“An evangelizer must never look like someone who has just come back from a funeral! Let us recover and deepen our enthusiasm.” – Evangelii Gaudium, 10

The Virtue of Affability or Friendliness and its Relevance in Modern Evangelization

by Anne DeSantis, Th.D.

This book explores the critical role of affability in contemporary outreach, aiming to bring this often-overlooked virtue into the spotlight. The author engages the writings of Pope Francis and selected saints expressing that affability is a virtue which impacts human relations for the good of the world, propelling evangelization efforts to the fullest level. The reason for its effectiveness is because friendly interactions influence the lives of both the giver and the receiver, which offers encouragement and produces joy. Evidence of this rests not only on the tenets of the Gospels and of the teachings of the Church but also on modern studies concerning the neuroscience of emotion and other areas of psychology.

Paperback: $24.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Andrew Likoudis (January 11, 2025), “Affability: The Antidote to the Culture of Despair,” Where Peter Is. Click here to read the review. 


“Living the Truth in Love is challenging. The demands of the Gospel are difficult enough without making it undesirable by our misery. One’s first encounter with Christ is through the members of His Body, and Dr. Anne DeSantis has rightfully emphasized the importance of not distorting the image of our loving, just, and merciful God.” – Fr. Matthew Phelan, Vicar Provincial of the Mercedarian Friars, USA

Drawing upon contemporary papal writings, most especially that of Pope Francis, sacred scripture, the Church Fathers and the lives of the saints, Dr. Anne DeSantis has skillfully created a framework for Pastoral Care based on the virtue of affability.  The need for healing is great, and affability is a choice we must make in our dealings with others, if we are to bring Jesus to those we meet each day.  This book is a roadmap for missional mercy offered in Christ’s name.” – Dr. Mary Amore, Executive Director, Mayslake Ministries

“In such a divided world, division that also affects the Church, the virtue of affability in the practice of evangelization is essential to credibility of the faithful. DeSantis shows us that now is the time to hone this virtue and gives stunning examples of the saints for us to follow.” Carmina Chapp, Ph.D., Dean, School of Theological Studies, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary

“Anne DeSantis’ The Virtue of Affability offers a profound exploration of how kindness and approachable demeanor can transform modern evangelization. This timely guide emphasizes affability as essential for healing divisions and fostering meaningful connections, drawing from scripture, saints’ lives, and Pope Francis’ teachings. DeSantis inspires readers to embody compassion, highlighting how affability bridges gaps and renews faith in today’s complex world. A must-read for fostering genuine love and mercy in everyday life.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, co-author with Ronda Chervin of Catholic Realism: A Framework for the Refutation of Atheism and the Evangelization of Atheists

“Dr. Anne DeSantis, in this important work, contributes much to the theological study on the virtue of affability and provides valuable insight and practical wisdom on why it is necessary for all to Christians to practice and employ along their journey of faith.” – Bill Snyder, Founder and CEO, Patchwork Heart Ministry


Dr. Anne DeSantis is a Catholic author and speaker from the Greater Philadelphia area. Her primary mission and tagline is: Prayer, Perseverance, and Positivity.

She is wife, mother, and grandmother who values family and treasures her Catholic faith. Her speaking events focus on the value of living the faith with joy as “Missionary Disciples” for Christ.

Dr. Anne DeSantis is the Executive Director for the St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation for Freedom, Family, and Faith. The foundation makes pastoral outreach to families in crisis. She has been working with the foundation helping families to find needed healing since 2017, and this is her main profession.

Anne is honored to have been awarded as “Catholic Woman of the Year 2023” from the Knights of Columbus Philadelphia Chapter. Additionally, Anne has received recognition and honors from: the Pennsylvania Knights of Columbus; the Philadelphia City Council, and the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in connection with this award.

She is a former homeschooling parent for fifteen-plus years successfully schooling her daughters from PreK through high school. Spending quality time with family as a stay-at-home mom was one of the best decisions she has ever made. A teacher by trade with a BS in Secondary Education, Anne earned an MA in Theology in 2021 from Saint Joseph’s College of Maine, and she holds a doctorate in theology (ThD) from Pontifex University (completed in 2024).

In 2015, Anne began to pursue a new career after years of devoting herself to her family full-time.
She became involved in commercial modeling/acting, hosting, and writing. As a hobby, Anne continues to accept jobs as a model/actress. She has learned a great deal about the broadcasting world through this work. Some of her work in commercials includes working with national and local companies for TV and online ads, skin care progressionals, and as a host and presenter.

Anne hosts the online TV program called Journeys in Faith with Anne DeSantis which airs on the Anne DeSantis YouTube Channel. She also co-hosts the Sewing Hope Podcast with Bill Snyder, Founder of Patchwork Heart Ministry. Previous to hosting these programs, Anne was the host of the online TV show The Positive Side on RVNTV in Cherry Hill, NJ.

Dr. Anne DeSantis is a Catholic Speaker with Catholic Speakers Organization. She has spoken at churches and organizations, and she is currently booking speaking engagements both locally and nationally. To learn more, visit Anne’s Speaking Events Page. She is also a writer for three online publications: CatholicMom.com, Catholic365, and EpicPew.

Anne’s life mission includes educating others on the importance of making outreach to the marginalized of our world as Christ has instructed his followers. They are in our families, our friends, neighbors, co-workers, those we go to church with, and various others. She empathizes and understands the pain of isolation and confusion that comes with marginalization, and she does her best to teach others how to become more compassionate as essential in living out the faith.

Anne invites you to learn more about her work by considering booking her for a speaking engagement for your church or organization.


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