Memorize the Mass!: How to Know and Love the Mass as if your Life depended on It

by Dr. Kevin Vost

A downed U.S. fighter pilot survived nearly eight years in a brutal North Vietnamese POW camp by repeating the Mass to himself each day, in Latin and in English. A Maryknoll bishop survived nearly a dozen years confined by Chinese Communists through daily mental recitation of the Mass. When finally released, he actually celebrated the Mass while still his hospital bed – and clad in his pajamas!

Do you know and love the Mass as if your life depended on it?

In his bestseller Memorize the Faith! Kevin Vost harnessed the memory methods of Sts. Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas to help us memorize key elements of the faith, from the 10 Commandments, to the 20 Rosary Mysteries, to all 73 books of the Bible, and more.

In Memorize the Reasons! he called again on the methods of the great Catholic medieval memory masters to show us how to defend the reasons for what we believe, from the primacy of Peter, to the Marian dogmas, to the relationship of Scripture and Tradition in the Holy Catholic Church.

Now, in Memorize the Mass! Dr. Vost applies the powerful methods of the Catholic art of memory once more to all the parts and rites of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, both in the Novus Ordo or Ordinary Form and in the Extraordinary Form or Traditional Latin Mass. Readers will learn not merely how to memorize facts and repeat them like a parrot, but to come to know the names, the sequence, and the meanings of both forms of the Roman Rite of the Mass like a rational human being made in God’s image and likeness with an intellect and a will, and they will learn to engrave each and every one of those rites upon the tablets of their hearts, knowing them literally forward and backward!

Do you want to know and love the Mass as if your life depended on it? (For in a real sense, it sure does for us all!) Then open up Memorize the Mass! and begin to participate in the celebration of Christ’s Real Presence before us in a way you may not have imagined before.

Paperback $16.95 | Hardback $27.95 | Kindle and Nook $9.99. Get your copy today!

[Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.]

Shelf-Talker: (selling the book and need a shelf-talker – print this one!)



“We aren’t supposed to merely follow along with the Missal – we’re called to partake and share in the Mass. Exploring the history and structure of the Mass, Dr. Vost beautifully outlines the fullness and graces that come with committing the Mass to memory in our hearts and minds.” – Shaun McAfee, author of Filling our Father’s House (Sophia Press, 2015)

“Kevin Vost, author of Memorize the Faith! and Memorize the Reasons!, invites us back down memory lane with his newest book: Memorize the Mass! Like his previous works, Memorize the Mass! combines tools for memorization with faith facts, this time about Mass. No one encourages us in our journey quite like Vost does with his wit and grasp of the all things Catholic. Perfect for all ages and sojourners, Memorize the Mass! is sure to become “the” book that gets picked up again and again!” – Cheryl Dickow, President, Bezalel Books,

“I have come across many fine books about the Eucharist, but precious few about the history and structure of the Mass, and certainly none also aimed at committing both the Novus Ordo and Extraordinary Form to memory! Memorize the Mass! is thrilling – filled with biblical, historical, and theological insights about the rites of the Mass that I haven’t found anywhere else. The good doctor Vost has given us a powerful prescription for a more ardent and devout reception of the “medicine of immortality,” our Eucharistic Lord.” – Shane Kapler, author of Through, With, and In Him: The Prayer Life of Jesus and How to Make It Our Own (Angelico Press, 2014)

“Dear Dr Vost, I’ve enjoyed a number of your previous books, but Memorize the Mass is by far the best. I’ve just started it and am enjoying it so much. I love the way you’ve given the exercise meaning and placed memorization in historical context. But most of all, I’m enjoying actively participating in learning. It’s my first session and already I’ve covered the names of the first seven parts of the mass. I’m soon to start RCIA and noticed last week that I was beginning to feel comfortable with mass, this just makes it so much better. I’m looking forward to Sunday even more than usual. Thankyou so much for this great book, Yours, Julie Sienkowski” (Fan, 2016)


Kevin Vost holds a Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) degree from the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago. He has taught at Aquinas College in Nashville, the University of Illinois at Springfield, Mac-Murray College, and Lincoln Land Community College. He has served as a research review committee member for American Mensa, a society promoting the scientific study of human intelligence, and as an advisory board member for the International Association of Resistance Trainers, an organization that certifies personal fitness trainers. Dr. Vost drinks great drafts of coffee while studying timeless, Thomistic tomes in the company of his wife, two sons, and their two dogs, in Springfield, Illinois.


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