Apologia Pro Sancta Maria Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis: Mother of the Church (Mater Ecclesiae), Book I

Apologia Pro Sancta Maria Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis: Mother of the Church (Mater Ecclesiae), Book I

Apologia Pro Sancta Maria–Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis (Mother of Fair Love): Mater Ecclesiae (Mother of the Church), Book 1

by Joseph P. Michael, Th.D.

The author offers the Church something that the Church does not currently possess, namely a comprehensive, multi-faceted treatment of the subject of Maria, Mater Ecclesiae, arguing that Mary was divinely predestined to be Mother of the Church from the dawn of creation. The book is both persuasive and provocative, potentially troublesome for those who remain indifferent to the Virgin Mother’s participation in Christ’s mission of redemption. The inquiry spans the intellectual spectrum, on one hand clarifying terminology for the purposes of catechetical and ecumenical dialogue, on the other hand providing voluminous authoritative references that call upon various theologians, philosophers, Saints, Doctors of the Church and scripture passages that are seemingly difficult to refute.

At the heart of this investigation lies the existential reality of Mary’s maternal charity and the understanding of love as a reciprocal relationship between Mary and her adopted children. It is the mutual nature of love that spawns the idea that this Marian doctrine may benefit ecumenical dialogue and evangelization by appealing both to the heart and the importance of loving one another. But perhaps the most potentially contentious aspect of this investigation lies in the argument that as the doctrine relies on the principle of mutual love for one another, it becomes abundantly clear that love and devotion for the Virgin Mother becomes necessary if one aspires to eternal happiness.

Hardback with Dust Jacket: $44.95 | Hardback Case Laminate: $39.95 | Paperback: $34.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Written in 1859, Charles Dicken’s opening lines of a Tale of Two Cities are as timeless as they are prophetic, as relevant to society during the French Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment as they are to the rampant dissonance and darkness that threatens to engulf the present-day modern world. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

This work is as much a passionate apology to the Virgin Mother for mankind’s attitude of indifference to her wisdom and counsel where she has repeatedly warned of an ever-increasing vortex of darkness and immorality, of wars and of conflict and division as it is a scholarly investigation that proposes a series of rational arguments justifying another Marian dogma. The book is, at its very core, both a fervent and a rational appeal to ecclesiastical authorities and all who believe in Christ to reconsider the importance of the Marian doctrine of Mary, Mother of the Church that, if it were to be formally promulgated, holds the promise of a renaissance of Marian devotion, renewed hope for Christian unity and victories over the powers and principalities in their spiritual warfare with both believers and non-believers alike.


“In this book, Dr. Joseph P. Michael explores the deeper meaning of Mary as Mother of the Church. He shows that Mary’s bond of mutual love with the members of the Mystical Body of Christ is part of God’s eternal plan. Drawing upon Scripture, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Louis de Montfort and Catholic thinkers such as Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, OP and Dietrich von Hildebrand, Dr. Michael shows how devotion to Mary is necessary for the members of the Church according to God’s will. This book is more than a theological exploration. It is a sustained meditation on the Virgin Mary as the Mother of Fair Love.” – Robert Fastiggi, Ph.D. Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit and member of the Pontifical International Marian Academy

“Since the Second Vatican Council, we have seen very few works of theology of this sort, especially in Mariology. The author did something not seen in this area – he took for granted the truth and clarity of previous Church teaching and used these sources as if they were TRUE. As the generations of Catholic theologians tempted by Enlightenment cynicism pass into history, being replaced by more humble authors who mine the Scriptures and Catholic Tradition for the coherent treasures therein without standing in judgment of the truths of the Church, may we receive more works of this sort.” – from the “Introduction,” Fr. Gregory J. Lockwood, Christ the King Parish, Kansas City, MO

“The arguments presented provide the Church with a comprehensive treatment of the subject that, thus far, is otherwise lacking on the topic. I am confident that the conclusion that a Fifth Marian dogma for Mater Ecclesiae should be seriously considered by the Church will arouse a healthy debate among scholars.” – Rev. Randy Soto, STL, STD, Sacred Scripture scholar


Joseph P. Michael holds two degrees in the applied sciences, two post-graduate degrees in Catholic theology and a doctorate (Th.D.) in Mariology, this following a long career as a business consultant serving the needs of the sick and elderly. In addition to his scholarly work, he is currently the Director of two Eucharistic Apostolates that serve the liturgical needs of Catholic parishes across the US and Canada.

He may be contacted at joseph.p.michael.publications@gmail.com



Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman: A Judeo-Christian view of the Conception, in the history of Salvation, of the Divine Will in the Sovereign of Heaven by Diego G. Passadore Mary, the New Woman is an apologetic exegesis from the Bible, Jewish texts, and other Christian confessions,...

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Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis, edited by Andrew Likoudis This anthology of Dr. James Likoudis’s essays in Mariology, entitled Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, offers readers a comprehensive look into the teachings and beliefs of the...

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The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health by Francis Etheredge Running away at 14. Attempting suicide. Pill prescriptions for almost every mental health condition: Marketing or medicine? The exponential rise of the medicalization of children. Personal...

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La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania's...

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House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+ Our Lady has spent my entire lifetime blessing me with Her friendship –and so I rejoice today to offer Her this little gift of a book, which I hope brings many more souls into Her humble, Motherly embrace. Hardback:...

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Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim Forrest Yanke’s The Call to Prayer Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith by...

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Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book)

Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book)

Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book) by Mary Kloska Sometimes gathering as few as a few hundred people, sometimes as many as 100,000 people a day, Mary Kloska has led spiritual warriors each morning on social media in prayer for myriads of intentions. Following...

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La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer por Mary Kloska, traducido por Alicia Izaguirre La Santidad de la Mujer es un libro de retiro para mujeres. Hay un gran misterio rodeando el don de la femineidad que Dios quiere que la gente atesore y proteja.  Este libro describe los varios...

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Poniżej znajduje się konferencja, którą Mary wygłosiła w ośrodku rekolekcyjnym w Bąblińcu (w Polsce) do grupy młodych Polaków, poruszając temat Miłości Boga do nich. Konferencja miała miejsce 3 września 2005 r. i była tłumaczona przez Hanię Przybyło. Możecie jej...

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A Love Letter to Mary – Keith Berube

A Love Letter to Mary – Keith Berube

A Love Letter to Mary By Keith Berubé The Holy Trinity is absolutely enamoured of Mary. The Saints and so many good Catholics not canonized are totally in love with Mary. Both God and man have expressed their hearts for Mary in poetry.   When these expressions of love...

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Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma: “Views” from a Wayward Child, Convert, Ex-Jarhead, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt to a Son of Mary Alex Gotay How do Mary and Hip Hop connect?  Keep reading…Mary has many dense theological points that sometimes miss points of prayer for the average teen...

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The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska

The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania's...

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Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration

Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration

Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration by Francis Etheredge Whether it is the problem of pain, the messiness of our relationships or the confusion circulating about human identity, it is possible to think that we do not have anything to learn from the Virgin Mary, spouse...

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Ave Maria, authored by Richard Ruesch

Ave Maria, authored by Richard Ruesch

Ave Maria by Richard Ruesch The life of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is brought to mind through the contemplation of the mysteries of the Rosary and the recitation of its prayers. The mysteries of the Rosary are those that are Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious, and...

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Mary, the Beloved

Mary, the Beloved

Mary, the Beloved by Keith Berubé The Magisterium of the Catholic Church teaches that Mary, the Mother of God, is a grace-filled, flesh and blood woman, who unsurpassingly loves each of us by name. Mary, the Beloved, affirms that teaching, providing a theological and...

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Apologia Pro Sancta Maria–Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis (Mother of Fair Love): Mater Viventium Sacramentorum Caritatis (Mother of the Living Sacraments of Charity)

Apologia Pro Sancta Maria–Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis (Mother of Fair Love): Mater Viventium Sacramentorum Caritatis (Mother of the Living Sacraments of Charity)

Apologia Pro Sancta Maria–Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis (Mother of Fair Love): Mater Viventium Sacramentorum Caritatis (Mother of the Living Sacraments of Charity), Book 2

by Joseph P. Michael, Th.D., with a foreword by Fr. Edward Looney

This work tackles another Marian topic that was left unresolved at the conclusion of Second Vatican Council, namely, Mary’s mediation of the grace of the sacraments. This work is partly apologetic, partly catechetical but mostly theological. The inquiry also identifies departures from Catholic teaching by non-Catholic Christian denominations which may serve the interests of the Church’s efforts directed to Christian unity and Catholic evangelization. In a slight departure from accepted scholarly approaches to systematic theology, this investigation introduces the mystical revelations of the Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich and the Venerable Sister Mary of Agreda in support of the argument that Mary mediates the grace of the sacraments ex opere operantis, helping to make a person more disposed to the worthy reception of the sacraments of charity so they become living sacraments of love.

Hardback with Dust Jacket: $44.95 | Hardback Case Laminate: $39.95 | Paperback: $34.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“This work offers the Church not only a theological explanation for an unresolved question that posed a conundrum for theologians at the Council but also a powerful reminder of the importance of Marian devotion, of the power of Mary’s mediation and of loving one another as a remedy to the difficult challenges facing the Church, a remedy which I heartedly endorse.” – from the foreword by Fr. Edward Looney, President Emeritus of the Mariological Society of America
“Joseph P. Michael’s text offers the reader a rich opportunity to reflect on the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Mediator of All Grace, especially in the sacraments. He does so in a manner consistent with the rich Tradition of the Church, Thomistic theology, and the Magisterium. It is a rich treasure of wisdom.” – Rev. John P. Cush, STD, Professor of Fundamental and Dogmatic Theology, Saint Joseph’s Seminary and College (Dunwoodie), Yonkers, New York

Having evaluated a draft of this work, Fr. Soto said simply, “’Insisto (I insist)’ that this work continue.” – Rev. Randy Soto, STL, STD, Sacred Scripture scholar


Joseph P. Michael holds two degrees in the applied sciences, two post-graduate degrees in Catholic theology and a doctorate (Th.D.) in Mariology, this following a long career as a business consultant serving the needs of the sick and elderly. In addition to his scholarly work, he is currently the Director of two Eucharistic Apostolates that serve the liturgical needs of Catholic parishes across the US and Canada.

He may be contacted at joseph.p.michael.publications@gmail.com



Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman: A Judeo-Christian view of the Conception, in the history of Salvation, of the Divine Will in the Sovereign of Heaven by Diego G. Passadore Mary, the New Woman is an apologetic exegesis from the Bible, Jewish texts, and other Christian confessions,...

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Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis, edited by Andrew Likoudis This anthology of Dr. James Likoudis’s essays in Mariology, entitled Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, offers readers a comprehensive look into the teachings and beliefs of the...

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The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health by Francis Etheredge Running away at 14. Attempting suicide. Pill prescriptions for almost every mental health condition: Marketing or medicine? The exponential rise of the medicalization of children. Personal...

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La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania's...

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House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+ Our Lady has spent my entire lifetime blessing me with Her friendship –and so I rejoice today to offer Her this little gift of a book, which I hope brings many more souls into Her humble, Motherly embrace. Hardback:...

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Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim Forrest Yanke’s The Call to Prayer Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith by...

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Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book)

Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book)

Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book) by Mary Kloska Sometimes gathering as few as a few hundred people, sometimes as many as 100,000 people a day, Mary Kloska has led spiritual warriors each morning on social media in prayer for myriads of intentions. Following...

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La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer por Mary Kloska, traducido por Alicia Izaguirre La Santidad de la Mujer es un libro de retiro para mujeres. Hay un gran misterio rodeando el don de la femineidad que Dios quiere que la gente atesore y proteja.  Este libro describe los varios...

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Poniżej znajduje się konferencja, którą Mary wygłosiła w ośrodku rekolekcyjnym w Bąblińcu (w Polsce) do grupy młodych Polaków, poruszając temat Miłości Boga do nich. Konferencja miała miejsce 3 września 2005 r. i była tłumaczona przez Hanię Przybyło. Możecie jej...

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A Love Letter to Mary – Keith Berube

A Love Letter to Mary – Keith Berube

A Love Letter to Mary By Keith Berubé The Holy Trinity is absolutely enamoured of Mary. The Saints and so many good Catholics not canonized are totally in love with Mary. Both God and man have expressed their hearts for Mary in poetry.   When these expressions of love...

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Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma: “Views” from a Wayward Child, Convert, Ex-Jarhead, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt to a Son of Mary Alex Gotay How do Mary and Hip Hop connect?  Keep reading…Mary has many dense theological points that sometimes miss points of prayer for the average teen...

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The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska

The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania's...

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Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration

Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration

Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration by Francis Etheredge Whether it is the problem of pain, the messiness of our relationships or the confusion circulating about human identity, it is possible to think that we do not have anything to learn from the Virgin Mary, spouse...

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Ave Maria, authored by Richard Ruesch

Ave Maria, authored by Richard Ruesch

Ave Maria by Richard Ruesch The life of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is brought to mind through the contemplation of the mysteries of the Rosary and the recitation of its prayers. The mysteries of the Rosary are those that are Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious, and...

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Mary, the Beloved

Mary, the Beloved

Mary, the Beloved by Keith Berubé The Magisterium of the Catholic Church teaches that Mary, the Mother of God, is a grace-filled, flesh and blood woman, who unsurpassingly loves each of us by name. Mary, the Beloved, affirms that teaching, providing a theological and...

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Apologia Pro Sancta Maria–Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis (Mother of Fair Love): Mater Mysticae Civitatis Dei (Mother of the Mystical City of God), Book III

Apologia Pro Sancta Maria–Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis (Mother of Fair Love): Mater Mysticae Civitatis Dei (Mother of the Mystical City of God), Book III


Apologia Pro Sancta Maria–Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis (Mother of Fair Love): Mater Mysticae Civitatis Dei (Mother of the Mystical City of God), Book 3

by Joseph P. Michael, Th.D.

Mystical theology is a science that examines the intimate relationship between the soul and God, a relationship that is manifested in prayer, contemplation of the divine mysteries and private revelation where the soul is presented with the privileged opportunity to engage in a dialogue with the Incarnate God and the Virgin Mother. This mystical dialogue is both doctrinal and meditative, both speculative and practical.

Book III of this series delves deeper into the mystical relationship between the Virgin Mother and these extraordinary visionaries and living sacraments of charity. In this particular instance, this work examines the mystical dialogue between the Venerable Sister Mary of Agreda and Christ and His Mother as recorded in Mistica Ciudad de Dios, a text that enjoys the approbations of Popes Innocent XI, Alexander VIII, Clement IX and Benedict XIII as well as the Bishop of Ratisbon, the Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg, the Bishop of Tarazona and the Bishop of Fort Wayne, Indiana who authorize its reading with reverential prudence and good judgment.

It is the expectation that this careful examination of the text using the Lectio Divina method of discernment will provide further illumination of the truths of Catholic doctrine thus providing scholars and theologians with new lines of theological inquiry into the mysteries of the faith and topics related to Mary’s participation in God’s plan of salvation.

Hardback with Dust Jacket: $44.95 | Hardback Case Laminate: $39.95 | Paperback: $34.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Having evaluated a draft of this work, Fr. Soto said simply, “’Insisto (I insist)’ that this work continue.” – Rev. Randy Soto, STL, STD, Sacred Scripture scholar


Joseph P. Michael holds two degrees in the applied sciences, two post-graduate degrees in Catholic theology and a doctorate (Th.D.) in Mariology, this following a long career as a business consultant serving the needs of the sick and elderly. In addition to his scholarly work, he is currently the Director of two Eucharistic Apostolates that serve the liturgical needs of Catholic parishes across the US and Canada.

He may be contacted at joseph.p.michael.publications@gmail.com



Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman: A Judeo-Christian view of the Conception, in the history of Salvation, of the Divine Will in the Sovereign of Heaven by Diego G. Passadore Mary, the New Woman is an apologetic exegesis from the Bible, Jewish texts, and other Christian confessions,...

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Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis, edited by Andrew Likoudis This anthology of Dr. James Likoudis’s essays in Mariology, entitled Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, offers readers a comprehensive look into the teachings and beliefs of the...

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The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health by Francis Etheredge Running away at 14. Attempting suicide. Pill prescriptions for almost every mental health condition: Marketing or medicine? The exponential rise of the medicalization of children. Personal...

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La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania's...

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House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+ Our Lady has spent my entire lifetime blessing me with Her friendship –and so I rejoice today to offer Her this little gift of a book, which I hope brings many more souls into Her humble, Motherly embrace. Hardback:...

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Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim Forrest Yanke’s The Call to Prayer Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith by...

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Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book)

Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book)

Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book) by Mary Kloska Sometimes gathering as few as a few hundred people, sometimes as many as 100,000 people a day, Mary Kloska has led spiritual warriors each morning on social media in prayer for myriads of intentions. Following...

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La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer por Mary Kloska, traducido por Alicia Izaguirre La Santidad de la Mujer es un libro de retiro para mujeres. Hay un gran misterio rodeando el don de la femineidad que Dios quiere que la gente atesore y proteja.  Este libro describe los varios...

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Poniżej znajduje się konferencja, którą Mary wygłosiła w ośrodku rekolekcyjnym w Bąblińcu (w Polsce) do grupy młodych Polaków, poruszając temat Miłości Boga do nich. Konferencja miała miejsce 3 września 2005 r. i była tłumaczona przez Hanię Przybyło. Możecie jej...

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A Love Letter to Mary – Keith Berube

A Love Letter to Mary – Keith Berube

A Love Letter to Mary By Keith Berubé The Holy Trinity is absolutely enamoured of Mary. The Saints and so many good Catholics not canonized are totally in love with Mary. Both God and man have expressed their hearts for Mary in poetry.   When these expressions of love...

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Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma: “Views” from a Wayward Child, Convert, Ex-Jarhead, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt to a Son of Mary Alex Gotay How do Mary and Hip Hop connect?  Keep reading…Mary has many dense theological points that sometimes miss points of prayer for the average teen...

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The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska

The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania's...

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Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration

Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration

Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration by Francis Etheredge Whether it is the problem of pain, the messiness of our relationships or the confusion circulating about human identity, it is possible to think that we do not have anything to learn from the Virgin Mary, spouse...

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Ave Maria, authored by Richard Ruesch

Ave Maria, authored by Richard Ruesch

Ave Maria by Richard Ruesch The life of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is brought to mind through the contemplation of the mysteries of the Rosary and the recitation of its prayers. The mysteries of the Rosary are those that are Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious, and...

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Mary, the Beloved

Mary, the Beloved

Mary, the Beloved by Keith Berubé The Magisterium of the Catholic Church teaches that Mary, the Mother of God, is a grace-filled, flesh and blood woman, who unsurpassingly loves each of us by name. Mary, the Beloved, affirms that teaching, providing a theological and...

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Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman: A Judeo-Christian view of the Conception, in the history of Salvation, of the Divine Will in the Sovereign of Heaven

by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman is an apologetic exegesis from the Bible, Jewish texts, and other Christian confessions, designed to bring the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception closer to the unbeliever and to promote the dignity of women in a world that objectifies them. Its invitation to conversion can help in Christian Unity and increase Christian faith through its instruction on how to savor the depth of the Bible and how to increase hope in the invisible advance of the Kingdom of God.
Paperback: $24.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Eileen Quinn Knight, “Review of Mary, the New Woman,” (October 23, 2024), Profiles in Catholicism. Click here to read the review.


Diego G. Passadore, “Our Lady can help humanity open its eyes to the evil of sacrificing children through abortion,” LifeSite News (December 11, 2024). Click here to read the review.


In Mary, the New Woman, Diego Passadore takes us on a dynamic journey through time to connect his Catholic faith with the modern world. He reflects on the difference between Cronos (ordinary time) and Kairos (God’s time), which brings life to our spiritual and physical existence. For Christians, this is about how and when God reveals Himself in our lives, showing us the deep meaning of our being made in His image. Using a biblical-anthropological method, Passadore draws from his own experiences as a family man. He presents a fresh perspective where a Christian lay man speaks about women, emphasizing the love and unity found in marriage. The text explores the mystery of the Incarnation, where the Word becomes flesh, showing pure and chaste love for all. It highlights Mary’s role as the mother of Jesus, embodying both supernatural and natural elements, and affirms the importance of grace and shared responsibility among women and those who follow Mary. Mary, the New Woman is a well-crafted study, focusing on love rather than complex theology, that adheres to doctrine in the celebration of the Marian faith of the people, where all mothers, daughters, and wives reflect Mary’s essence. Key chapters address issues like discrimination and promoting the value of every human being in their discussion of the dignity of women. I encourage everyone who loves our Blessed Mother to read this work.” – Fr. Antonio Larocca, SMC, from Venezuela

“This book is the work of an author ecstatically in love with Christ and his Mother. Passadore calls for a multi-pronged renewal, including such things as intensified Scripture reading, the retrieval of the practice of fasting, appreciation for the charismatic movement in the Church, ardent contrition and repentance, fraternal solidarity and purification, and – the heart of the book – commending Mary as not only the New Eve but the New Woman.” – Matthew Levering, James N. Jr. and Mary D. Perry Chair of Theology, Mundelein Seminary

This book is both scholarly and confessional in its approach to the theological implications of the Roman Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception. The Virgin Mary is the ‘New Woman’, according to Diego Passadore, because she restores humanity to the pure and faithful state that existed before the Fall. This book will inspire Christians throughout the world to reassess their relationship not only with Christ, the Saviour, but also with his blessed Mother as they seek to recover in themselves the image and likeness of God.” – Dr. Mary B. Cunningham, Honorary Associate Professor of Historical Theology, The University of Nottingham

“Diego Passadore may not be a theologian, but he has captured the essence of Aquinas’ teaching that the contemplation of divine truths is the highest form of human activity. The book offers the perspicacious reader the opportunity to discover a new understanding of that ‘woman’ revealed in the Book of Revelation and how every contemporary woman may come to understand what femininity truly means and be transformed into a new woman by fulfilling the divine will in the imitation of the Virgin Mother.” – Dr. Joseph P. Michael, author of Apologia Pro Sancta Maria: Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis, Maria, Mater Ecclesiae

“In an exercise in ressourcement, Diego Passadore’s work draws together the historic teachings of the Church with the insights of Vatican II to argue for the dignity of women within the Catholic tradition, as seen in the doctrine of the New Eve—or ‘New Woman’.  This book should encourage deeper reflection on the relationship between Mary, the Church, and our understanding of sexual difference.” – Dr. Sarah Jane Boss, Founder and Director of the Centre for Marian Studies & Lecturer in Theology at The University of Wales Lampeter, London, UK

Mary, the New Woman is more than just an argument for Mary as the “New Woman.” It is a rich synthesis of insights into Mary as—inter alia—the Ark of the Covenant, the mother of all, and the model of contemplation. Passadore brings together many beautiful reflections on Mary from Church fathers, medieval theologians —such as Hugh of St. Victor, Bonaventure, and Gregory Palamas—and more recent figures such as Edith Stein, John Paul II, and Pope Francis. In addition, he shows the importance of Mary for the dignity of women, the feminine dimension of the Church, and the promotion of peace and human fraternity. Readers will benefit from the many deep insights drawn from Scripture, the Protoevangelium of James, and the writings of mystics.” — from the Proem, authored by Robert Fastiggi, Ph.D. Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, Michigan USA and member of the Pontifical International Marian Academy



Diego G. Passadore is the author of another two books: Heal the Wound of the Sufferer, My Brother (click here for the Spanish edition), and Love Until it Hurts (click here for the Spanish edition). He has also written various articles.
A native of Montevideo, Uruguay, Passadore is an engineer by profession, married, and has a daughter. He is a secular Catholic who takes joy in preaching Jesus Christ to the outskirts of society. A lover of the Bible and contemplative prayer, he frequently participates in Encounters of the School of Silence, founded by Fr. José F. Moratiel, OP.


Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman: A Judeo-Christian view of the Conception, in the history of Salvation, of the Divine Will in the Sovereign of Heaven by Diego G. Passadore Mary, the New Woman is an apologetic exegesis from the Bible, Jewish texts, and other Christian confessions,...

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Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis, edited by Andrew Likoudis This anthology of Dr. James Likoudis’s essays in Mariology, entitled Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, offers readers a comprehensive look into the teachings and beliefs of the...

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The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health by Francis Etheredge Running away at 14. Attempting suicide. Pill prescriptions for almost every mental health condition: Marketing or medicine? The exponential rise of the medicalization of children. Personal...

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La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania's...

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House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+ Our Lady has spent my entire lifetime blessing me with Her friendship –and so I rejoice today to offer Her this little gift of a book, which I hope brings many more souls into Her humble, Motherly embrace. Hardback:...

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Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim Forrest Yanke’s The Call to Prayer Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith by...

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Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book)

Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book)

Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book) by Mary Kloska Sometimes gathering as few as a few hundred people, sometimes as many as 100,000 people a day, Mary Kloska has led spiritual warriors each morning on social media in prayer for myriads of intentions. Following...

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La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer por Mary Kloska, traducido por Alicia Izaguirre La Santidad de la Mujer es un libro de retiro para mujeres. Hay un gran misterio rodeando el don de la femineidad que Dios quiere que la gente atesore y proteja.  Este libro describe los varios...

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Poniżej znajduje się konferencja, którą Mary wygłosiła w ośrodku rekolekcyjnym w Bąblińcu (w Polsce) do grupy młodych Polaków, poruszając temat Miłości Boga do nich. Konferencja miała miejsce 3 września 2005 r. i była tłumaczona przez Hanię Przybyło. Możecie jej...

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A Love Letter to Mary – Keith Berube

A Love Letter to Mary – Keith Berube

A Love Letter to Mary By Keith Berubé The Holy Trinity is absolutely enamoured of Mary. The Saints and so many good Catholics not canonized are totally in love with Mary. Both God and man have expressed their hearts for Mary in poetry.   When these expressions of love...

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Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma: “Views” from a Wayward Child, Convert, Ex-Jarhead, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt to a Son of Mary Alex Gotay How do Mary and Hip Hop connect?  Keep reading…Mary has many dense theological points that sometimes miss points of prayer for the average teen...

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The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska

The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania's...

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Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration

Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration

Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration by Francis Etheredge Whether it is the problem of pain, the messiness of our relationships or the confusion circulating about human identity, it is possible to think that we do not have anything to learn from the Virgin Mary, spouse...

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Ave Maria, authored by Richard Ruesch

Ave Maria, authored by Richard Ruesch

Ave Maria by Richard Ruesch The life of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is brought to mind through the contemplation of the mysteries of the Rosary and the recitation of its prayers. The mysteries of the Rosary are those that are Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious, and...

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Mary, the Beloved

Mary, the Beloved

Mary, the Beloved by Keith Berubé The Magisterium of the Catholic Church teaches that Mary, the Mother of God, is a grace-filled, flesh and blood woman, who unsurpassingly loves each of us by name. Mary, the Beloved, affirms that teaching, providing a theological and...

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Our Sorrowful Mother: Meditations on Mary’s Seven Dolors by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

Our Sorrowful Mother: Meditations on Mary’s Seven Dolors by Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.

Our Sorrowful Mother: Meditations on Mary’s Seven Dolors

by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R.

This book is a series of imaginative meditations on what Catholic devotional literature refers to as “The Seven Dolors of Mary,” seven moments in Our Blessed Mother’s life that brought her great pain and suffering. These meditations are reflections on passages from Scripture that put Mary in close contact with the sufferings of Our Lord and, in doing so, seek to place the reader in the same place with them. This work of devotion seeks to deepen the reader’s Catholic identity by pointing to Mary, the Mother of Our Lord, and showing us that she is also Our Mother, someone who weeps and mourns over our own pain and suffering, be it physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, or social.

Paperback: $12.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“For anyone looking to begin or to deepen their devotion to Our Blessed Mother through an understanding of her sorrows and of her ultimate joy.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP

“In the six decades that have passed since Second Vatican Council, the Church has fallen into somewhat of a malaise regarding Marian devotion. Fr. Dennis Billy’s meditations on Our Sorrowful Mother serve as a tempered synthesis of the writings of the great Marian saints, of St. Bernard, St. Alphonso Liguori and St. Louis de Montfort, thus helping to re-introduce and reawaken the Church to the contemplation of the magnitude and intensity of Mary’s love for her only Son. This is a solid re-introduction to the meditations on the Mother of God and her sacrificial love that is desperately needed in today’s society.” – Dr. Joseph. P. Michael, author of Apologia Pro Sancta Maria: Mater Pulchrae DilectionisMaria, Mater Ecclesiae

“Father Billy has engaged mind and heart at an incredibly deep level in an attempt to ‘touch’ the heart of Mary, and here he shares with us the fruit of his labor.” – Shane Kapler, author of Marrying the Rosary to the Divine Mercy Chaplet and The Biblical Roots of Marian Consecration


Fr. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R., is Professor Emeritus of the history of moral theology and Christian spirituality at the Alphonsian Academy of the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome and currently serves as The Robert F. Leavitt Distinguished Service Chair in Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore. An American Redemptorist of the Baltimore Province, Fr. Billy has advanced degrees from Harvard University, the Pontifical University of St. Thomas (Angelicum), and the Graduate Theological Foundation. The author of numerous books and articles on a variety of religious topics, he is also active in his order’s retreat apostolate and in the ministry of spiritual direction.


Mary, Our Blessed Mother

Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman: A Judeo-Christian view of the Conception, in the history of Salvation, of the Divine Will in the Sovereign of Heaven by Diego G. Passadore Mary, the New Woman is an apologetic exegesis from the Bible, Jewish texts, and other Christian confessions,...

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Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis, edited by Andrew Likoudis This anthology of Dr. James Likoudis’s essays in Mariology, entitled Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, offers readers a comprehensive look into the teachings and beliefs of the...

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The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health by Francis Etheredge Running away at 14. Attempting suicide. Pill prescriptions for almost every mental health condition: Marketing or medicine? The exponential rise of the medicalization of children. Personal...

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La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania's...

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House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+ Our Lady has spent my entire lifetime blessing me with Her friendship –and so I rejoice today to offer Her this little gift of a book, which I hope brings many more souls into Her humble, Motherly embrace. Hardback:...

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Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim Forrest Yanke’s The Call to Prayer Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith by...

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Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book)

Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book)

Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book) by Mary Kloska Sometimes gathering as few as a few hundred people, sometimes as many as 100,000 people a day, Mary Kloska has led spiritual warriors each morning on social media in prayer for myriads of intentions. Following...

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La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer por Mary Kloska, traducido por Alicia Izaguirre La Santidad de la Mujer es un libro de retiro para mujeres. Hay un gran misterio rodeando el don de la femineidad que Dios quiere que la gente atesore y proteja.  Este libro describe los varios...

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Poniżej znajduje się konferencja, którą Mary wygłosiła w ośrodku rekolekcyjnym w Bąblińcu (w Polsce) do grupy młodych Polaków, poruszając temat Miłości Boga do nich. Konferencja miała miejsce 3 września 2005 r. i była tłumaczona przez Hanię Przybyło. Możecie jej...

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A Love Letter to Mary – Keith Berube

A Love Letter to Mary – Keith Berube

A Love Letter to Mary By Keith Berubé The Holy Trinity is absolutely enamoured of Mary. The Saints and so many good Catholics not canonized are totally in love with Mary. Both God and man have expressed their hearts for Mary in poetry.   When these expressions of love...

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Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma: “Views” from a Wayward Child, Convert, Ex-Jarhead, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt to a Son of Mary Alex Gotay How do Mary and Hip Hop connect?  Keep reading…Mary has many dense theological points that sometimes miss points of prayer for the average teen...

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The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska

The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania's...

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Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration

Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration

Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration by Francis Etheredge Whether it is the problem of pain, the messiness of our relationships or the confusion circulating about human identity, it is possible to think that we do not have anything to learn from the Virgin Mary, spouse...

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Ave Maria, authored by Richard Ruesch

Ave Maria, authored by Richard Ruesch

Ave Maria by Richard Ruesch The life of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is brought to mind through the contemplation of the mysteries of the Rosary and the recitation of its prayers. The mysteries of the Rosary are those that are Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious, and...

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Mary, the Beloved

Mary, the Beloved

Mary, the Beloved by Keith Berubé The Magisterium of the Catholic Church teaches that Mary, the Mother of God, is a grace-filled, flesh and blood woman, who unsurpassingly loves each of us by name. Mary, the Beloved, affirms that teaching, providing a theological and...

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Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization

by James Likoudis, edited by Andrew Likoudis

This anthology of Dr. James Likoudis’s essays in Mariology, entitled Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, offers readers a comprehensive look into the teachings and beliefs of the Catholic Church on one of Her most profound and rich fields of study. Within these pages, Dr. Likoudis establishes a strong foundation for an eventual 5th Marian Dogma, focusing on Mary’s roles as Mediatrix, Co-redemptrix, and Advocate, with an eye toward our separated Eastern brethren, and their understanding of the Mother of God. It is our hope that the conversation around this potential dogma, long delayed due to polemics, can, with the aid offered here, be significantly furthered, and that this aid will also resolve difficulties standing in the way of a long-awaited full reconciliation between East and West.

Paperback: $29.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“In Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, James Likoudis covers many important themes such as Mary’s knowledge of her Son’s divinity, her role in the work of redemption, and her relation to the Church’s evangelizing mission. The main contribution of this volume, however, is its serious engagement with Eastern Orthodox Mariology on topics such as the Immaculate Conception, Mary’s predestination, and her mediation of grace. This book is especially valuable for its exposition of the Mariology of Gregory Palamas (1296–1359) and its examination of the significance of Our Lady of Fatima for the conversion of Russia.” – Robert Fastiggi, PhD, Former President, Mariological Society of America; Member, Theological Commission of the International Marian Association; Corresponding Member, Pontifical Marian Academy

“The special contribution of Mary, Star of the New Evangelization is the insight James Likoudis shares in recognizing that the Blessed Virgin Mary is key to evangelization in the post-modern, secular world. With personal experience as a Greek Orthodox convert to Hellenic Greek Catholicism, as well as years of teaching, Likoudis analyzes Patristic, Magisterial, and Eastern liturgical texts to overcome contemporary confusions about Mary. His book illustrates how “the Church must breathe with both her lungs” (Ut Unum Sint, §54) in sharing our Blessed Mother with a world that does not know her as it should.” – Gloria Falcão Dodd, SThD, Research Professor, International Marian Research Institute, University of Dayton, and President of the Mariological Society of America

“As people are abandoning their Catholic faith for other denominations or no religion at all, Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, presents inspiring light for those who desire to deepen their relationship with God and for those looking for greater hope in the future of the Church. Our Blessed Mother Mary appeared to God’s people in various cultures in times of distress, of great need, in war, and in persecution. She appears from heaven to aid us in our zeal for love of God and serving His people in evangelization that springs forth as an overflow from our relationship with Him. Like a lighthouse with its rays radiating in the darkness, Mary is the guiding light that directs and points us to her son Jesus Christ. Mary, Mother of Hope, comes to console us when we turn to her, and she becomes the Cause of our Joy.” – Angelus Virata, MA, Director of Evangelization, Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary—America’s First Cathedral

“The many Marian contributions of James Likoudis found within MaryStar of the New Evangelization, edited by his grandson, Andrew Likoudis, may elicit the question: Another book on Our Lady? Yes, happily another book on Our Lady! How fitting that the ever ancient, ever new truths about the Mother of God be considered time and time again. This volume presents a host of Marian topics—for example, the Ever-Virgin’s role in contemporary evangelization, the Immaculate Conception, the Mariology of Gregory Palamas, Mary’s understanding of the Sacred Divinity of her Son (in the words of the esteemed Mariologist, the Reverend Dominic J. Unger, OFM Cap., “not only in His infancy, but at the Annunciation”) and Our Lady of Fatima and the Church’s unity—that will both inform and inspire. A special feature of this book is the discussion of how Mary is viewed by Christian believers in the West and in the East. And MaryStar of the New Evangelization provides a service to readers by offering the text of Chapter Eight of the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium (November 21, 1964) as well as that of the Apostolic Exhortation Marialis Cultus (February 2, 1974) from Pope Saint Paul VI. There is much about Our Blessed Lady herein that deserves our careful attention.” – Monsignor Charles M. Mangan, JCL, Associate Professor of Theology, Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary, Emmittsburg, Maryland

“The lifetime writings of Mr. James Likoudis constitute a living witness to the fact that an authentic Catholic can at once be entirely Marian, and also entirely ecumenical. Of like witness to the complementary goals of defending the “whole truth about Mary,” and the imperative for Christian Unity as profoundly embodied by Pope St. John Paul the Great, James Likoudis also comprises a contemporary theological and catechetical voice for full Mariological truth, not as an obstacle, but rather as a means to authentic ecumenical unity.” – Mark Miravalle, St. John Paul II Chair of Mariology, Franciscan University of Steubenville; Constance Shifflin-Blum Chair of Mariology, Ave Maria University; President, International Marian Association (From the Foreword)


A convert from Greek Orthodoxy, James Likoudis is an internationally known apologist, one who has dedicated his life to reconciling his Eastern Orthodox brethren with the Catholic Church Jesus Christ founded. He excels in analyzing the key issues that separate Catholics and Orthodox, including regarding papal and conciliar history, and he cherishes all we hold in common in Christ.

Likoudis served for more than twenty-five years at the lay apostolate Catholics United for the Faith (CUF), including as president. His other books include The Pope, The Council, and The Mass; The Divine Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and Modern Eastern Orthodoxy: Letters to a Greek Orthodox on the Unity of the Church; Eastern Orthodoxy and the See of Peter: A Journey Towards Full Communion; Ending the Byzantine Greek Schism; and Heralds of a Catholic Russia: Twelve Spiritual Pilgrims from Byzantium to Rome. He has written and lectured widely on ecumenism, religious education, liturgy, sex education, family life, and the role of the laity in the Church. He is also a former college instructor in history and government, with over twenty years of teaching experience. Likoudis received an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit (2020). He and his late wife Ruth have six children, thirty-five grandchildren, and forty-five great-grandchildren.


Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman by Diego G. Passadore

Mary, the New Woman: A Judeo-Christian view of the Conception, in the history of Salvation, of the Divine Will in the Sovereign of Heaven by Diego G. Passadore Mary, the New Woman is an apologetic exegesis from the Bible, Jewish texts, and other Christian confessions,...

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Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization by James Likoudis, edited by Andrew Likoudis This anthology of Dr. James Likoudis’s essays in Mariology, entitled Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, offers readers a comprehensive look into the teachings and beliefs of the...

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The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health by Francis Etheredge Running away at 14. Attempting suicide. Pill prescriptions for almost every mental health condition: Marketing or medicine? The exponential rise of the medicalization of children. Personal...

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La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

La Sainteté de la Féminité par Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania's...

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House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+

House of Gold by Mary Elizabeth Anne Kloska, Fiat+ Our Lady has spent my entire lifetime blessing me with Her friendship –and so I rejoice today to offer Her this little gift of a book, which I hope brings many more souls into Her humble, Motherly embrace. Hardback:...

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Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim Forrest Yanke’s The Call to Prayer Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith by...

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Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book)

Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book)

Mornings with Mary (A Rosary Prayer Book) by Mary Kloska Sometimes gathering as few as a few hundred people, sometimes as many as 100,000 people a day, Mary Kloska has led spiritual warriors each morning on social media in prayer for myriads of intentions. Following...

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La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer por Mary Kloska, traducido por Alicia Izaguirre La Santidad de la Mujer es un libro de retiro para mujeres. Hay un gran misterio rodeando el don de la femineidad que Dios quiere que la gente atesore y proteja.  Este libro describe los varios...

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Poniżej znajduje się konferencja, którą Mary wygłosiła w ośrodku rekolekcyjnym w Bąblińcu (w Polsce) do grupy młodych Polaków, poruszając temat Miłości Boga do nich. Konferencja miała miejsce 3 września 2005 r. i była tłumaczona przez Hanię Przybyło. Możecie jej...

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A Love Letter to Mary – Keith Berube

A Love Letter to Mary – Keith Berube

A Love Letter to Mary By Keith Berubé The Holy Trinity is absolutely enamoured of Mary. The Saints and so many good Catholics not canonized are totally in love with Mary. Both God and man have expressed their hearts for Mary in poetry.   When these expressions of love...

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Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma: “Views” from a Wayward Child, Convert, Ex-Jarhead, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt to a Son of Mary Alex Gotay How do Mary and Hip Hop connect?  Keep reading…Mary has many dense theological points that sometimes miss points of prayer for the average teen...

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The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska

The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska

Below is a spiritual talk that Mary gave to a group of Polish youth at a retreat center in Babliniec, Poland about the Love that God has for them. It was on September 3, 2005 and is translated by Hania Przybylo. You can listen to this both in my English and Hania's...

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Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration

Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration

Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration by Francis Etheredge Whether it is the problem of pain, the messiness of our relationships or the confusion circulating about human identity, it is possible to think that we do not have anything to learn from the Virgin Mary, spouse...

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Ave Maria, authored by Richard Ruesch

Ave Maria, authored by Richard Ruesch

Ave Maria by Richard Ruesch The life of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is brought to mind through the contemplation of the mysteries of the Rosary and the recitation of its prayers. The mysteries of the Rosary are those that are Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious, and...

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Mary, the Beloved

Mary, the Beloved

Mary, the Beloved by Keith Berubé The Magisterium of the Catholic Church teaches that Mary, the Mother of God, is a grace-filled, flesh and blood woman, who unsurpassingly loves each of us by name. Mary, the Beloved, affirms that teaching, providing a theological and...

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