Freedom and Truth in Suffering: A Moral and Theological Approach for Humanity​

by Sydney March, BA (Theology), BSN, MS (Bioethics), MA (Moral Theology), RN, PHN

For those who experience suffering and those in the medical profession, this book explores why a proper understanding of the human person and freedom is essential for guidance in moral actions and persevering. The author demonstrates that with this framework, the power of grace, the examples of Jesus Christ and his Blessed Mother, including other essential elements, allow us the potential to find purpose, experience true freedom, persevere, and be an encouraging and salvific witness.

Paperback: $12.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Currently, 75% of the authors earnings will go to Options for Women East. Options East is a pregnancy medical clinic located in St. Paul, MN. The clinic provides a sanctuary to many women and families in need of prenatal care when they inspiringly decide to choose life. Their motto is: Encourage, Empower, and Embrace and caring philosophy stems from the desire to care for ‘two souls, not one.’ Options East is the only pregnancy medical clinic in the state that provides extensive in-house prenatal and postpartum care, education, and support up until their little is 3 (and supports them in various ways beyond). They are also going through an extensive accreditation process. Your generosity and prayers are very much appreciated. In your kindness, please be sure and send an email to if you decide to make a donation and/or provide prayers separate from the book so she can thank you for your love of women, their little ones, and their mission:


“Sydney March brings to her argument the same passionate commitment she brings to patient care, with the added conviction of her Catholic faith.  This book is an argument for the possibility that suffering can be endured and perhaps redemptive; her argument will have the most meaning for the committed Catholic believer.  Though I do not share the religious belief, as a physician I recognize and appreciate the commonality we share in seeing the patient and the human as a spiritual whole.  For the Catholic believer this thesis will be reassuring and instructive; for all others it will provide a clear insight into the strength that the Catholic provider can draw from a detailed analysis of the faith in attending to the sick, which in the end is our common human goal.” – Warren Kearney, M.D. C.M. HEC-C, ASBH Certified Health Care Ethics Consultant

“This significant work provides guidance for both the health care professional, and those they serve, to enable the sufferer to persevere and flourish. ‘Suffering well’ involves truth concerning the transcendent needs of the human person, so that moral and effective choices can be made, while trusting in God’s providential care.” – Dr. Marie T. Hilliard, MS (Maternal Child Health Nursing), MA (Religious Studies), JCL (Canon Lawyer), PhD, RN, Senior Fellow, The National Catholic Bioethics Center

“Sydney March explores the nature of suffering and its role in the Christian moral life with insight and sensitivity in this lovely book. Her enlightening reflections will be of value to all who recognize the need to ‘suffer well’ as we sojourn in this valley of tears.” – Dr. Christopher Tollefsen, Professor of Philosophy, University of South Carolina

“Understanding suffering is vitally important in today’s world that so often seeks to escape suffering and finds it meaningless. This short treatise on suffering beautifully expounds on the redemptive and salvific meaning that suffering can beget. This book balances an understanding of the philosophical meaning of suffering with its existential reality, addressing the sufferer with compassion. It also reveals how each of us, in our own suffering, can be encouraged by the example of Jesus Christ, who willfully accepted suffering for the sake of others. For healthcare professionals in particular, we are not only called to alleviate what suffering we can, but also to genuinely accompany the sufferer, and, in some sense, to enter into their suffering. I trust this work will allow each reader to become a beacon of hope to a suffering world.” – Lisa Gilbert, MD, MA (Ethics), FAAFP, Family Physician


Sydney March and her family live in Minnesota. She is a Registered & Public Health Nurse that currently works in the Emergency Department at a major Metro hospital; one of the many founding members of a local Clinical Ethics and Values Program, and co-leader an Ethics Champion’s Program at her hospital. She has been a part of their Ethics Committee since 2015. She is a staff nurse at Options for Women East, where in 2015, she was brought on to assist, expand, and develop their Prenatal/Postnatal Program that was started a few months prior to her arrival. She is on the Medical Advisory Board for Elevate Life – a pregnancy center support affiliate for encouraging best practices in pro-life clinics. For close two years, she taught Nursing Ethics and Advocacy in a New Grad Program for newly graduated nurses. During the COVID-19 pandemic in May 2020, she was asked to lead the Archdiocesan Anointing Corps by the St. Paul/Minneapolis Bishops for training priests on how to administer the Sacraments of the Sick to COVID patients, while working with facilities to promote their necessity and presence to those suffering and dying from COVID.
She has a Bachelor of Liberal Art’s in Theology from Christendom College (2008), with the thesis: “The Need for a Spirituality of the Family.” Bachelor of Science in Nursing from St. Scholastica (2014). Master of Science in Bioethics from University of Mary (2018) – her Capstone project was an ethical analysis on opportunistic and non-opportunistic salpingectomy, entitled: “An Ethical Analysis on Emergent and Non-Emergent Tubal Ligations.” She obtained her certification in Catholic Health Care Ethics in 2017 from the National Catholic Bioethics Center, of which she is also a member/supporter. She presented two ethics proposals during the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities conference in October 2021: An Ethical and Theological Analysis on the Practice and Restrictions of Whole-Person Care within Healthcare during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic, with Comparative Analysis on Safety Protocols and Practices of the Catholic Church and An Ethical Analysis of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Mass Distribution of Experimental Therapy. She recently graduated from Holy Apostles College and Seminary with her Master of Arts in Moral Theology. Her thesis was entitled, “Freedom and Truth in Suffering: A Moral and Theological Approach for Humanity.”
Other facts:
  • As a nurse, she has her certifications in Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Trauma Nursing Core Certification, Perinatal Loss Certificate.
  • Awards: Presidential Lifetime Achievement in 2020, DAISY Award for Nurses, Voice of Democracy X2, Honorary Membership to the Military Officer’s Association, 3 VFW Awards for Organizing a Support the Troops Rally in 2003 with 3000+ attendees.
  • Previous publications: Duluth News Tribune, Star Tribune, Weekly Reader, National Catholic Nurses Association, Curatio, Metro Hospital Nursing Newsletter.
  • Interviews: Radio Co-host w/Brad Bennett at 16 yrs, The Glenn Beck Show, Practicing Catholic, and the Catholic Spirit


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