Check out Nicole’s appearance on the Universal Sister Podcast from back when she was still seeking a publisher!

Magnify Love: Unlocking the Heart of Jesus in Your Marriage and Your Life

by Nicole Berlucchi

Uncover the power of the Rosary and Mary’s intercession: how the scripture-based mysteries of the Rosary can be a compass in directing your steps and navigating the highs and lows, in order for you to listen for God’s voice and live like Jesus. So many people talk about discernment and listening to the Lord, but how do we do it and how does it play out? Through personal accounts about navigating life shifts, secondary infertility, marital struggles, career changes and physical challenges, Nicole Berlucchi invites you into her love story to learn from her mistakes and to be encouraged by her transformation when she started leaning on God and listening to the Holy Spirit. Discover what it means to Magnify Love when you open your heart to what the Rosary has to teach us.

Paperback: $17.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“I often reflect on the encouraging reality that so long as we’re still breathing, there’s not yet a period at the end of our story. Nicole’s transparent and vulnerable sharing of how God worked in her life, and in her marriage, is a powerful testimony to His grace made perfect in our weakness, and of the reasons to always have hope.” – Father John Riccardo, ACTS XXIX Executive Director

“Nicole Berlucchi’s writing is a gift of the Spirit to anyone seeking to transform their marriage and deepen their walk with Jesus Christ. With disarming humility and profound faith, Nicole invites readers into her personal journey of suffering, redemption, and grace. This book is a treasure for those seeking to navigate the joys and struggles of marriage with the wisdom of the Rosary and the intercession of Mary. Whether you’re in a season of heartache or renewal, Nicole’s story and practical reflections will remind you that God’s plans for your life and marriage are nothing less than a miraculous love story. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and deeply moved.” -Christopher Reed, Ph.D. author of Sacred Conversations: How God Wants us to Communicate


Nicole Berlucchi is a writer and speaker. You can find her on her personal website: and on social media: @berlucchiwriting. She serves as a regular contributor to and (Gospel Reflections for 2025). She has occasionally contributed to other Catholic outlets such as and She is a proud member of the PraiseWriters Community as well as Catholic Writers Guild.

Nicole has worked in a number of roles in the nonprofit world from fundraising to research, but helping people realize their vision and make an impact, whether in business or in life, seems to be the sweet spot. She now owns her own marketing and nonprofit consulting business, Coley B. Creative, where she works with a variety of clients on their strategy and marketing needs.

Born and raised in Philadelphia, she has been married to her husband, Joe, since 2006. They now reside in the Nashville area with their four children where they are members of Catholic Church of the Nativity. She’s a big fan of brilliant skies, coffee, salted caramel with chocolate, books and more books. She loves sharing her journey with Jesus so that others might: Come and see.


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