Bereavement Miracles
by Michael Frey
The Bereavement Miracles program was designed to play a quintessential role in evangelizing the “spirit of mission” to individuals who are suffering from the death of a loved one by relating eternal realities in a systematic program/approach that integrates understanding of human sorrow to the nature of divine love and renewal. It has twelve steps as follows:
Step One: Due to the loss of a loved one, we admitted that our lives have become unmanageable.
Watch Michael on WCAT TV:
Or listen to him on WCAT Radio:
Listen to “WCAT Bereavement Miracles Step 1” on Spreaker.
Step Two: We came to believe that God will restore us back to a productive and happier life.
Listen to “WCAT Bereavement Miracles Step 2” on Spreaker.
Step Three: We made a decision to turn our grief and sorrow over to the care of God, as we understand Him.
Listen to “WCAT Radio Bereavement Miracles Step 3” on Spreaker.
Step Four: We made a searching and fearless examination of conscience.
Listen to “WCAT Radio Bereavement Miracles Step 4” on Spreaker.
Step Five: We admitted to God, ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our feelings, thoughts and doubts.
Listen to “WCAT Radio Bereavement Miracles Step 5” on Spreaker.
Step Six: We asked God to remove all shortcomings of mixed emotions that are affecting our lives.
Listen to “WCAT Radio Bereavement Miracles Step 6” on Spreaker.
Step Seven: We humbly asked God to remove our self-centeredness.
Listen to “WCAT Radio Bereavement Miracles Step 7” on Spreaker.
Step Eight: We made a list of all people, places and things that we shared in common and became willing to let go of emotional circumstances and misunderstandings, thereby allowing us to examine our memories with a clear conscience.
Listen to “WCAT Radio Bereavement Miracles Step 8” on Spreaker.
Step Nine: We made a decision to develop new friendships wherever and whenever possible.
Listen to “WCAT Radio Bereavement Miracles Step 9” on Spreaker.
Step Ten: We continued to take personal inventory, and when we found ourselves reverting back into self-professed blame and hopelessness, we reached out to others and programs like Bereavement Miracles to discover the Spirit of God’s consoling love in our Mother of unity and hope.
Listen to “WCAT Radio Bereavement Miracles Step 10” on Spreaker.
Step Eleven: Through the sharing and caring of the Bereavement Miracles fellowship, we rallied ourselves with God at our side, praying only for “thy will be done.”
Listen to “WCAT Radio Bereavement Miracles Step 11” on Spreaker.
Step Twelve: Through God’s healing presence brought about by these twelve steps, we carried a message of hope, joy and encouragement to others, thanking God in worship and praise, seeking to rise in the service of God our Lord to greater perfection.
Listen to “WCAT Radio Bereavement Miracles Step 12” on Spreaker.
Paperback $16.99
Fr. John Gatzak and Allison Demers of Crossroad’s Magazine feature Michael Frey’s Bereavement Miracles on ORTV.
“Because of this program, I now remember my late husband as he truly was. My memories aren’t tainted by misplaced guilt. I have been able to remember my husband with a sense of joy-and actually be happy for him that he is at peace in heaven.” Barbara, Wallingford, CT
“The program was well thought through combining our faith and fellowship. The healing power of the Holy Spirit could truly be felt. The program brought us together in unity and hope and dispelled feelings of guilt.” Monica, Northford, CT
“At first I was skeptical about attending, but after attending I realized I had nothing to be afraid about. It helped me to open up to myself and about my feelings.” Don, Meriden, CT
“After my son’s death by suicide I stopped having faith in God, now I do believe after being in this program.” Anonymous, Meriden, Connecticut
“We just finished our program last evening with a pot-luck before the meeting. It was a lovely and appreciated end. Participants and leaders were helped by the spiritual approach to grieving. They have benefited personally and hope to better help others. We received six questionnaires thus far from the sixteen who completed the program, all positive, and they would recommend the program. We had a very dedicated group of leaders and they are a great blessing to this ministry. Thank you, Mike, for your help too in this very important ministry. We plan to carry on with monthly gatherings until our next program, possibly twice a year.”
Michael Frey is a graduate of the Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies program at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, CT. He lives with his wife, Linda, in Meriden, CT, and they have two children, Jillian and James. In the course of his life and his work, he is dedicated to evangelizing the Catholic faith. His Bereavement Miracles program is truly the work of the Holy Spirit.
- The cover image was created by Monica Frey and is entitled “The Seal of Unity and Hope.” Click here for Monica’s description of it.
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