Memorize the Latin Mass!

by Kevin Vost, Psy.D.

In Memorize the Latin Mass! Dr. Kevin Vost harnesses the powerful memory methods of Sts. Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas to help readers learn and remember all the parts and rites of the Traditional Latin Mass as they delve deep into the meaning and history of each one of them, gleaned from the wisdom of the Church and her saints.

Crafted to supplement a Missal and to stimulate further reading, this book is a primer for readers, their children, grandchildren—and perhaps great-grandchildren—to help them come to better appreciate the beauty, sanctity, and mystery of the still enduring form of the sacrifice of the Mass that has nourished countless great saints for the vast majority of the history of the Catholic Church.

Here, in Memorize the Latin Mass! we focus entirely on the Traditional Latin Mass (also known as the Tridentine Mass of the council of Trent and Pope Pius V, the Gregorian Rite, the usus antiquior, vetus ordo, and the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite) with adapted text from Memorize the Mass! and a new Appendix on The Last Gospel. [Click on the map below to open an interactive, expandable version indicating precisely where the almost 500 churches in the United States celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass!]

Those who have read Memorize the Mass! will find much of the information in that book duplicated here. This more slender volume has been prepared for those who want a primer for themselves, their children, grandchildren—and perhaps great grandchildren, to help them come to better know and love still enduring form of the sacrifice of the Mass that has nourished countless great saints for the vast majority of the history of the Catholic Church.

This completely guided and illustrated tutorial in the Catholic Art of Memory will enable you to engrave each and every one of those rites upon the tablet of your heart, knowing them literally forward and backward, and loving the Latin Mass all the more for it!

[Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.]

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle/Nook: $9.99


“I wish I had had a copy of Kevin Vost’s book when I learned the Traditional Latin Mass a year ago. I used many of the excellent books he cited, but his method of memorizing the Mass would have been most helpful. For anyone wishing to experience the deep beauty and solemnity of the ancient rite, I would wholeheartedly encourage them to turn first to Dr. Vost’s book.” – Msgr. Michael John Witt, rector emeritus of the Oratory of SS. Gregory & Augustine in University City, MO, and Professor of Church History at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis, MO


Kevin Vost holds a Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) degree from the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago.

He has taught at Aquinas College in Nashville, the University of Illinois at Springfield, Mac-Murray College, and Lincoln Land Community College.

He has served as a research review committee member for American Mensa, a society promoting the scientific study of human intelligence, and as an advisory board member for the International Association of Resistance Trainers, an organization that certifies personal fitness trainers.

Dr. Vost drinks great drafts of coffee while studying timeless, Thomistic tomes in the company of his wife, two sons, and their two dogs, in Springfield, Illinois.

For more about Dr. Vost, see


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