La visión cristiana de la ciencia y la tecnología en Teilhard de Chardin por Agustín Udías, S.J.

La visión cristiana de la ciencia y la tecnología en Teilhard de Chardin por Agustín Udías, S.J.

La visión cristiana de la ciencia y la tecnología en Teilhard de Chardin

por Agustín Udías, S.J.

La ciencia y la tecnología ejercen hoy una gran influencia en la vida humana, aportando la ciencia la visión del universo y condicionando la tecnología el progreso de las condiciones de la vida en un mundo globalizado. Teilhard de Chardin reconoce estas funciones de la ciencia y la tecnología e intenta dar una visión cristiana de ellas. Propone que la visión del mundo de la ciencia no sólo es compatible con la fe cristiana, sino que debe ayudarnos a conocer mejor a Dios creador. Desde otro punto de vista, es en este mundo conocido por la ciencia donde Dios se ha encarnado en Cristo, y entonces la investigación científica se convierte en una forma de adoración. Para Teilhard, la visión evolutiva del mundo proporcionada por la ciencia encuentra en Cristo su fin, de modo que la cosmogénesis se convierte en una cristogénesis. La tecnología debe verse también dentro de este proceso dinámico del mundo como un elemento importante de la evolución humana. Esta evolución conducirá a la llegada del ultrahumano y finalmente a la unión del mundo con el Cristo-Omega. Por último, para Teilhard la ciencia y la tecnología tienen de este modo una dimensión cristológica.

Edición rústica: $7.99 | Kindle: $4.99


“En tres breves capítulos, este pequeño libro nos presenta una visión clara y despejada de la visión del mundo de Teilhard de Chardin: la ciencia y la tecnología como parte integrante del proceso evolutivo cristificador del mundo material a medida que avanza hacia el fin último del Misterio de la Encarnación. Breve, limpio y claro, es un regalo para quienes se preguntan qué trama Teilhard”. – Hna. Carla Mae Streeter, OP, Emérita, Instituto de Teología Aquinas, San Luis


Agustín Udías, nacido en Santander (España) en 1935, jesuita, catedrático emérito de Geofísica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ha ocupado puestos de investigación y docencia en la Universidad de California, Berkeley; Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main y Universidad de Barcelona. Entre sus libros: con Julio Mezcua Fundamentos de geofísica (Alianza, 1997), Principles of Seismology (Cambridge University Press, 1999, 2018), Historia de la Física. De Arquímedes a Einstein (Síntesis, 2004), Ciencia y religión. Dos visiones del mundo (Sal Terrae, 2010), Jesuit Contribution to Science. Una historia (Springer, 2015) y Los Ejercicios Espirituales con Teilhard de Chardin (Mensajero, 2022). Ha publicado artículos científicos sobre el mecanismo de origen de los terremotos, la sismicidad y la sismotectónica de la región mediterránea, y sobre la relación entre ciencia y religión, y la historia de los científicos jesuitas.


Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Songs by Kenneth Francis Kenneth Francis deconstructs the hidden grammar in classic popular songs theologically marinated in existential narratives, featuring idolatry, sin, love, pathos and meaning. And what...

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Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The primary aim in this book is to contrast the notions of logic in Aristotelian terms, including its use in Metaphysics, with the peculiar sense which it has taken in modern times, tied to a materialist...

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Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation by Gerard Verschuuren Every culture has its own sacred cows. In our culture, that sacred cow is science. What scientists claim—in the name of science and with the authority of science—is oracular. This book...

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Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert J. Kurland This book endeavors to engage the reader in a qualitative understanding of physics basic to quantum mechanics (QM -- wave motion, momentum, work, and energy) by walking the reader through how the field developed...

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Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes This book is written to show that in our world there are many signs of resurrection. Life beyond death is demonstrated or modeled in many ways within the world around us. This fact should teach us to believe that our death is not...

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A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful by Robert J. Kurland A Science Primer for the Faithful is a book that explains how science developed, demonstrating how the "truths" of science change as new data appears and new theories arise to explain that data. Unlike the truths...

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A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Gerard Verschuuren How can a Catholic scientist speak about "a beautiful mind and soul"? Dr. Gerard Verschuuren does so as a Catholic who knows that science has nothing to say about mind and soul, but also that science has nothing to say...

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"The eternal now of God is definitely the underpinning of the Eucharist and your theory in Everywhen – absolutely correct." - from a personal email to Dr. Thomas Sheahen from Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJEverywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time by Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen Have you...

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The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano Modern science tells us that our “physical” universe began in a highly ordered, but unstable, non-physical state where even the laws of physics were not fully...

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Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

David Keys reading from his book at Catholic Gifts and Books at 13397 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017. See the Fullness of Reality: How Partial Truths Obscure the Union of Faith and Science by Dr. David J. Keys “Is...

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New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes Much of what we receive through media of social communications does not concern itself with either God or the soul. So it is up to each of us to make ourselves aware of the pathways to God and the evidence for the...

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The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out? by Gerard Verschuuren This book was specifically written for all those who feel lost in a world dominated by ideologies that obscure God. It is hard to pinpoint one particular cause of how we feel in such Godforsaken...

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Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Songs

by Kenneth Francis

Kenneth Francis deconstructs the hidden grammar in classic popular songs theologically marinated in existential narratives, featuring idolatry, sin, love, pathos and meaning. And what better religion to focus on than Christianity for such themes, from the soul-music classics of the 1960/70s, to the Top 100 Billboard hits of the same eras. Welcome to the world of classic songs permeated with Christian themes.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“From idolatry to praise of God, Kenneth Francis’ review of Christian themes in music is an eye-opener for understanding the impact of our Christian faith on our popular culture and how that culture shapes our response to our faith.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy


Kenneth Francis is a freelance journalist and Contributing Editor at New English Review. For the past 30 years, he has worked as an editor in various publications and print media, as well as a university professor in journalism. He also holds an MA in Theology and is the author of The Little Book of God, Mind, Cosmos and Truth (St Pauls Publishing); The Terror of Existence: From Ecclesiastes to Theatre of the Absurd (with Theodore Dalrymple); and Neither Trumpets Nor Violins (with Theodore Dalrymple and Samuel Hux).


Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Songs by Kenneth Francis Kenneth Francis deconstructs the hidden grammar in classic popular songs theologically marinated in existential narratives, featuring idolatry, sin, love, pathos and meaning. And what...

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Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The primary aim in this book is to contrast the notions of logic in Aristotelian terms, including its use in Metaphysics, with the peculiar sense which it has taken in modern times, tied to a materialist...

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Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation by Gerard Verschuuren Every culture has its own sacred cows. In our culture, that sacred cow is science. What scientists claim—in the name of science and with the authority of science—is oracular. This book...

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Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert J. Kurland This book endeavors to engage the reader in a qualitative understanding of physics basic to quantum mechanics (QM -- wave motion, momentum, work, and energy) by walking the reader through how the field developed...

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Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes This book is written to show that in our world there are many signs of resurrection. Life beyond death is demonstrated or modeled in many ways within the world around us. This fact should teach us to believe that our death is not...

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A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful by Robert J. Kurland A Science Primer for the Faithful is a book that explains how science developed, demonstrating how the "truths" of science change as new data appears and new theories arise to explain that data. Unlike the truths...

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A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Gerard Verschuuren How can a Catholic scientist speak about "a beautiful mind and soul"? Dr. Gerard Verschuuren does so as a Catholic who knows that science has nothing to say about mind and soul, but also that science has nothing to say...

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"The eternal now of God is definitely the underpinning of the Eucharist and your theory in Everywhen – absolutely correct." - from a personal email to Dr. Thomas Sheahen from Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJEverywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time by Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen Have you...

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The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano Modern science tells us that our “physical” universe began in a highly ordered, but unstable, non-physical state where even the laws of physics were not fully...

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Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

David Keys reading from his book at Catholic Gifts and Books at 13397 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017. See the Fullness of Reality: How Partial Truths Obscure the Union of Faith and Science by Dr. David J. Keys “Is...

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New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes Much of what we receive through media of social communications does not concern itself with either God or the soul. So it is up to each of us to make ourselves aware of the pathways to God and the evidence for the...

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The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out? by Gerard Verschuuren This book was specifically written for all those who feel lost in a world dominated by ideologies that obscure God. It is hard to pinpoint one particular cause of how we feel in such Godforsaken...

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A Christian Vision of Science and Technology in Teilhard de Chardin by Agustín Udías, S.J.

A Christian Vision of Science and Technology in Teilhard de Chardin by Agustín Udías, S.J.

A Christian Vision of Science and Technology in Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.

by Agustín Udías, S.J.

Science and technology today exert a great influence on human life, with science providing the vision of the universe and technology conditioning the progress of life in a globalized world. Teilhard de Chardin recognizes these functions of science and technology and attempts to give a Christian vision of them. He proposes that the worldview of science is not only compatible with the Christian faith, but that it should also help us to know God the Creator better. From another point of view, it is in this world known by science that God has become incarnate in Christ, and so scientific research becomes a form of worship. For Teilhard, the evolutionary vision of the world provided by science finds its end in Christ, so that cosmogenesis becomes a Christogenesis. Technology must also be seen within this dynamic process of the world as an important element of human evolution. This evolution will lead to the arrival of the Ultra-human and to the union of the world with the Christ-Omega. For Teilhard, thus, science and technology have a Christological dimension.

Paperback: $7.99 | Kindle: $4.99


“In three brief chapters, this little book presents us with a clear and uncluttered view of Teilhard de Chardin’s vision of the world: science and technology as part and parcel of the Christifying evolutionary process of the material world as it moves toward the final end of the Incarnational Mystery. Short, clean, and clear, it is a gift for those who wonder what Teilhard is up to.” – Sr. Carla Mae Streeter, OP, Emerita, Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis


Agustín Udías, born in Santander (Spain) in 1935, a Jesuit, Professor Emeritus of Geophysics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, has held research and teaching posts at the University of California, Berkeley; Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main and Universidad de Barcelona. Among his books: with Julio Mezcua Fundamentos de geofísica (Alianza, 1997), Principles of Seismology (Cambridge University Press, 1999, 2018), Historia de la Física. De Arquímedes a Einstein (Síntesis, 2004), Ciencia y religion. Dos visiones del mundo (Sal Terrae, 2010), Jesuit Contribution to Science. A history (Springer, 2015) and Los Ejercicios Espirituales con Teilhard de Chardin (Mensajero, 2022). He has published scientific articles on the topics of earthquake source mechanism, seismicity and seismotectonics of the Mediterranean region, and about the relationship between science and religion, and the history of Jesuit scientists.


Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Songs by Kenneth Francis Kenneth Francis deconstructs the hidden grammar in classic popular songs theologically marinated in existential narratives, featuring idolatry, sin, love, pathos and meaning. And what...

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Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The primary aim in this book is to contrast the notions of logic in Aristotelian terms, including its use in Metaphysics, with the peculiar sense which it has taken in modern times, tied to a materialist...

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Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation by Gerard Verschuuren Every culture has its own sacred cows. In our culture, that sacred cow is science. What scientists claim—in the name of science and with the authority of science—is oracular. This book...

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Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert J. Kurland This book endeavors to engage the reader in a qualitative understanding of physics basic to quantum mechanics (QM -- wave motion, momentum, work, and energy) by walking the reader through how the field developed...

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Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes This book is written to show that in our world there are many signs of resurrection. Life beyond death is demonstrated or modeled in many ways within the world around us. This fact should teach us to believe that our death is not...

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A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful by Robert J. Kurland A Science Primer for the Faithful is a book that explains how science developed, demonstrating how the "truths" of science change as new data appears and new theories arise to explain that data. Unlike the truths...

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A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Gerard Verschuuren How can a Catholic scientist speak about "a beautiful mind and soul"? Dr. Gerard Verschuuren does so as a Catholic who knows that science has nothing to say about mind and soul, but also that science has nothing to say...

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"The eternal now of God is definitely the underpinning of the Eucharist and your theory in Everywhen – absolutely correct." - from a personal email to Dr. Thomas Sheahen from Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJEverywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time by Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen Have you...

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The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano Modern science tells us that our “physical” universe began in a highly ordered, but unstable, non-physical state where even the laws of physics were not fully...

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Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

David Keys reading from his book at Catholic Gifts and Books at 13397 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017. See the Fullness of Reality: How Partial Truths Obscure the Union of Faith and Science by Dr. David J. Keys “Is...

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New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes Much of what we receive through media of social communications does not concern itself with either God or the soul. So it is up to each of us to make ourselves aware of the pathways to God and the evidence for the...

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The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out? by Gerard Verschuuren This book was specifically written for all those who feel lost in a world dominated by ideologies that obscure God. It is hard to pinpoint one particular cause of how we feel in such Godforsaken...

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Theology in Film: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Movies by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Film: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Movies by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Film: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Movies

by Kenneth Francis

Kenneth Francis reflects on deconstructing the narrative and on a more nuanced cinematic theology with Christian themes and subtle undertones on the spiritual dimensions in the subtext. He endeavors to analyze core messages in the psychology, symbolism, denotation, connotation, and metaphors in a short selection of film classics over the past 60-plus years and highlights the broader visual implications at play in semiotics in the moral universe which we inhabit infused with Existential, metaphorical timebombs. Such a universe contains love, hate, joy, jealousy, guilt, poverty, wealth, beauty, ugliness, truth, lies, justice/injustice, revenge, freedom, slavery, suffering, and much more, all in 24 frames per second.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“A compelling read for our time as unsimulated sexual perversions and other such screen fetishes are entering into our mainstream cinematic experiences!” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy


Kenneth Francis is a freelance journalist and Contributing Editor at New English Review. For the past 30 years, he has worked as an editor in various publications and print media, as well as a university professor in journalism. He also holds an MA in Theology and is the author of The Little Book of God, Mind, Cosmos and Truth (St Pauls Publishing); The Terror of Existence: From Ecclesiastes to Theatre of the Absurd (with Theodore Dalrymple); and Neither Trumpets Nor Violins (with Theodore Dalrymple and Samuel Hux).


Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Songs by Kenneth Francis Kenneth Francis deconstructs the hidden grammar in classic popular songs theologically marinated in existential narratives, featuring idolatry, sin, love, pathos and meaning. And what...

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Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The primary aim in this book is to contrast the notions of logic in Aristotelian terms, including its use in Metaphysics, with the peculiar sense which it has taken in modern times, tied to a materialist...

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Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation by Gerard Verschuuren Every culture has its own sacred cows. In our culture, that sacred cow is science. What scientists claim—in the name of science and with the authority of science—is oracular. This book...

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Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert J. Kurland This book endeavors to engage the reader in a qualitative understanding of physics basic to quantum mechanics (QM -- wave motion, momentum, work, and energy) by walking the reader through how the field developed...

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Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes This book is written to show that in our world there are many signs of resurrection. Life beyond death is demonstrated or modeled in many ways within the world around us. This fact should teach us to believe that our death is not...

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A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful by Robert J. Kurland A Science Primer for the Faithful is a book that explains how science developed, demonstrating how the "truths" of science change as new data appears and new theories arise to explain that data. Unlike the truths...

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A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Gerard Verschuuren How can a Catholic scientist speak about "a beautiful mind and soul"? Dr. Gerard Verschuuren does so as a Catholic who knows that science has nothing to say about mind and soul, but also that science has nothing to say...

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"The eternal now of God is definitely the underpinning of the Eucharist and your theory in Everywhen – absolutely correct." - from a personal email to Dr. Thomas Sheahen from Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJEverywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time by Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen Have you...

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The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano Modern science tells us that our “physical” universe began in a highly ordered, but unstable, non-physical state where even the laws of physics were not fully...

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Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

David Keys reading from his book at Catholic Gifts and Books at 13397 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017. See the Fullness of Reality: How Partial Truths Obscure the Union of Faith and Science by Dr. David J. Keys “Is...

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New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes Much of what we receive through media of social communications does not concern itself with either God or the soul. So it is up to each of us to make ourselves aware of the pathways to God and the evidence for the...

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The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out? by Gerard Verschuuren This book was specifically written for all those who feel lost in a world dominated by ideologies that obscure God. It is hard to pinpoint one particular cause of how we feel in such Godforsaken...

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Natural Philosophy, Modern Science and Saint Thomas Aquinas by Donald Boland

Natural Philosophy, Modern Science and Saint Thomas Aquinas by Donald Boland

Natural Philosophy, Modern Science and Saint Thomas Aquinas

by Dr. Donald G. Boland

This book is an attempt to rescue the reputations of Aristotle and Aquinas in the area of science and philosophy where they are subject to most criticism and even ridicule in modern times following the scientific revolution, namely, in Physics specially and Science generally.

It is necessary to note that objection to, and rejection of, their thought in this regard is not confined to scientists and philosophers of a non-religious or anti-religious cast of mind, but is also shared, if reluctantly, by those who would regard themselves as generally admirers of Aristotle as a theist philosopher, and even those who would declare themselves disciples of Aquinas in all other respects, going by the name of Thomists.

Most, including Thomists, would see the ancient and medieval notions of science, ascribed to Aristotle and Aquinas in this precise regard, as not able to be reconciled at all with modern thought, so that we might as well get used to the idea that the pre-modern notions of physics and science were seriously mistaken.

However, there are some Thomists, such as Maritain, who have endeavoured to argue for a solution to the apparent contradiction. The author, whilst prepared to defend the truth of Aristotle’s and Aquinas’ fundamental position and indeed to criticise the modern disdain for it, nonetheless disagrees also with the efforts of the Thomists to date to do the same.

Readers on both sides of the debate will be surprised to discover compatibility with the author’s arguments.

Paperback: $29.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“The first part of this book is devoted to the corpus of works of Aristotle on natural science (natural philosophy) and the extensive commentaries of St. Thomas Aquinas. It exposes and discusses the right ordering and principles or causes of the natural sciences in their completeness as handed down by these two great masters of natural philosophy. From that perspective alone Dr. Boland’s book is a much needed contribution to philosophical and scientific discourse in both secular and Catholic academic circles of our age. However, the book does not end in the mists of time with a medieval friar better known for sacred theology. The abundant light shining from the Common Doctor and The Philosopher in the first part of the book serves, in the capable hands of Dr. Boland, to illuminate with clarity and precision the true  nature of modern science from its inception in the seventeenth century until the present time. Despite the material benefits this limited and mathematically formal science has accrued to mankind, the philosophical errors therein are serious and extensive. These errors, especially the fundamental scepticism of modern philosophers of science such as Sir Karl Popper, are exposed and roundly refuted in the second part of the book. There is however, another bonus in store, which for modern day Thomists will be something of a shock. I speak here of the serious attempts well known and greatly admired Thomists such as Maritain, Charles De Koninck MSRC and William Wallace OP have made to engage with modern scientific theories from a Thomistic perspective, but in doing so, as Dr. Boland so astutely points up by applying the principles exposed in the first part of the book, they have departed from St. Thomas in a fundamental way. Overall, this book is an excellent foundation for the right understanding of the philosophy of nature in its entirety and for the identification of the errors of modern theories of science. Not only does it deserve a wide readership amongst teachers and students of philosophy, science and technology, but also amongst teachers and students of ethics, politics and theology. I give it my unreserved recommendation.”  — Frank Calneggia, author of Assertions and Refutations


Donald G Boland Ll. B. (Sydney), Ph. D. (Angelicum) is a founding member of the Centre for Catholic Studies Inc. in Sydney Australia and is one of its former Presidents. He practiced for a number of years as a lawyer having a degree in law from the University of Sydney. Over much the same time, having obtained a doctorate in philosophy from the University of St. Thomas in Rome, he has taught philosophy and law in both Catholic and secular educational institutions, such as the University of Technology, Sydney, the University of Newcastle, the Aquinas Academy, the Centre for Thomistic Studies Inc., now operating under the name of the Centre for Catholic Studies Inc., and various Catholic seminaries, such as those of the Marists and the Vincentians. His doctoral thesis was on the concepts of utility and value in economics as found in the works of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas.


Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Songs by Kenneth Francis Kenneth Francis deconstructs the hidden grammar in classic popular songs theologically marinated in existential narratives, featuring idolatry, sin, love, pathos and meaning. And what...

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Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The primary aim in this book is to contrast the notions of logic in Aristotelian terms, including its use in Metaphysics, with the peculiar sense which it has taken in modern times, tied to a materialist...

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Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation by Gerard Verschuuren Every culture has its own sacred cows. In our culture, that sacred cow is science. What scientists claim—in the name of science and with the authority of science—is oracular. This book...

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Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert J. Kurland This book endeavors to engage the reader in a qualitative understanding of physics basic to quantum mechanics (QM -- wave motion, momentum, work, and energy) by walking the reader through how the field developed...

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Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes This book is written to show that in our world there are many signs of resurrection. Life beyond death is demonstrated or modeled in many ways within the world around us. This fact should teach us to believe that our death is not...

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A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful by Robert J. Kurland A Science Primer for the Faithful is a book that explains how science developed, demonstrating how the "truths" of science change as new data appears and new theories arise to explain that data. Unlike the truths...

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A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Gerard Verschuuren How can a Catholic scientist speak about "a beautiful mind and soul"? Dr. Gerard Verschuuren does so as a Catholic who knows that science has nothing to say about mind and soul, but also that science has nothing to say...

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"The eternal now of God is definitely the underpinning of the Eucharist and your theory in Everywhen – absolutely correct." - from a personal email to Dr. Thomas Sheahen from Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJEverywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time by Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen Have you...

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The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano Modern science tells us that our “physical” universe began in a highly ordered, but unstable, non-physical state where even the laws of physics were not fully...

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Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

David Keys reading from his book at Catholic Gifts and Books at 13397 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017. See the Fullness of Reality: How Partial Truths Obscure the Union of Faith and Science by Dr. David J. Keys “Is...

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New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes Much of what we receive through media of social communications does not concern itself with either God or the soul. So it is up to each of us to make ourselves aware of the pathways to God and the evidence for the...

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The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out? by Gerard Verschuuren This book was specifically written for all those who feel lost in a world dominated by ideologies that obscure God. It is hard to pinpoint one particular cause of how we feel in such Godforsaken...

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Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas

by Dr. Donald G. Boland

The primary aim in this book is to contrast the notions of logic in Aristotelian terms, including its use in Metaphysics, with the peculiar sense which it has taken in modern times, tied to a materialist and anti-metaphysical notion of science, not extending beyond the mathematico-empirical consideration of things. In pursuing this aim, Dr. Boland divides this book into two parts, outlining first Aristotle’s treatment and then the modern, with which we can associate what is called the “New Logic” and “New Mathematics”, coming into the forefront of modern thinking in the late nineteenth century.

Paperback: $24.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“The first part of this book is an excellent exposition and explanation of the foundations of the metaphysical logic of Aristotle by way of the Commentaries of St Thomas Aquinas on Aristotle’s books devoted to Logic and on the De Trinitate of Boethius. This exposition and analysis, long over-due in modern day academia (including Catholic academia) is a most necessary foundation for the right study of Philosophy and for one’s personal growth in the science and art of right reasoning. The right foundation, having been solidly established, leads naturally into the topic of modern logics which occupies the second part of the book. The errors and pitfalls of modern logics (especially the mathematical logic of modern science), and their strictly limited sphere of rightful application, are exposed and discussed with great wisdom. The ethical nightmares and great evils that flow from the modern over-reach of this naturally truncated logic are made obvious for all to see. Dr Boland has taught Logic at university level for the better part of fifty years. This book might be called a condensation of his vast knowledge of the topic he deals with so clearly and astutely. He removes much of the difficulty of this subject by his frequent use of easy-to-understand practical examples. I would go so far as to say that it is the best book on logic that I have read. I wholeheartedly recommend it to teachers and students of philosophy, ethics, theology, science, and politics alike.”   – Frank Calneggia, author of Assertions and Refutations: An Assessment of Dr. Tracey Rowland’s Natural Law: From Neo Thomism to Nuptial Mysticism


Donald G Boland Ll. B. Ph. D. is a founding member of the Centre for Catholic Studies Inc. in Sydney Australia and is one of its former Presidents. He practiced for a number of years as a lawyer having a degree in law from the University of Sydney. Over much the same time, having obtained a doctorate in philosophy from the University of St. Thomas in Rome, he has taught philosophy and law in both Catholic and secular educational institutions, such as the University of Technology, Sydney, the University of Newcastle, the Aquinas Academy, the Centre for Thomistic Studies Inc., now operating under the name of the Centre for Catholic Studies Inc., and various Catholic seminaries, such as those of the Marists and the Vincentians. His doctoral thesis was on the concepts of utility and value in economics as found in the works of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas.


Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

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Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The primary aim in this book is to contrast the notions of logic in Aristotelian terms, including its use in Metaphysics, with the peculiar sense which it has taken in modern times, tied to a materialist...

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Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

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Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes This book is written to show that in our world there are many signs of resurrection. Life beyond death is demonstrated or modeled in many ways within the world around us. This fact should teach us to believe that our death is not...

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A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful by Robert J. Kurland A Science Primer for the Faithful is a book that explains how science developed, demonstrating how the "truths" of science change as new data appears and new theories arise to explain that data. Unlike the truths...

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A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Gerard Verschuuren How can a Catholic scientist speak about "a beautiful mind and soul"? Dr. Gerard Verschuuren does so as a Catholic who knows that science has nothing to say about mind and soul, but also that science has nothing to say...

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"The eternal now of God is definitely the underpinning of the Eucharist and your theory in Everywhen – absolutely correct." - from a personal email to Dr. Thomas Sheahen from Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJEverywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time by Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen Have you...

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The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano Modern science tells us that our “physical” universe began in a highly ordered, but unstable, non-physical state where even the laws of physics were not fully...

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Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

David Keys reading from his book at Catholic Gifts and Books at 13397 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017. See the Fullness of Reality: How Partial Truths Obscure the Union of Faith and Science by Dr. David J. Keys “Is...

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New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes Much of what we receive through media of social communications does not concern itself with either God or the soul. So it is up to each of us to make ourselves aware of the pathways to God and the evidence for the...

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The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out? by Gerard Verschuuren This book was specifically written for all those who feel lost in a world dominated by ideologies that obscure God. It is hard to pinpoint one particular cause of how we feel in such Godforsaken...

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