Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Songs

by Kenneth Francis

Kenneth Francis reveals the hidden grammar in classic popular songs theologically marinated in existential narratives, featuring idolatry, sin, love, pathos and meaning. And what better religion to focus on than Christianity for such themes, from the soul-music classics of the 1960/70s, to the Top 100 Billboard hits of the same eras. Welcome to the world of classic songs permeated with Christian themes.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“From idolatry to praise of God, Kenneth Francis’ review of Christian themes in music is an eye-opener for understanding the impact of our Christian faith on our popular culture and how that culture shapes our response to our faith.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy


Kenneth Francis is a freelance journalist and Contributing Editor at New English Review. For the past 30 years, he has worked as an editor in various publications and print media, as well as a university professor in journalism. He also holds an MA in Theology and is the author of The Little Book of God, Mind, Cosmos and Truth (St Pauls Publishing); The Terror of Existence: From Ecclesiastes to Theatre of the Absurd (with Theodore Dalrymple); and Neither Trumpets Nor Violins (with Theodore Dalrymple and Samuel Hux).


Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Songs by Kenneth Francis Kenneth Francis reveals the hidden grammar in classic popular songs theologically marinated in existential narratives, featuring idolatry, sin, love, pathos and meaning. And what better...

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Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The primary aim in this book is to contrast the notions of logic in Aristotelian terms, including its use in Metaphysics, with the peculiar sense which it has taken in modern times, tied to a materialist...

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Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation by Gerard Verschuuren Every culture has its own sacred cows. In our culture, that sacred cow is science. What scientists claim—in the name of science and with the authority of science—is oracular. This book...

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Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert J. Kurland This book endeavors to engage the reader in a qualitative understanding of physics basic to quantum mechanics (QM -- wave motion, momentum, work, and energy) by walking the reader through how the field developed...

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Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes This book is written to show that in our world there are many signs of resurrection. Life beyond death is demonstrated or modeled in many ways within the world around us. This fact should teach us to believe that our death is not...

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A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful by Robert J. Kurland A Science Primer for the Faithful is a book that explains how science developed, demonstrating how the "truths" of science change as new data appears and new theories arise to explain that data. Unlike the truths...

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A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Gerard Verschuuren How can a Catholic scientist speak about "a beautiful mind and soul"? Dr. Gerard Verschuuren does so as a Catholic who knows that science has nothing to say about mind and soul, but also that science has nothing to say...

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"The eternal now of God is definitely the underpinning of the Eucharist and your theory in Everywhen – absolutely correct." - from a personal email to Dr. Thomas Sheahen from Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJEverywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time by Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen Have you...

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The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano Modern science tells us that our “physical” universe began in a highly ordered, but unstable, non-physical state where even the laws of physics were not fully...

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Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

David Keys reading from his book at Catholic Gifts and Books at 13397 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017. See the Fullness of Reality: How Partial Truths Obscure the Union of Faith and Science by Dr. David J. Keys “Is...

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New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes Much of what we receive through media of social communications does not concern itself with either God or the soul. So it is up to each of us to make ourselves aware of the pathways to God and the evidence for the...

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The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out? by Gerard Verschuuren This book was specifically written for all those who feel lost in a world dominated by ideologies that obscure God. It is hard to pinpoint one particular cause of how we feel in such Godforsaken...

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AI and Sin: How Today’s Technology Motivates Evil by Dr. Christopher Reilly

AI and Sin: How Today’s Technology Motivates Evil by Dr. Christopher Reilly

AI and Sin: How Today’s Technology Motivates Evil

by Christopher Reilly, Th.D.

Artificial intelligence technology (AI) motivates persons’ engagement in sin. With this startling argument drawn from Catholic theology and technological insight, Christopher M. Reilly, Th.D. takes on both critics and proponents of AI who see it as essentially a neutral tool that can be used with good or bad intentions. More specifically, Reilly demonstrates that AI strongly encourages the vice of instrumental rationality, which in turn leads the developers, producers, and users of AI and its machines toward acedia, one of the “seven deadly sins.” The third section of the book offers a comprehensive survey and analysis of the many moral problems caused by AI. It concludes with recommendations for overcoming the 21st century scourge of AI-induced acedia.            

Paperback: $TBD | Kindle: $9.99


“Dr. Christopher Reilly’s book AI and Sin is a thought-provoking exploration of technology’s ethical implications. Bridging theology and modern AI, it offers profound insights into spiritual challenges, urging readers to reflect on virtue in the digital age.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy


Christopher M. Reilly, Th.D. is a scholar and speaker who holds graduate degrees in theology, philosophy, and public affairs. He is author of numerous academic and general articles on a Christian response to advanced technology, bioethics, and moral theology. He is also associate director of ITEST, the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology. Chris lives in the greater Washington, D.C. region. 


Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Songs by Kenneth Francis Kenneth Francis reveals the hidden grammar in classic popular songs theologically marinated in existential narratives, featuring idolatry, sin, love, pathos and meaning. And what better...

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Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The primary aim in this book is to contrast the notions of logic in Aristotelian terms, including its use in Metaphysics, with the peculiar sense which it has taken in modern times, tied to a materialist...

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Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation by Gerard Verschuuren Every culture has its own sacred cows. In our culture, that sacred cow is science. What scientists claim—in the name of science and with the authority of science—is oracular. This book...

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Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert J. Kurland This book endeavors to engage the reader in a qualitative understanding of physics basic to quantum mechanics (QM -- wave motion, momentum, work, and energy) by walking the reader through how the field developed...

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Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes This book is written to show that in our world there are many signs of resurrection. Life beyond death is demonstrated or modeled in many ways within the world around us. This fact should teach us to believe that our death is not...

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A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful by Robert J. Kurland A Science Primer for the Faithful is a book that explains how science developed, demonstrating how the "truths" of science change as new data appears and new theories arise to explain that data. Unlike the truths...

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A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Gerard Verschuuren How can a Catholic scientist speak about "a beautiful mind and soul"? Dr. Gerard Verschuuren does so as a Catholic who knows that science has nothing to say about mind and soul, but also that science has nothing to say...

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"The eternal now of God is definitely the underpinning of the Eucharist and your theory in Everywhen – absolutely correct." - from a personal email to Dr. Thomas Sheahen from Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJEverywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time by Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen Have you...

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The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano Modern science tells us that our “physical” universe began in a highly ordered, but unstable, non-physical state where even the laws of physics were not fully...

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Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

David Keys reading from his book at Catholic Gifts and Books at 13397 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017. See the Fullness of Reality: How Partial Truths Obscure the Union of Faith and Science by Dr. David J. Keys “Is...

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New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes Much of what we receive through media of social communications does not concern itself with either God or the soul. So it is up to each of us to make ourselves aware of the pathways to God and the evidence for the...

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The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out? by Gerard Verschuuren This book was specifically written for all those who feel lost in a world dominated by ideologies that obscure God. It is hard to pinpoint one particular cause of how we feel in such Godforsaken...

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A Handbook on the Moral Arguments in the Embryo Adoption Debate

A Handbook on the Moral Arguments in the Embryo Adoption Debate

A Handbook on the Moral Arguments in the Embryo Adoption Debate

by Dr. Elizabeth B. Rex and Dr. Charles Robertson

The possibility of embryo adoption has existed for over two decades and raises some questions that people really do not know how to answer. Over half a century ago, when the first child conceived through in vitro fertilization was born, Cardinal Albino Luciani, who within days would become Pope John Paul I, publicly welcomed her into the world without endorsing artificial fertilization. Today, there are over one million frozen embryos in cryostorage in the United States, and the question in Dignitas personae 19 on “what to do with them” is still unresolved. The legal status of the human embryo should be a person – some states have passed laws pertaining to this – but there is still a great deal of confusion about the morality of both embryo transfer and embryo adoption. This book was written in the hope of clarifying some of the ethical issues in the search for a moral solution.

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“What to do with the live human beings who are being warehoused as frozen embryos is one of the most important questions of our time. Embryos deserve to be treated as children, and not as property. They are the last group of humans being treated as property. Dr Elizabeth Rex is a world-class expert on this subject. I would urge everyone to consider her ideas deeply.” –Allan Parker, President, The Justice Foundation

“Although my perspective is heavily biased, I recommend this book as a thoughtful and provocative review of the moral and ethical issues involved in Embryo donation and adoption.  These 2 experts have provided thorough and compelling information on both sides of this controversial issue, and anyone with an interest in, or who works with couples involved with infertility should benefit from this work.” –Jeffrey A. Keenan, M.D., HCLD, Professor, Dept. of OB/GYN, Division of Reproductive, Endocrinology and Infertility, Univ. of Tennessee Medical Center, and Director, National Embryo Donation Center, Knoxville, TN

“Hannah Strege, the World’s First Adopted Frozen Embryo, offered the Opening Prayer for the ITEST Webinar that was devoted to the subject of this book. This very vividly shows us that the ethical debate embraced in this book, about whether or not it is morally right to adopt a frozen embryo, is about real people. Hannah went from being a frozen embryo who was placed for adoption, to being transferred to her adopted mother’s womb, to personally witnessing to the reality of being a human person. Let us prayerfully study Embryo Adoption, remembering that this is about helping children, like Hannah, to live to the full the gift of life we have all received.” – Francis Etheredge, Senior Fellow of The Donum Vitae institute, and author of 16 books including The Human Person: A Bioethical Word and Conception: An Icon of the Beginning

“A highly important read not only for those interested in embryo adoption but everyone concerned with the ethical issues involved.” – Ronda Chervin, Ph.D. Emerita Professor of Philosophy, Holy Apostles College and Seminary.  
“This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the embryo adoption debate. The essays present a clear and comprehensive look at both sides of this difficult issue. Highly recommended as the first point of reference on this subject.” – Richard A. Spinello, Professor, St. John’s Seminary and Boston College
“The embryo adoption debate is a crucial issue that concerns not only the fate of abandoned and frozen embryonic human beings but also the public credibility of Roman Catholic bioethical doctrine, pitting the charitable and sacrificial object of adoptive parents against complex, deductive arguments for the sinfulness of such action. Dr. Elizabeth Rex and Dr. Charles Robertson are two of the most recognizable voices in this debate. The pages of this book contain a lucid presentation of both sides in a rare attempt at finding points of agreement while clarifying the differences.” – Christopher Reilly, candidate for Th.D., M.A. theology, M.A. philosophy, M.P.I.A. public and international affairs 


Dr. Elizabeth Rex earned her MA and Ph.D. in Philosophy (Thomistic Ethics) from the University of Navarra and is currently pursuing her Th.D. in Theology at Pontifex University. She is the President of The Children First Foundation, a charitable and educational organization dedicated to promoting Adoption as a positive and loving choice for unwanted unborn children, including unwanted frozen embryos. Dr. Rex has taught Bioethics at Holy Apostles College & Seminary and was an Adjunct Professor of Catholic Studies at Sacred Heart University. Dr. Rex has spoken at major conferences and is a frequent contributor to National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly regarding the moral arguments in the embryo adoption debate.



Dr. Charles Robertson earned his MA in History at the University of Saskatchewan and his MA and Ph.D. in Philosophy at the Center for Thomistic Studies in Houston, Texas. His research on embryo adoption/rescue has been published in The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, The Thomist, The Linacre Quarterly, and the Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly. He has also published research on the history of the Thomist commentary tradition in Nova et Vetera and The Oxford Handbook of the Reception of Aquinas. He currently resides in Saskatoon, Canada, with his wife and eight children.



Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Songs by Kenneth Francis Kenneth Francis reveals the hidden grammar in classic popular songs theologically marinated in existential narratives, featuring idolatry, sin, love, pathos and meaning. And what better...

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Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The primary aim in this book is to contrast the notions of logic in Aristotelian terms, including its use in Metaphysics, with the peculiar sense which it has taken in modern times, tied to a materialist...

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Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation by Gerard Verschuuren Every culture has its own sacred cows. In our culture, that sacred cow is science. What scientists claim—in the name of science and with the authority of science—is oracular. This book...

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Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert J. Kurland This book endeavors to engage the reader in a qualitative understanding of physics basic to quantum mechanics (QM -- wave motion, momentum, work, and energy) by walking the reader through how the field developed...

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Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes This book is written to show that in our world there are many signs of resurrection. Life beyond death is demonstrated or modeled in many ways within the world around us. This fact should teach us to believe that our death is not...

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A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful by Robert J. Kurland A Science Primer for the Faithful is a book that explains how science developed, demonstrating how the "truths" of science change as new data appears and new theories arise to explain that data. Unlike the truths...

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A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Gerard Verschuuren How can a Catholic scientist speak about "a beautiful mind and soul"? Dr. Gerard Verschuuren does so as a Catholic who knows that science has nothing to say about mind and soul, but also that science has nothing to say...

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"The eternal now of God is definitely the underpinning of the Eucharist and your theory in Everywhen – absolutely correct." - from a personal email to Dr. Thomas Sheahen from Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJEverywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time by Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen Have you...

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The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano Modern science tells us that our “physical” universe began in a highly ordered, but unstable, non-physical state where even the laws of physics were not fully...

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Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

David Keys reading from his book at Catholic Gifts and Books at 13397 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017. See the Fullness of Reality: How Partial Truths Obscure the Union of Faith and Science by Dr. David J. Keys “Is...

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New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes Much of what we receive through media of social communications does not concern itself with either God or the soul. So it is up to each of us to make ourselves aware of the pathways to God and the evidence for the...

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The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out? by Gerard Verschuuren This book was specifically written for all those who feel lost in a world dominated by ideologies that obscure God. It is hard to pinpoint one particular cause of how we feel in such Godforsaken...

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The Poupard “Solution” of the Galileo Case by Frits Albers

The Poupard “Solution” of the Galileo Case by Frits Albers

Assertions and Refutations VI: The Poupard “Solution” of the Galileo Case, or As a True Elect, the Holy Father will Never be Deceived, nor will he ever be a Deceiver–An Historical Analysis

by Frits Albers, edited by Frank Calneggia

Those who have followed the ‘Galileo Case’ would recall that in July 1981 Pope John Paul II set up a Commission to investigate the case anew and to recognize wrongs from whichever side they came. He had hoped to resolve the long-standing controversies that have surrounded Galileo from the time of his condemnation in 1632. The concluding phase of the Commission’s work was placed by John Paul II under the direction of Cardinal Paul Poupard. The Cardinal presented his report of the Commission’s work and its conclusions; or, as the title of Frits Alber’s book indicates, his “Solution” of the Galileo Case to John Paul II in 1992.  It is effectively Cardinal Poupard’s report that became John Paul’s address of October 31, 1992, to the Papal Academy of Science “Faith Can Never Conflict With Reason”.

One recalls news items, in both secular and Catholic media, with headlines such as “Church Admits it Was Wrong”, “Galileo Exonerated” immediately following the Papal Address.

This book, which the author wrote shortly after the Papal Address was printed in the Osservatore Romano of November 4, 1992, is most perceptive. It analyses the papal text in detail and sharply separates wheat from chaff. It is well worth reading for those with a particular interest in the ‘Galileo Case’ and with a general interest in the relationship between Faith and science. Its conclusions will shock some, console others and should enlighten all.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99





Frits Albers Ph. B (1921-2000) was born in Holland and studied under the Jesuits at Nijmegen during the 1940s.  He emigrated to Australia in 1951, and travelled extensively within the south-east region of the ‘lucky country’.  He joined the Department of Education in Victoria and worked as a high school teacher who specialised in mathematics, French and English.

In the early post Vatican II period he realised that the strange interpretations of the recently concluded Council that were being forced upon Catholics were under pinned by the same philosophy he had been taught in the 1940’s by the Jesuits at Nijmegen in the name of St Thomas Aquinas, but which in reality was the systematic Modernism of Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, S.J. Thus, in the early 1970’s he began writing articles and books to expose the philosophical root of these errors and aberrations of Teilhard De Chardin, and to defend Catholic Faith, clear thinking, and right philosophy.



The editor is a retired electrical engineer who worked for most of his professional career in the specialist area of power generation. In a sabbatical year, he completed post graduate research in the History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Melbourne. He has long loved the philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas.


Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Songs by Kenneth Francis Kenneth Francis reveals the hidden grammar in classic popular songs theologically marinated in existential narratives, featuring idolatry, sin, love, pathos and meaning. And what better...

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Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The primary aim in this book is to contrast the notions of logic in Aristotelian terms, including its use in Metaphysics, with the peculiar sense which it has taken in modern times, tied to a materialist...

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Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation by Gerard Verschuuren Every culture has its own sacred cows. In our culture, that sacred cow is science. What scientists claim—in the name of science and with the authority of science—is oracular. This book...

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Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert J. Kurland This book endeavors to engage the reader in a qualitative understanding of physics basic to quantum mechanics (QM -- wave motion, momentum, work, and energy) by walking the reader through how the field developed...

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Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes This book is written to show that in our world there are many signs of resurrection. Life beyond death is demonstrated or modeled in many ways within the world around us. This fact should teach us to believe that our death is not...

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A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful by Robert J. Kurland A Science Primer for the Faithful is a book that explains how science developed, demonstrating how the "truths" of science change as new data appears and new theories arise to explain that data. Unlike the truths...

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A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Gerard Verschuuren How can a Catholic scientist speak about "a beautiful mind and soul"? Dr. Gerard Verschuuren does so as a Catholic who knows that science has nothing to say about mind and soul, but also that science has nothing to say...

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"The eternal now of God is definitely the underpinning of the Eucharist and your theory in Everywhen – absolutely correct." - from a personal email to Dr. Thomas Sheahen from Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJEverywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time by Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen Have you...

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The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano Modern science tells us that our “physical” universe began in a highly ordered, but unstable, non-physical state where even the laws of physics were not fully...

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Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

David Keys reading from his book at Catholic Gifts and Books at 13397 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017. See the Fullness of Reality: How Partial Truths Obscure the Union of Faith and Science by Dr. David J. Keys “Is...

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New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes Much of what we receive through media of social communications does not concern itself with either God or the soul. So it is up to each of us to make ourselves aware of the pathways to God and the evidence for the...

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The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out? by Gerard Verschuuren This book was specifically written for all those who feel lost in a world dominated by ideologies that obscure God. It is hard to pinpoint one particular cause of how we feel in such Godforsaken...

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In Quest of Science: Historical Examples of Understanding What Science Is and Cannot Be and What to Do and Not to Do to Acquire and Preserve It

In Quest of Science: Historical Examples of Understanding What Science Is and Cannot Be and What to Do and Not to Do to Acquire and Preserve It

In Quest of Science: Historical Examples of Understanding What Science Is and Cannot Be and What to Do and Not to Do to Acquire and Preserve It

by Dr. Peter Anthony Achilles Redpath

Peter Redpath’s In Quest of Science delves into the role of Christian philosophy, particularly that of St. Thomas Aquinas, in shaping Western scientific and intellectual traditions. Redpath argues that misunderstandings of fundamental principles have caused philosophical and educational decline in the West. He examines the influence of figures like Aquinas, Étienne Gilson, and Stanley Jaki, asserting that true science and philosophy stem from a cohesive psychology and metaphysics rooted in Christian teaching, which link rational thought to real-world applications.

Redpath critiques how modern philosophy’s departure from these foundational ideas, like the existence of the soul and an intrinsic moral order, has fragmented Western civilization and weakened higher education. He contends that Aquinas provided an essential framework for integrating faith with reason, enabling scientific inquiry and intellectual growth. Furthermore, Redpath examines the current state of Catholic education, identifying a “decline of real colleges and universities” that have strayed from a true understanding of their purpose and mission. He suggests that reclaiming the Thomistic understanding of human nature and intellectual virtues can help rebuild these institutions and, more broadly, Western society itself.

The work is both a historical analysis and a call to return to an educational model that harmonizes faith, reason, and scientific exploration, aligning moral and intellectual aims for human flourishing​.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99




Peter A. Redpath (retired Full Professor of Philosophy at St. John’s University, New York) is author, editor, co-editor of dozens of books and many dozens of articles and book reviews. An internationally recognized scholar, since 1980 he has given over 200 invited guest lectures nationally and internationally. Among his many accomplishments, he is CEO of the Aquinas School of Leadership, LLC; former Founder and Chair of the Thomistic Studies Graduate Concentration in Christian Wisdom for Holy Apostles College and Seminary (USA); an Affiliate Scholar with the University Abat Oliba Graduate program (Barcelona, Spain). Peter is also co-founder of the Gilson Society (USA) and the International Etienne Gilson Society, the Adler-Aquinas Institute, and the Angelicum Academy and Great Books Academy homeschool programs (both founded with the help of Mortimer J. Adler); former executive editor of the Value Inquiry Book Series (VIBS) for the Dutch publisher Editions Rodopi, B.V., and special series editor for Rodopi and Brill/Rodopi. Presently, he is a member of the editorial board of Brill Publishing’s Philosophy and Religion (PAR) series, a member of the Advisory Board of the Lyceum Institute, and Officer in Charge of Medieval Christian Philosophy and Academic Liaison to the Holy See for Global Scholarly Publications. For a list of articles published on the Catholic World Report, see


Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music: How Christian Themes Permeate Classic Songs by Kenneth Francis Kenneth Francis reveals the hidden grammar in classic popular songs theologically marinated in existential narratives, featuring idolatry, sin, love, pathos and meaning. And what better...

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Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Donald G. Boland

Logic, Science, and St. Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The primary aim in this book is to contrast the notions of logic in Aristotelian terms, including its use in Metaphysics, with the peculiar sense which it has taken in modern times, tied to a materialist...

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Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation

Science Under the Microscope: A Philosophical Investigation by Gerard Verschuuren Every culture has its own sacred cows. In our culture, that sacred cow is science. What scientists claim—in the name of science and with the authority of science—is oracular. This book...

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Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert Kurland

Mysteries: Quantum and Theological by Robert J. Kurland This book endeavors to engage the reader in a qualitative understanding of physics basic to quantum mechanics (QM -- wave motion, momentum, work, and energy) by walking the reader through how the field developed...

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Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes This book is written to show that in our world there are many signs of resurrection. Life beyond death is demonstrated or modeled in many ways within the world around us. This fact should teach us to believe that our death is not...

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A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful by Robert J. Kurland A Science Primer for the Faithful is a book that explains how science developed, demonstrating how the "truths" of science change as new data appears and new theories arise to explain that data. Unlike the truths...

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A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Gerard Verschuuren How can a Catholic scientist speak about "a beautiful mind and soul"? Dr. Gerard Verschuuren does so as a Catholic who knows that science has nothing to say about mind and soul, but also that science has nothing to say...

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"The eternal now of God is definitely the underpinning of the Eucharist and your theory in Everywhen – absolutely correct." - from a personal email to Dr. Thomas Sheahen from Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJEverywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time by Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen Have you...

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The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano Modern science tells us that our “physical” universe began in a highly ordered, but unstable, non-physical state where even the laws of physics were not fully...

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Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

David Keys reading from his book at Catholic Gifts and Books at 13397 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017. See the Fullness of Reality: How Partial Truths Obscure the Union of Faith and Science by Dr. David J. Keys “Is...

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New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes Much of what we receive through media of social communications does not concern itself with either God or the soul. So it is up to each of us to make ourselves aware of the pathways to God and the evidence for the...

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The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out? by Gerard Verschuuren This book was specifically written for all those who feel lost in a world dominated by ideologies that obscure God. It is hard to pinpoint one particular cause of how we feel in such Godforsaken...

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La visión cristiana de la ciencia y la tecnología en Teilhard de Chardin por Agustín Udías, S.J.

La visión cristiana de la ciencia y la tecnología en Teilhard de Chardin por Agustín Udías, S.J.

La visión cristiana de la ciencia y la tecnología en Teilhard de Chardin

por Agustín Udías, S.J.

La ciencia y la tecnología ejercen hoy una gran influencia en la vida humana, aportando la ciencia la visión del universo y condicionando la tecnología el progreso de las condiciones de la vida en un mundo globalizado. Teilhard de Chardin reconoce estas funciones de la ciencia y la tecnología e intenta dar una visión cristiana de ellas. Propone que la visión del mundo de la ciencia no sólo es compatible con la fe cristiana, sino que debe ayudarnos a conocer mejor a Dios creador. Desde otro punto de vista, es en este mundo conocido por la ciencia donde Dios se ha encarnado en Cristo, y entonces la investigación científica se convierte en una forma de adoración. Para Teilhard, la visión evolutiva del mundo proporcionada por la ciencia encuentra en Cristo su fin, de modo que la cosmogénesis se convierte en una cristogénesis. La tecnología debe verse también dentro de este proceso dinámico del mundo como un elemento importante de la evolución humana. Esta evolución conducirá a la llegada del ultrahumano y finalmente a la unión del mundo con el Cristo-Omega. Por último, para Teilhard la ciencia y la tecnología tienen de este modo una dimensión cristológica.

Edición rústica: $7.99 | Kindle: $4.99


“En tres breves capítulos, este pequeño libro nos presenta una visión clara y despejada de la visión del mundo de Teilhard de Chardin: la ciencia y la tecnología como parte integrante del proceso evolutivo cristificador del mundo material a medida que avanza hacia el fin último del Misterio de la Encarnación. Breve, limpio y claro, es un regalo para quienes se preguntan qué trama Teilhard”. – Hna. Carla Mae Streeter, OP, Emérita, Instituto de Teología Aquinas, San Luis


Agustín Udías, nacido en Santander (España) en 1935, jesuita, catedrático emérito de Geofísica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ha ocupado puestos de investigación y docencia en la Universidad de California, Berkeley; Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main y Universidad de Barcelona. Entre sus libros: con Julio Mezcua Fundamentos de geofísica (Alianza, 1997), Principles of Seismology (Cambridge University Press, 1999, 2018), Historia de la Física. De Arquímedes a Einstein (Síntesis, 2004), Ciencia y religión. Dos visiones del mundo (Sal Terrae, 2010), Jesuit Contribution to Science. Una historia (Springer, 2015) y Los Ejercicios Espirituales con Teilhard de Chardin (Mensajero, 2022). Ha publicado artículos científicos sobre el mecanismo de origen de los terremotos, la sismicidad y la sismotectónica de la región mediterránea, y sobre la relación entre ciencia y religión, y la historia de los científicos jesuitas.


Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

Theology in Music by Kenneth Francis

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Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

Signs of Resurrection by Roger Skrenes

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A Science Primer for the Faithful

A Science Primer for the Faithful

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A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

A Beautiful Mind and Soul by Gerard Verschuuren How can a Catholic scientist speak about "a beautiful mind and soul"? Dr. Gerard Verschuuren does so as a Catholic who knows that science has nothing to say about mind and soul, but also that science has nothing to say...

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"The eternal now of God is definitely the underpinning of the Eucharist and your theory in Everywhen – absolutely correct." - from a personal email to Dr. Thomas Sheahen from Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJEverywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time by Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen Have you...

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The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries

The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano Modern science tells us that our “physical” universe began in a highly ordered, but unstable, non-physical state where even the laws of physics were not fully...

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Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

Discovering the Fullness of Reality by Dr. David J. Keys

David Keys reading from his book at Catholic Gifts and Books at 13397 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017. See the Fullness of Reality: How Partial Truths Obscure the Union of Faith and Science by Dr. David J. Keys “Is...

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New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes

New Paths to God and the Soul by Roger Skrenes Much of what we receive through media of social communications does not concern itself with either God or the soul. So it is up to each of us to make ourselves aware of the pathways to God and the evidence for the...

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The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out?

The Eclipse of God: Is Religion on the Way Out? by Gerard Verschuuren This book was specifically written for all those who feel lost in a world dominated by ideologies that obscure God. It is hard to pinpoint one particular cause of how we feel in such Godforsaken...

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