, and Likoudis provides his readers with a guide to knowing Mary according to the mind of this ‘Pillar of Orthodoxy.’” – — Dr. Jared Goff, Adjunct Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Ss. Cyril and Methodius; Co-author, “Palamas Among the Scholastics,” in Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies

“Likoudis’s concise retelling of the Palamite controversy and problematic readings of Palamism, both among Catholic and Orthodox scholars, as well as his concise summary of Palamas’s Mariology, provide an accurate representation of academic positions thereon by the pars maior of Catholic theologians and can be used with great profit for becoming acquainted with the historically controversial assertions of Palamas and Palamists in both Late Byzantium and by Modern systematic theologians.” — Rev. Christiaan Kappes, PhD, SLD, Academic Dean, Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Ss. Cyril and Methodius; Co-author, “Palamas Among the Scholastics,” in Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies

“This work represents the capstone of Dr. Likoudis’s life-long effort toward reconciling his Eastern Orthodox brethren with the Catholic Church. His concise and informative treatment of Gregory Palamas, the famous and controversial 14th century monk of Mount Athos and Archbishop of Thessalonica, is both highly appreciative and gently critical. On the one hand, Likoudis praises Palamas’s ascetical-mystical spirituality and theology of theosis, calling his rich Mariology “sublime” and suggesting that Catholics have much to learn from him. On the other hand, he devotes two chapters to Palamas’s controversial notion of God’s “uncreated energies,” which, though distinct from God’s transcendent essence, allegedly do not compromise divine simplicity and yet can be experienced by men as the “Light of Mount Tabor.” Likoudis carefully reviews both the writings of Catholics sympathetic with Palamas as well as those who are critical. He devotes two chapters to problematic aspects of Palamism that serve as obstacles to reunion with Rome, noting how some Eastern Orthodox theologians champion Palamas as a rival to St. Thomas Aquinas, yet also noting how others such as Fr. Alexander Schmemann concede the logical necessity of a universal church’s need for a universal head in the bishop of Rome. Highly recommended.— Philip Blosser, Professor of Philosophy, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit
“The Churches of the Christian East and West have wrestled for many centuries with the question of the relationship between the uncreated and created realms. Orthodox Archbishop Gregory Palamas of Thessalonica weighed in on this matter in a period of heightened controversy related to the spiritual experiences and contemplative methods of the Athonite Hesychasts (Gk. hesychia “stillness”), forging out of the crucible of both prayer and polemics what he believed to be a theological solution found in the essence-energies distinction in God. The positive reception of this distinction as defined by the Orthodox saint has been by no means univocal in either East or West, and the emergence of a divisive and hyper-polemical neo-Palamite school in modern Eastern Orthodoxy has shed far more heat than light on the subject. In this work, James Likoudis presents a worthy synthesis of his own thinking along with several others on the matter, with varying degrees of sympathy and antipathy towards the Palamite distinction and its possible effect on the prospects of Orthodox-Catholic unity.” — Fr Daniel Dozier, Executive Director of God With Us Eastern Catholic Formation, and author of 20 Answers: Eastern Catholicism from Catholic Answers


A convert from Greek Orthodoxy, James Likoudis is an internationally known apologist, one who has dedicated his life to reconciling his Eastern Orthodox brethren with the Catholic Church Jesus Christ founded. He excels in analyzing the key issues that separate Catholics and Orthodox, including regarding papal and conciliar history, and he cherishes all we hold in common in Christ.

Likoudis served for more than twenty-five years at the lay apostolate Catholics United for the Faith (CUF), including as president. His other books include The Pope, The Council, and The Mass; The Divine Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and Modern Eastern Orthodoxy: Letters to a Greek Orthodox on the Unity of the Church; Eastern Orthodoxy and the See of Peter: A Journey Towards Full Communion; Ending the Byzantine Greek Schism; and Heralds of a Catholic Russia: Twelve Spiritual Pilgrims from Byzantium to Rome. He has written and lectured widely on ecumenism, religious education, liturgy, sex education, family life, and the role of the laity in the Church. He is also a former college instructor in history and government, with over twenty years of teaching experience. Likoudis received an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit (2020). He and his late wife Ruth have six children, thirty-five grandchildren, and forty-five great-grandchildren.


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