Improving your Kids’ Body Image through Catholic Teaching: How Theology of the Body and Other Church Teachings Can Transform your Life

The Second Edition of Raising Kids with a Healthy Body Image: A Guide for Catholic Parents

by Dr. John C. Acquaviva

Improving your Kids’ Body Image through Catholic Teaching: How Theology of the Body and Other Church Teachings Can Transform your Life is the unique approach to the body image crisis that impacts many children. From a young age, our kids are under immense pressure from a variety of sources that can determine the value of their bodies. But God has something to say about this as well. Saint John Paul II’s wonderful teaching known as Theology of the Body is the book’s guiding force. Along with Scripture and the Church’s Sacraments, this book is an excellent parenting tool to guide your child so they see the worth of their bodies as designed by our Creator. In addition, this book discusses the numerous causes of a poor body image and includes chapters on how to instill fitness and sound nutrition into your family life.

Paperback $16.99 | Kindle $9.99



News on the Book:

SueAnn Howell, “St. Matthew parishioner pens guide for Catholic parents on raising kids with a healthy body image,”

Videos about how Photoshopping works (from page 36)

About the Author’s Radio Program, now on Carolina Catholic Radio

Faith and Sport (click here for the Radio Maria archives) is a show that is fueled by The Office of Church and Sport, a council for the laity created by Pope John Paul II due to the significance of sport in our culture. The show mirrors contemporary sports talk, but includes dialogue regarding morality, character and ethics as it relates to the actions and comments made by athletes, administrators, officials, coaches, and fans at every level. Joined in studio by radio veteran Ed Billick, professor of Sport Sciences John Acquaviva (Wingate University) will discuss current issues in sport, and have conversations with former/current players and coaches as well those who teach and write about sport and spirituality.  Listeners will have the opportunity to call in, text or email during show to make comments or ask questions. Now, in partnership with Carolina Catholic Radio, WCAT Radio brings you the following playlist:


“Building upon the timeless teachings of the Church, edified by saints and scripture, and penned from a practical parent’s perspective, Improving your Kids’ Body Image through Catholic Teaching is a great tool to help you raise happy, healthy and holy children. John C. Acquaviva takes on challenging topics with compassion and candor in a faith-filled yet totally accessible way. Stop shying away from the tough yet essential conversations and serve your family with an equipped and inspired perspective!”  – Lisa M. Hendey, Founder of and author of The Grace of Yes

“Rooted in the Truth of the Catholic Church, this inspiring book offers everything parents need to help their children become the body-confident people God created them to be. Using Saint Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, Scripture, and the teaching of the Church, this must-read will help you and your child navigate the minefield of body image pitfalls our culture perpetuates to rediscover the God’s purpose for their bodies–to glorify Him. Spiritual and practical, this edifying book belongs on every parent’s bookshelf.” – Kate Wicker, Journalist & Speaker Author of Weightless: Making Peace With Your Body

“There is an epidemic of distorted body image fed by popular culture and causing great distress among far too many of our sons and daughters. Dr. John Acquaviva delivers it a devastating one-two punch in his masterful melding of the findings of modern science with the timeless wisdom of the Catholic Church on the true dignity and importance of the human body in harmony with the soul. Every Catholic parent should read, re-read, and put to use Improving your Kids’ Body Image through Catholic Teaching. Indeed, every parent — period.” – Kevin Vost, Psy.D., author of Fit for Eternal Life and Memorize the Mass!

As a model and actor who travels speaking about his Catholic faith I am intimately familiar with the destructive lie the media feeds us daily about body image and the meaning the life. This book is a must-read for anyone raising children or those simply seeking to better understand how to navigate through this physically and spiritually dangerous culture war we find ourselves in. – Mario St. Francis Herrera, Model & Actor turned Lay Catholic Evangelist

Improving your Kids’ Body Image through Catholic Teaching is a book all parents need, whether they are Catholic or not. John C. Acquaviva goes right to the heart of the issues that can plague a young person with despair because of a negative body image. In a conversational tone, he sets us back on track with Catholic teaching and shows how to appreciate our bodies as the gifts that they are.” – Dr. Stacy Trasancos, Chair of the Science Department, Kolbe Academy


John holds a PhD in exercise science and is a professor at Wingate University.

His courses include Anatomy & Physiology, Strength & Conditioning, Sports Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, and Weight Loss, Weight Gain & Body Image.

Over the years, he has given hundreds of presentations to fitness professionals, prospective teachers, and Catholic Church adult congregations, youth groups, and campus ministries.

His other book, Improving Your Body Image Through Catholic Teaching, is currently available on Amazon.

Dr. Acquaviva resides in Matthews, NC, with his wife Alecia and three children, Clare, Luke and Abigail.



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